/* * Copyright 2014 Daniel Bechler * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.danielbechler.diff.node; import de.danielbechler.diff.access.Accessor; import de.danielbechler.diff.access.CategoryAware; import de.danielbechler.diff.access.ExclusionAware; import de.danielbechler.diff.access.PropertyAwareAccessor; import de.danielbechler.diff.access.RootAccessor; import de.danielbechler.diff.access.TypeAwareAccessor; import de.danielbechler.diff.identity.IdentityStrategy; import de.danielbechler.diff.instantiation.TypeInfo; import de.danielbechler.diff.path.NodePath; import de.danielbechler.diff.selector.BeanPropertyElementSelector; import de.danielbechler.diff.selector.CollectionItemElementSelector; import de.danielbechler.diff.selector.ElementSelector; import de.danielbechler.diff.selector.RootElementSelector; import de.danielbechler.util.Assert; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet; /** * Represents a part of an object. It could be the object itself, one of its properties, an item in a * collection or a map entry. A node may have one parent node and any number of children. It also provides * methods to read and write the property represented by this node on any object of the same type as the * original object. Last but not least, a node knows how the associated property has changed compared to the * base object. * * @author Daniel Bechler */ // TODO This thing is massive and needs to be broken down into subclasses @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public class DiffNode { public static final DiffNode ROOT = null; private final Accessor accessor; private final Map<ElementSelector, DiffNode> children = new LinkedHashMap<ElementSelector, DiffNode>(10); private State state = State.UNTOUCHED; private DiffNode parentNode; private NodePath circleStartPath; private DiffNode circleStartNode; private Class<?> valueType; private TypeInfo valueTypeInfo; private IdentityStrategy childIdentityStrategy; private final Collection<String> additionalCategories = new TreeSet<String>(); public void setChildIdentityStrategy(final IdentityStrategy identityStrategy) { this.childIdentityStrategy = identityStrategy; } public static DiffNode newRootNode() { return new DiffNode(); } public static DiffNode newRootNodeWithType(final Class<?> valueType) { final DiffNode rootNode = newRootNode(); rootNode.setType(valueType); return rootNode; } public DiffNode(final DiffNode parentNode, final Accessor accessor, final Class<?> valueType) { Assert.notNull(accessor, "accessor"); this.accessor = accessor; this.valueType = valueType; setParentNode(parentNode); } public DiffNode(final DiffNode parentNode, final Accessor accessor) { this(parentNode, accessor, null); } private DiffNode() { this.parentNode = ROOT; this.accessor = RootAccessor.getInstance(); } /** * @return The state of this node. */ public State getState() { return this.state; } /** * @param state The state of this node. */ public void setState(final State state) { Assert.notNull(state, "state"); this.state = state; } public boolean matches(final NodePath path) { return path.matches(getPath()); } public boolean hasChanges() { if (isAdded() || isChanged() || isRemoved()) { return true; } final AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(false); visitChildren(new Visitor() { public void node(final DiffNode node, final Visit visit) { if (node.hasChanges()) { result.set(true); visit.stop(); } } }); return result.get(); } /** * Convenience method for <code>{@link #getState()} == {@link DiffNode.State#ADDED}</code> */ public final boolean isAdded() { return state == State.ADDED; } /** * Convenience method for <code>{@link #getState()} == {@link DiffNode.State#CHANGED}</code> */ public final boolean isChanged() { return state == State.CHANGED; } /** * Convenience method for <code>{@link #getState()} == {@link DiffNode.State#REMOVED}</code> */ public final boolean isRemoved() { return state == State.REMOVED; } /** * Convenience method for <code>{@link #getState()} == {@link DiffNode.State#UNTOUCHED}</code> */ public final boolean isUntouched() { return state == State.UNTOUCHED; } /** * Convenience method for <code>{@link #getState()} == {@link DiffNode.State#CIRCULAR}</code> */ public boolean isCircular() { return state == State.CIRCULAR; } /** * @return The absolute property path from the object root up to this node. */ public NodePath getPath() { if (parentNode != null) { return NodePath.startBuildingFrom(parentNode.getPath()) .element(accessor.getElementSelector()) .build(); } else if (accessor instanceof RootAccessor) { return NodePath.withRoot(); } else { return NodePath.startBuilding().element(accessor.getElementSelector()).build(); } } public ElementSelector getElementSelector() { return accessor.getElementSelector(); } /** * @return Returns the type of the property represented by this node, or null if unavailable. */ public Class<?> getValueType() { if (valueType != null) { return valueType; } if (valueTypeInfo != null) { return valueTypeInfo.getType(); } if (accessor instanceof TypeAwareAccessor) { return ((TypeAwareAccessor) accessor).getType(); } return null; } /** * Allows to explicity set the type of this node. This will overshadow the type returned by {@linkplain * #getValueTypeInfo()} as well as the one returned by the accessor. * * @param aClass The type of the value represented by this node. */ public final void setType(final Class<?> aClass) { this.valueType = aClass; } public TypeInfo getValueTypeInfo() { return valueTypeInfo; } public void setValueTypeInfo(final TypeInfo typeInfo) { this.valueTypeInfo = typeInfo; } /** * @return <code>true</code> if this node has children. */ public boolean hasChildren() { return !children.isEmpty(); } public int childCount() { return children.size(); } /** * Retrieve a child with the given property name relative to this node. * * @param propertyName The name of the property represented by the child node. * @return The requested child node or <code>null</code>. */ public DiffNode getChild(final String propertyName) { return getChild(new BeanPropertyElementSelector(propertyName)); } /** * Retrieve a child that matches the given path element relative to this node. * * @param elementSelector The path element of the child node to get. * @return The requested child node or <code>null</code>. */ public DiffNode getChild(final ElementSelector elementSelector) { if (elementSelector instanceof CollectionItemElementSelector && childIdentityStrategy != null) { return children.get(((CollectionItemElementSelector) elementSelector).copyWithIdentityStrategy(childIdentityStrategy)); } else { return children.get(elementSelector); } } /** * Retrieve a child that matches the given absolute path, starting from the current node. * * @param nodePath The path from the object root to the requested child node. * @return The requested child node or <code>null</code>. */ public DiffNode getChild(final NodePath nodePath) { if (parentNode != null) { return parentNode.getChild(nodePath.getElementSelectors()); } else { return getChild(nodePath.getElementSelectors()); } } /** * Retrieve a child that matches the given path element relative to this node. * * @param selectors The path element of the child node to get. * @return The requested child node or <code>null</code>. */ public DiffNode getChild(final List<ElementSelector> selectors) { Assert.notEmpty(selectors, "selectors"); final ElementSelector selector = selectors.get(0); if (selectors.size() == 1) { if (selector == RootElementSelector.getInstance()) { return isRootNode() ? this : null; } else { return getChild(selector); } } else if (selectors.size() > 1) { final DiffNode child; if (selector == RootElementSelector.getInstance()) { child = isRootNode() ? this : null; } else { child = getChild(selector); } if (child != null) { return child.getChild(selectors.subList(1, selectors.size())); } } return null; } /** * Adds a child to this node and sets this node as its parent node. * * @param node The node to add. */ public void addChild(final DiffNode node) { if (node == this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Detected attempt to add a node to itself. " + "This would cause inifite loops and must never happen."); } else if (node.isRootNode()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Detected attempt to add root node as child. " + "This is not allowed and must be a mistake."); } else if (node.getParentNode() != null && node.getParentNode() != this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Detected attempt to add child node that is already the " + "child of another node. Adding nodes multiple times is not allowed, since it could " + "cause infinite loops."); } if (node.getParentNode() == null) { node.setParentNode(this); } children.put(node.getElementSelector(), node); if (state == State.UNTOUCHED && node.hasChanges()) { state = State.CHANGED; } } /** * Visit this and all child nodes. * * @param visitor The visitor to use. */ public final void visit(final Visitor visitor) { final Visit visit = new Visit(); try { visit(visitor, visit); } catch (final StopVisitationException ignored) { } } protected final void visit(final Visitor visitor, final Visit visit) { try { visitor.node(this, visit); } catch (final StopVisitationException e) { visit.stop(); } if (visit.isAllowedToGoDeeper() && hasChildren()) { visitChildren(visitor); } if (visit.isStopped()) { throw new StopVisitationException(); } } /** * Visit all child nodes but not this one. * * @param visitor The visitor to use. */ public final void visitChildren(final Visitor visitor) { for (final DiffNode child : children.values()) { try { child.visit(visitor); } catch (final StopVisitationException e) { return; } } } public final void visitParents(final Visitor visitor) { final Visit visit = new Visit(); if (parentNode != null) { visitor.node(parentNode, visit); if (!visit.isStopped()) { parentNode.visitParents(visitor); } } } /** * If this node represents a bean property this method returns all annotations of its field. * <p/> * Only works for fields having a name that matches the name derived from the getter. * * @return The annotations of the field, or an empty set if there is no field with the name derived from the getter. */ public Set<Annotation> getFieldAnnotations() { if (accessor instanceof PropertyAwareAccessor) { return unmodifiableSet(((PropertyAwareAccessor) accessor).getFieldAnnotations()); } return unmodifiableSet(Collections.<Annotation>emptySet()); } /** * @param annotationClass the annotation we are looking for * @param <T> * @return The given annotation of the field, or null if not annotated or if there is no field with the name derived * from the getter. */ public <T extends Annotation> T getFieldAnnotation(final Class<T> annotationClass) { if (accessor instanceof PropertyAwareAccessor) { return ((PropertyAwareAccessor) accessor).getFieldAnnotation(annotationClass); } return null; } /** * If this node represents a bean property this method returns all annotations of its getter. * * @return A set of annotations of this nodes property getter or an empty set. */ public Set<Annotation> getPropertyAnnotations() { if (accessor instanceof PropertyAwareAccessor) { return unmodifiableSet(((PropertyAwareAccessor) accessor).getReadMethodAnnotations()); } return unmodifiableSet(Collections.<Annotation>emptySet()); } public <T extends Annotation> T getPropertyAnnotation(final Class<T> annotationClass) { if (accessor instanceof PropertyAwareAccessor) { return ((PropertyAwareAccessor) accessor).getReadMethodAnnotation(annotationClass); } return null; } /** * If this node represents a bean property, this method will simply return its name. Otherwise it will return the * property name of its closest bean property representing ancestor. This way intermediate nodes like those * representing collection, map or array items will be semantically tied to their container objects. * <p/> * That is especially useful for inclusion and exclusion rules. For example, when a List is explicitly included by * property name, it would be weird if the inclusion didn't also apply to its items. */ public String getPropertyName() { if (isPropertyAware()) { return ((PropertyAwareAccessor) accessor).getPropertyName(); } else if (parentNode != null) { return parentNode.getPropertyName(); } return null; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> when this node represents a bean property and can therefore be queried for property * specific information like annotations or property types. But there will also be nodes that represent collection * items, map entries, etc. In those cases this method will return <code>false</code>. */ public final boolean isPropertyAware() { return accessor instanceof PropertyAwareAccessor; } public final boolean isRootNode() { return accessor instanceof RootAccessor; } /** * Convenience method for <code>{@link #getState()} == {@link DiffNode.State#IGNORED}</code> */ public final boolean isIgnored() { return state == State.IGNORED; } /** * @see de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.TypePropertyAnnotationInclusionResolver * @deprecated This method was a shortcut to extract the "exclude" flag from the ObjectDiffProperty * annotation. Since we found a better way to do that, it is not needed anymore and will be removed in future * versions. The name is also misleading. It implies that here lies the truth about the exclusion, but only the * InclusionService can tell for sure. This flag is just only little piece of the puzzle. */ @Deprecated public boolean isExcluded() { if (accessor instanceof ExclusionAware) { return ((ExclusionAware) accessor).isExcludedByAnnotation(); } return false; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable {@link java.util.Set} of {@link java.lang.String} with the categories of this node. * * @return an unmodifiable {@link java.util.Set} of {@link java.lang.String} with the categories of this node */ public final Set<String> getCategories() { final Set<String> categories = new TreeSet<String>(); if (parentNode != null) { categories.addAll(parentNode.getCategories()); } if (accessor instanceof CategoryAware) { final Set<String> categoriesFromAccessor = ((CategoryAware) accessor).getCategoriesFromAnnotation(); if (categoriesFromAccessor != null) { categories.addAll(categoriesFromAccessor); } } categories.addAll(additionalCategories); return unmodifiableSet(categories); } /** * @return The parent node, if any. */ public DiffNode getParentNode() { return parentNode; } /** * Sets the parent node. * * @param parentNode The parent of this node. May be null, if this is a root node. */ protected final void setParentNode(final DiffNode parentNode) { if (this.parentNode != null && this.parentNode != parentNode) { throw new IllegalStateException("The parent of a node cannot be changed, once it's set."); } this.parentNode = parentNode; } public Object get(final Object target) { return accessor.get(target); } public void set(final Object target, final Object value) { accessor.set(target, value); } public void unset(final Object target) { accessor.unset(target); } public Object canonicalGet(Object target) { if (parentNode != null) { target = parentNode.canonicalGet(target); } return get(target); } public void canonicalSet(Object target, final Object value) { if (parentNode != null) { Object parent = parentNode.canonicalGet(target); if (parent == null) { parent = parentNode.newInstance(); parentNode.canonicalSet(target, parent); } target = parent; } set(target, value); } private Object newInstance() { if (valueTypeInfo != null) { return valueTypeInfo.newInstance(); } return null; } public void canonicalUnset(Object target) { if (parentNode != null) { target = parentNode.canonicalGet(target); } unset(target); } @Override public int hashCode() { return accessor.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } final DiffNode that = (DiffNode) o; if (!accessor.equals(that.accessor)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append("("); sb.append("state="); sb.append(getState().toString()); if (getValueType() != null) { sb.append(", type=").append(getValueType().getCanonicalName()); } if (childCount() == 1) { sb.append(", ").append(childCount()).append(" child"); } else if (childCount() > 1) { sb.append(", ").append(childCount()).append(" children"); } else { sb.append(", no children"); } if (!getCategories().isEmpty()) { sb.append(", categorized as ").append(getCategories()); } sb.append(", accessed via ").append(accessor); sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } public void addCategories(final Collection<String> additionalCategories) { Assert.notNull(additionalCategories, "additionalCategories"); this.additionalCategories.addAll(additionalCategories); } /** * @return Returns the path to the first node in the hierarchy that represents the same object instance as * this one. (Only if {@link #isCircular()} returns <code>true</code>. */ public NodePath getCircleStartPath() { return circleStartPath; } public void setCircleStartPath(final NodePath circularStartPath) { this.circleStartPath = circularStartPath; } public DiffNode getCircleStartNode() { return circleStartNode; } public void setCircleStartNode(final DiffNode circleStartNode) { this.circleStartNode = circleStartNode; } /** * The state of a {@link DiffNode} representing the difference between two objects. */ public enum State { ADDED("The value has been added to the working object"), CHANGED("The value exists but differs between the base and working object"), REMOVED("The value has been removed from the working object"), UNTOUCHED("The value is identical in the working and base object"), CIRCULAR("Special state to mark circular references"), IGNORED("The value has not been looked at and has been ignored"), INACCESSIBLE("When a comparison was not possible because the underlying value was not accessible"); private final String reason; State(final String reason) { this.reason = reason; } public String getReason() { return reason; } } /** * Visitor to traverse a node graph. */ public interface Visitor { void node(DiffNode node, Visit visit); } }