package detective.task; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import detective.core.Detective; import detective.core.Parameters; import detective.core.TestTask; import detective.core.config.ConfigException; import detective.core.dsl.DslException; import detective.core.dsl.ParametersImpl; public abstract class AbstractTask implements TestTask{ private Parameters config = null; @Override public Parameters execute(Parameters config) throws ConfigException { if (config == null) throw ConfigException.configCantEmpty(); this.config = config; Parameters output = new ParametersImpl(); doExecute(config, output); if (config.get(Detective.PARAMETER_NAME_USER_MESSAGES) != null){ output.put(Detective.PARAMETER_NAME_USER_MESSAGES, config.get(Detective.PARAMETER_NAME_USER_MESSAGES)); } return output; } protected void logMessage(String msg){ Detective.logUserMessage(config, msg); } protected abstract void doExecute(Parameters config, Parameters output); protected String readAsString(Parameters config, String key, String defaultValue, boolean isOptional, String errorWhenNotPresent){ Object value = config.get(key); if (value == null){ if (! isOptional) throw new ConfigException(errorWhenNotPresent); else return defaultValue; }else return value.toString(); } protected Long readAsLong(Parameters config, String key, Long defaultValue, boolean isOptional, String errorWhenNotPresent){ String str = readAsString(config, key, null, isOptional, errorWhenNotPresent); if (str == null) return null; return Long.valueOf(str); } protected <T extends Object> T readAsObject(Parameters config, String key, T defaultValue, boolean isOptional, String errorMsg, Class<T> clazz){ Object value = config.get(key); if (value == null){ if (! isOptional){ throw new ConfigException(errorMsg); }else return defaultValue; }else{ return clazz.cast(value); } } protected <T extends Object> T readOptional(Parameters config, String key, T defaultValue, Class<T> clazz){ if (!config.containsKey(key)) return null; Object value = config.get(key); if (value == null){ throw new DslException("null optional have to setup as Optional.absent()"); }else{ if (value instanceof Optional){ if (((Optional)value).isPresent()) return clazz.cast(((Optional)value).get()); else return null; }else return clazz.cast(value); } } }