package eu.choreos.vv.clientgenerator; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import eu.choreos.vv.exceptions.ParserException; /** * JAX-WS tests made with version JAX-WS RI 2.1.2-b05-RC1 * Ruby tests made with version... ??? // TODO * */ public class ResponseParserTest { @Test public void shouldParseASimpleXml() throws ParserException { String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + " xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + " xmlns:tns=\"tns\">" + "<senv:Body>" + " <tns:search_by_brandResponse xmln=\"schema\">" + " <tns:search_by_brandResult>" + " <s1:name>mouse</s1:name>" + " </tns:search_by_brandResult>" + " </tns:search_by_brandResponse>" + "</senv:Body>" + "</senv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(sampleXml); HashMap<String, String> rootParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); rootParameters.put("xmln", "schema"); ItemImpl root = new ItemImpl("search_by_brandResponse", rootParameters); ItemImpl child1 = new ItemImpl("search_by_brandResult"); ItemImpl child2 = new ItemImpl("name"); child2.setContent("mouse"); child1.addChild(child2); root.addChild(child1); assertEquals(root, actual); } @Test public void shouldParseATagWithoutNamespace() throws ParserException, NoSuchFieldException { String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + " xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + " xmlns:tns=\"tns\">" + "<senv:Body>" + " <search_by_brandResponse xmln=\"schema\">" + " <brand>Nike</brand>" + " </search_by_brandResponse>" + "</senv:Body>" + "</senv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(sampleXml); assertEquals("search_by_brandResponse", actual.getName()); assertEquals( "Nike", actual.getChild("brand").getContent()); } @Test (expected=ParserException.class) public void shouldThrowsParse() throws ParserException { String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + " xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + " xmlns:tns=\"tns\">" + " <senv:Body>" + " <brand>Nike</brand>" + "</senv:Body>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); parser.parse(sampleXml); } @Test public void shouldParseASimpleXmlWithLineBreaks() throws ParserException { String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + " xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + " xmlns:tns=\"tns\">\n" + " <senv:Body>\n" + " <tns:search_by_brandResponse>\n" + "<tns:search_by_brandResult>\n" + " <s1:name>mouse</s1:name>\n" + "</tns:search_by_brandResult>\n" + "</tns:search_by_brandResponse>\n" + "</senv:Body>\n" + "</senv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(sampleXml); ItemImpl root = new ItemImpl("search_by_brandResponse"); ItemImpl child1 = new ItemImpl("search_by_brandResult"); ItemImpl child2 = new ItemImpl("name"); child2.setContent("mouse"); child1.addChild(child2); root.addChild(child1); assertEquals((Integer)1, actual.getChildrenCount()); assertEquals(root, actual); } @Test public void shouldParseAnItemWithParameters() throws NoSuchFieldException, ParserException{ String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + " xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + " xmlns:tns=\"tns\">" + " <senv:Body>" + " <tns:search_by_brandResponse>" + "<tns:search_by_brandResult>" + " <s1:name length=\"5\">mouse</s1:name>" + "</tns:search_by_brandResult>" + "</tns:search_by_brandResponse>" + "</senv:Body>" + "</senv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(sampleXml); Item child1 = actual.getChild("search_by_brandResult").getChild("name"); assertEquals("5", child1.getTagAttributes().get("length")); } @Test public void shouldParseAComplexTypeTest() throws ParserException, NoSuchFieldException{ String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + "xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + "xmlns:tns=\"tns\"> " + "<senv:Body>" + "<tns:search_by_categoryResponse>" + "<tns:search_by_categoryResult>" + "<s1:Item>" + "<s1:category>mouse</s1:category>" + "<s1:price>89.2</s1:price>" + "<s1:model>RZG145</s1:model>" + "<s1:brand>Razor</s1:brand>" + "</s1:Item>" + "</tns:search_by_categoryResult>" + "</tns:search_by_categoryResponse>" + "</senv:Body>" + "</senv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(sampleXml); assertEquals("search_by_categoryResponse", actual.getName()); assertEquals((Integer)1, actual.getChildrenCount()); actual = (ItemImpl) actual.getChild("search_by_categoryResult"); ItemImpl expected = new ItemImpl("search_by_categoryResult"); ItemImpl item = new ItemImpl("Item"); ItemImpl childA = new ItemImpl("category"); childA.setContent("mouse"); item.addChild(childA); ItemImpl childB = new ItemImpl("price"); childB.setContent("89.2"); item.addChild(childB); ItemImpl childC = new ItemImpl("model"); childC.setContent("RZG145"); item.addChild(childC); ItemImpl childD = new ItemImpl("brand"); childD.setContent("Razor"); item.addChild(childD); expected.addChild(item); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void shouldPaseComplexTypeListWithEmptySpaces() throws ParserException, NoSuchFieldException{ String sampleXml = "<senv:Envelope " + "xmlns:wsa=\"\" " + "xmlns:tns=\"tns\"> " + "<senv:Body>" + "<tns:search_by_categoryResponse > " + "<tns:search_by_categoryResult >" + " <s1:Item> " + "<s1:category>mouse </s1:category> " + "<s1:price>89.2</s1:price> " + " <s1:model>RZG145</s1:model> " + "<s1:brand>Razor</s1:brand>" + "</s1:Item>" + "<s1:Item>" + "<s1:category>mouse</s1:category>" + "<s1:price>61.0</s1:price>" + "<s1:model>CCCC</s1:model>" + "<s1:brand>Clone</s1:brand>" + "</s1:Item>" + "<s1:Item>" + "<s1:category>mouse</s1:category>" + "<s1:price > 61.0</s1:price> " + " <s1:model>MS23F</s1:model>" + "<s1:brand>Microsoft</s1:brand>" + "</s1:Item>" + "</tns:search_by_categoryResult>" + "</tns:search_by_categoryResponse>" + "</senv:Body>" + "</senv:Envelope>"; ItemImpl expected = new ItemImpl("search_by_categoryResult"); ItemImpl item1 = new ItemImpl("Item"); ItemImpl childA = new ItemImpl("category"); childA.setContent("mouse"); item1.addChild(childA); ItemImpl childB = new ItemImpl("price"); childB.setContent("89.2"); item1.addChild(childB); ItemImpl childC = new ItemImpl("model"); childC.setContent("RZG145"); item1.addChild(childC); ItemImpl childD = new ItemImpl("brand"); childD.setContent("Razor"); item1.addChild(childD); expected.addChild(item1); ItemImpl item2 = new ItemImpl("Item"); childA = new ItemImpl("category"); childA.setContent("mouse"); item2.addChild(childA); childB = new ItemImpl("price"); childB.setContent("61.0"); item2.addChild(childB); childC = new ItemImpl("model"); childC.setContent("CCCC"); item2.addChild(childC); childD = new ItemImpl("brand"); childD.setContent("Clone"); item2.addChild(childD); expected.addChild(item2); ItemImpl item3 = new ItemImpl("Item"); childA = new ItemImpl("category"); childA.setContent("mouse"); item3.addChild(childA); childB = new ItemImpl("price"); childB.setContent("61.0"); item3.addChild(childB); childC = new ItemImpl("model"); childC.setContent("MS23F"); item3.addChild(childC); childD = new ItemImpl("brand"); childD.setContent("Microsoft"); item3.addChild(childD); expected.addChild(item3); ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(sampleXml); assertEquals("search_by_categoryResponse", actual.getName()); assertEquals((Integer)1, actual.getChildrenCount()); actual = (ItemImpl) actual.getChild("search_by_categoryResult"); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testResponseWithNoRootTag() throws NoSuchFieldException, ParserException { String xml = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\">" + " <soapenv:Body>" + " <ns:getItensByBrandResponse xmlns:ns=\"\" xmlns:ax21=\"\" xmlns:ax22=\"\" xmlns:ax26=\"\">" + " <ns:return xsi:type=\"ax26:Item\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + " <ax26:barcode>133</ax26:barcode>" + " <ax26:brand>adidas</ax26:brand>" + " <ax26:description>A Soccershirt</ax26:description>" + " <ax26:name>Soccershirt</ax26:name>" + " <ax26:price>80.0</ax26:price>" + " <ax26:sport>soccer</ax26:sport>" + " </ns:return>" + " <ns:return xsi:type=\"ax26:Item\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + " <ax26:barcode>143</ax26:barcode>" + " <ax26:brand>adidas</ax26:brand>" + " <ax26:description>A Soccerball</ax26:description>" + " <ax26:name>Ball</ax26:name>" + " <ax26:price>20.0</ax26:price>" + " <ax26:sport>soccer</ax26:sport>" + " </ns:return>" + " <ns:return xsi:type=\"ax26:Item\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + " <ax26:barcode>153</ax26:barcode>" + " <ax26:brand>adidas</ax26:brand>" + " <ax26:description>A Soccercleat</ax26:description>" + " <ax26:name>Soccercleat</ax26:name>" + " <ax26:price>90.0</ax26:price>" + " <ax26:sport>soccer</ax26:sport>" + " </ns:return>" + " </ns:getItensByBrandResponse>" + " </soapenv:Body>" + "</soapenv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item actual = parser.parse(xml); assertEquals("getItensByBrandResponse", actual.getName()); List<Item> l = actual.getChildAsList("return"); assertEquals(3, l.size()); assertEquals(new Integer(133), l.get(0).getChild("barcode").getContentAsInt()); assertEquals(new Integer(143), l.get(1).getChild("barcode").getContentAsInt()); assertEquals(new Integer(153), l.get(2).getChild("barcode").getContentAsInt()); } @Test public void shouldParseVoidReturn() throws ParserException { // just testing if no MissingResponseTagException is thrown // On Ruby web services, calling a "void" method returns this SOAP XML as response // // On JAX-WS if the return method signature has any type (not void), // and the method execution returns null // the SOAP response XML will be also like this String sampleXml = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>" + " <ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse xmlns:ns2=\"\"/>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item item = null; item = parser.parse(sampleXml); assertEquals(null, item.getContent()); } @Test public void shouldReturnEmptyStringWithEmptyResponseOnRuby() throws ParserException { // On Ruby web services, returning an empty string is represented by // the following SOAP response XML String sampleXml = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>" + " <ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse xmlns:ns2=\"\">" + " </ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); assertNull(parser.parse(sampleXml).getContent()); } @Test public void shouldReturnStringWhenResponseContentIsOnlyString() throws ParserException { String sampleXml = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>" + " <ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse xmlns:ns2=\"\">" + " this is some content" + " </ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); assertEquals("this is some content", parser.parse(sampleXml).getContent()); } @Test public void shouldReturnEmptyStringWithEmptyResponseOnJaxws() throws ParserException, NoSuchFieldException{ // On JAX-WS, returning an empty string is represented by // the following SOAP response XML String sampleXml = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>" + " <ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse xmlns:ns2=\"\">" + " <return/>" + " </ns2:cancelPurchaseResponse>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); assertNull(parser.parse(sampleXml).getChild("return").getContent()); } @Test public void shouldReturnNullItemWithXmlWithNoResponseTag() throws ParserException, NoSuchFieldException{ // On JAX-WS String sampleXml = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); assertNull(parser.parse(sampleXml)); } @Test public void shouldReturnTheCorrectItemObjectEvenWhenTheMessageContainsResponseTag() throws Exception{ String sampleXml = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\" xmlns:sim=\"\">" + "<soapenv:Header/>" + "<soapenv:Body>" + "<sim:searchByArtist>" + "<!--Optional:-->" + "<arg0>Pink Floyd</arg0>" + "</sim:searchByArtist>" + "</soapenv:Body>" + "</soapenv:Envelope>"; ItemParser parser = new ItemParser(); Item message = parser.parse(sampleXml); assertEquals("Pink Floyd", message.getChild("arg0").getContent()); } }