package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.ContentType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.DiskSectionType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.EnvelopeType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.FileType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.ProductSectionType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.RASDType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.ReferencesType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.VirtualDiskDescType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.VirtualHardwareSectionType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.VirtualSystemType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.ProductSectionType.Property; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.abiquo.ovf.OVFEnvelopeUtils; import com.abiquo.ovf.exceptions.SectionNotPresentException; import com.abiquo.ovf.section.OVFProductUtils; import com.abiquo.ovf.xml.OVFSerializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class OneVmUtilities { public static final String ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL = "="; public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System .getProperty("line.separator"); public static final String ONE_VM_ID = "NAME"; public static final String ONE_VM_TYPE = "TYPE"; public static final String ONE_VM_STATE = "STATE"; public static final String ONE_VM_MEMORY = "MEMORY"; public static final String ONE_VM_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String ONE_VM_UUID = "UUID"; public static final String ONE_VM_CPU = "CPU"; public static final String ONE_VM_VCPU = "VCPU"; public static final String ONE_VM_RAW_VMI = "RAW_VMI"; public static final String ONE_VM_OS = "OS"; public static final String ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_KERNEL = "kernel"; public static final String ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_INITRD = "initrd"; public static final String ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_ROOT = "root"; public static final String ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_BOOT = "boot"; public static final String ONE_VM_GRAPHICS = "GRAPHICS"; public static final String ONE_VM_GRAPHICS_TYPE = "type"; public static final String ONE_VM_GRAPHICS_LISTEN = "listen"; public static final String ONE_VM_GRAPHICS_PORT = "port"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_COLLECTION = "DISKS"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK = "DISK"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_IMAGE = "source"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_FORMAT = "format"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_SIZE = "size"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TARGET = "target"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_DIGEST = "digest"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TYPE = "type"; public static final String ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_DRIVER = "driver"; public static final String ONE_VM_NIC_COLLECTION = "NICS"; public static final String ONE_VM_NIC = "NIC"; public static final String ONE_VM_NIC_PARAM_IP = "ip"; public static final String ONE_VM_NIC_PARAM_NETWORK = "NETWORK"; public static final String ONE_NET_ID = "ID"; public static final String ONE_NET_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String ONE_NET_BRIDGE = "BRIDGE"; public static final String ONE_NET_TYPE = "TYPE"; public static final String ONE_NET_ADDRESS = "NETWORK_ADDRESS"; public static final String ONE_NET_SIZE = "NETWORK_SIZE"; public static final String ONE_NET_LEASES = "LEASES"; public static final String ONE_NET_IP = "IP"; public static final String ONE_NET_MAC = "MAC"; public static final String ONE_DISK_ID = "ID"; public static final String ONE_DISK_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String ONE_DISK_URL = "URL"; public static final String ONE_DISK_SIZE = "SIZE"; public static final String ONE_OVF_URL = "OVF"; public static final String ONE_CONTEXT = "CONTEXT"; public static final String ONE_VERSION = "ONEVERSION"; public static final String RESULT_NET_ID = "ID"; public static final String RESULT_NET_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String RESULT_NET_ADDRESS = "NETWORK_ADDRESS"; public static final String RESULT_NET_BRIDGE = "BRIDGE"; public static final String RESULT_NET_TYPE = "TYPE"; public static final String MULT_CONF_LEFT_DELIMITER = "["; public static final String MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER = "]"; public static final String MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR = ","; public static final String QUOTE = "\""; private static final int ResourceTypeCPU = 3; private static final int ResourceTypeMEMORY = 4; private static final int ResourceTypeNIC = 10; private static final int ResourceTypeDISK = 17; public static final String PROTOCOL = "http://"; private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(""); private OneOperations operations; private String oneversion = "2.2"; private String networkBridge = null; private String environmentRepositoryPath = null; private String oneSshKey = null; private String customizationPort = null; private String xendisk = null; private String arch = null; private String hypervisorInitrd = null; private String hypervisorKernel = null; private String serverHost = null; // FALTA private String oneScriptPath = null; private static String eth0Dns = null; private static String eth0Gateway = null; private static String eth1Dns = null; private static String eth1Gateway = null; private static String netInitScript0 = null; private static String netInitScript1 = null; public OneVmUtilities(OneOperations operations, String oneversion, String networkBridge, String environmentRepositoryPath, String oneScriptPath, String oneSshKey, String customizationPort, String hypervisorInitrd, String hypervisorKernel, String xendisk, String arch, String serverHost, String netInitScript0, String netInitScript1) { this.operations = operations; this.oneversion = oneversion; this.networkBridge = networkBridge; this.environmentRepositoryPath = environmentRepositoryPath; this.oneSshKey = oneSshKey; this.customizationPort = customizationPort; this.hypervisorInitrd = hypervisorInitrd; this.hypervisorKernel = hypervisorKernel; this.xendisk = xendisk; this.arch = arch; this.serverHost = serverHost; this.netInitScript0 = netInitScript0; this.netInitScript1 = netInitScript1; this.oneScriptPath = oneScriptPath; } public String TCloud2ONEVM(String xml, String veeFqn) throws Exception { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory .newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml .getBytes())); if (!doc.getFirstChild().getNodeName().equals( TCloudConstants.TAG_INSTANTIATE_OVF)) { log.error("Element <" + TCloudConstants.TAG_INSTANTIATE_OVF + "> not found."); throw new Exception("Element <" + TCloudConstants.TAG_INSTANTIATE_OVF + "> not found."); } Element root = (Element) doc.getFirstChild(); String replicaName = root.getAttribute("name"); NodeList envelopeItems = doc .getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Envelope"); if (envelopeItems.getLength() != 1) { log.error("Envelope items not found."); throw new Exception("Envelope items not found."); } // Extract the IP from the aspects section Map<String, String> ipOnNetworkMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); NodeList aspects = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Aspect"); for (int i = 0; i < aspects.getLength(); i++) { Element aspect = (Element) aspects.item(i); if (aspect.getAttribute("name").equals("IP Config")) { NodeList properties = aspect.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Property"); for (int j = 0; j < properties.getLength(); j++) { Element property = (Element) properties.item(j); NodeList keys = property.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Key"); NodeList values = property.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Value"); if (keys.getLength() > 0 && values.getLength() > 0) { ipOnNetworkMap.put(keys.item(0).getTextContent(), values.item(0).getTextContent()); } } } } // Extract the ovf sections and pass them to the OVF manager to be // processed. Document ovfDoc = builder.newDocument(); ovfDoc.appendChild(ovfDoc.importNode(envelopeItems.item(0), true)); OVFSerializer ovfSerializer = OVFSerializer.getInstance(); ovfSerializer.setValidateXML(false); EnvelopeType envelope = ovfSerializer .readXMLEnvelope(new ByteArrayInputStream(DataTypesUtils .serializeXML(ovfDoc).getBytes())); ContentType entityInstance = OVFEnvelopeUtils .getTopLevelVirtualSystemContent(envelope); if (entityInstance instanceof VirtualSystemType) { VirtualSystemType vs = (VirtualSystemType) entityInstance; VirtualHardwareSectionType vh = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(vs, VirtualHardwareSectionType.class); String virtualizationType = "kvm"; if (vh.getSystem() != null) virtualizationType = vh.getSystem().getVirtualSystemType() .getValue(); ProductSectionType productSection = null; String hostname = ""; String scriptListProp = ""; String netcontext = ""; String contextarget = ""; String scriptListTemplate = ""; boolean bLvm = false; try { productSection = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(vs, ProductSectionType.class); hostname = this .getPropertyValue(productSection, "HOSTNAME"); scriptListProp = this.getPropertyValue(productSection, "SCRIPT_LIST"); if (this.getPropertyValue(productSection, "LVM") != null) { System.out.println ("getting LVM property"); bLvm = true; } netcontext = getNetContext(vh, veeFqn, xml, scriptListProp); if (scriptListProp != null) { String[] scriptList = scriptListProp.split("/"); for (String scrt : scriptList) { scriptListTemplate = scriptListTemplate + " " + oneScriptPath + "/" + scrt; } } contextarget = this.getPropertyValue(productSection, "TARGET_CONF"); } catch (SectionNotPresentException e) {"No Product Section presented"); } StringBuffer allParametersString = new StringBuffer(); // Migrability .... allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_NAME).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(replicaName).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); if (!virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("xenhvm")) allParametersString.append("GRAPHICS").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "[type=\"vnc\",listen=\"\"]").append( LINE_SEPARATOR); if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("kvm")) { allParametersString.append("REQUIREMENTS").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"HYPERVISOR=\\\"kvm\\\"\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } else if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("xenhvm")) { allParametersString.append("REQUIREMENTS").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"HYPERVISOR=\\\"xen\\\"\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } else if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("xen")) { allParametersString.append("REQUIREMENTS").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"HYPERVISOR=\\\"xen\\\"\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_OS).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL) .append(MULT_CONF_LEFT_DELIMITER); String diskRoot; if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("kvm")) { diskRoot = "h"; if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_BOOT) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append("hd") .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); } else if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("xenhvm")) { diskRoot = "h"; if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_KERNEL) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader").append( MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); } else { diskRoot = xendisk; if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_INITRD) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( hypervisorInitrd).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_KERNEL) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( hypervisorKernel).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); } if (arch != null && arch.length() > 0) if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append("ARCH").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append("\"").append(arch) .append("\"").append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (!virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("xenhvm")) if (!bLvm) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_OS_PARAM_ROOT) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( diskRoot + "da1").append( MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(ONE_CONTEXT).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(MULT_CONF_LEFT_DELIMITER); if (hostname != null && hostname.length() > 0) { allParametersString.append( "hostname = \"" + hostname + "\"").append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } if (netcontext != null && netcontext.length() > 0) { allParametersString.append(netcontext); } if (oneSshKey != null && oneSshKey.length() > 0) allParametersString.append("public_key").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(oneSshKey).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append("CustomizationUrl").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"" + PROTOCOL + serverHost + ":" + customizationPort + "/" + replicaName + "\"").append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append("files").append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL) .append( "\"" + environmentRepositoryPath + "/" + replicaName + "/ovf-env.xml" + scriptListTemplate + "\"").append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (contextarget != null && contextarget.length() > 0) allParametersString.append("target").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"" + contextarget + "\"").append( MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); else allParametersString.append("target").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"" + diskRoot + "dd" + "\"").append( MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (vh.getSystem() != null && vh.getSystem().getVirtualSystemType() != null && vh.getSystem().getVirtualSystemType().getValue() != null && vh.getSystem().getVirtualSystemType().getValue() .equals("vjsc")) { allParametersString.append("HYPERVISOR").append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append("VJSC").append( LINE_SEPARATOR); } char sdaId = 'a'; List<RASDType> items = vh.getItem(); boolean ispaasaware = true; for (Iterator<RASDType> iteratorRASD = items.iterator(); iteratorRASD .hasNext();) { RASDType item = (RASDType); /* Get the resource type and process it accordingly */ int rsType = new Integer(item.getResourceType().getValue()); int quantity = 1; if (item.getVirtualQuantity() != null) { quantity = item.getVirtualQuantity().getValue() .intValue(); } switch (rsType) { case ResourceTypeCPU: // for (int k = 0; k < quantity; k++) { allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_CPU).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(quantity).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_VCPU).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(quantity).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); // } break; case ResourceTypeDISK: /* * The rasd:HostResource will follow the pattern * 'ovf://disk/<id>' where id is the ovf:diskId of some * <Disk> */ String hostRes = item.getHostResource().get(0) .getValue(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(hostRes, "/"); /* * Only ovf:/<file|disk>/<n> format is valid, accodring * OVF spec */ if (st.countTokens() != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malformed HostResource value (" + hostRes + ")"); } if (!(st.nextToken().equals("ovf:"))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HostResource must start with ovf: (" + hostRes + ")"); } String hostResType = st.nextToken(); if (!(hostResType.equals("disk") || hostResType .equals("file"))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HostResource type must be either disk or file: (" + hostRes + ")"); } String hostResId = st.nextToken(); String fileRef = null; String capacity = null; String format = null; String target = null; String diskId = null; if (hostResType.equals("disk")) { /* This type involves an indirection level */ DiskSectionType ds = null; ds = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class); List<VirtualDiskDescType> disks = ds.getDisk(); for (Iterator<VirtualDiskDescType> iteratorDk = disks .iterator(); iteratorDk.hasNext();) { VirtualDiskDescType disk =; diskId = disk.getDiskId(); if (diskId.equals("ovfcontext")) continue; if (diskId.equals(hostResId)) { fileRef = disk.getFileRef(); capacity = disk.getCapacity(); format = disk.getFormat(); Map<QName, String> attributesFile = disk .getOtherAttributes(); QName targetAtt = new QName( "", "target"); target = attributesFile.get(targetAtt); System.out.println ("fileref "+ fileRef ); if (fileRef == null) { log .warn("file reference can not be found for disk: " + hostRes); // ispaasaware = true; } else { ispaasaware = false; } break; } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File type not supported in Disk sections."); } /* Throw exceptions in the case of missing information */ if (fileRef == null) { log .warn("file reference can not be found for disk: " + hostRes); } String url = null; String digest = null; String driver = null; ReferencesType ref = envelope.getReferences(); List<FileType> files = ref.getFile(); for (Iterator<FileType> iteratorFl = files.iterator(); iteratorFl .hasNext();) { FileType fl =; System.out.println ("file type" + fl + " " + fileRef + " " + fl.getId()); if (fileRef != null) { if (fl.getId().equals(fileRef)) { url = fl.getHref(); } else continue; /* * If capacity was not set using ovf:capacity in * <Disk>, try to get it know frm <File> * ovf:size */ if (capacity == null && fl.getSize() != null) { capacity = fl.getSize().toString(); } /* Try to get the digest */ Map<QName, String> attributesFile = fl .getOtherAttributes(); QName digestAtt = new QName( "", "digest"); digest = attributesFile.get(digestAtt); Map<QName, String> attributesFile2 = fl .getOtherAttributes(); QName driverAtt = new QName( "", "driver"); driver = attributesFile.get(driverAtt); break; } } /* Throw exceptions in the case of missing information */ if ( capacity == null) { log.warn ( "capacity can not be set for disk " + hostRes); } if (url == null && fileRef != null) { log.warn ( "url can not be set for disk " + hostRes); } if (digest == null) { log.debug("md5sum digest was not found for disk " + hostRes); } // System.out.println ("url 1" + url); String url2 = null; if (url != null) { if (url.contains("file:/")) url2 = url.replace("file:/", "file:///"); else if ( url.contains("pdisk://")) url2 = url.replace("pdisk://", "pdisk:"); else { URL urltemp = null; try { urltemp = new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "problems parsing disk href: " + e.getMessage()); } url2 = urltemp.toString(); } } // System.out.println ("url 2" + url); File filesystem = new File("/dev/" + diskRoot + "d" + sdaId); if (!diskId.equals("ovfcontext")) { allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_DISK).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( MULT_CONF_LEFT_DELIMITER); if (url2 != null) allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_IMAGE) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(url2) .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); if (target != null && target.length() > 0) { allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TARGET).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(target) .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); } else { if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("kvm")) { allParametersString.append( ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TARGET).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( diskRoot + "d" + sdaId).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); } else if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals( "xenhvm")) { allParametersString.append( ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TARGET).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( diskRoot + "d" + sdaId).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); } else allParametersString.append( ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TARGET).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( filesystem.getAbsolutePath()).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); } if (format != null) { if (format.equals("ext3")) { allParametersString.append( ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TYPE).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append("fs") .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); } allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_FORMAT).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(format) .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); }"Driver " + driver); if (driver != null) allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_DRIVER).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(driver) .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); if (digest != null) allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_DIGEST).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(digest) .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_SIZE) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(capacity); allParametersString.append(MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } sdaId++; break; case ResourceTypeMEMORY: allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_MEMORY).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(quantity).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); break; case ResourceTypeNIC: String fqnNet = URICreation.getService(veeFqn) + ".networks." + item.getConnection().get(0).getValue();"Generating tag for fqnNet " + fqnNet); allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_NIC).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( MULT_CONF_LEFT_DELIMITER) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(ONE_NET_BRIDGE).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(networkBridge) .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); if (oneversion.equals("3.0")) { String idnet = null; try { idnet = operations.getOneNetworkId(item .getConnection().get(0).getValue());"Network information " + fqnNet + " " + idnet); allParametersString.append("NETWORK_ID") .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( idnet); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown network id"); } } else if (fqnNet.indexOf("public") != -1) { allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_NIC_PARAM_NETWORK).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL) .append("public"); } else // allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_NIC_PARAM_NETWORK).append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(fqnNet); allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_NIC_PARAM_NETWORK).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( item.getConnection().get(0) .getValue()); if (ipOnNetworkMap.get(fqnNet) != null) allParametersString.append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append( ONE_VM_NIC_PARAM_IP).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( ipOnNetworkMap.get(fqnNet)).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown hw type: " + rsType); } } if (ispaasaware) { allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_DISK).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL) .append(MULT_CONF_LEFT_DELIMITER); allParametersString .append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_IMAGE) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL) .append( "") .append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_TARGET) .append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append("sdc").append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append(ONE_VM_DISK_PARAM_SIZE).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(512); allParametersString.append(MULT_CONF_RIGHT_DELIMITER) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } // allParametersString.append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append(DEBUGGING_CONSOLE).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (virtualizationType.toLowerCase().equals("xenhvm")) allParametersString .append("RAW=[type=\"xen\",") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR) .append("data=\"builder = \\\"hvm\\\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR) .append( "device_model = \\\"/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm\\\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append("pae = \\\"1\\\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append("acpi = \\\"1\\\"") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append( "localtime = \\\"0\\\"").append( LINE_SEPARATOR) .append("vnc = \\\"1\\\"\"]") .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); log.debug("VM data sent:\n\n" + allParametersString.toString() + "\n\n"); System.out.println("VM data sent:\n\n" + allParametersString.toString() + "\n\n"); return allParametersString.toString(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "OVF malformed. No VirtualSystemType found."); } } catch (IOException e1) { log .error("OVF of the virtual machine was not well formed or it contained some errors."); throw new Exception( "OVF of the virtual machine was not well formed or it contained some errors: " + e1.getMessage()); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { log.error("Error configuring parser: " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Error configuring parser: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { log.error("Error retrieving parser: " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Error retrieving parser: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error configuring a XML Builder."); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error configuring a XML Builder: " + e.getMessage()); } } protected static String getNetContext(VirtualHardwareSectionType vh, String veeFqn, String xml, String scriptListProp) throws Exception { // log.debug("PONG2 xml" +xml+ "\n"); StringBuffer allParametersString = new StringBuffer(); List<RASDType> items = vh.getItem(); int i = 0; for (Iterator<RASDType> iteratorRASD = items.iterator(); iteratorRASD .hasNext();) { RASDType item = (RASDType); /* Get the resource type and process it accordingly */ int rsType = new Integer(item.getResourceType().getValue()); int quantity = 1; if (item.getVirtualQuantity() != null) { quantity = item.getVirtualQuantity().getValue().intValue(); } switch (rsType) { case ResourceTypeNIC: try { // log.debug("PONG eth0Dns" + eth0Dns + "\n"); // log.debug("PONG eth0Gateway" + eth0Gateway + "\n"); // log.debug("PONG eth1Dns" + eth1Dns + "\n"); // log.debug("PONG eth1Gateway" + eth1Gateway + "\n"); String fqnNet = URICreation.getService(veeFqn) + ".networks." + item.getConnection().get(0).getValue(); // allParametersString.append("ip_eth"+i).append(ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append("\"$NIC[IP, NETWORK=\\\""+fqnNet+"\\\"]\"").append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); allParametersString.append("ip_eth" + i).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append( "\"$NIC[IP, NETWORK=\\\"" + item.getConnection().get(0).getValue() + "\\\"]\"").append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR) .append(LINE_SEPARATOR); String dns = ""; String gateway = ""; if (i == 0) { dns = eth0Dns; gateway = eth0Gateway; } if (i == 1) { dns = eth1Dns; gateway = eth1Gateway; } if (dns != null && dns.length() > 0) { allParametersString.append("dns_eth" + i).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(dns).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } if (gateway != null && gateway.length() > 0) { allParametersString.append("gateway_eth" + i).append( ASSIGNATION_SYMBOL).append(gateway).append( MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } i++; } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { log.error("Error retrieving parser: " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Error retrieving parser: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error configuring a XML Builder."); throw new Exception("Error configuring a XML Builder: " + e.getMessage()); } break; default: // throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown hw type: " + // rsType); } } StringBuffer scriptexec = new StringBuffer(); scriptexec.append("SCRIPT_EXEC=\""); /* * if (getNetInitScript(scriptListProp)) { if (i==1){ * if(netInitScript0!= null && netInitScript0.length()>0) { * scriptexec.append(netInitScript0); } } if (i==2){ if(netInitScript1!= * null && netInitScript1.length()>0) { * scriptexec.append(netInitScript1); } } } */ if (scriptListProp != null && scriptListProp.length() != 0) { String[] scriptList = scriptListProp.split("/"); System.out.println ("scriptList " + scriptList); String scriptListTemplate = ""; for (String scrt : scriptList) { if (scrt.indexOf(".py") != -1) { if (scrt.equals("")) { System.out.println("python /mnt/stratuslab/" + scrt); scriptexec.append("python /mnt/stratuslab/" + scrt + "; "); } else if (scrt.equals("")) { System.out.println("/etc/init.d/lb_server start"); scriptexec.append("/etc/init.d/lb_server start; "); } else if (scrt.equals("")) { System.out.println("/etc/init.d/probe start"); scriptexec.append("/etc/init.d/probe start; "); } else { System.out.println("python /mnt/stratuslab/" + scrt); scriptexec.append("python /mnt/stratuslab/" + scrt + "; "); } /* * else { System.out.println * ("python /mnt/stratuslab/"+scrt); * scriptexec.append("python /mnt/stratuslab/"+scrt+"; "); } */ } else if (scrt.indexOf(".sh") != -1) { scriptexec.append("/mnt/stratuslab/" + scrt + ";"); } } } if (scriptexec.length() > 0) { scriptexec.append("\"").append(MULT_CONF_SEPARATOR).append( LINE_SEPARATOR); } else { scriptexec.append(""); } allParametersString.append(scriptexec); return allParametersString.toString(); } private String getPropertyValue(ProductSectionType productSection, String property) { String value = null; try { Property prop = OVFProductUtils.getProperty(productSection, property); if (prop.getValue().toString() != null) value = prop.getValue().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { } return value; } protected static boolean getNetInitScript(String scriptListProp) { if (scriptListProp == null) return false; String[] scriptList = scriptListProp.split("/"); for (String scrt : scriptList) { if (scrt.indexOf("netinit") != -1) { return true; } } return false; } }