/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2015, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.unifiedendpoint.core.utils; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAbstractFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNode; import org.apache.axiom.soap.*; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class SOAPUtils { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SOAPUtils.class); /** * Converts the SOAP version of the message context. Creates a new envelope of the given SOAP * version, copy headers and bodies from the old envelope and sets the new envelope to the same * message context. * * @param axisOutMsgCtx messageContext where version conversion is done * @param soapVersionURI either org.apache.axis2.namespace.Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENV or * org.apache.axis2.namespace.Constants.URI_SOAP11_ENV * @throws AxisFault in case of an error in conversion */ public static void convertSoapVersion(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisOutMsgCtx, String soapVersionURI) throws AxisFault { if (org.apache.axis2.namespace.Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENV.equals(soapVersionURI)) { convertSOAP11toSOAP12(axisOutMsgCtx); } else if (org.apache.axis2.namespace.Constants.URI_SOAP11_ENV.equals(soapVersionURI)) { convertSOAP12toSOAP11(axisOutMsgCtx); } else { throw new AxisFault("Invalid soapVersionURI:" + soapVersionURI); } } private static String SOAP_ATR_ACTOR = "actor"; private static String SOAP_ATR_ROLE = "role"; private static String SOAP_ATR_MUST_UNDERSTAND = "mustUnderstand"; /** * Converts the version of the the message context to 1.2. * <br /> * <b>Message Changes:</b> * <ol> * <li>Convert envelope, header elements</li> * <li>For each header block convert attribute actor to role</li> * <li>For each header block convert mustUnderstand value type</li> * <li>For each header block remove 1.1 namespaced other attributes</li> * </ol> * * <b>Fault Changes:</b> * <ol> * <li>Convert fault element</li> * <li>faultcode to Fault/Code</li> * <li>faultstring to First Fault/Reason/Text with lang=en</li> * </ol> * * @param axisOutMsgCtx message context to be converted * @throws AxisFault incase conversion process fails */ public static void convertSOAP11toSOAP12( org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisOutMsgCtx) throws AxisFault { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("convert SOAP11 to SOAP12"); } SOAPEnvelope oldEnvelope = axisOutMsgCtx.getEnvelope(); SOAPFactory soap12Factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory(); SOAPEnvelope newEnvelope = soap12Factory.getDefaultEnvelope(); if (oldEnvelope.getHeader() != null) { Iterator itr = oldEnvelope.getHeader().getChildren(); while (itr.hasNext()) { OMNode omNode = (OMNode) itr.next(); if (omNode instanceof SOAPHeaderBlock) { SOAPHeaderBlock soapHeader = (SOAPHeaderBlock) omNode; SOAPHeaderBlock newSOAPHeader = soap12Factory.createSOAPHeaderBlock( soapHeader.getLocalName(), soapHeader.getNamespace()); Iterator allAttributes = soapHeader.getAllAttributes(); while(allAttributes.hasNext()) { OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute) allAttributes.next(); if(attr.getNamespace() != null && SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI.equals( attr.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI())) { String attrName = attr.getLocalName(); if(SOAP_ATR_ACTOR.equals(attrName)) { OMAttribute newAtr = omNode.getOMFactory().createOMAttribute( SOAP_ATR_ROLE, newEnvelope.getNamespace(), attr.getAttributeValue()); newSOAPHeader.addAttribute(newAtr); } else if(SOAP_ATR_MUST_UNDERSTAND.equals(attrName)) { boolean isMustUnderstand = soapHeader.getMustUnderstand(); newSOAPHeader.setMustUnderstand(isMustUnderstand); } else { log.warn("removed unsupported attribute from SOAP 1.1 " + "namespace when converting to SOAP 1.2:" + attrName); } } else { newSOAPHeader.addAttribute(attr); } Iterator itrChildren = soapHeader.getChildren(); while (itrChildren.hasNext()) { OMNode node = (OMNode) itrChildren.next(); itrChildren.remove(); newSOAPHeader.addChild(node); } newEnvelope.getHeader().addChild(newSOAPHeader); } // while(allAttributes.hasNext()) } else { itr.remove(); newEnvelope.getHeader().addChild(omNode); } } // while (itr.hasNext()) } // if (clonedOldEnv.getHeader() != null) if (oldEnvelope.getBody() != null) { Iterator itrBodyChildren = oldEnvelope.getBody().getChildren(); while (itrBodyChildren.hasNext()) { OMNode omNode = (OMNode) itrBodyChildren.next(); if (omNode != null && omNode instanceof SOAPFault) { SOAPFault soapFault = (SOAPFault) omNode; SOAPFault newSOAPFault = soap12Factory.createSOAPFault(); newEnvelope.getBody().addChild(newSOAPFault); // get the existing envelope SOAPFaultCode code = soapFault.getCode(); if(code != null) { SOAPFaultCode newSOAPFaultCode = soap12Factory.createSOAPFaultCode(); newSOAPFault.setCode(newSOAPFaultCode); QName s11Code = code.getTextAsQName(); if (s11Code != null) { // get the corresponding SOAP12 fault code // for the provided SOAP11 fault code SOAPFaultValue newSOAPFaultValue = soap12Factory.createSOAPFaultValue(newSOAPFaultCode); newSOAPFaultValue.setText(getMappingSOAP12Code(s11Code)); } } SOAPFaultReason reason = soapFault.getReason(); if(reason != null) { SOAPFaultReason newSOAPFaultReason = soap12Factory.createSOAPFaultReason(newSOAPFault); String reasonText = reason.getText(); if(reasonText != null) { SOAPFaultText newSOAPFaultText = soap12Factory.createSOAPFaultText(newSOAPFaultReason); newSOAPFaultText.setLang("en"); // hard coded newSOAPFaultText.setText(reasonText); } newSOAPFault.setReason(newSOAPFaultReason); } SOAPFaultDetail detail = soapFault.getDetail(); if(detail != null) { SOAPFaultDetail newSOAPFaultDetail = soap12Factory.createSOAPFaultDetail(newSOAPFault); Iterator<OMElement> iter = detail.getAllDetailEntries(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OMElement detailEntry = iter.next(); iter.remove(); newSOAPFaultDetail.addDetailEntry(detailEntry); } newSOAPFault.setDetail(newSOAPFaultDetail); } } else { itrBodyChildren.remove(); newEnvelope.getBody().addChild(omNode); } // if (omNode instanceof SOAPFault) } // while (itrBodyChildren.hasNext()) } //if (clonedOldEnv.getBody() != null) axisOutMsgCtx.setEnvelope(newEnvelope); } /** * Converts the version of the the message context to 1.1. * <br /> * <b>Message Changes:</b> * <ol> * <li>Convert envelope, header elements</li> * <li>For each header block convert attribute role to actor</li> * <li>For each header block convert mustUnderstand value type</li> * <li>For each header block remove 1.2 namespaced other attributes</li> * </ol> * * <b>Fault Changes:</b> * <ol> * <li>Convert fault element</li> * <li>Fault/Code to faultcode</li> * <li>First Fault/Reason/Text to faultstring</li> * </ol> * @param axisOutMsgCtx message context to be converted * @throws AxisFault in case of an error in conversion */ public static void convertSOAP12toSOAP11( org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisOutMsgCtx) throws AxisFault { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("convert SOAP12 to SOAP11"); } SOAPEnvelope oldEnvelope = axisOutMsgCtx.getEnvelope(); SOAPFactory soap11Factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory(); SOAPEnvelope newEnvelope = soap11Factory.getDefaultEnvelope(); if (oldEnvelope.getHeader() != null) { Iterator itr = oldEnvelope.getHeader().getChildren(); while (itr.hasNext()) { OMNode omNode = (OMNode) itr.next(); if (omNode instanceof SOAPHeaderBlock) { SOAPHeaderBlock soapHeaderBlock = (SOAPHeaderBlock) omNode; SOAPHeaderBlock newSOAPHeader = soap11Factory.createSOAPHeaderBlock( soapHeaderBlock.getLocalName(), soapHeaderBlock.getNamespace()); Iterator allAttributes = soapHeaderBlock.getAllAttributes(); while(allAttributes.hasNext()) { OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute) allAttributes.next(); if (attr.getNamespace() != null && SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI.equals( attr.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI())) { String attrName = attr.getLocalName(); if (SOAP_ATR_ROLE.equals(attrName)) { OMAttribute newAtr = omNode.getOMFactory().createOMAttribute( SOAP_ATR_ACTOR, newEnvelope.getNamespace(), attr.getAttributeValue()); newSOAPHeader.addAttribute(newAtr); } else if(SOAP_ATR_MUST_UNDERSTAND.equals(attrName)) { boolean isMustUnderstand = soapHeaderBlock.getMustUnderstand(); newSOAPHeader.setMustUnderstand(isMustUnderstand); } else { log.warn("removed unsupported attribute from SOAP 1.2 " + "namespace when converting to SOAP 1.1:" + attrName); } } else { newSOAPHeader.addAttribute(attr); } Iterator itrChildren = soapHeaderBlock.getChildren(); while (itrChildren.hasNext()) { OMNode node = (OMNode) itrChildren.next(); itrChildren.remove(); newSOAPHeader.addChild(node); } newEnvelope.getHeader().addChild(newSOAPHeader); } } else { itr.remove(); newEnvelope.getHeader().addChild(omNode); } } } if (oldEnvelope.getBody() != null) { if (oldEnvelope.hasFault()) { SOAPFault soapFault = oldEnvelope.getBody().getFault(); SOAPFault newSOAPFault = soap11Factory.createSOAPFault(); newEnvelope.getBody().addChild(newSOAPFault); SOAPFaultCode code = soapFault.getCode(); if(code != null) { SOAPFaultCode newSOAPFaultCode = soap11Factory.createSOAPFaultCode(newSOAPFault); SOAPFaultValue value = code.getValue(); if(value != null) { // get the corresponding SOAP12 fault code // for the provided SOAP11 fault code soap11Factory.createSOAPFaultValue(newSOAPFaultCode); if(value.getTextAsQName() != null) { newSOAPFaultCode.setText( getMappingSOAP11Code(value.getTextAsQName())); } } } SOAPFaultReason reason = soapFault.getReason(); if(reason != null) { SOAPFaultReason newSOAPFaultReason = soap11Factory.createSOAPFaultReason(newSOAPFault); List allSoapTexts = reason.getAllSoapTexts(); Iterator iterAllSoapTexts = allSoapTexts.iterator(); if (iterAllSoapTexts.hasNext()) { SOAPFaultText soapFaultText = (SOAPFaultText) iterAllSoapTexts.next(); iterAllSoapTexts.remove(); newSOAPFaultReason.setText(soapFaultText.getText()); } } SOAPFaultDetail detail = soapFault.getDetail(); if(detail != null) { SOAPFaultDetail newSOAPFaultDetail = soap11Factory.createSOAPFaultDetail(newSOAPFault); Iterator<OMElement> iter = detail.getAllDetailEntries(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OMElement detailEntry = iter.next(); iter.remove(); newSOAPFaultDetail.addDetailEntry(detailEntry); } newSOAPFault.setDetail(newSOAPFaultDetail); } } else { Iterator itr = oldEnvelope.getBody().getChildren(); while (itr.hasNext()) { OMNode omNode = (OMNode) itr.next(); if (omNode != null) { itr.remove(); newEnvelope.getBody().addChild(omNode); } } } } axisOutMsgCtx.setEnvelope(newEnvelope); } /********************************************************************** * Fault code conversions * **********************************************************************/ private static final QName S11_FAULTCODE_VERSIONMISMATCH = new QName( SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "VersionMismatch", SOAP11Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S12_FAULTCODE_VERSIONMISMATCH = new QName( SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "VersionMismatch", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S11_FAULTCODE_MUSTUNDERSTAND = new QName( SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "MustUnderstand", SOAP11Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S12_FAULTCODE_MUSTUNDERSTAND = new QName( SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "MustUnderstand", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S11_FAULTCODE_CLIENT = new QName( SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "Client", SOAP11Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S12_FAULTCODE_SENDER = new QName( SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "Sender", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S11_FAULTCODE_SERVER = new QName( SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "Server", SOAP11Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S12_FAULTCODE_RECEIVER = new QName( SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "Receiver", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static final QName S12_FAULTCODE_DATAENCODINGUNKNOWN = new QName( SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI, "DataEncodingUnknown", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); private static QName getMappingSOAP12Code(QName soap11Code) { if (S11_FAULTCODE_VERSIONMISMATCH.equals(soap11Code)) { return S12_FAULTCODE_VERSIONMISMATCH; } else if (S11_FAULTCODE_MUSTUNDERSTAND.equals(soap11Code)) { return S12_FAULTCODE_MUSTUNDERSTAND; } else if (S11_FAULTCODE_CLIENT.equals(soap11Code)) { return S12_FAULTCODE_SENDER; } else if (S11_FAULTCODE_SERVER.equals(soap11Code)) { return S12_FAULTCODE_RECEIVER; } else { log.warn("An unidentified SOAP11 FaultCode encountered, returning a blank QName"); return new QName("", ""); } } private static QName getMappingSOAP11Code(QName soap12Code) { if (S12_FAULTCODE_VERSIONMISMATCH.equals(soap12Code)) { return S11_FAULTCODE_VERSIONMISMATCH; } else if (S12_FAULTCODE_MUSTUNDERSTAND.equals(soap12Code)) { return S11_FAULTCODE_MUSTUNDERSTAND; } else if (S12_FAULTCODE_SENDER.equals(soap12Code)) { return S11_FAULTCODE_SERVER; } else if (S12_FAULTCODE_RECEIVER.equals(soap12Code)) { return S11_FAULTCODE_SERVER; } else if (S12_FAULTCODE_DATAENCODINGUNKNOWN.equals(soap12Code)) { log.debug("There is no matching SOAP11 code value for SOAP12 fault code " + "DataEncodingUnknown, returning a blank QName"); return new QName(""); } else { log.warn("An unidentified SOAP11 FaultCode encountered, returning a blank QName"); return new QName(""); } } }