package eu.choreos.vv.servicesimulator; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import eu.choreos.vv.clientgenerator.WSClient; public class FaultScenarioOperationsTest { private static final String MOCK_WSDL_URI = "http://localhost:4321/faultySupermarket?wsdl"; private static final String SM_WSDL_URI = "file://" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/resource/sm_plus.wsdl"; private WSMock mock; @After public void turnOffMock(){ mock.stop(); } @Test public void shouldDoNotRespondForTheOperation() throws Exception { mock = new WSMock("faultySupermarket", "4321", SM_WSDL_URI); mock.doNotRespond("getPrice"); mock.start(); WSClient client = new WSClient(MOCK_WSDL_URI); client.setResponseTimeout(1000); // A should also be thrown but I can not capture this exception in my test case assertNull(client.request("getPrice", "milk")); } @Test public void shouldDoNotRespondForAllOperations() throws Exception { mock = new WSMock("faultySupermarket", "4321", SM_WSDL_URI); mock.doNotRespondAll(); mock.start(); WSClient client = new WSClient(MOCK_WSDL_URI); client.setResponseTimeout(1000); // A should also be thrown but I can not capture this exception in my test case assertNull(client.request("purchase", "milk", "2")); } @Test public void shouldSimulateAnOperationCrash() throws Exception { mock = new WSMock("faltySupermarket", "4321", SM_WSDL_URI); mock.crash("getPrice"); mock.start(); WSClient client = new WSClient(MOCK_WSDL_URI); // A com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.DispatchException is throw internally to jetty and it cannot be captured assertEquals("Fault", client.request("getPrice", "milk").getName()); } @Test(expected=ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class) public void shouldSimulateAllOperationsCrash() throws Exception { mock = new WSMock("faltySupermarket", "4321", SM_WSDL_URI); mock.crashAll(); mock.start(); // throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException cause WSClient does not find any operation to build the wsdl project WSClient client = new WSClient(MOCK_WSDL_URI); assertNull(client.request("getPrice", "milk")); assertNull(client.request("purchase", "milk")); } }