/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.search.matching; import java.io.IOException; import org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IDLTKLanguageToolkit; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IMethod; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IType; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.SearchPattern; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.index.EntryResult; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.index.Index; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.indexing.IIndexConstants; public class MethodPattern extends DLTKSearchPattern implements IIndexConstants { public boolean findDeclarations; public boolean findReferences; public char[] selector; public char[] declaringQualificationName; public char[] declaringSimpleName; public char[][] parameterQualifications; public char[][] parameterSimpleNames; public int parameterCount; // extra reference info protected IType declaringType; // Signatures and arguments for generic search boolean methodParameters = false; char[][] methodArguments; protected static char[][] REF_CATEGORIES = { METHOD_REF }; protected static char[][] REF_AND_DECL_CATEGORIES = { METHOD_REF, METHOD_DECL }; protected static char[][] DECL_CATEGORIES = { METHOD_DECL }; /** * Method entries are encoded as selector '/' Arity: e.g. 'foo/0' */ public static char[] createIndexKey(char[] selector, int argCount) { char[] countChars = argCount < 10 ? COUNTS[argCount] : (SEPARATOR + String.valueOf(argCount)).toCharArray(); return CharOperation.concat(selector, countChars); } MethodPattern(int matchRule, IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit) { super(METHOD_PATTERN, matchRule, toolkit); } public MethodPattern(boolean findDeclarations, boolean findReferences, char[] selector, char[] declaringQualification, char[] declaringSimpleName, IType declaringType, int matchRule, IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit) { this(matchRule, toolkit); this.findDeclarations = findDeclarations; this.findReferences = findReferences; this.selector = (isCaseSensitive() || isCamelCase()) ? selector : CharOperation.toLowerCase(selector); this.declaringSimpleName = isCaseSensitive() ? declaringSimpleName : CharOperation.toLowerCase(declaringSimpleName); this.declaringQualificationName = isCaseSensitive() ? declaringQualification : CharOperation.toLowerCase(declaringQualification); if (parameterSimpleNames != null) { this.parameterCount = parameterSimpleNames.length; this.parameterQualifications = new char[this.parameterCount][]; this.parameterSimpleNames = new char[this.parameterCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < this.parameterCount; i++) { this.parameterQualifications[i] = isCaseSensitive() ? parameterQualifications[i] : CharOperation.toLowerCase(parameterQualifications[i]); this.parameterSimpleNames[i] = isCaseSensitive() ? parameterSimpleNames[i] : CharOperation.toLowerCase(parameterSimpleNames[i]); } } else { this.parameterCount = -1; } this.declaringType = declaringType; } /* * Instanciate a method pattern with signatures for generics search */ public MethodPattern(boolean findDeclarations, boolean findReferences, char[] selector, char[] declaringQualification, char[] declaringSimpleName, IMethod method, int matchRule, IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit) { this(findDeclarations, findReferences, selector, declaringQualification, declaringSimpleName, method == null ? null : method.getDeclaringType(), matchRule, toolkit); // Get unique key for parameterized constructors // String genericDeclaringTypeSignature = null; // String genericSignature = null; // String key; methodParameters = true; // Store type signature and arguments for declaring type // if (genericDeclaringTypeSignature != null) { // this.typeSignatures = // Util.splitTypeLevelsSignature(genericDeclaringTypeSignature); // // setTypeArguments(Util.getAllTypeArguments(this.typeSignatures)); // } else { // storeTypeSignaturesAndArguments(declaringType); // } // Store type signatures and arguments for method methodArguments = extractMethodArguments(method); } /* * Instanciate a method pattern with signatures for generics search */ public MethodPattern(boolean findDeclarations, boolean findReferences, char[] selector, char[] declaringQualification, char[] declaringSimpleName, String declaringSignature, char[][] arguments, int matchRule, IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit) { this(findDeclarations, findReferences, selector, declaringQualification, declaringSimpleName, (IMethod) null, matchRule, toolkit); // Store type signature and arguments for declaring type // Store type signatures and arguments for method methodArguments = arguments; } @Override public void decodeIndexKey(char[] key) { int last = key.length - 1; this.parameterCount = 0; this.selector = null; int power = 1; for (int i = last; i >= 0; i--) { if (key[i] == SEPARATOR) { System.arraycopy(key, 0, this.selector = new char[i], 0, i); break; } if (i == last) { this.parameterCount = key[i] - '0'; } else { power *= 10; this.parameterCount += power * (key[i] - '0'); } } } @Override public SearchPattern getBlankPattern() { return new MethodPattern(R_EXACT_MATCH | R_CASE_SENSITIVE, getToolkit()); } @Override public char[][] getIndexCategories() { if (this.findReferences) return this.findDeclarations ? REF_AND_DECL_CATEGORIES : REF_CATEGORIES; if (this.findDeclarations) return DECL_CATEGORIES; return CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; } boolean hasMethodArguments() { return methodArguments != null && methodArguments.length > 0; } boolean hasMethodParameters() { return methodParameters; } @Override public boolean isPolymorphicSearch() { return this.findReferences; } @Override public boolean matchesDecodedKey(SearchPattern decodedPattern) { MethodPattern pattern = (MethodPattern) decodedPattern; return (this.parameterCount == pattern.parameterCount || this.parameterCount == -1) && matchesName(this.selector, pattern.selector); } @Override public EntryResult[] queryIn(Index index) throws IOException { char[] key = this.selector; // can be null int matchRule = getMatchRule(); switch (getMatchMode()) { case R_EXACT_MATCH: if (this.isCamelCase) break; if (this.selector != null && this.parameterCount >= 0) key = createIndexKey(this.selector, this.parameterCount); else { // do a prefix query with the selector matchRule &= ~R_EXACT_MATCH; matchRule |= R_PREFIX_MATCH; } break; case R_PREFIX_MATCH: // do a prefix query with the selector break; case R_PATTERN_MATCH: if (this.parameterCount >= 0) key = createIndexKey(this.selector == null ? ONE_STAR : this.selector, this.parameterCount); else if (this.selector != null && this.selector[this.selector.length - 1] != '*') key = CharOperation.concat(this.selector, ONE_STAR, SEPARATOR); // else do a pattern query with just the selector break; case R_REGEXP_MATCH: // TODO (frederic) implement regular expression match break; } return index.query(getIndexCategories(), key, matchRule); // match // rule is // irrelevant // when the // key is // null } @Override protected StringBuffer print(StringBuffer output) { if (this.findDeclarations) { output.append(this.findReferences ? "MethodCombinedPattern: " //$NON-NLS-1$ : "MethodDeclarationPattern: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { output.append("MethodReferencePattern: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (declaringSimpleName != null) output.append(declaringSimpleName).append('.'); if (selector != null) output.append(selector); else output.append("*"); //$NON-NLS-1$ output.append('('); if (parameterSimpleNames == null) { output.append("..."); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { for (int i = 0, max = parameterSimpleNames.length; i < max; i++) { if (i > 0) output.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (parameterQualifications[i] != null) output.append(parameterQualifications[i]).append('.'); if (parameterSimpleNames[i] == null) output.append('*'); else output.append(parameterSimpleNames[i]); } } output.append(')'); return super.print(output); } }