package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException; import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient; import; import; public class OneOperations { // XMLRPC commands to access OpenNebula features private final static String VM_ALLOCATION_COMMAND = "one.vm.allocate"; private final static String VM_UPDATE_COMMAND = "one.vm.action"; private final static String VM_GETINFO_COMMAND = ""; private final static String VM_GETALL_COMMAND = ""; private final static String VM_DELETE_COMMAND = "one.vm.delete"; private final static String NET_ALLOCATION_COMMAND = ""; private final static String NET_GETINFO_COMMAND = ""; private final static String NET_GETALL_COMMAND = ""; private final static String NET_DELETE_COMMAND = ""; String oneSession; private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(""); private XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient = null; private OneVmUtilities vmutils = null; public OneOperations (String oneSession, XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient) { this.oneSession = oneSession; this.xmlRpcClient = xmlRpcClient; } public void configOperations (String oneversion, String networkBridge, String environmentRepositoryPath ,String oneScriptPath, String oneSshKey ,String customizationPort, String hypervisorInitrd, String hypervisorKernel, String xendisk, String arch, String server, String netInitScript0, String netInitScript1) { vmutils = new OneVmUtilities (this, oneversion, networkBridge, environmentRepositoryPath , oneScriptPath, oneSshKey , customizationPort, hypervisorInitrd, hypervisorKernel, xendisk, arch, server, netInitScript0, netInitScript1); } public String getOneNetworkListInfo () throws IOException { List rpcParams = new ArrayList (); rpcParams.add(oneSession); rpcParams.add(-2); rpcParams.add(-1); rpcParams.add(-1); log.debug("Get info about all networks: tests " ); Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute("", rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { log.error("Connection error trying to get network list information: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new IOException ("Error on reading VM state , XMLRPC call failed", ex); } boolean completed = (Boolean) result[0]; log.debug("completed: " + completed + " " + (String) result[1] ); if (completed) { String resultList = (String) result[1]; log.debug("resultList: " + resultList ); return resultList; } else return null; } public String deployVirtualMachine (String ovf, String fqnVm ) throws Exception { List<String> rpcParams = new ArrayList<String>(); rpcParams.add(oneSession); String template = vmutils.TCloud2ONEVM(ovf, fqnVm); System.out.println ("VIRTUAL MACHINE ONE TEMPLATE \n"+ template); try { rpcParams.add(template); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute(VM_ALLOCATION_COMMAND, rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { throw new IOException ("Error on allocation of VEE replica , XMLRPC call failed: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } boolean success = (Boolean)result[0]; if(success) { log.debug("Request succeded. Returining: \n\n" + ((Integer)result[1]).toString() + "\n\n"); return ((Integer)result[1]).toString(); } else { log.error("Error recieved from ONE: " + (String)result[1]); System.out.println("Error recieved from ONE: " + (String)result[1]); throw new Exception ((String)result[1]); } } public String deployNetwork(String xml) throws Exception { System.out.println ("NETWORK TEMPLATE\n" + xml); List<String> rpcParams = new ArrayList<String>(); rpcParams.add(oneSession); // TCloud2ONENet(ovf) rpcParams.add(xml); Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute(NET_ALLOCATION_COMMAND, rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { log.error("Connection error. Could not reach ONE host: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new IOException ("Error on allocation of the new network , XMLRPC call failed", ex); } boolean success = (Boolean)result[0]; if(success) { log.debug("Network creation request succeded: \n\n" + ((Integer)result[1]).toString() + "\n\n"); return ((Integer)result[1]).toString(); } else { log.error("Error recieved from ONE: " + (String)result[1]); System.out.println("Error recieved from ONE: " + (String)result[1]); throw new Exception ((String)result[1]); } } public boolean deleteVirtualMachine(String id) throws IOException { System.out.println ("Deleting vm " + id); List rpcParams = new ArrayList (); ControlActionType controlAction = ControlActionType.finalize; rpcParams.add(oneSession); rpcParams.add(controlAction.toString()); rpcParams.add(Integer.parseInt(id)); Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute(VM_UPDATE_COMMAND, rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { log.error("Connection error trying to update VM: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new IOException ("Error updating VEE replica , XMLRPC call failed", ex); } if (result==null) { throw new IOException("No result returned from XMLRPC call"); } else { return (Boolean)result[0]; } } public boolean deleteNetwork(String id) throws IOException { List rpcParams = new ArrayList<String>(); rpcParams.add(oneSession); rpcParams.add(new Integer(id) ); Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute(NET_DELETE_COMMAND, rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { throw new IOException ("Error deleting the network , XMLRPC call failed", ex); } boolean success = (Boolean)result[0]; if(success) { return (Boolean)result[0]; } else { throw new IOException("Unknown error trying to delete network: " + (String)result[1]); } } public String getOneNetworkId (String fqn) throws IOException { String info = getOneNetworkListInfo (); System.out.println ("Get network info " + info); ONEUtilities util = new ONEUtilities (); String id = util.obtainIdOneNetworkFromFQN(fqn, info); System.out.println ("Id for fqn " + fqn + " : " + id ); return id; } public String getVirtualMachine ( String id ) throws Exception { List rpcParams = new ArrayList<String>(); rpcParams.add(oneSession); rpcParams.add(new Integer(id) ); Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute(VM_GETINFO_COMMAND, rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { throw new IOException ("Error on allocation of VEE replica , XMLRPC call failed: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } boolean completed = (Boolean) result[0]; if (completed) { String resultList = (String) result[1]; return resultList; } else return null; } public boolean doAction (String id, String action) throws IOException { List rpcParams = new ArrayList (); ControlActionType controlAction = null;"Id for action " + id + " action " + action); if (action.equals("powerOn")) { controlAction = ControlActionType.resume; } else if (action.equals("powerOff")) { controlAction = ControlActionType.stop; } rpcParams.add(oneSession); rpcParams.add(controlAction.toString()); rpcParams.add(Integer.parseInt(id));"Sending call for power.."); Object[] result = null; try { result = (Object[])xmlRpcClient.execute(VM_UPDATE_COMMAND, rpcParams); } catch (XmlRpcException ex) { log.error("Connection error trying to update VM: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new IOException ("Error updating VEE replica , XMLRPC call failed", ex); } if (result==null) { log.error("No result returned from XMLRPC call"); throw new IOException("No result returned from XMLRPC call"); } else { return (Boolean)result[0]; } } }