/* * Copyright 1999-2012 Alibaba Group. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * (created at 2011-5-18) */ package com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.syntax; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.KW_IGNORE; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.KW_INSERT; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.KW_INTO; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.KW_KEY; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.KW_ON; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.KW_UPDATE; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.OP_ASSIGN; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.OP_EQUALS; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.PUNC_COMMA; import static com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.MySQLToken.PUNC_RIGHT_PAREN; import java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.ast.expression.Expression; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.ast.expression.misc.QueryExpression; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.ast.expression.primary.Identifier; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.ast.expression.primary.RowExpression; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.ast.stmt.dml.DMLInsertStatement; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.recognizer.mysql.lexer.MySQLLexer; import com.alibaba.cobar.parser.util.Pair; /** * @author <a href="mailto:shuo.qius@alibaba-inc.com">QIU Shuo</a> */ public class MySQLDMLInsertParser extends MySQLDMLInsertReplaceParser { public MySQLDMLInsertParser(MySQLLexer lexer, MySQLExprParser exprParser) { super(lexer, exprParser); } /** * nothing has been pre-consumed <code><pre> * 'INSERT' ('LOW_PRIORITY'|'DELAYED'|'HIGH_PRIORITY')? 'IGNORE'? 'INTO'? tbname * ( 'SET' colName ('='|':=') (expr|'DEFAULT') (',' colName ('='|':=') (expr|'DEFAULT'))* * | '(' ( colName (',' colName)* ')' ( ('VALUES'|'VALUE') value (',' value)* * | '(' 'SELECT' ... ')' * | 'SELECT' ... * ) * | 'SELECT' ... ')' * ) * |('VALUES'|'VALUE') value ( ',' value )* * | 'SELECT' ... * ) * ( 'ON' 'DUPLICATE' 'KEY' 'UPDATE' colName ('='|':=') expr ( ',' colName ('='|':=') expr)* )? * * value := '(' (expr|'DEFAULT') ( ',' (expr|'DEFAULT'))* ')' * </pre></code> */ public DMLInsertStatement insert() throws SQLSyntaxErrorException { match(KW_INSERT); DMLInsertStatement.InsertMode mode = DMLInsertStatement.InsertMode.UNDEF; boolean ignore = false; switch (lexer.token()) { case KW_LOW_PRIORITY: lexer.nextToken(); mode = DMLInsertStatement.InsertMode.LOW; break; case KW_DELAYED: lexer.nextToken(); mode = DMLInsertStatement.InsertMode.DELAY; break; case KW_HIGH_PRIORITY: lexer.nextToken(); mode = DMLInsertStatement.InsertMode.HIGH; break; } if (lexer.token() == KW_IGNORE) { ignore = true; lexer.nextToken(); } if (lexer.token() == KW_INTO) { lexer.nextToken(); } Identifier table = identifier(); List<Pair<Identifier, Expression>> dupUpdate; List<Identifier> columnNameList; List<RowExpression> rowList; QueryExpression select; List<Expression> tempRowValue; switch (lexer.token()) { case KW_SET: lexer.nextToken(); columnNameList = new LinkedList<Identifier>(); tempRowValue = new LinkedList<Expression>(); for (;; lexer.nextToken()) { Identifier id = identifier(); match(OP_EQUALS, OP_ASSIGN); Expression expr = exprParser.expression(); columnNameList.add(id); tempRowValue.add(expr); if (lexer.token() != PUNC_COMMA) { break; } } rowList = new ArrayList<RowExpression>(1); rowList.add(new RowExpression(tempRowValue)); dupUpdate = onDuplicateUpdate(); return new DMLInsertStatement(mode, ignore, table, columnNameList, rowList, dupUpdate); case IDENTIFIER: if (!"VALUE".equals(lexer.stringValueUppercase())) { break; } case KW_VALUES: lexer.nextToken(); columnNameList = null; rowList = rowList(); dupUpdate = onDuplicateUpdate(); return new DMLInsertStatement(mode, ignore, table, columnNameList, rowList, dupUpdate); case KW_SELECT: columnNameList = null; select = select(); dupUpdate = onDuplicateUpdate(); return new DMLInsertStatement(mode, ignore, table, columnNameList, select, dupUpdate); case PUNC_LEFT_PAREN: switch (lexer.nextToken()) { case PUNC_LEFT_PAREN: case KW_SELECT: columnNameList = null; select = selectPrimary(); match(PUNC_RIGHT_PAREN); dupUpdate = onDuplicateUpdate(); return new DMLInsertStatement(mode, ignore, table, columnNameList, select, dupUpdate); } columnNameList = idList(); match(PUNC_RIGHT_PAREN); switch (lexer.token()) { case PUNC_LEFT_PAREN: case KW_SELECT: select = selectPrimary(); dupUpdate = onDuplicateUpdate(); return new DMLInsertStatement(mode, ignore, table, columnNameList, select, dupUpdate); case KW_VALUES: lexer.nextToken(); break; default: matchIdentifier("VALUE"); } rowList = rowList(); dupUpdate = onDuplicateUpdate(); return new DMLInsertStatement(mode, ignore, table, columnNameList, rowList, dupUpdate); } throw err("unexpected token for insert: " + lexer.token()); } /** * @return null for not exist */ private List<Pair<Identifier, Expression>> onDuplicateUpdate() throws SQLSyntaxErrorException { if (lexer.token() != KW_ON) { return null; } lexer.nextToken(); matchIdentifier("DUPLICATE"); match(KW_KEY); match(KW_UPDATE); List<Pair<Identifier, Expression>> list; Identifier col = identifier(); match(OP_EQUALS, OP_ASSIGN); Expression expr = exprParser.expression(); if (lexer.token() == PUNC_COMMA) { list = new LinkedList<Pair<Identifier, Expression>>(); list.add(new Pair<Identifier, Expression>(col, expr)); for (; lexer.token() == PUNC_COMMA;) { lexer.nextToken(); col = identifier(); match(OP_EQUALS, OP_ASSIGN); expr = exprParser.expression(); list.add(new Pair<Identifier, Expression>(col, expr)); } return list; } list = new ArrayList<Pair<Identifier, Expression>>(1); list.add(new Pair<Identifier, Expression>(col, expr)); return list; } }