package de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.dao; import java.util.List; import de.cinovo.cloudconductor.server.model.EAgent; import de.taimos.dao.IEntityDAO; /** * Copyright 2016 Cinovo AG<br> * <br> * * @author ablehm * */ public interface IAgentDAO extends IEntityDAO<EAgent, Long> { // nothing to add /** * @param authToken the token of the AuthToken * @return list of Agents in reference to that token */ public List<EAgent> getAgentsByToken(String authToken); /** * @param id the id of the AuthToken * @return List of agents in reference to that token */ public List<EAgent> getAgentsByTokenId(Long id); /** * @return list of Agents that don't have a token yet */ public List<EAgent> getAgentsWithoutToken(); /** * @return the agent with unique name */ public EAgent findAgentByName(String agentName); }