package cz.cvut.fel.restauracefel.hibernate; import java.util.List; /** * @author Tomas Hnizdil */ public class Account extends DBEntity { private static final long serialVersionUID = -345056626508032692L; private Integer accountId; private String name; private Table table; private User user; private AccountStatusType accountStatusType; private AccountCategory accountCategory; private DiscountType discountType; private String note; private int isDeleted; public Account() { } public Account(String name, AccountStatusType accountStatusType, AccountCategory accountCategory, Table table, User user, DiscountType discountType, String note, int isDeleted) { = name; this.accountStatusType = accountStatusType; this.accountCategory = accountCategory; this.table = table; this.user = user; this.discountType = discountType; this.note = note; this.isDeleted = isDeleted; } public Integer getAccountId() { return this.accountId; } public void setAccountId(Integer accountId) { this.accountId = accountId; } public String getName() { return; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public AccountStatusType getAccountStatusType() { return this.accountStatusType; } public void setAccountStatusType(AccountStatusType accountstatustype) { this.accountStatusType = accountstatustype; } public AccountCategory getAccountCategory() { return this.accountCategory; } public void setAccountCategory(AccountCategory accountCategory) { this.accountCategory = accountCategory; } public Table getTable() { return this.table; } public void setTable(Table table) { this.table = table; } public User getUser() { return this.user; } public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } public DiscountType getDiscountType() { return this.discountType; } public void setDiscountType(DiscountType discountType) { this.discountType = discountType; } public String getNote() { return this.note; } public void setNote(String note) { this.note = note; } public int getIsDeleted() { return isDeleted; } public void setIsDeleted(int isDeleted) { this.isDeleted = isDeleted; } public void create() { create(this); } public void delete() { delete(this); } public void update() { update(this); } public static Account findById(Integer id) { return (Account) findByIdNotDeleted("Account", "accountId", id, "isDeleted", 0); } public static Account findByName(String name) { //return (Account) findByStringNameNotDeleted("Account", "name", name, "isDeleted", 0); return findByNameAndAccountStatusType(name, 1); } public static Account findByNameAndAccountStatusType(String name, Integer accountStatusTypeId) { String query = "from Account ac where = :id1 and accountStatusType.accountStatusTypeId = :id2 and ac.isDeleted = :id3 "; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"id1", "id2", "id3"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"String", "Integer", "Integer"}; Object[] paramValues = new Object[] {name, accountStatusTypeId, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return (Account) res.get(0); } public static List findByTable(Integer tableId) { String query = "from Account ac where ac.table.tableId = :id1 and ac.isDeleted = :id2 "; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"id1", "id2"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"Integer", "Integer"}; Integer[] paramValues = new Integer[] {tableId, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return res; } public static List findByUser(Integer userId) { String query = "from Account ac where ac.user.userId = :id1 and ac.isDeleted = :id2 "; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"id1", "id2"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"Integer", "Integer"}; Integer[] paramValues = new Integer[] {userId, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return res; } public static List findByDiscountType(Integer discountTypeId) { String query = "from Account ac where ac.discountType.discountTypeId = :id1 and ac.isDeleted = :id2 "; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"id1", "id2"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"Integer", "Integer"}; Integer[] paramValues = new Integer[] {discountTypeId, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return res; } public static List findByAccountCategory(Integer accountCategoryId) { String query = "from Account ac where ac.accountCategory.accountCategoryId = :id1 and ac.isDeleted = :id2 "; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"id1", "id2"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"Integer", "Integer"}; Integer[] paramValues = new Integer[] {accountCategoryId, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return res; } public static List findByAccountStatusType(Integer accountStatusTypeId) { String query = "from Account ac where ac.accountStatusType.accountStatusTypeId = :id1 and ac.isDeleted = :id2 "; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"id1", "id2"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"Integer", "Integer"}; Integer[] paramValues = new Integer[] {accountStatusTypeId, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return res; } public static List findByDate(String dateFrom, String dateTo) { String query = "from Account ac where ac.accountId in (select o.account.accountId from Order o where o.time > :date1 and o.time < :date2 and o.isDeleted = :id2) and ac.isDeleted = :id2"; String[] paramNames = new String[] {"date1", "date2", "id2"}; String[] paramTypes = new String[] {"String", "String", "Integer"}; Object[] paramValues = new Object[] {dateFrom, dateTo, 0}; List res = executeQuery(query, paramNames, paramTypes, paramValues); if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) return null; return res; } //vraci vsechny ucty, ktere nejsou oznaceny jako smazane public static List findAll() { return findAllNotDeleted("Account", "isDeleted", 0); } }