package lecho.lib.hellocharts.samples; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.model.Line; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.model.LineChartData; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.model.PointValue; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.model.Viewport; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.util.ChartUtils; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.view.LineChartView; public class GoodBadChartActivity extends ActionBarActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_good_bad); if (savedInstanceState == null) { getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(, new PlaceholderFragment()).commit(); } } /** * A placeholder fragment containing a simple view. */ public static class PlaceholderFragment extends Fragment { private LineChartView chart; private LineChartData data; public PlaceholderFragment() { } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_good_bad, container, false); chart = (LineChartView) rootView.findViewById(; generateDefaultData(); chart.setLineChartData(data); // Increase viewport height for better look Viewport v = chart.getMaximumViewport(); float dy = v.height() * 0.2f; v.inset(0, -dy); chart.setMaximumViewport(v); chart.setCurrentViewport(v); return rootView; } private void generateDefaultData() { // Generate data, every line has 3 points to form filled triangle. Point radius is set to 1 to be almost // invisible but it has to be there because without points there is not labels. Area transparency is set to // 255(full opacity). // Important note. This example uses negative values, to properly fill area below 0 chart base value have to // be set to 0. That is default base value but if you want to be sure you can call data.setBaseValue(0) // method. Line line; List<PointValue> values; List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); // First good triangle values = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); values.add(new PointValue(0, 0).setLabel("".toCharArray())); values.add(new PointValue(1, 1).setLabel("Very Good:)".toCharArray())); values.add(new PointValue(2, 0).setLabel("".toCharArray())); line = new Line(values); line.setColor(ChartUtils.COLOR_GREEN); line.setAreaTransparency(255); line.setFilled(true); line.setPointRadius(1); line.setHasLabels(true); lines.add(line); // Second good triangle values = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); values.add(new PointValue(3, 0).setLabel("".toCharArray())); values.add(new PointValue(4, 0.5f).setLabel("Good Enough".toCharArray())); values.add(new PointValue(5, 0).setLabel("".toCharArray())); line = new Line(values); line.setColor(ChartUtils.COLOR_GREEN); line.setAreaTransparency(255); line.setFilled(true); line.setPointRadius(1); line.setHasLabels(true); lines.add(line); // Bad triangle values = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); values.add(new PointValue(1, 0).setLabel("".toCharArray())); values.add(new PointValue(2, -1).setLabel("Very Bad".toCharArray())); values.add(new PointValue(3, 0).setLabel("".toCharArray())); line = new Line(values); line.setColor(ChartUtils.COLOR_RED); line.setAreaTransparency(255); line.setFilled(true); line.setPointRadius(1); line.setHasLabels(true); lines.add(line); data = new LineChartData(lines); // *** Important, set base value to 0 to fill negative part of chart. // data.setBaseValue(0); } } }