/** * Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * <p/> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.unifiedendpoint.core; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference; import java.net.URI; /** * This is the class to represent an UnifiedEndpoint. To be compatible with existing endpoints, * this extends from EndpointReference. */ public class UnifiedEndpoint extends EndpointReference { /** UEP ID */ private String uepId; /** WS-Discovery */ private String discoveryUuid; private String discoveryScope; private String discoveryType; /** WSDL based EP */ private OMElement wsdl11Definitions; /** MessageOutput */ private UnifiedEndpointMessageOutput messageOutput; /** Transport */ private UnifiedEndpointTransport transport; private String authorizationUserName; private String authorizationPassword; /** Timeout */ UnifiedEndpointTimeout timeout; /** Monitoring */ private boolean isStatisticEnabled; private boolean isTraceEnabled; private String monitoringLogStatement; /** QoS */ private boolean isRMEnabled = false; private String wsRMPolicyKey = null; private boolean isSecurityEnabled = false; private String wsSecPolicyKey = null; private boolean isAddressingEnabled = false; private String addressingVersion; private boolean isSeparateListener; private URI replyToAddress; /** Security */ private String secUserName; private String secPwd; private OMElement secPolicy; /** Session */ private String sessionType; /** Metadata Serializer status */ private boolean isUepMetadataSerialized = false; public String getUepId() { return uepId; } public void setUepId(String uepId) { this.uepId = uepId; } public String getDiscoveryUuid() { return discoveryUuid; } public void setDiscoveryUuid(String discoveryUuid) { this.discoveryUuid = discoveryUuid; } public String getDiscoveryScope() { return discoveryScope; } public void setDiscoveryScope(String discoveryScope) { this.discoveryScope = discoveryScope; } public String getDiscoveryType() { return discoveryType; } public void setDiscoveryType(String discoveryType) { this.discoveryType = discoveryType; } public boolean isUepMetadataSerialized() { return isUepMetadataSerialized; } public void setUepMetadataSerialized(boolean uepMetadataSerialized) { isUepMetadataSerialized = uepMetadataSerialized; } public boolean isAddressingEnabled() { return isAddressingEnabled; } public void setAddressingEnabled(boolean addressingEnabled) { isAddressingEnabled = addressingEnabled; } public OMElement getWsdl11Definitions() { return wsdl11Definitions; } public void setWsdl11Definitions(OMElement wsdl11Definitions) { this.wsdl11Definitions = wsdl11Definitions; } public UnifiedEndpointMessageOutput getMessageOutput() { return messageOutput; } public void setMessageOutput(UnifiedEndpointMessageOutput messageOutput) { this.messageOutput = messageOutput; } public UnifiedEndpointTransport getTransport() { return transport; } public void setTransport(UnifiedEndpointTransport transport) { this.transport = transport; } public UnifiedEndpointTimeout getTimeout() { return timeout; } public void setTimeout(UnifiedEndpointTimeout timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } public boolean isStatisticEnabled() { return isStatisticEnabled; } public void setStatisticEnabled(boolean statisticEnabled) { isStatisticEnabled = statisticEnabled; } public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return isTraceEnabled; } public void setTraceEnabled(boolean traceEnabled) { isTraceEnabled = traceEnabled; } public String getMonitoringLogStatement() { return monitoringLogStatement; } public void setMonitoringLogStatement(String monitoringLogStatement) { this.monitoringLogStatement = monitoringLogStatement; } public boolean isRMEnabled() { return isRMEnabled; } public void setRMEnabled(boolean RMEnabled) { isRMEnabled = RMEnabled; } public String getWsRMPolicyKey() { return wsRMPolicyKey; } public void setWsRMPolicyKey(String wsRMPolicyKey) { this.wsRMPolicyKey = wsRMPolicyKey; } public boolean isSecurityEnabled() { return isSecurityEnabled; } public void setSecurityEnabled(boolean securityEnabled) { isSecurityEnabled = securityEnabled; } public String getWsSecPolicyKey() { return wsSecPolicyKey; } public void setWsSecPolicyKey(String wsSecPolicyKey) { this.wsSecPolicyKey = wsSecPolicyKey; } public String getAddressingVersion() { return addressingVersion; } public void setAddressingVersion(String addressingVersion) { this.addressingVersion = addressingVersion; } public boolean isSeparateListener() { return isSeparateListener; } public void setSeparateListener(boolean separateListener) { isSeparateListener = separateListener; } public URI getReplyToAddress() { return replyToAddress; } public void setReplyToAddress(URI replyToAddress) { this.replyToAddress = replyToAddress; } public String getSecUserName() { return secUserName; } public void setSecUserName(String secUserName) { this.secUserName = secUserName; } public String getSecPwd() { return secPwd; } public void setSecPwd(String secPwd) { this.secPwd = secPwd; } public OMElement getSecPolicy() { return secPolicy; } public void setSecPolicy(OMElement secPolicy) { this.secPolicy = secPolicy; } public String getSessionType() { return sessionType; } public void setSessionType(String sessionType) { this.sessionType = sessionType; } public String getAuthorizationUserName() { return authorizationUserName; } public void setAuthorizationUserName(String authorizationUserName) { this.authorizationUserName = authorizationUserName; } public String getAuthorizationPassword() { return authorizationPassword; } public void setAuthorizationPassword(String authorizationPassword) { this.authorizationPassword = authorizationPassword; } }