package lecho.lib.hellocharts.model; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.formatter.AxisValueFormatter; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.formatter.SimpleAxisValueFormatter; import lecho.lib.hellocharts.util.ChartUtils; /** * Single axis model. By default axis is auto-generated. Use {@link #setAutoGenerated(boolean)} to disable axis values * generation and set values manually using {@link #setValues(List)}. If Axis is auto-generated {@link #setValues(List)} * will be ignored but if you set some values Axis will switch to manual mode. Change how axis labels are displayed by * changing formatter {@link #setFormatter(lecho.lib.hellocharts.formatter.AxisValueFormatter)}. Axis can have a name * that should be displayed next to * labels(that depends on renderer implementation), you can change name using {@link #setName(String)}, by default axis * name is empty and therefore not displayed. */ public class Axis { public static final int DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE_SP = 12; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_AXIS_LABEL_CHARS = 3; /** * Text size for axis labels and name. */ private int textSize = DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE_SP; /** * Maximum number of characters used for this axis. Used to determine axis dimensions. */ private int maxLabelChars = DEFAULT_MAX_AXIS_LABEL_CHARS; /** * Axis values, each value will be used to calculate its label position. */ private List<AxisValue> values = new ArrayList<AxisValue>(); /** * Name for this axis. */ private String name; /** * If true axis will be generated to automatically fit chart ranges. * */ private boolean isAutoGenerated = true; /** * If true renderer will draw lines(grid) for this axis. */ private boolean hasLines = false; /** * If true axis labels will be drown inside chart area. */ private boolean isInside = false; /** * Axis labels and name text color. */ private int textColor = Color.LTGRAY; /** * Axis grid lines color. */ private int lineColor = ChartUtils.DEFAULT_DARKEN_COLOR; /** * Typeface for labels and name text. */ private Typeface typeface; /** * Formatter used to format labels. */ private AxisValueFormatter formatter = new SimpleAxisValueFormatter(); /** * If true draws a line between the labels and the graph * */ private boolean hasSeparationLine = true; private boolean hasTiltedLabels = false; /** * Creates auto-generated axis without name and with default formatter. */ public Axis() { } /** * Creates axis with given values(not auto-generated) without name and with default formatter. */ public Axis(List<AxisValue> values) { setValues(values); } public Axis(Axis axis) { =; this.isAutoGenerated = axis.isAutoGenerated; this.hasLines = axis.hasLines; this.isInside = axis.isInside; this.textColor = axis.textColor; this.lineColor = axis.lineColor; this.textSize = axis.textSize; this.maxLabelChars = axis.maxLabelChars; this.typeface = axis.typeface; this.formatter = axis.formatter; this.hasSeparationLine = axis.hasSeparationLine; for (AxisValue axisValue : axis.values) { this.values.add(new AxisValue(axisValue)); } } /** * Generates Axis with values from start to stop inclusive. */ public static Axis generateAxisFromRange(float start, float stop, float step) { List<AxisValue> values = new ArrayList<AxisValue>(); for (float value = start; value <= stop; value += step) { AxisValue axisValue = new AxisValue(value); values.add(axisValue); } Axis axis = new Axis(values); return axis; } /** * Generates Axis with values from given list. */ public static Axis generateAxisFromCollection(List<Float> axisValues) { List<AxisValue> values = new ArrayList<AxisValue>(); int index = 0; for (float value : axisValues) { AxisValue axisValue = new AxisValue(value); values.add(axisValue); ++index; } Axis axis = new Axis(values); return axis; } /** * Generates Axis with values and labels from given lists, both lists must have the same size. */ public static Axis generateAxisFromCollection(List<Float> axisValues, List<String> axisValuesLabels) { if (axisValues.size() != axisValuesLabels.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values and labels lists must have the same size!"); } List<AxisValue> values = new ArrayList<AxisValue>(); int index = 0; for (float value : axisValues) { AxisValue axisValue = new AxisValue(value).setLabel(axisValuesLabels.get(index)); values.add(axisValue); ++index; } Axis axis = new Axis(values); return axis; } public List<AxisValue> getValues() { return values; } public Axis setValues(List<AxisValue> values) { if (null == values) { this.values = new ArrayList<AxisValue>(); } else { this.values = values; } this.isAutoGenerated = false; return this; } public String getName() { return name; } public Axis setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public boolean isAutoGenerated() { return isAutoGenerated; } public Axis setAutoGenerated(boolean isAutoGenerated) { this.isAutoGenerated = isAutoGenerated; return this; } public boolean hasLines() { return hasLines; } public Axis setHasLines(boolean hasLines) { this.hasLines = hasLines; return this; } public int getTextColor() { return textColor; } public Axis setTextColor(int color) { this.textColor = color; return this; } /** * @see #setInside(boolean) */ public boolean isInside() { return isInside; } /** * Set to true if you want axis values to be drawn inside chart area(axis name still will be drawn outside), by * default this is set to false and axis is drawn outside chart area. */ public Axis setInside(boolean isInside) { this.isInside = isInside; return this; } public int getLineColor() { return lineColor; } public Axis setLineColor(int lineColor) { this.lineColor = lineColor; return this; } public int getTextSize() { return textSize; } public Axis setTextSize(int textSize) { this.textSize = textSize; return this; } public int getMaxLabelChars() { return maxLabelChars; } /** * Set maximum number of characters for axis labels, min 0, max 32. */ public Axis setMaxLabelChars(int maxLabelChars) { if (maxLabelChars < 0) { maxLabelChars = 0; } else if (maxLabelChars > 32) { maxLabelChars = 32; } this.maxLabelChars = maxLabelChars; return this; } public Typeface getTypeface() { return typeface; } public Axis setTypeface(Typeface typeface) { this.typeface = typeface; return this; } public AxisValueFormatter getFormatter() { return formatter; } public Axis setFormatter(AxisValueFormatter formatter) { if (null == formatter) { this.formatter = new SimpleAxisValueFormatter(); } else { this.formatter = formatter; } return this; } /** * Set true if you want to draw separation line for this axis, set false to hide separation line, by default true. */ public Axis setHasSeparationLine(boolean hasSeparationLine) { this.hasSeparationLine = hasSeparationLine; return this; } public boolean hasSeparationLine() { return hasSeparationLine; } public boolean hasTiltedLabels() { return hasTiltedLabels; } public Axis setHasTiltedLabels(boolean hasTiltedLabels) { this.hasTiltedLabels = hasTiltedLabels; return this; } }