package net.sf.colossus.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import net.sf.colossus.util.Combos; import net.sf.colossus.variant.CreatureType; import net.sf.colossus.variant.Variant; /** * Predicts splits for one enemy player, and adjusts predictions as * creatures are revealed. * @author David Ripton * @author Kim Milvang-Jensen * * See docs/SplitPrediction.txt */ public class PredictSplitNode implements Comparable<PredictSplitNode> { private final String markerId; // Not unique! private final int turnCreated; private CreatureInfoList creatures = new CreatureInfoList(); // only if atSplit private final CreatureInfoList removed = new CreatureInfoList(); private final PredictSplitNode parent; // Size of child2 at the time this node was split. private int childSize2; private PredictSplitNode child1; // child that keeps the marker private PredictSplitNode child2; // child with the new marker private final Variant variant; private final CreatureType titan; private final CreatureType angel; private static CreatureInfoComparator cic = new CreatureInfoComparator(); PredictSplitNode(String markerId, int turnCreated, CreatureInfoList cil, PredictSplitNode parent, Variant variant) { this.markerId = markerId; this.turnCreated = turnCreated; this.creatures = cil.clone(); this.parent = parent; this.variant = variant; this.titan = variant.getCreatureByName("Titan"); this.angel = variant.getCreatureByName("Angel"); clearChildren(); } private void clearChildren() { childSize2 = 0; child1 = null; child2 = null; } public String getMarkerId() { return markerId; } public String getFullName() { return markerId + '(' + turnCreated + ')'; } public PredictSplitNode getChild1() { return child1; } public PredictSplitNode getChild2() { return child2; } public PredictSplitNode getParent() { return parent; } public int getTurnCreated() { return turnCreated; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getFullName() + ":"); for (CreatureInfo ci : getCreatures()) { sb.append(" " + ci.toString()); } for (CreatureInfo ci : getRemovedCreatures()) { sb.append(" " + ci.toString() + "-"); } return sb.toString(); } /** Return list of CreatureInfo */ CreatureInfoList getCreatures() { boolean success = true; CreatureInfoList copy; try { copy = creatures.clone(); Collections.sort(copy, cic); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception " + e.toString() + " during getCreatures(); trying again"); success = false; copy = creatures.clone(); Collections.sort(copy, cic); success = true; System.err.println("getCreatures() succeeded on 2nd time."); } if (!success) { System.err.println("getCreatures() failed also on 2nd time."); } return copy; } void setCreatures(CreatureInfoList creatures) { this.creatures = creatures; } /** Return list of CreatureInfo */ CreatureInfoList getRemovedCreatures() { CreatureInfoList cil = new CreatureInfoList(); cil.addAll(removed); return cil; } /** Return list of CreatureInfo where certain == true. */ CreatureInfoList getCertainCreatures() { CreatureInfoList list = new CreatureInfoList(); for (CreatureInfo ci : getCreatures()) { if (ci.isCertain()) { list.add(ci); } } return list; } int numCertainCreatures() { return getCertainCreatures().size(); } int numUncertainCreatures() { return getHeight() - numCertainCreatures(); } boolean allCertain() { for (CreatureInfo ci : getCreatures()) { if (!ci.isCertain()) { return false; } } return true; } boolean hasSplit() { if (child1 == null && child2 == null) { return false; } assert child1 != null || child2 != null : "One child legion"; return true; } List<PredictSplitNode> getChildren() { List<PredictSplitNode> li = new ArrayList<PredictSplitNode>(); if (hasSplit()) { li.add(child1); li.add(child2); } return li; } /** * Return true if all of this node's children, grandchildren, etc. have no * uncertain creatures */ boolean allDescendentsCertain() { if (child1 == null) { return true; } else { return child1.allCertain() && child2.allCertain() && child1.allDescendentsCertain() && child2.allDescendentsCertain(); } } /** * Return list of CreatureInfo where atSplit == true, plus removed * creatures. */ CreatureInfoList getAtSplitOrRemovedCreatures() { CreatureInfoList list = new CreatureInfoList(); for (CreatureInfo ci : getCreatures()) { if (ci.isAtSplit()) { list.add(ci); } } for (CreatureInfo ci : getRemovedCreatures()) { list.add(ci); } return list; } /** Return list of CreatureInfo where atSplit == false. */ CreatureInfoList getAfterSplitCreatures() { CreatureInfoList list = new CreatureInfoList(); for (CreatureInfo ci : getCreatures()) { if (!ci.isAtSplit()) { list.add(ci); } } return list; } /** * Return list of CreatureInfo where both certain and atSplit are true, plus * removed creatures. */ CreatureInfoList getCertainAtSplitOrRemovedCreatures() { CreatureInfoList list = new CreatureInfoList(); for (CreatureInfo ci : getCreatures()) { if (ci.isCertain() && ci.isAtSplit()) { list.add(ci); } } for (CreatureInfo ci : getRemovedCreatures()) { list.add(ci); } return list; } String getOtherChildMarkerId() { if (!markerId.equals(child1.getMarkerId())) { return child1.getMarkerId(); } else { return child2.getMarkerId(); } } int getHeight() { return creatures.size(); } /** * Return true if big is a superset of little. * * Note that this treats repeated elements as distinct, i.e. if the * little list contains two copies of something, then the big list has * to contain two copies, too. It differs in that regard from * {@linkplain Collection#containsAll(Collection)} which is implemented * in a fashion where this is not necessary (the specification as of JDK * 1.5 is actually blurry on the matter). */ static <T> boolean superset(List<T> big, List<T> little) { List<T> bigclone = new ArrayList<T>(big); for (T ob : little) { if (!bigclone.remove(ob)) { return false; } } return true; } void revealCreatures(List<CreatureType> cnl) { if (cnl == null) { // this means we are updating the parent, and the info gained is // computed from children cnl = new ArrayList<CreatureType>(); cnl.addAll(child1.getCertainAtSplitOrRemovedCreatures() .getCreatureTypes()); cnl.addAll(child2.getCertainAtSplitOrRemovedCreatures() .getCreatureTypes()); } List<CreatureType> certainInfoGained = subtractLists(cnl, getCertainCreatures().getCreatureTypes()); if (!certainInfoGained.isEmpty()) { for (CreatureType type : certainInfoGained) { this.creatures.add(new CreatureInfo(type, true, true)); } // TODO : added null guard, because during loading a game it went // up and up many times (7+) until it hit null. // Probably caused by incorrect legion contents... // So null guard here to find the reason for that... // Probably should never happen any more after loading of saved // games was fixed in 08/2008... (Clemens) assert this.parent != null : "Parent in PredictSplitNode is null, but should go up; " + "certain info gained is " + certainInfoGained; // it should never be null, but... in faulty game loading it // did happen. NullGuard just to avoid exceptions. // No LOGGER here, too lazy to add it just for this one here... if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.revealCreatures(null); } // Note the parent is responsible for updating the CreatureInfo // for this node when calculating the predicted split. } else if (hasSplit()) { reSplit(); } else { // The reveal didn't contain any actual info; nothing to do. } assert this.creatures.size() == getHeight() : "Certainty error in revealCreatures -- size is " + this.creatures.size() + " height is " + getHeight(); } // Hardcoded to default starting legion. public boolean isLegalInitialSplitoff(List<CreatureType> types) { if (types.size() != 4) { return false; } int count = 0; if (types.contains(titan)) { count++; } if (types.contains(angel)) { count++; } return count == 1; } /** * Return a list of all legal combinations of splitoffs. Also update * knownKeep and knownSplit if we conclude that more creatures are certain. * * @param childSize * @param knownKeep * @param knownSplit * @return */ List<List<CreatureType>> findAllPossibleSplits(int childSize, List<CreatureType> knownKeep, List<CreatureType> knownSplit) { // Sanity checks assert knownSplit.size() <= childSize : "More known splitoffs than splitoffs"; assert creatures.size() <= 8 : "> 8 creatures in legion"; assert creatures.size() != 8 || childSize == 4 : "Illegal initial split (" + childSize + "/" + creatures.size() + ")"; assert creatures.size() != 8 || creatures.getCreatureTypes().contains(titan) : "No titan in 8-high legion"; assert creatures.size() != 8 || creatures.getCreatureTypes().contains(angel) : "No angel in 8-high legion"; List<CreatureType> knownCombo = new ArrayList<CreatureType>(); knownCombo.addAll(knownSplit); knownCombo.addAll(knownKeep); List<CreatureType> certain = getCertainCreatures().getCreatureTypes(); assert superset(certain, knownCombo) : "knownCombo contains uncertain creatures"; // Now determine by count arguments if we can determine know keepers // or splits. (If parent contains 3 certain rangers, and we split 5-2 // then the 5 split contains a ranger. By the same argument // if the 5 stack grows a griffon from 3 lions, then there are only 2 // unkowns in there from the split, so the 2 stack must contain a // ranger. List<CreatureType> certainsToSplit = subtractLists(certain, knownCombo); Collections.sort(certainsToSplit); // Special code to take into account account the the first split // must include a lord in each stack int firstTurnUnknownLord = 0; if (this.turnCreated == 0) { boolean unknownTitan = certainsToSplit.remove(titan); boolean unknownAngel = certainsToSplit.remove(angel); if (unknownTitan && unknownAngel) { // ei. neither are positioned yet firstTurnUnknownLord = 1; } else if (unknownAngel) { // Titan known, set Angel certain if (knownKeep.contains(titan)) { knownSplit.add(angel); } else { knownKeep.add(angel); } } else if (unknownTitan) { // Titan known, set Angel certain if (knownKeep.contains(angel)) { knownSplit.add(titan); } else { knownKeep.add(titan); } } } int numUnknownsToKeep = creatures.size() - childSize - knownKeep.size(); int numUnknownsToSplit = childSize - knownSplit.size(); if (!certainsToSplit.isEmpty()) { CreatureType nextCreature = null; CreatureType currCreature = null; int count = 0; Iterator<CreatureType> it = certainsToSplit.iterator(); boolean done = false; while (!done) { currCreature = nextCreature; if (it.hasNext()) { nextCreature =; } else { nextCreature = null; done = true; } if (!safeEquals(currCreature, nextCreature)) { // Compute how many to keep or split, and update the lists. int numToKeep = count - numUnknownsToSplit + firstTurnUnknownLord; int numToSplit = count - numUnknownsToKeep + firstTurnUnknownLord; for (int i = 0; i < numToKeep; i++) { knownKeep.add(currCreature); numUnknownsToKeep--; } for (int i = 0; i < numToSplit; i++) { knownSplit.add(currCreature); numUnknownsToSplit--; } count = 1; } else { count++; } } } List<CreatureType> unknowns = creatures.getCreatureTypes(); // update knownCombo because knownKeep or knownSplit may have changed knownCombo.clear(); knownCombo.addAll(knownSplit); knownCombo.addAll(knownKeep); for (CreatureType cre : knownCombo) { unknowns.remove(cre); } Combos<CreatureType> combos = new Combos<CreatureType>(unknowns, numUnknownsToSplit); Set<List<CreatureType>> possibleSplitsSet = new HashSet<List<CreatureType>>(); for (Iterator<List<CreatureType>> it = combos.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { List<CreatureType> combo =; List<CreatureType> pos = new ArrayList<CreatureType>(); pos.addAll(knownSplit); pos.addAll(combo); if (getHeight() != 8) { possibleSplitsSet.add(pos); } else { if (isLegalInitialSplitoff(pos)) { possibleSplitsSet.add(pos); } } } List<List<CreatureType>> possibleSplits = new ArrayList<List<CreatureType>>( possibleSplitsSet); return possibleSplits; } private static <T> boolean safeEquals(T obj1, T obj2) { if (obj1 == null) { return (obj2 == null); } if (obj2 == null) { // this should happen on equals(null) anyway, but we // don't trust all equals(..) implementations return false; } return obj1.equals(obj2); } // TODO Use SimpleAI version? /** * Decide how to split this legion, and return a list of creatures names to * remove. Return empty list on error. */ List<CreatureType> chooseCreaturesToSplitOut( List<List<CreatureType>> possibleSplits) { List<CreatureType> firstElement = possibleSplits.get(0); boolean maximize = (2 * firstElement.size() > getHeight()); int bestKillValue = -1; List<CreatureType> creaturesToRemove = new ArrayList<CreatureType>(); for (List<CreatureType> li : possibleSplits) { int totalKillValue = 0; for (CreatureType creature : li) { totalKillValue += creature.getKillValue(); } if ((bestKillValue < 0) || (!maximize && totalKillValue < bestKillValue) || (maximize && totalKillValue > bestKillValue)) { bestKillValue = totalKillValue; creaturesToRemove = li; } } return creaturesToRemove; } /** Return the number of times ob is found in li */ int count(List<?> li, Object ob) { int num = 0; for (Object ob2 : li) { if (ob.equals(ob2)) { num++; } } return num; } /** * Computes the predicted split of childsize, given that we may already know * some pieces that are keept or spilt. Also makes the new * CreatureInfoLists. Note that knownKeep and knownSplit will be altered, * and be empty after call * * @param childSize * @param knownKeep * certain creatures to keep * @param knownSplit * certain creatures to split * @param keepList * return argument * @param splitList * return argument */ void computeSplit(int childSize, List<CreatureType> knownKeep, List<CreatureType> knownSplit, CreatureInfoList keepList, CreatureInfoList splitList) { List<List<CreatureType>> possibleSplits = findAllPossibleSplits( childSize, knownKeep, knownSplit); List<CreatureType> splitoffs = chooseCreaturesToSplitOut(possibleSplits); // We now know how we want to split, caculate certainty and // make the new creatureInfoLists for (CreatureInfo ci : creatures) { CreatureType type = ci.getType(); CreatureInfo newinfo = new CreatureInfo(ci.getType(), false, true); if (splitoffs.contains(type)) { splitList.add(newinfo); splitoffs.remove(type); // If in knownSplit, set certain if (knownSplit.contains(type)) { knownSplit.remove(type); newinfo.setCertain(true); } } else { keepList.add(newinfo); // If in knownKeep, set certain if (knownKeep.contains(type)) { knownKeep.remove(type); newinfo.setCertain(true); } } } } /** * Perform the initial split of a stack, and create the children * * @param childSize * @param otherMarkerId * @param turn */ void split(int childSize, Legion otherLegion, int turn) { assert creatures.size() <= 8 : "> 8 creatures in legion"; assert !hasSplit() : "use reSplit to recalculate old splits"; List<CreatureType> knownKeep = new ArrayList<CreatureType>(); List<CreatureType> knownSplit = new ArrayList<CreatureType>(); CreatureInfoList keepList = new CreatureInfoList(); CreatureInfoList splitList = new CreatureInfoList(); computeSplit(childSize, knownKeep, knownSplit, keepList, splitList); // If both children have same height, in 50% of the cases mix it up // which child gets the "split off" content and which the "to keep". if (getHeight() == 2 * childSize) { // A creative way to produce a random boolean value: long now = new Date().getTime(); boolean swapKeepAndSplit = ((now % 17) % 2 == 1); if (swapKeepAndSplit) { CreatureInfoList swapTmp = keepList; keepList = splitList; splitList = swapTmp; } } child1 = new PredictSplitNode(markerId, turn, keepList, this, variant); child2 = new PredictSplitNode(otherLegion.getMarkerId(), turn, splitList, this, variant); childSize2 = child2.getHeight(); } /** * Recompute the split of a stack, taking advantage of any information * potentially gained from the children * */ void reSplit() { assert creatures.size() <= 8 : "> 8 creatures in legion"; List<CreatureType> knownKeep = child1 .getCertainAtSplitOrRemovedCreatures().getCreatureTypes(); List<CreatureType> knownSplit = child2 .getCertainAtSplitOrRemovedCreatures().getCreatureTypes(); CreatureInfoList keepList = new CreatureInfoList(); CreatureInfoList splitList = new CreatureInfoList(); computeSplit(childSize2, knownKeep, knownSplit, keepList, splitList); // we have now predicted the split we need to inform the children child1.updateInitialSplitInfo(keepList); child2.updateInitialSplitInfo(splitList); } /** * This takes potentially new information about the legion's composition at * split and applies the later changes to the legion to get a new predicton * of contents. It then recursively resplits. * * @param newList */ void updateInitialSplitInfo(CreatureInfoList newList) { // TODO Check if any new information was gained and stop if not. newList.addAll(getAfterSplitCreatures()); for (CreatureInfo ci : getRemovedCreatures()) { newList.remove(ci); } setCreatures(newList); // update children if we have any if (hasSplit()) { reSplit(); } } /** * Recombine this legion and other, because it was not possible to move. * They must share a parent. If either legion has the parent's markerId, * then that legion will remain. Otherwise this legion will remain. Also * used to undo splits. */ void merge(PredictSplitNode other) { if (this.parent == other.parent) { assert getMarkerId().equals(parent.getMarkerId()) || other.getMarkerId().equals(parent.getMarkerId()) : "None of the legions carry the parent maker"; // this is regular merge, cancel split. parent.clearChildren(); } else { // this must be a merge of a 3-way split // origNode -- father -- nodeB // \ nodeA \ third // this transforms into // origNode -- (nodeA + nodeB) // \ third PredictSplitNode nodeA = null; PredictSplitNode nodeB = null; if (this.parent == other.parent.parent) { nodeA = this; nodeB = other; } else if (this.parent.parent == other.parent) { nodeA = other; nodeB = this; } // check we got a valid combination, otherwise the nodes are not set assert (nodeA != null) && (nodeB != null) : "Illegal merge"; PredictSplitNode father = nodeB.parent; PredictSplitNode origNode = nodeA.parent; PredictSplitNode thirdLegion; if (nodeB == father.child1) { thirdLegion = father.child2; } else { thirdLegion = father.child1; } if (origNode.getMarkerId().equals(thirdLegion.getMarkerId())) { // third is carries the original marker and nodeA is then // the splitoff from the origNode, just add creatures from nodeB nodeA.creatures.addAll(nodeB.creatures); origNode.childSize2 = nodeA.getHeight(); origNode.child1 = thirdLegion; } else { // attach thirdLegion as the split from the node, and // nodeA+nodeB as the keep origNode.child2 = thirdLegion; origNode.childSize2 = thirdLegion.getHeight(); if (origNode.getMarkerId().equals(nodeA.getMarkerId())) { nodeA.creatures.addAll(nodeB.creatures); origNode.child1 = nodeA; } else { nodeB.creatures.addAll(nodeA.creatures); origNode.child1 = nodeB; } } } } void addCreature(CreatureType type) { assert getHeight() < 7 || child1 == null : "Tried adding to 7-high legion"; CreatureInfo ci = new CreatureInfo(type, true, false); creatures.add(ci); } void removeCreature(CreatureType type) { assert getHeight() > 0 : "Tried removing from 0-high legion"; List<CreatureType> cnl = Collections.singletonList(type); revealCreatures(cnl); // Find the creature to remove Iterator<CreatureInfo> it = creatures.iterator(); // We have already checked height>0, so taking next is ok. CreatureInfo ci =; while (!(ci.isCertain() && ci.getType().equals(type))) { assert it.hasNext() : "Tried to remove nonexistant creature"; ci =; } // Only need to track the removed creature for future parent split // predictions if it was here at the time of the split. if (ci.isAtSplit()) { removed.add(ci); } it.remove(); } void removeCreatures(List<CreatureType> creatureTypes) { revealCreatures(creatureTypes); for (CreatureType type : creatureTypes) { removeCreature(type); } } // TODO Comparable not implemented properly since equals() not // overridden public int compareTo(PredictSplitNode other) { return toString().compareTo(other.toString()); } static <T> List<T> subtractLists(List<T> big, List<T> little) { ArrayList<T> li = new ArrayList<T>(big); for (T item : little) { li.remove(item); } return li; } /** Return the number of times name occurs in li */ static int count(List<String> li, String name) { int num = 0; for (String s : li) { if (s.equals(name)) { num++; } } return num; } /** * lili is a list of lists. Return the minimum number of times name appears * in any of the lists contained in lili. */ static int minCount(List<List<String>> lili, String name) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (List<String> li : lili) { min = Math.min(min, count(li, name)); } if (min == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { min = 0; } return min; } }