package detective.core.dsl.builder; import groovy.lang.Closure; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import detective.core.Parameters; import detective.core.Scenario; import detective.core.dsl.DslException; import detective.core.dsl.ParametersImpl; import detective.core.dsl.table.Row; import detective.core.dsl.table.TableParser; public class ScenarioTable { private final Scenario scenario; //The parameters pass into table private Parameters values = new ParametersImpl(); public ScenarioTable(Scenario scenario){ this.scenario = scenario; } public List<Row> scenarioTable(Closure<?> c){ List<Row> rows = TableParser.asListOfRows(values, c); List<Row> table = makeSureExistsDataTable(); List<Row> existsRows = new ArrayList<Row>(); if (table != null && table.size() > 0){ if (! checkHasSameColumn(table.get(0), rows.get(0))){ throw new DslException("Scenario table must have same header and columns, exists table:" + table.get(0) + " your datatable " + rows.get(0)); }; for (Row row : table){ existsRows.add(row); } } for (Row row : rows) existsRows.add(row); //this.setProperty(DslBuilder.DATATABLE_PARAMNAME, ImmutableList.copyOf(existsRows)); return existsRows; } private List<Row> makeSureExistsDataTable() { return scenario.getScenarioTable(); } private boolean checkHasSameColumn(Row oldRow, Row newRole){ Object[] oldArray = oldRow.getHeader().asArray(); Object[] newArray = newRole.getHeader().asArray(); if (oldArray.length != newArray.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < oldArray.length; i++){ Object oldValue = oldArray[i]; if (! oldValue.equals(newArray[i])) return false; } return true; } }