/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.code.flow; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.GenericVisitor; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Special flow analyzer to determine the return value of the extracted method * and the variables which have to be passed to the method. * * Note: This analyzer doesn't do a full flow analysis. For example it doesn't * do dead code analysis or variable initialization analysis. It analyses the * the first access to a variable (read or write) and if all execution paths * return a value. */ abstract class FlowAnalyzer extends GenericVisitor { static protected class SwitchData { private boolean fHasDefaultCase; private List<IRegion> fRanges = new ArrayList<IRegion>(4); private List<FlowInfo> fInfos = new ArrayList<FlowInfo>(4); public void setHasDefaultCase() { fHasDefaultCase = true; } public boolean hasDefaultCase() { return fHasDefaultCase; } public void add(IRegion range, FlowInfo info) { fRanges.add(range); fInfos.add(info); } public IRegion[] getRanges() { return fRanges.toArray(new IRegion[fRanges.size()]); } public FlowInfo[] getInfos() { return fInfos.toArray(new FlowInfo[fInfos.size()]); } public FlowInfo getInfo(int index) { return fInfos.get(index); } } private HashMap<ASTNode, FlowInfo> fData = new HashMap<ASTNode, FlowInfo>(100); /* package */ FlowContext fFlowContext = null; public FlowAnalyzer(FlowContext context) { fFlowContext = context; } protected abstract boolean createReturnFlowInfo(ReturnStatement node); protected abstract boolean traverseNode(ASTNode node); protected boolean skipNode(ASTNode node) { return !traverseNode(node); } @Override protected final boolean visitNode(ASTNode node) { return traverseNode(node); } //---- Hooks to create Flow info objects. User may introduce their own infos. protected ReturnFlowInfo createReturn(ReturnStatement statement) { return new ReturnFlowInfo(statement); } protected ThrowFlowInfo createThrow() { return new ThrowFlowInfo(); } protected BranchFlowInfo createBranch(SimpleName label) { return new BranchFlowInfo(label, fFlowContext); } protected GenericSequentialFlowInfo createSequential() { return new GenericSequentialFlowInfo(); } protected ConditionalFlowInfo createConditional() { return new ConditionalFlowInfo(); } protected EnhancedForFlowInfo createEnhancedFor() { return new EnhancedForFlowInfo(); } protected ForFlowInfo createFor() { return new ForFlowInfo(); } protected TryFlowInfo createTry() { return new TryFlowInfo(); } protected WhileFlowInfo createWhile() { return new WhileFlowInfo(); } protected IfFlowInfo createIf() { return new IfFlowInfo(); } protected DoWhileFlowInfo createDoWhile() { return new DoWhileFlowInfo(); } protected SwitchFlowInfo createSwitch() { return new SwitchFlowInfo(); } protected BlockFlowInfo createBlock() { return new BlockFlowInfo(); } protected MessageSendFlowInfo createMessageSendFlowInfo() { return new MessageSendFlowInfo(); } protected FlowContext getFlowContext() { return fFlowContext; } //---- Helpers to access flow analysis objects ---------------------------------------- protected FlowInfo getFlowInfo(ASTNode node) { return fData.remove(node); } protected void setFlowInfo(ASTNode node, FlowInfo info) { fData.put(node, info); } protected FlowInfo assignFlowInfo(ASTNode target, ASTNode source) { FlowInfo result = getFlowInfo(source); setFlowInfo(target, result); return result; } protected FlowInfo accessFlowInfo(ASTNode node) { return fData.get(node); } //---- Helpers to process sequential flow infos ------------------------------------- protected GenericSequentialFlowInfo processSequential(ASTNode parent, List<? extends ASTNode> nodes) { GenericSequentialFlowInfo result = createSequential(parent); process(result, nodes); return result; } protected GenericSequentialFlowInfo processSequential(ASTNode parent, ASTNode node1) { GenericSequentialFlowInfo result = createSequential(parent); if (node1 != null) result.merge(getFlowInfo(node1), fFlowContext); return result; } protected GenericSequentialFlowInfo processSequential(ASTNode parent, ASTNode node1, ASTNode node2) { GenericSequentialFlowInfo result = createSequential(parent); if (node1 != null) result.merge(getFlowInfo(node1), fFlowContext); if (node2 != null) result.merge(getFlowInfo(node2), fFlowContext); return result; } protected GenericSequentialFlowInfo createSequential(ASTNode parent) { GenericSequentialFlowInfo result = createSequential(); setFlowInfo(parent, result); return result; } protected GenericSequentialFlowInfo createSequential(List<? extends ASTNode> nodes) { GenericSequentialFlowInfo result = createSequential(); process(result, nodes); return result; } //---- Generic merge methods -------------------------------------------------------- protected void process(GenericSequentialFlowInfo info, List<? extends ASTNode> nodes) { if (nodes == null) return; for (Iterator<? extends ASTNode> iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { info.merge(getFlowInfo(iter.next()), fFlowContext); } } protected void process(GenericSequentialFlowInfo info, ASTNode node) { if (node != null) info.merge(getFlowInfo(node), fFlowContext); } protected void process(GenericSequentialFlowInfo info, ASTNode node1, ASTNode node2) { if (node1 != null) info.merge(getFlowInfo(node1), fFlowContext); if (node2 != null) info.merge(getFlowInfo(node2), fFlowContext); } //---- special visit methods ------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean visit(EmptyStatement node) { // Empty statements aren't of any interest. return false; } @Override public boolean visit(TryStatement node) { if (traverseNode(node)) { fFlowContext.pushExcptions(node); node.getBody().accept(this); fFlowContext.popExceptions(); List<CatchClause> catchClauses = node.catchClauses(); for (Iterator<CatchClause> iter = catchClauses.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { iter.next().accept(this); } Block finallyBlock = node.getFinally(); if (finallyBlock != null) { finallyBlock.accept(this); } } return false; } //---- Helper to process switch statement ---------------------------------------- protected SwitchData createSwitchData(SwitchStatement node) { SwitchData result = new SwitchData(); List<Statement> statements = node.statements(); if (statements.isEmpty()) return result; int start = -1, end = -1; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info = null; for (Iterator<Statement> iter = statements.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Statement statement = iter.next(); if (statement instanceof SwitchCase) { SwitchCase switchCase = (SwitchCase)statement; if (switchCase.isDefault()) { result.setHasDefaultCase(); } if (info == null) { info = createSequential(); start = statement.getStartPosition(); } else { if (info.isReturn() || info.isPartialReturn() || info.branches()) { result.add(new Region(start, end - start + 1), info); info = createSequential(); start = statement.getStartPosition(); } } } else { info.merge(getFlowInfo(statement), fFlowContext); } end = statement.getStartPosition() + statement.getLength() - 1; } result.add(new Region(start, end - start + 1), info); return result; } protected void endVisit(SwitchStatement node, SwitchData data) { SwitchFlowInfo switchFlowInfo = createSwitch(); setFlowInfo(node, switchFlowInfo); switchFlowInfo.mergeTest(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); FlowInfo[] cases= data.getInfos(); for (int i= 0; i < cases.length; i++) switchFlowInfo.mergeCase(cases[i], fFlowContext); switchFlowInfo.mergeDefault(data.hasDefaultCase(), fFlowContext); switchFlowInfo.removeLabel(null); } //---- concret endVisit methods --------------------------------------------------- @Override public void endVisit(AnnotationTypeDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.bodyDeclarations()); info.setNoReturn(); } @Override public void endVisit(AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType(), node.getDefault()); info.setNoReturn(); } @Override public void endVisit(AnonymousClassDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; FlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.bodyDeclarations()); info.setNoReturn(); } @Override public void endVisit(ArrayAccess node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getArray(), node.getIndex()); } @Override public void endVisit(ArrayCreation node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType()); process(info, node.dimensions()); process(info, node.getInitializer()); } @Override public void endVisit(ArrayInitializer node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.expressions()); } @Override public void endVisit(ArrayType node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getElementType()); } @Override public void endVisit(AssertStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; IfFlowInfo info= new IfFlowInfo(); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.mergeCondition(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); info.merge(getFlowInfo(node.getMessage()), null, fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(Assignment node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; FlowInfo lhs= getFlowInfo(node.getLeftHandSide()); FlowInfo rhs= getFlowInfo(node.getRightHandSide()); if (lhs instanceof LocalFlowInfo) { LocalFlowInfo llhs= (LocalFlowInfo)lhs; llhs.setWriteAccess(fFlowContext); if (node.getOperator() != Assignment.Operator.ASSIGN) { GenericSequentialFlowInfo tmp= createSequential(); tmp.merge(new LocalFlowInfo(llhs, FlowInfo.READ, fFlowContext), fFlowContext); tmp.merge(rhs, fFlowContext); rhs= tmp; } } GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= createSequential(node); // first process right and side and then left hand side. info.merge(rhs, fFlowContext); info.merge(lhs, fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(Block node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; BlockFlowInfo info= createBlock(); setFlowInfo(node, info); process(info, node.statements()); } @Override public void endVisit(BooleanLiteral node) { // Leaf node. } @Override public void endVisit(BreakStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; setFlowInfo(node, createBranch(node.getLabel())); } @Override public void endVisit(CastExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getType(), node.getExpression()); } @Override public void endVisit(CatchClause node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getException(), node.getBody()); } @Override public void endVisit(CharacterLiteral node) { // Leaf node. } @Override public void endVisit(ClassInstanceCreation node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getExpression()); process(info, node.getType()); process(info, node.arguments()); process(info, node.getAnonymousClassDeclaration()); } @Override public void endVisit(CompilationUnit node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.imports()); process(info, node.types()); } @Override public void endVisit(ConditionalExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; ConditionalFlowInfo info= createConditional(); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.mergeCondition(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); info.merge( getFlowInfo(node.getThenExpression()), getFlowInfo(node.getElseExpression()), fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(ConstructorInvocation node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.arguments()); } @Override public void endVisit(ContinueStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; setFlowInfo(node, createBranch(node.getLabel())); } @Override public void endVisit(DoStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; DoWhileFlowInfo info= createDoWhile(); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.mergeAction(getFlowInfo(node.getBody()), fFlowContext); info.mergeCondition(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); info.removeLabel(null); } @Override public void endVisit(EmptyStatement node) { // Leaf node. } @Override public void endVisit(EnhancedForStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; EnhancedForFlowInfo forInfo= createEnhancedFor(); setFlowInfo(node, forInfo); forInfo.mergeParameter(getFlowInfo(node.getParameter()), fFlowContext); forInfo.mergeExpression(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); forInfo.mergeAction(getFlowInfo(node.getBody()), fFlowContext); forInfo.removeLabel(null); } @Override public void endVisit(EnumConstantDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.arguments()); process(info, node.getAnonymousClassDeclaration()); } @Override public void endVisit(EnumDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.superInterfaceTypes()); process(info, node.enumConstants()); process(info, node.bodyDeclarations()); info.setNoReturn(); } @Override public void endVisit(ExpressionStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getExpression()); } @Override public void endVisit(FieldAccess node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getExpression(), node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(FieldDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType()); process(info, node.fragments()); } @Override public void endVisit(ForStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; ForFlowInfo forInfo= createFor(); setFlowInfo(node, forInfo); forInfo.mergeInitializer(createSequential(node.initializers()), fFlowContext); forInfo.mergeCondition(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); forInfo.mergeAction(getFlowInfo(node.getBody()), fFlowContext); // Increments are executed after the action. forInfo.mergeIncrement(createSequential(node.updaters()), fFlowContext); forInfo.removeLabel(null); } @Override public void endVisit(IfStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; IfFlowInfo info= createIf(); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.mergeCondition(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); info.merge(getFlowInfo(node.getThenStatement()), getFlowInfo(node.getElseStatement()), fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(ImportDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(InfixExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getLeftOperand(), node.getRightOperand()); process(info, node.extendedOperands()); } @Override public void endVisit(InstanceofExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getLeftOperand(), node.getRightOperand()); } @Override public void endVisit(Initializer node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getBody()); } @Override public void endVisit(Javadoc node) { // no influence on flow analysis } @Override public void endVisit(LabeledStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; FlowInfo info= assignFlowInfo(node, node.getBody()); if (info != null) info.removeLabel(node.getLabel()); } @Override public void endVisit(LambdaExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= createSequential(node); process(info, node.parameters()); process(info, node.getBody()); info.setNoReturn(); } @Override public void endVisit(MarkerAnnotation node) { // nothing to do for marker annotations; } @Override public void endVisit(MemberValuePair node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; FlowInfo name= getFlowInfo(node.getName()); FlowInfo value= getFlowInfo(node.getValue()); if (name instanceof LocalFlowInfo) { LocalFlowInfo llhs= (LocalFlowInfo)name; llhs.setWriteAccess(fFlowContext); } GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= createSequential(node); // first process value and then name. info.merge(value, fFlowContext); info.merge(name, fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(MethodDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getReturnType2()); process(info, node.parameters()); process(info, node.thrownExceptionTypes()); process(info, node.getBody()); } @Override public void endVisit(MethodInvocation node) { endVisitMethodInvocation(node, node.getExpression(), node.arguments(), getMethodBinding(node.getName())); } @Override public void endVisit(NameQualifiedType node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getQualifier(), node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(NormalAnnotation node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getTypeName()); process(info, node.values()); } @Override public void endVisit(NullLiteral node) { // Leaf node. } @Override public void endVisit(NumberLiteral node) { // Leaf node. } @Override public void endVisit(PackageDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(ParameterizedType node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType()); process(info, node.typeArguments()); } @Override public void endVisit(ParenthesizedExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getExpression()); } @Override public void endVisit(PostfixExpression node) { endVisitIncDecOperation(node, node.getOperand()); } @Override public void endVisit(PrefixExpression node) { PrefixExpression.Operator op= node.getOperator(); if (PrefixExpression.Operator.INCREMENT.equals(op) || PrefixExpression.Operator.DECREMENT.equals(op)) { endVisitIncDecOperation(node, node.getOperand()); } else { assignFlowInfo(node, node.getOperand()); } } @Override public void endVisit(PrimitiveType node) { // Leaf node } @Override public void endVisit(QualifiedName node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getQualifier(), node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(QualifiedType node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getQualifier(), node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(ReturnStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; if (createReturnFlowInfo(node)) { ReturnFlowInfo info= createReturn(node); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.merge(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); } else { assignFlowInfo(node, node.getExpression()); } } @Override public void endVisit(SimpleName node) { if (skipNode(node) || node.isDeclaration()) return; IBinding binding= node.resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof IVariableBinding) { IVariableBinding variable= (IVariableBinding)binding; if (!variable.isField()) { setFlowInfo(node, new LocalFlowInfo( variable, FlowInfo.READ, fFlowContext)); } } else if (binding instanceof ITypeBinding) { ITypeBinding type= (ITypeBinding)binding; if (type.isTypeVariable()) { setFlowInfo(node, new TypeVariableFlowInfo(type, fFlowContext)); } } } @Override public void endVisit(SimpleType node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(SingleMemberAnnotation node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getValue()); } @Override public void endVisit(SingleVariableDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; IVariableBinding binding= node.resolveBinding(); LocalFlowInfo nameInfo= null; Expression initializer= node.getInitializer(); if (binding != null && !binding.isField() && initializer != null) { nameInfo= new LocalFlowInfo(binding, FlowInfo.WRITE, fFlowContext); } GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType(), initializer); info.merge(nameInfo, fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(StringLiteral node) { // Leaf node } @Override public void endVisit(SuperConstructorInvocation node) { endVisitMethodInvocation(node, node.getExpression(), node.arguments(), node.resolveConstructorBinding()); } @Override public void endVisit(SuperFieldAccess node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; processSequential(node, node.getQualifier(), node.getName()); } @Override public void endVisit(SuperMethodInvocation node) { endVisitMethodInvocation(node, node.getQualifier(), node.arguments(), getMethodBinding(node.getName())); } @Override public void endVisit(SwitchCase node) { endVisitNode(node); } @Override public void endVisit(SwitchStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; endVisit(node, createSwitchData(node)); } @Override public void endVisit(SynchronizedStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getExpression()); process(info, node.getBody()); } @Override public void endVisit(ThisExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getQualifier()); } @Override public void endVisit(ThrowStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; ThrowFlowInfo info= createThrow(); setFlowInfo(node, info); Expression expression= node.getExpression(); info.merge(getFlowInfo(expression), fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(TryStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; TryFlowInfo info= createTry(); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.mergeTry(getFlowInfo(node.getBody()), fFlowContext); for (Iterator<CatchClause> iter= node.catchClauses().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CatchClause element= iter.next(); info.mergeCatch(getFlowInfo(element), fFlowContext); } info.mergeFinally(getFlowInfo(node.getFinally()), fFlowContext); } // TODO account for enums and annotations @Override public void endVisit(TypeDeclaration node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getSuperclassType()); process(info, node.superInterfaceTypes()); process(info, node.bodyDeclarations()); info.setNoReturn(); } @Override public void endVisit(TypeDeclarationStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getDeclaration()); } @Override public void endVisit(TypeLiteral node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getType()); } @Override public void endVisit(TypeParameter node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getName()); process(info, node.typeBounds()); } @Override public void endVisit(VariableDeclarationExpression node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType()); process(info, node.fragments()); } @Override public void endVisit(VariableDeclarationStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, node.getType()); process(info, node.fragments()); } @Override public void endVisit(VariableDeclarationFragment node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; IVariableBinding binding= node.resolveBinding(); LocalFlowInfo nameInfo= null; Expression initializer= node.getInitializer(); if (binding != null && !binding.isField() && initializer != null) { nameInfo= new LocalFlowInfo(binding, FlowInfo.WRITE, fFlowContext); } GenericSequentialFlowInfo info= processSequential(node, initializer); info.merge(nameInfo, fFlowContext); } @Override public void endVisit(WhileStatement node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; WhileFlowInfo info= createWhile(); setFlowInfo(node, info); info.mergeCondition(getFlowInfo(node.getExpression()), fFlowContext); info.mergeAction(getFlowInfo(node.getBody()), fFlowContext); info.removeLabel(null); } @Override public void endVisit(WildcardType node) { if (skipNode(node)) return; assignFlowInfo(node, node.getBound()); } private void endVisitMethodInvocation(ASTNode node, ASTNode receiver, List<Expression> arguments, IMethodBinding binding) { if (skipNode(node)) return; MessageSendFlowInfo info= createMessageSendFlowInfo(); setFlowInfo(node, info); for (Iterator<Expression> iter= arguments.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Expression arg= iter.next(); info.mergeArgument(getFlowInfo(arg), fFlowContext); } info.mergeReceiver(getFlowInfo(receiver), fFlowContext); } private void endVisitIncDecOperation(Expression node, Expression operand) { if (skipNode(node)) return; FlowInfo info= getFlowInfo(operand); if (info instanceof LocalFlowInfo) { // Normally we should do this in the parent node since the write access take place later. // But I couldn't come up with a case where this influences the flow analysis. So I kept // it here to simplify the code. GenericSequentialFlowInfo result= createSequential(node); result.merge(info, fFlowContext); result.merge( new LocalFlowInfo((LocalFlowInfo)info, FlowInfo.WRITE, fFlowContext), fFlowContext); } else { setFlowInfo(node, info); } } private IMethodBinding getMethodBinding(Name name) { if (name == null) return null; IBinding binding= name.resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof IMethodBinding) return (IMethodBinding)binding; return null; } }