package cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.smeny.SmenyController; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.Attendance; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.Role; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.Template; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.TemplateList; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.Typeworkshift; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.User; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.UserRole; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate.Workshift; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.smeny.smeny_gui.SmenyViewController; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.smeny.smeny_main.ResultTableModel; import cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.smeny_service.ServiceFacade; import; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTable; /** * Kontroler pro vsechny formulare v modulu pro planovani pracovnich smen. * * @author Martin Kosek */ public class SmenyController { private static final SmenyController instance = new SmenyController(); private SmenyViewController view; public User user; public String[] prava; private Object[][] tableData = null; private String[] headerNames = new String[]{"Název", "Od", "Do", "Role", "Status"}; //hlavicka tabulky private ResultTableModel modelTypeWorkShift = null; //Formular CreateTemplateForm final int INIT_SIZE = 10; final int COUNT_PARAMETERS = 1; final int EXTEND_SIZE = 3; //tabulku rozsiruje o 3 private Object[][] tableWorkShiftData = new Object[INIT_SIZE][COUNT_PARAMETERS]; //inicializace private ResultTableModel modelWorkShift = new ResultTableModel(new String[]{"Směna"}, tableWorkShiftData); private DefaultComboBoxModel modelRoles = null; private String[] dataList = null; //pro ChooseShiftDialog private String[] dataListForDelete = null; //pro ChooseDeleteShiftDialog private String[] dataListTemplates = null; //pro ChooseTemplateDialog private Object[][] tableTemplateData = null; private String[] headerNameTemplate = new String[]{"Šablona"}; private ResultTableModel modelTemplate = null; public static final String ERROR_ENTERED_DATA = "Chybně zadaná data"; public static final long MAX_LENGTH_DAYS = 90; public static final long DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 3600 * 1000 * 24; //den v milisekundach //Formular planned workshifts private Object[][] tablePlannedWorkShift = null; private ResultTableModel modelPlannedWorkShift = null; //Users private String[] dataListEmployees = null; //pro ChooseEmployeeDialog private int[] userIds = null; //Leader and employee overview private String[] headerOverView = new String[]{"Datum a čas", "Typ směny", "Přihlášení", "Obsazení", "Potvrzení"}; private Object[][] tableWorkShiftOverview = null; private ResultTableModel modelOverviewWorkShift = null; private int[] workShiftIds = null; //slouzi pro ulozeni id pracovnich smen, ktere se zobrazuji v tabulce private String[] datalListLoginUsers = null; //pro chooseEmployeeDialog private int[] usersAttendaceIds = null; //pro chooseEmployeeDialog - evidence id private Date dateFrom = null; private Date dateTo = null; private int week = 0; private Locale currentLocale = new Locale("cs", "CZ"); //Texty pro dialogova okna public static final String INFORMATION_TEXT = "Informace"; public static final String ERROR_TEXT = "Chyba"; //Konstanty pro filtry public enum WorkShiftFilter { ALL, LOGIN, LOGIN_USER, OCCUPATION, UNOCCUPATION, UNCONFIRMED, CONFIRMED, REQUEST_CANCEL, OCCUPATION_USER, ROLE_USER, CONFIRMED_USER, LOGIN_OR_OCCUPATION_USER } public enum DateFilter { ALL_DAYS, COMMON_DAYS, WEEKENDS } public SmenyController() { view = SmenyViewController.getInstance(); } public static SmenyController getInstance() { return instance; } public void run(User user, String[] prava) { this.prava = prava; this.user = user;; } public boolean isActive() { return view.isActive(); } /** * Generuje TableDataModel pro tabulku typu smen. */ public void generateTableDataTypeShifts() throws RemoteException, FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException { List typeWorkshifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTypeWorkShifts(); List rolesList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAllRoles(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); if (typeWorkshifts != null) { tableData = new Object[typeWorkshifts.size()][5]; int i = 0, j = 0; for (Object o : typeWorkshifts) { Typeworkshift shift = (Typeworkshift) o; tableData[i][j++] = shift.getName(); tableData[i][j++] = sdf.format(shift.getFromTime()); tableData[i][j++] = sdf.format(shift.getToTime()); for (Object obj : rolesList) { Role role = (Role) obj; if (role.getRoleId() == shift.getIdWorkshiftRole()) { tableData[i][j++] = role.getName(); break; } } tableData[i][j++] = shift.getStatus(); System.out.println(shift.getName() + " " + shift.getFromTime() + " " + shift.getToTime() + " " + shift.getIdWorkshiftRole() + " " + shift.getStatus()); j = 0; i++; } } modelTypeWorkShift = new ResultTableModel(this.headerNames, this.tableData); } /** * Generuje model pro ComboBox pro formulare CreateShiftForm */ public void generateComboBoxRoles(List<Role> rolesList) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { String[] roles = new String[rolesList.size()]; int iter = 0; for (Object obj : rolesList) { Role role = (Role) obj; roles[iter++] = role.getName(); } modelRoles = new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(roles); } /** * Generuje tabulku se jmeny smen pro dialog ChooseShiftDialo * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NotBoundException */ public void generateDataListWorkShifts() throws FileNotFoundException, RemoteException, NotBoundException { List listTypeWorkshifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTypeWorkShifts(); dataList = new String[listTypeWorkshifts.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { dataList[i] = ((Typeworkshift) (listTypeWorkshifts.get(i))).getName(); } } /** * Generuje tabulku se jmeno smen pro dialog DeleteShiftDialog */ public void generateDataListForDelete() { dataListForDelete = new String[tableWorkShiftData.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dataListForDelete.length; i++) { dataListForDelete[i] = (String) tableWorkShiftData[i][j]; } } /** * Generuje seznam zamestnancu pro formular OverviewLeaderShiftForm . * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void generateDataListEmployees() throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { List usersList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAllUsers(); List userRoleList = null; if (usersList == null || usersList.isEmpty()) { dataListEmployees = new String[1]; dataListEmployees[1] = ""; } else { dataListEmployees = new String[usersList.size()]; userIds = new int[usersList.size()]; User userTemp = null; String userRolesText = "("; Role role = null; int i = 0, j = 0; for (Object o : usersList) { userTemp = (User) o; userRoleList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getUserRoleByUserId(userTemp.getUserId()); for (Object obUserRole : userRoleList) { role = ((UserRole) obUserRole).getRole(); userRolesText += role.getName() + ","; } userRolesText = userRolesText.substring(0, userRolesText.length() - 1);//remove ending comma dataListEmployees[i++] = userTemp.getFirstName() + " " + userTemp.getLastName() + " " + userRolesText + ")"; userIds[j++] = userTemp.getUserId(); userRolesText = "("; } } } public String[] getDataListEmployees() { return dataListEmployees; } /** * Vklada smenu do tabulky se smenami pro vytvoreni sablony ve formulari CreateTemplateForm * @param nameWorkShift */ public void addWorkShift(String nameWorkShift) { int j = 0; boolean changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < tableWorkShiftData.length; i++) { if (tableWorkShiftData[i][j] == null) { tableWorkShiftData[i][j] = nameWorkShift; changed = true; break; } } if (!changed) { //automaticke rozsireni tabulky Object[][] newTable = new Object[tableWorkShiftData.length + EXTEND_SIZE][COUNT_PARAMETERS]; System.arraycopy(tableWorkShiftData, 0, newTable, 0, tableWorkShiftData.length); tableWorkShiftData = newTable; addWorkShift(nameWorkShift); modelWorkShift = new ResultTableModel(new String[]{"Směna"}, tableWorkShiftData); } } /** * Vklada do tabulky smeny ktere jsou ulozeny v sablone. Pouzito ve formulari CreateTemplateForm. * @param templateName Nazev smeny * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NotBoundException */ public void addWorkShiftFromTemplate(String templateName) throws FileNotFoundException, RemoteException, NotBoundException { Template template = ServiceFacade.getInstance().findTemplateByName(templateName); int templateId = template.getIdTemplate(); List templateList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTemplateListByTemplateId(templateId); TemplateList tl = null; Typeworkshift tw = null; for (int i = 0; i < templateList.size(); i++) { tl = (TemplateList) templateList.get(i); tw = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTypeWorkShiftById(tl.getIdTypeworkshift()); addWorkShift(tw.getName()); } } /** * Smaze smenu ze seznamu v dialogu ChooseDeleteShiftDialog * @param index Index na kterem se smena nachazi */ public void deleteWorkShift(int index) { int j = 0; tableWorkShiftData[index][j] = null; for (int i = 0; i < tableWorkShiftData.length; i++) { if (tableWorkShiftData[i][j] == null) { if ((i + 1) < tableWorkShiftData.length) { tableWorkShiftData[i][j] = tableWorkShiftData[i + 1][j]; tableWorkShiftData[i + 1][j] = null; } } } } /** * Smaze tabulku se smenami, ktera se zobrazuje ve formulari CreateTemplateForm */ public void clearTableWorkShiftData() { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tableWorkShiftData.length; i++) { tableWorkShiftData[i][j] = null; } } /** * * @return Tabulka se smenami */ public Object[][] getTableWorkShiftData() { return this.tableWorkShiftData; } /** * Vytiskne obsah tabulky(dvourozmerneho pole) smen * Pouze pro testovaci ucely */ public void printTestTableWorkShiftData() { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tableWorkShiftData.length; i++) { System.out.println(tableWorkShiftData[i][j]); } } /** * Generuje data pro tabulku sablon pro formular CreateTemplateForm * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void generateTableTemplateData() throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { List templates = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTemplates(); if (templates != null) { tableTemplateData = new String[templates.size()][COUNT_PARAMETERS]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tableTemplateData.length; i++) { tableTemplateData[i][j] = ((Template) templates.get(i)).getName(); } } else { tableTemplateData = new String[1][1]; tableTemplateData[0][0] = null; //prazdna tabulka } modelTemplate = new ResultTableModel(headerNameTemplate, tableTemplateData); } /** * Generuje seznam sablon pro ChooseTemplateDialog * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void generateDataListTemplates() throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { List templates = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTemplates(); if (templates != null) { dataListTemplates = new String[templates.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < dataListTemplates.length; i++) { dataListTemplates[i] = ((Template) templates.get(i)).getName(); } } else { dataListTemplates = new String[1]; dataListTemplates[0] = null; //empty table } } /** * Generuje tabulku a nastavuje model planovanych smen od aktualniho data * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void generateTableDataPlannedWorkShifts() throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Date actualDate = new Date(); List workShifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAllActiveWorkShifts(actualDate); int columns = 2; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); if (workShifts == null || workShifts.isEmpty()) { tablePlannedWorkShift = new Object[1][columns]; tablePlannedWorkShift[0][0] = ""; tablePlannedWorkShift[0][1] = ""; } else { tablePlannedWorkShift = new Object[workShifts.size()][2]; Workshift workShift = null; int i = 0, j = 0; List typeWorkshifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTypeWorkShifts(); for (Object o : workShifts) { //set Date of planned workshift workShift = (Workshift) o; tablePlannedWorkShift[i][j++] = sdf.format(workShift.getDateShift()); Typeworkshift typeWorkShift = null; int idTypeWorkShift = workShift.getIdTypeWorkshift(); for (Object ot : typeWorkshifts) { //set name of Workshift typeWorkShift = (Typeworkshift) ot; if (typeWorkShift.getIdTypeWorkshift() == idTypeWorkShift) { tablePlannedWorkShift[i][j++] = typeWorkShift.getName(); break; } } j = 0; i++; } } modelPlannedWorkShift = new ResultTableModel(new String[]{"Datum", "Směna"}, tablePlannedWorkShift); } public List filterWorkShifts(WorkShiftFilter filter, List workShifts) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Workshift ws = null; ListIterator iter = workShifts.listIterator(); switch (filter) { case ALL: //do nothing eg. without filter - show everything break; case ROLE_USER: List userRoles = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getUserRoleByUserId(user.getUserId()); UserRole userRole = null; int roleIdUser = 0; int roleIdWorkShift = 0; Typeworkshift tws = null; List tempWorkShifts = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); for (Object o : userRoles) { userRole = (UserRole) o; roleIdUser = userRole.getRole().getRoleId(); tws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTypeWorkShiftById(ws.getIdTypeWorkshift()); roleIdWorkShift = tws.getIdWorkshiftRole(); if (roleIdUser == roleIdWorkShift) { tempWorkShifts.add(ws); break; } } } workShifts = tempWorkShifts; break; case OCCUPATION_USER: //remove all workshifts that are not occupied with current user while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getIdUser() == null || !(ws.getIdUser().equals(user.getUserId()))) { iter.remove(); } } break; case LOGIN_USER: List attendances = null; int userId = user.getUserId(); List tempWorkShifts1 = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); attendances = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftId(ws.getIdWorkshift()); if (attendances != null) { for (Object o : attendances) { Attendance att = (Attendance) o; if (att.getIdUser() == userId) { tempWorkShifts1.add(ws); break; } } } } workShifts = tempWorkShifts1; break; case OCCUPATION: //select only occupied workshifts while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getIdUser() == null) { iter.remove(); } } break; case UNOCCUPATION: //select only unoccupied workshifts while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getIdUser() != null) { iter.remove(); } } break; case CONFIRMED: //select only confirmed workshifts while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getUserSubmit() == null || !ws.getUserSubmit().equals("Potvrzeno")) { iter.remove(); } } break; case UNCONFIRMED: //select only unconfirmed or request cancel workshifts while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getUserSubmit() != null) { if (ws.getUserSubmit().equals("Potvrzeno")) { iter.remove(); } } } break; case REQUEST_CANCEL: //select only requests for cancel workshifts while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getUserSubmit() == null || !ws.getUserSubmit().equals("Zažádáno o zrušení")) { iter.remove(); } } break; case CONFIRMED_USER: while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getIdUser() != user.getUserId() && (ws.getUserSubmit() == null || !ws.getUserSubmit().equals("Potvrzeno"))) { iter.remove(); } } break; case LOGIN_OR_OCCUPATION_USER: List attendanceList = null; int user_Id = user.getUserId(); List temp_WorkShifts = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ws = (Workshift); if (ws.getIdUser() != null && user_Id == ws.getIdUser()) { //idUser can be null temp_WorkShifts.add(ws); } else { attendanceList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftId(ws.getIdWorkshift()); if (attendanceList != null) { for (Object o : attendanceList) { Attendance att = (Attendance) o; if (att.getIdUser() == user_Id) { temp_WorkShifts.add(ws); break; } } } } } workShifts = temp_WorkShifts; break; default: break; } return workShifts; } /** * Generuje data pro tabulku, kterea se zobrazuje ve formularich * OverviewLeaderShiftForm a OverviewEmployeeShiftForm * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void generateTableWorkShiftsOverview(WorkShiftFilter filter) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { List workShifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getWorkshiftsFromTo(this.dateFrom, this.dateTo); //get all planned workshift from today, not history workShifts = filterWorkShifts(filter, workShifts); int columns = 5; //table has 5 columns SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy", currentLocale); SimpleDateFormat sdfTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm", currentLocale); if (workShifts == null || workShifts.isEmpty()) { tableWorkShiftOverview = new Object[1][columns]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tableWorkShiftOverview[0][i] = null; } showMessageDialogInformation("Žádné směny.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } else { tableWorkShiftOverview = new Object[workShifts.size()][columns]; Workshift workShift = null; workShiftIds = new int[workShifts.size()]; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; List typeWorkshifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getTypeWorkShifts(); Typeworkshift typeWorkShift = null; for (Object o : workShifts) { //set Date of planned workshift workShift = (Workshift) o; int idTypeWorkShift = workShift.getIdTypeWorkshift(); for (Object ot : typeWorkshifts) { //set date and name of Workshift typeWorkShift = (Typeworkshift) ot; if (typeWorkShift.getIdTypeWorkshift() == idTypeWorkShift) { tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = sdfDate.format(workShift.getDateShift()) + " " + sdfTime.format(typeWorkShift.getFromTime()) + "-" + sdfTime.format(typeWorkShift.getToTime()); tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = typeWorkShift.getName(); break; } } List attendanceList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftId(workShift.getIdWorkshift()); if (attendanceList == null) { tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = "Nikdo není přihlášen"; } else { //read users from Attendance and add to table StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); User userTemp = null; for (Object att : attendanceList) { int idUser = ((Attendance) att).getIdUser(); userTemp = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getUserById(idUser); sb.append(userTemp.getFirstName()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(userTemp.getLastName()); sb.append(","); } tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = (sb.toString()).substring(0, sb.toString().length() - 1);//remove last comma } //occupy user StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (workShift.getIdUser() == null) { tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = "Neobsazeno"; } else { //read user in workshit and add to table his/her full name User userOccupy = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getUserById(workShift.getIdUser()); sb.append(userOccupy.getFirstName()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(userOccupy.getLastName()); tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = sb.toString(); } tableWorkShiftOverview[i][j++] = workShift.getUserSubmit() == null ? "Nepotvrzeno" : workShift.getUserSubmit(); workShiftIds[k++] = workShift.getIdWorkshift(); j = 0; i++; } } modelOverviewWorkShift = new ResultTableModel(this.headerOverView, tableWorkShiftOverview); } /** * Ulozi uzivatele do tabulky prihlasenych na smenu (tabulka Attendace) * @param userId id prihalsovaneho uzivatele * @param workShiftId id smeny na kterou se prihlasuje */ public void saveUserToWorkShift(int userIndexId, int workShiftIndexId) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { int userId = userIds[userIndexId]; int workShiftId = this.workShiftIds[workShiftIndexId]; Attendance att = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftAndUser(workShiftId, userId); if (att == null) { loginUserToWorkShifts(userId, workShiftId); } else { this.showErrorMessage("Uživatel je již přihlášen.", ERROR_TEXT); } } /** * Ulozi aktualne prihlasneho uzivatele (prihlasneho do aplikace) * do tabulky prihlasenych na smenu (tabulka Attendace) * @param workShiftId id smeny na kterou se uzivatel hlasi * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void saveCurrentUserToWorkShift(int workShiftId) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Attendance att = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftAndUser(workShiftId, user.getUserId()); if (att == null) { loginUserToWorkShifts(user.getUserId(), workShiftId); showMessageDialogInformation("Uživatel je úspěšně přihlášen.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } else { this.showErrorMessage("Uživatel je již přihlášen", ERROR_TEXT); } } //Save user with userId to all workshifts with the same type workshift at the same date. /** * Ulozi/prihlasi uzivatele do vsech stejnych typu smen, urcenych dle smeny s workShiftId * v danem dni. * @param userId id prihlasovaneho uzivatele * @param workShiftId id vzchozi smeny na kterou se hlasi * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void loginUserToWorkShifts(int userId, int workShiftId) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Workshift ws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getWorkshiftById(workShiftId); int workShiftTypeId = ws.getIdTypeWorkshift(); List listWorkshifts = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getWorkshiftsFromTo(ws.getDateShift(), ws.getDateShift()); Workshift workShift = null; //kontrola jestli neni obsazen ve smenach stejneho typu v dany den boolean isFree = true; for (Object o : listWorkshifts) { workShift = (Workshift) o; if (workShift.getIdUser() != null && workShift.getIdUser() == userId && workShift.getIdTypeWorkshift() == workShiftTypeId) { isFree = false; break; } } if (isFree) { for (Object o : listWorkshifts) { workShift = (Workshift) o; if (workShift.getIdTypeWorkshift() == workShiftTypeId) { ServiceFacade.getInstance().createNewAttendance(userId, workShift.getIdWorkshift()); } } } else { this.showErrorMessage("Uživatel je již obsazen na směnu stejného typu.", ERROR_TEXT); } } /** * Generuje seznam prihlasenych uzivatelu na smenu s workShiftId pro dialog ChooseOcuppyEmployeeDialog * @param workShiftId id smeny * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void generateDataListLoginUsers(int workShiftId) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { List attendanceList = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftId(workShiftId); if (attendanceList == null || attendanceList.isEmpty()) { this.showErrorMessage("Nikdo není přihlášen.", ERROR_TEXT); usersAttendaceIds = null; datalListLoginUsers = new String[0]; } else { Attendance attendance = null; int userId = 0; int i = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); User userTemp = null; datalListLoginUsers = new String[attendanceList.size()]; usersAttendaceIds = new int[attendanceList.size()]; for (Object item : attendanceList) { attendance = (Attendance) item; userId = attendance.getIdUser(); userTemp = (User) ServiceFacade.getInstance().getUserById(userId); sb.append(userTemp.getFirstName()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(userTemp.getLastName()); datalListLoginUsers[i] = sb.toString(); sb.delete(0, sb.length()); usersAttendaceIds[i] = userTemp.getUserId(); i++; } } } /** * Prihlaseny uzivatel se ulozi jako obsazeny uzivatel na konkretni smenu. * Bude smazan z prihlasenych. * @param userId id uzivatele * @param workShiftId id pracovni smeny * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void saveOccupyUser(int userId, int workShiftId) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Workshift ws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getWorkshiftById(workShiftId); if (ws.getIdUser() != null) { this.showErrorMessage("Směna je již obsazena.", ERROR_TEXT); } else { boolean result = ServiceFacade.getInstance().updateWorkshiftLogin(workShiftId, userId); if (result) { ServiceFacade.getInstance().deleteAttendences(ws.getDateShift(), ws.getIdTypeWorkshift(), userId); } } } /** * Zrusi obsazeni smeny danym uzivatelem. * @param workShiftId id uzivatele * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void cancelOccupationWorkshift(JTable table) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { int rowNumber = table.getSelectedRow(); boolean resultUpdate = false; int workShiftId = -1; if (rowNumber > -1) { int resultUI = showConfirmDialogStandard("Opravdu zrušit obsazení?", "Dotaz"); if (resultUI == 0) { workShiftId = getWorkShiftIdFromOverViewTable(rowNumber); resultUpdate = ServiceFacade.getInstance().updateWorkshiftLogin(workShiftId, null); if (resultUpdate) { updateOccupationMessage(workShiftId, "Nepotvrzeno"); showMessageDialogInformation("Obsazení směny bylo uvolněno.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } else { this.showErrorMessage("Nepodařilo se zrušit obsazení směny.", ERROR_TEXT); } } } else { showMessageDialogInformation("Vyberte řádek", INFORMATION_TEXT); } } /** * Odhlasi aktualne prihlaseneho uzivatele ze smeny na kterou je prihlasen. * * @param workShiftId id smeny * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void logoutCurrentUserFromWorkShift(int workShiftId) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Attendance att = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getAttendaceByWorkShiftAndUser(workShiftId, user.getUserId()); if (att == null) { this.showErrorMessage("Na tuto směnu nejste přihlášen/a.", ERROR_TEXT); } else { Workshift ws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getWorkshiftById(workShiftId); ServiceFacade.getInstance().deleteAttendences(ws.getDateShift(), ws.getIdTypeWorkshift(), this.user.getUserId()); this.showMessageDialogInformation("Byl/a jste úspěšně odhlášen ze směny.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } } /** * Aktualizuje textovou informaci o stavu smeny pro aktualne prihlaseneho uzivatele * @param idWorkshift id smeny * @param message informace * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void updateOccupationMessageUser(int idWorkshift, String message) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { Workshift ws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getWorkshiftById(idWorkshift); if (ws.getIdUser().equals(user.getUserId())) { ServiceFacade.getInstance().updateWorkshiftOccupation(ws.getIdWorkshift(), message); this.showMessageDialogInformation("Akce úspěšně provedena.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } else { this.showErrorMessage("Akce se nezdařila. Nejste obsazen/a do vybrané směny.", ERROR_TEXT); } } /** * Aktualizuje textovou informaci o stavu smeny. * @param idWorkshift * @param message * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public void updateOccupationMessage(int idWorkshift, String message) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { ServiceFacade.getInstance().updateWorkshiftOccupation(idWorkshift, message); } public String[] getDataListLoginUsers() { return this.datalListLoginUsers; } public int getWorkShiftIdFromOverViewTable(int row) { return this.workShiftIds[row]; } public ResultTableModel getModelOverviewWorkShift() { return this.modelOverviewWorkShift; } public String[] getDataListTemplates() { return this.dataListTemplates; } public ResultTableModel getModelTypeWorkShift() { return modelTypeWorkShift; } public ResultTableModel getModelWorkShift() { return modelWorkShift; } public DefaultComboBoxModel getModelRoles() { return modelRoles; } public ResultTableModel getModelTemplate() { return modelTemplate; } public ResultTableModel getModelPlannedWorkShift() { return this.modelPlannedWorkShift; } public String[] getDataListWorkShifts() { return this.dataList; } public String[] getDataListForDelete() { return this.dataListForDelete; } public boolean isTableEmpty(Object[][] table) { int j = 0; boolean empty = true; for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { if (table[i][j] != null) { empty = false; break; } } return empty; } /** * Ulozi sablonu daneho nazvu. * * @param templateName nazev sablony * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public boolean saveTemplate(String templateName) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { boolean process = true; if (templateName.trim().equals("")) { showErrorMessage("Zadejte název šablony.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (templateName.trim().length() > 50) { showErrorMessage("Příliš dlouhý název šablony (max. 50 znaků).", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (ServiceFacade.getInstance().findTemplateByName(templateName) != null) { showErrorMessage("Šablona stejného názvu již existuje.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } Object[][] table = SmenyController.getInstance().getTableWorkShiftData(); if (isTableEmpty(table)) { showErrorMessage("Vložte alespoň jednu směnu.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (process) { //save name of the template Template template = new Template(); template.setName(templateName); ServiceFacade.getInstance().creatNewTemplate(template); //save workshifts connected with saved template template = ServiceFacade.getInstance().findTemplateByName(templateName); int idTemplate = template.getIdTemplate(); Typeworkshift tws = null; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { if (table[i][j] != null) { tws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().findTypeworkshiftByName((String) table[i][j]); ServiceFacade.getInstance().createNewTemplateList(idTemplate, tws.getIdTypeWorkshift()); } } showMessageDialogInformation("Šablona uložena.", "Úspěšné uložení."); } return process; } /** * Smaze natrvalo sablonu. * @param templateName nazev sablony * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NotBoundException */ public void deleteTemplateByName(String templateName) throws FileNotFoundException, RemoteException, NotBoundException { if (templateName == null || templateName.trim().equals("")) { this.showErrorMessage("Šablona nebyla vybrána.", ERROR_TEXT); } else { ServiceFacade.getInstance().deleteTemplateByName(templateName); this.showMessageDialogInformation("Šablona úspěšně smazána.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } } /** * Ulozi typ pracovni smeny do databaze. Pouzito ve formulari CreateShiftForm * @param shiftName nazev smeny * @param roleName nazev role * @param dateFrom cas trvani smeny "od" * @param dateTo cas trvani smeny "do" * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public boolean saveTypeWorkshift(String shiftName, String roleName, Date dateFrom, Date dateTo) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { boolean process = true; if (shiftName.trim().equals("")) { this.showErrorMessage("Zadejte název směny.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (shiftName.trim().length() > 50) { showErrorMessage("Příliš dlouhý název směny (max. 50 znaků).", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (ServiceFacade.getInstance().findTypeworkshiftByName(shiftName) != null) { showErrorMessage("Typ směny stejného názvu již existuje.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (dateFrom.equals(dateTo)) { showErrorMessage("Čas \"Od\" musí být různý \"Do.\"", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (process) { Typeworkshift tw = new Typeworkshift(); tw.setName(shiftName); tw.setFromTime(dateFrom); tw.setToTime(dateTo); tw.setStatus(1); Role role = ServiceFacade.getInstance().getRoleByName(roleName); tw.setIdWorkshiftRole(role.getRoleId()); ServiceFacade.getInstance().createNewTypewWorkShift(tw); showMessageDialogInformation("Typ směny byl uložen.", INFORMATION_TEXT); } return process; } /** * Spocita pocet dni z milisekund. * @param time cas v milisekundach * @return days pocet dni */ private long getDays(long time) { return time / 1000 / 3600 / 24; } /** * Ulozi pracovni smenu do dnu v rozmezi zadanych datumu. * @param dateFrom datum "od" * @param dateTo datum "do" * @param filter filtr dle ktereho se smeny ukladaji * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NotBoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public boolean saveWorkShifts(Date dateFrom, Date dateTo, DateFilter filter) throws FileNotFoundException, NotBoundException, RemoteException { boolean process = true; if (dateFrom == null || dateTo == null) { showErrorMessage("Zadejte obě data.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (dateFrom.after(dateTo)) { showErrorMessage("Datum do musí být větší než datum od.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } long resultDays = getDays(dateTo.getTime() - dateFrom.getTime()); if (resultDays > MAX_LENGTH_DAYS) { showErrorMessage("Maximální doba na plánování jsou 3 měsíce.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } Object[][] table = SmenyController.getInstance().getTableWorkShiftData(); if (isTableEmpty(table)) { showErrorMessage("Vložte alespoň jednu směnu.", SmenyController.ERROR_ENTERED_DATA); process = false; } if (process) { Typeworkshift tws = null; int idTypeWorkShift = 0; long dateFromMills = dateFrom.getTime(); long dateToMills = dateTo.getTime(); Date tempDate = null; int j = 0; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(currentLocale); boolean isToSave = false; for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { if (table[i][j] != null) { tws = ServiceFacade.getInstance().findTypeworkshiftByName((String) table[i][j]); idTypeWorkShift = tws.getIdTypeWorkshift(); //save workshift to each day do { tempDate = new Date(dateFromMills); cal.setTime(tempDate); switch (filter) { case ALL_DAYS: isToSave = true; break; case COMMON_DAYS: //czech week - common days 2-6 if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) >= Calendar.MONDAY && cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) <= Calendar.FRIDAY) { isToSave = true; } break; case WEEKENDS: //czech weekends 7 (Saturaday), 1 (Sunday) if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY || cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY) { isToSave = true; } break; default: isToSave = true; break; } if (isToSave) { ServiceFacade.getInstance().createNewWorkshift(tempDate, idTypeWorkShift); isToSave = false; } dateFromMills += DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS; //add one day } while (dateFromMills <= dateToMills); dateFromMills = dateFrom.getTime(); } } showMessageDialogInformation("Pracovní směny uloženy.", "Úspěšné uložení dat"); } return process; } public int getUserAttendanceId(int indexUserId) { return usersAttendaceIds[indexUserId]; } public User getCurrentUser() { return this.user; } /** * Zobrazi chybovou zpravu v samostatnem dialogovem okne. * @param error popis chyby * @param title titulek okna */ public void showErrorMessage(String error, String title) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, error, title, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } /** * Zobrazi spravu v samostatnem dialogovem okne. * @param text text zpravy * @param title titulek okna */ public void showMessageDialogInformation(String text, String title) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, text, title, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } /** * Klasicke Ano/Ne potvrzovací okno * @param text Popis * @param title titulek okna * @return 0, pokud klikne na ano */ public int showConfirmDialogStandard(String text, String title) { return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, text, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } public Date getDateFrom() { return dateFrom; } public void setDateFrom(Date dateFrom) { this.dateFrom = dateFrom; } public Date getDateTo() { return dateTo; } public void setDateTo(Date dateTo) { this.dateTo = dateTo; } /** * Return the week in wchich is the selected date. * @return the week */ public int getWeek() { return week; } public void setWeek(int week) { this.week = week; } /** * Nastavuje tyden, datum prvniho a posledniho dne v tydnu pro listovani * v tabulce planovanych smen. */ public void initRangeDate(Locale locale) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); Date date = new Date(); cal.setTime(date); int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); int firstDayOfWeek = cal.getFirstDayOfWeek(); int diff = 0; //universal for all locales if (day >= firstDayOfWeek) { diff = firstDayOfWeek - day; } else { if (diff == -1) { //sunday diff = -6; } if (diff == -2) { //saturday diff = -5; } } setWeek(cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR)); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, diff);//first date of the week setDateFrom(cal.getTime()); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 6);//last date of the week setDateTo(cal.getTime()); } }