package; /* * #%L * cloudconductor-server * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Cinovo AG * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.api.interfaces.IFile; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.api.model.ConfigFile; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.dao.IFileDAO; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.dao.IFileDataDAO; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.dao.IPackageDAO; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.dao.IServiceDAO; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.dao.ITemplateDAO; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.model.EFile; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.model.EFileData; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.model.EPackage; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.model.EService; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.model.ETemplate; import; import; import de.taimos.restutils.RESTAssert; import de.taimos.springcxfdaemon.JaxRsComponent; /** * Copyright 2013 Cinovo AG<br> * <br> * * @author psigloch * */ @JaxRsComponent public class FileImpl extends ImplHelper implements IFile { @Autowired private IFileDAO dcf; @Autowired private IPackageDAO dpkg; @Autowired private IServiceDAO dservice; @Autowired private AMConverter amc; @Autowired private IFileDataDAO dcfd; @Autowired private ITemplateDAO dtemplate; @Override @Transactional public ConfigFile[] get() { Set<ConfigFile> result = new HashSet<>(); for (EFile m : this.dcf.findList()) { result.add(MAConverter.fromModel(m)); } return result.toArray(new ConfigFile[result.size()]); } @Override @Transactional public void save(String name, ConfigFile configFile) { this.assertName(name, configFile); EFile cf = this.amc.toModel(configFile); if ((configFile.getPkg() != null) && !configFile.getPkg().isEmpty()) { EPackage pkg = this.findByName(this.dpkg, configFile.getPkg()); cf.setPkg(pkg); } else { cf.setPkg(null); } if ((configFile.getDependentServices() != null) && !configFile.getDependentServices().isEmpty()) { List<EService> services = this.findByName(this.dservice, configFile.getDependentServices()); cf.setDependentServices(services); } else { cf.setDependentServices(null); }; } @Override @Transactional public ConfigFile get(String name) { RESTAssert.assertNotEmpty(name); EFile model = this.findByName(this.dcf, name); return MAConverter.fromModel(model); } @Override @Transactional public String getData(String name) { RESTAssert.assertNotEmpty(name); EFile model = this.findByName(this.dcf, name); EFileData data = this.dcfd.findDataByFile(model); return data.getData(); } @Override @Transactional public void saveData(String name, String data) { RESTAssert.assertNotEmpty(name); RESTAssert.assertNotEmpty(data); EFile model = this.findByName(this.dcf, name); try { byte[] array = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(data.getBytes("UTF-8")); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { sb.append(Integer.toHexString((array[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1, 3)); } model.setChecksum(sb.toString()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // should never happen, if it does-> leave checksum empty } model =; EFileData edata = this.dcfd.findDataByFile(model); if (edata == null) { edata = new EFileData(); } edata.setData(data); edata.setParent(model);; } @Override @Transactional public void delete(String name) { RESTAssert.assertNotEmpty(name); EFile model = this.dcf.findByName(name); this.assertModelFound(model); this.dcf.delete(model); } @Override @Transactional public ConfigFile[] getConfigFiles(String template) { RESTAssert.assertNotEmpty(template); Set<ConfigFile> result = new HashSet<>(); ETemplate eTemplate = this.dtemplate.findByName(template); if ((eTemplate != null) && (eTemplate.getConfigFiles() != null)) { for (EFile m : eTemplate.getConfigFiles()) { result.add(MAConverter.fromModel(m)); } } return result.toArray(new ConfigFile[result.size()]); } }