package; /* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; import org.HdrHistogram.Histogram; import org.HdrHistogram.HistogramLogWriter; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.StressAction.Consumer; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.StressAction.MeasurementSink; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.StressAction.OpMeasurement; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.settings.SettingsLog.Level; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.settings.StressSettings; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.util.JmxCollector; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.util.ResultLogger; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.util.JmxCollector.GcStats; import org.apache.cassandra.stress.util.Uncertainty; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils; public class StressMetrics implements MeasurementSink { private final List<Consumer> consumers = new ArrayList<>(); private final ResultLogger output; private final Thread thread; private final Uncertainty rowRateUncertainty = new Uncertainty(); private final CountDownLatch stopped = new CountDownLatch(1); private final Callable<JmxCollector.GcStats> gcStatsCollector; private final HistogramLogWriter histogramWriter; private final long epochNs = System.nanoTime(); private final long epochMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); private volatile JmxCollector.GcStats totalGcStats = new GcStats(0); private volatile boolean stop = false; private volatile boolean cancelled = false; // collected data for intervals and summary private final Map<String, TimingInterval> opTypeToCurrentTimingInterval = new TreeMap<>(); private final Map<String, TimingInterval> opTypeToSummaryTimingInterval = new TreeMap<>(); private final Queue<OpMeasurement> leftovers = new ArrayDeque<>(); private final TimingInterval totalCurrentInterval; private final TimingInterval totalSummaryInterval; public StressMetrics(ResultLogger output, final long logIntervalMillis, StressSettings settings) { this.output = output; if(settings.log.hdrFile != null) { try { histogramWriter = new HistogramLogWriter(settings.log.hdrFile); histogramWriter.outputComment("Logging op latencies for Cassandra Stress"); histogramWriter.outputLogFormatVersion(); final long roundedEpoch = epochMs - (epochMs%1000); histogramWriter.outputBaseTime(roundedEpoch); histogramWriter.setBaseTime(roundedEpoch); histogramWriter.outputStartTime(roundedEpoch); histogramWriter.outputLegend(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } else { histogramWriter = null; } Callable<JmxCollector.GcStats> gcStatsCollector; totalGcStats = new JmxCollector.GcStats(0); try { gcStatsCollector = new JmxCollector(settings.node.resolveAllPermitted(settings), settings.port.jmxPort); } catch (Throwable t) { if (settings.log.level == Level.VERBOSE) { t.printStackTrace(); } System.err.println("Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these stats"); gcStatsCollector = () -> totalGcStats; } this.gcStatsCollector = gcStatsCollector; this.totalCurrentInterval = new TimingInterval(settings.rate.isFixed); this.totalSummaryInterval = new TimingInterval(settings.rate.isFixed); printHeader("", output); thread = new Thread(() -> { reportingLoop(logIntervalMillis); }); thread.setName("StressMetrics"); } public void start() { thread.start(); } public void waitUntilConverges(double targetUncertainty, int minMeasurements, int maxMeasurements) throws InterruptedException { rowRateUncertainty.await(targetUncertainty, minMeasurements, maxMeasurements); } public void cancel() { cancelled = true; stop = true; thread.interrupt(); rowRateUncertainty.wakeAll(); } public void stop() throws InterruptedException { stop = true; thread.interrupt(); stopped.await(); } private void reportingLoop(final long logIntervalMillis) { // align report timing to the nearest second final long currentTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long startTimeMs = currentTimeMs - (currentTimeMs % 1000); // reporting interval starts rounded to the second long reportingStartNs = (System.nanoTime() - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(currentTimeMs - startTimeMs)); final long parkIntervalNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(logIntervalMillis); try { while (!stop) { final long wakupTarget = reportingStartNs + parkIntervalNs; sleepUntil(wakupTarget); if (stop) { break; } recordInterval(wakupTarget, parkIntervalNs); reportingStartNs += parkIntervalNs; } final long end = System.nanoTime(); recordInterval(end, end - reportingStartNs); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); cancel(); } finally { rowRateUncertainty.wakeAll(); stopped.countDown(); } } private void sleepUntil(final long until) { long parkFor; while (!stop && (parkFor = until - System.nanoTime()) > 0) { LockSupport.parkNanos(parkFor); } } @Override public void record(String opType, long intended, long started, long ended, long rowCnt, long partitionCnt, boolean err) { TimingInterval current = opTypeToCurrentTimingInterval.computeIfAbsent(opType, k -> new TimingInterval(totalCurrentInterval.isFixed)); record(current, intended, started, ended, rowCnt, partitionCnt, err); } private void record(TimingInterval t, long intended, long started, long ended, long rowCnt, long partitionCnt, boolean err) { t.rowCount += rowCnt; t.partitionCount += partitionCnt; if (err) t.errorCount++; if (intended != 0) { t.responseTime().recordValue(ended-intended); t.waitTime().recordValue(started-intended); } final long sTime = ended-started; t.serviceTime().recordValue(sTime); } private void recordInterval(long intervalEnd, long parkIntervalNs) { drainConsumerMeasurements(intervalEnd, parkIntervalNs); GcStats gcStats = null; try { gcStats =; } catch (Exception e) { gcStats = new GcStats(0); } totalGcStats = JmxCollector.GcStats.aggregate(Arrays.asList(totalGcStats, gcStats)); rowRateUncertainty.update(totalCurrentInterval.adjustedRowRate()); if (totalCurrentInterval.operationCount() != 0) { // if there's a single operation we only print the total final boolean logPerOpSummaryLine = opTypeToCurrentTimingInterval.size() > 1; for (Map.Entry<String, TimingInterval> type : opTypeToCurrentTimingInterval.entrySet()) { final String opName = type.getKey(); final TimingInterval opInterval = type.getValue(); if (logPerOpSummaryLine) { printRow("", opName, opInterval, opTypeToSummaryTimingInterval.get(opName), gcStats, rowRateUncertainty, output); } logHistograms(opName, opInterval); opInterval.reset(); } printRow("", "total", totalCurrentInterval, totalSummaryInterval, gcStats, rowRateUncertainty, output); totalCurrentInterval.reset(); } } private void drainConsumerMeasurements(long intervalEnd, long parkIntervalNs) { // record leftover measurements if any int leftoversSize = leftovers.size(); for (int i=0;i<leftoversSize;i++) { OpMeasurement last = leftovers.poll(); if (last.ended <= intervalEnd) { record(last.opType, last.intended, last.started, last.ended, last.rowCnt, last.partitionCnt, last.err); // round robin-ish redistribution of leftovers consumers.get(i%consumers.size()).measurementsRecycling.offer(last); } else { // no record for you! wait one interval! leftovers.offer(last); } } // record interval collected measurements for (Consumer c: consumers) { Queue<OpMeasurement> in = c.measurementsReporting; Queue<OpMeasurement> out = c.measurementsRecycling; OpMeasurement last; while ((last = in.poll()) != null) { if (last.ended > intervalEnd) { // measurements for any given consumer are ordered, we stop when we stop. leftovers.add(last); break; } record(last.opType, last.intended, last.started, last.ended, last.rowCnt, last.partitionCnt, last.err); out.offer(last); } } // set timestamps and summarize for (Entry<String, TimingInterval> currPerOp : opTypeToCurrentTimingInterval.entrySet()) { currPerOp.getValue().endNanos(intervalEnd); currPerOp.getValue().startNanos(intervalEnd-parkIntervalNs); TimingInterval summaryPerOp = opTypeToSummaryTimingInterval.computeIfAbsent(currPerOp.getKey(), k -> new TimingInterval(totalCurrentInterval.isFixed)); summaryPerOp.add(currPerOp.getValue()); totalCurrentInterval.add(currPerOp.getValue()); } totalCurrentInterval.endNanos(intervalEnd); totalCurrentInterval.startNanos(intervalEnd-parkIntervalNs); totalSummaryInterval.add(totalCurrentInterval); } private void logHistograms(String opName, TimingInterval opInterval) { if (histogramWriter == null) return; final long startNs = opInterval.startNanos(); final long endNs = opInterval.endNanos(); logHistogram(opName + "-st", startNs, endNs, opInterval.serviceTime()); logHistogram(opName + "-rt", startNs, endNs, opInterval.responseTime()); logHistogram(opName + "-wt", startNs, endNs, opInterval.waitTime()); } private void logHistogram(String opName, final long startNs, final long endNs, final Histogram histogram) { if (histogram.getTotalCount() != 0) { histogram.setTag(opName); final long relativeStartNs = startNs - epochNs; final long startMs = (long) (1000 *((epochMs + NANOSECONDS.toMillis(relativeStartNs))/1000.0)); histogram.setStartTimeStamp(startMs); final long relativeEndNs = endNs - epochNs; final long endMs = (long) (1000 *((epochMs + NANOSECONDS.toMillis(relativeEndNs))/1000.0)); histogram.setEndTimeStamp(endMs); histogramWriter.outputIntervalHistogram(histogram); } } // PRINT FORMATTING public static final String HEADFORMAT = "%-50s%10s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%7s,%9s,%7s,%7s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%8s"; public static final String ROWFORMAT = "%-50s%10d,%8.0f,%8.0f,%8.0f,%8.1f,%8.1f,%8.1f,%8.1f,%8.1f,%8.1f,%7.1f,%9.5f,%7d,%7.0f,%8.0f,%8.0f,%8.0f,%8.0f"; public static final String[] HEADMETRICS = new String[]{"type", "total ops","op/s","pk/s","row/s","mean","med",".95",".99",".999","max","time","stderr", "errors", "gc: #", "max ms", "sum ms", "sdv ms", "mb"}; public static final String HEAD = String.format(HEADFORMAT, (Object[]) HEADMETRICS); private static void printHeader(String prefix, ResultLogger output) { output.println(prefix + HEAD); } private static void printRow(String prefix, String type, TimingInterval interval, TimingInterval total, JmxCollector.GcStats gcStats, Uncertainty opRateUncertainty, ResultLogger output) { output.println(prefix + String.format(ROWFORMAT, type + ",", total.operationCount(), interval.opRate(), interval.partitionRate(), interval.rowRate(), interval.meanLatencyMs(), interval.medianLatencyMs(), interval.latencyAtPercentileMs(95.0), interval.latencyAtPercentileMs(99.0), interval.latencyAtPercentileMs(99.9), interval.maxLatencyMs(), total.runTimeMs() / 1000f, opRateUncertainty.getUncertainty(), interval.errorCount, gcStats.count, gcStats.maxms, gcStats.summs, gcStats.sdvms, gcStats.bytes / (1 << 20) )); } public void summarise() { output.println("\n"); output.println("Results:"); TimingIntervals opHistory = new TimingIntervals(opTypeToSummaryTimingInterval); TimingInterval history = this.totalSummaryInterval; output.println(String.format("Op rate : %,8.0f op/s %s", history.opRate(), opHistory.opRates())); output.println(String.format("Partition rate : %,8.0f pk/s %s", history.partitionRate(), opHistory.partitionRates())); output.println(String.format("Row rate : %,8.0f row/s %s", history.rowRate(), opHistory.rowRates())); output.println(String.format("Latency mean : %6.1f ms %s", history.meanLatencyMs(), opHistory.meanLatencies())); output.println(String.format("Latency median : %6.1f ms %s", history.medianLatencyMs(), opHistory.medianLatencies())); output.println(String.format("Latency 95th percentile : %6.1f ms %s", history.latencyAtPercentileMs(95.0), opHistory.latenciesAtPercentile(95.0))); output.println(String.format("Latency 99th percentile : %6.1f ms %s", history.latencyAtPercentileMs(99.0), opHistory.latenciesAtPercentile(99.0))); output.println(String.format("Latency 99.9th percentile : %6.1f ms %s", history.latencyAtPercentileMs(99.9), opHistory.latenciesAtPercentile(99.9))); output.println(String.format("Latency max : %6.1f ms %s", history.maxLatencyMs(), opHistory.maxLatencies())); output.println(String.format("Total partitions : %,10d %s", history.partitionCount, opHistory.partitionCounts())); output.println(String.format("Total errors : %,10d %s", history.errorCount, opHistory.errorCounts())); output.println(String.format("Total GC count : %,1.0f", totalGcStats.count)); output.println(String.format("Total GC memory : %s", FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory((long)totalGcStats.bytes, true))); output.println(String.format("Total GC time : %,6.1f seconds", totalGcStats.summs / 1000)); output.println(String.format("Avg GC time : %,6.1f ms", totalGcStats.summs / totalGcStats.count)); output.println(String.format("StdDev GC time : %,6.1f ms", totalGcStats.sdvms)); output.println("Total operation time : " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration( history.runTimeMs(), "HH:mm:ss", true)); output.println(""); // Newline is important here to separate the aggregates section from the END or the next stress iteration } public static void summarise(List<String> ids, List<StressMetrics> summarise, ResultLogger out) { int idLen = 0; for (String id : ids) idLen = Math.max(id.length(), idLen); String formatstr = "%" + idLen + "s, "; printHeader(String.format(formatstr, "id"), out); for (int i = 0 ; i < ids.size() ; i++) { for (Map.Entry<String, TimingInterval> type : summarise.get(i).opTypeToSummaryTimingInterval.entrySet()) { printRow(String.format(formatstr, ids.get(i)), type.getKey(), type.getValue(), type.getValue(), summarise.get(i).totalGcStats, summarise.get(i).rowRateUncertainty, out); } TimingInterval hist = summarise.get(i).totalSummaryInterval; printRow(String.format(formatstr, ids.get(i)), "total", hist, hist, summarise.get(i).totalGcStats, summarise.get(i).rowRateUncertainty, out ); } } public boolean wasCancelled() { return cancelled; } public void add(Consumer consumer) { consumers.add(consumer); } public double opRate() { return totalSummaryInterval.opRate(); } }