package net.sf.colossus.webserver; import; import java.util.LinkedList; public class RoundtripTimeBookkeeper { // private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger // .getLogger(RoundtripTimeBookkeeper.class.getName()); private long indexCounter = 0; private final int LAST_N_TO_KEEP; LinkedList<RoundtripTimeEntry> lastNTimes = new LinkedList<RoundtripTimeEntry>(); public RoundtripTimeBookkeeper(int howManyLastToKeep) { this.LAST_N_TO_KEEP = howManyLastToKeep; } /** * Create and store one RTT entry * @param requestResponseArriveTime When response arrived * @param roundtripTime Actual roundtrip time **/ public void storeEntry(long when, long roundtripTime) { RoundtripTimeEntry entry = new RoundtripTimeEntry(indexCounter++, when, roundtripTime); lastNTimes.add(entry); if (lastNTimes.size() > this.LAST_N_TO_KEEP) { lastNTimes.removeFirst(); } if (indexCounter % 5 == 0) { // TODO: print to file instead // showLastNEntries(new PrintWriter(System.out)); } } @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void showLastNEntries(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("\nLast N Roundtrip time entries:\n"); long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; long max = Long.MIN_VALUE; long whenForMin = -1; long indexForMin = -1; long whenForMax = -1; long indexForMax = -1; for (RoundtripTimeEntry e : lastNTimes) { long index = e.getIndex(); long when = e.getWhen(); long time = e.getRTTime(); if (time > max) { max = time; whenForMax = when; indexForMax = index; } if (time < min) { min = time; whenForMin = when; indexForMin = index; } pw.printf("i=%6d: At %20d RT-time=%10d\n", index, when, time); } pw.println(""); pw.printf("MIN : At %20d RT-time=%10d (i=%6d)\n", whenForMin, min, indexForMin); pw.printf("MAX : At %20d RT-time=%10d (i=%6d)\n", whenForMax, max, indexForMax); } private class RoundtripTimeEntry { private final long index; private final long when; private final long rtTime; private RoundtripTimeEntry(long index, long when, long rtTime) { this.index = index; this.when = when; this.rtTime = rtTime; } public long getIndex() { return index; } public long getWhen() { return when; } public long getRTTime() { return rtTime; } } }