package com.linkedin.camus.sweeper; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.camus.sweeper.mapreduce.CamusSweeperJob; public class CamusSingleFolderSweeper extends CamusSweeper { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CamusSingleFolderSweeper.class); private static final String CAMUS_SWEEPER_IO_CONFIGURER_CLASS = ""; private static final String MAPRED_COMPRESS_MAP_OUTPUT = ""; private static final boolean DEFAULT_MAPRED_COMPRESS_MAP_OUTPUT = Boolean.TRUE; static final String TOPIC_AND_HOUR = "topic.and.hour"; static final String STATE_FILE_NAME = "_state"; static final String MAPREDUCE_SUBMIT_TIME = "mapreduce.submit.time"; public static final String FOLDER_HOUR = "camus.sweeper.folder.hour"; private final CamusSweeperMetrics metrics; public CamusSingleFolderSweeper() { super(); metrics = new CamusSweeperMetrics(); } public CamusSingleFolderSweeper(Properties props) { super(props); metrics = new CamusSweeperMetrics(); } @Override public Map<FileStatus, String> findAllTopics(Path input, PathFilter filter, String topicSubdir, FileSystem fs) throws IOException { Map<FileStatus, String> topics = new HashMap<FileStatus, String>(); for (FileStatus f : fs.listStatus(input)) { if (f.isDir() && filter.accept(f.getPath())) {"found topic: " + f.getPath().getName()); topics.put(fs.getFileStatus(f.getPath()), f.getPath().getName()); } } return topics; } /** * Run the single folder compaction job. It largely reuses the daily compaction code by calling * For each folder that needs to be deduped (which is configurable), it will create a KafkaCollector, * and submit it to the thread pool. * After compaction, report job metrics, and add outliers to the outlier folder. */ @Override public void run() throws Exception { metrics.setTimeStart(System.currentTimeMillis());; reportMetrics(); addOutliers(); } private void addOutliers() throws IOException { createExecutorService(); List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); for (Properties jobProps : planner.getOutlierProperties()) { futures.add(this.executorService.submit(new OutlierCollectorRunner(jobProps, FileSystem.get(getConf())))); } this.executorService.shutdown(); for (Future<?> future : futures) { try { future.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private void reportMetrics() throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {"reporting metrics"); metrics.reportTotalRunningTime(); metrics.reportTotalDataSize(); metrics.reportDataSizeByTopic(); metrics.reportDurationFromStartToRunnerStart(); metrics.reportDurationFromRunnerStartToMRSubmitted(); metrics.reportDurationFromMRSubmittedToMRStarted(); metrics.reportDurationFromMRStartedToMRFinished();"finished reporting metrics"); } /** * If the destination folder already exist, get the timestamp when the MapReduce job was submitted * to create that folder. The timestamp is stored in a _state file. * * If such a file doesn't exist, return the timestamp of the folder. */ public static long getDestinationModTime(FileSystem fs, String outputPathStr) throws IOException { for (FileStatus status : fs.listStatus(new Path(outputPathStr))) { if (!status.isDir() && status.getPath().getName().equals(STATE_FILE_NAME)) {"Found state file: " + status.getPath()); FSDataInputStream fin = null; try { fin =; Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(fin); if (properties.containsKey(MAPREDUCE_SUBMIT_TIME)) { return Long.valueOf(properties.getProperty(MAPREDUCE_SUBMIT_TIME)); } } finally { if (fin != null) { fin.close(); } } } } //return the timestamp of the folder, if the state file doesn't exist, or cannot get timestamp from state file. return fs.getFileStatus(new Path(outputPathStr)).getModificationTime(); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CamusSweeper job = new CamusSingleFolderSweeper();, args); } /** * This method creates collectors of a topic. * A topic may have multiple collectors, if this topic has multiple hourly folders that need to be deduped. * After creating the collectors, it passes them to runCollector() to submit them to thread pool. */ @Override protected void runCollectorForTopicDir(FileSystem fs, String topic, Path topicSourceDir, Path topicDestDir) throws Exception {"Running collector for topic " + topic + " source:" + topicSourceDir + " dest:" + topicDestDir); List<Future<?>> tasksToComplete = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); List<Properties> jobPropsList = planner.createSweeperJobProps(topic, topicSourceDir, topicDestDir, fs, metrics); for (Properties jobProps : jobPropsList) { tasksToComplete.add(runCollector(jobProps, topic)); } } /** * This method runs a collector of a topic * A topic may have multiple collectors, if this topic has multiple hourly folders that need to be deduped. */ @Override protected Future<?> runCollector(Properties props, String topic) { String jobName = topic + "-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); props .put("tmp.path", props.getProperty("camus.sweeper.tmp.dir") + "/" + jobName + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis()); if (props.containsKey("reduce.count.override." + topic)) props.put("reducer.count", Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("reduce.count.override." + topic)));"Processing " + props.get("input.paths")); return executorService.submit(new KafkaCollectorRunner(jobName, props, errorMessages, topic)); } private static void createStateFileInFolder(FileSystem fs, Path folder, long timeStamp) throws IOException { // delete existing state file for (FileStatus status : fs.listStatus(folder)) { if (!status.isDir() && status.getPath().getName().equals(STATE_FILE_NAME)) { if (!fs.delete(status.getPath(), false)) { throw new IOException("Failed to delete state file " + status.getPath()); } } } // write new state file FSDataOutputStream fout = null; try { fout = fs.create(new Path(folder, STATE_FILE_NAME)); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(MAPREDUCE_SUBMIT_TIME, String.valueOf(timeStamp));, StringUtils.EMPTY); } finally { if (fout != null) { fout.close(); } } } private class KafkaCollectorRunner extends CamusSweeper.KafkaCollectorRunner { public KafkaCollectorRunner(String name, Properties props, List<SweeperError> errorQueue, String topic) { super(name, props, errorQueue, topic); } @Override public void run() { KafkaCollector collector = null; try {"Starting runner for " + this.props.getProperty(TOPIC_AND_HOUR)); collector = new KafkaCollector(props, name, topic);"Running " + name + " for input " + props.getProperty(INPUT_PATHS));; } catch (Throwable e) { // Sometimes the error is the Throwable, e.g. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError LOG.error("Failed for " + name + " ,job: " + collector == null ? null : collector.getJob() + " failed for " + props.getProperty(INPUT_PATHS) + " Exception:" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); errorQueue.add(new SweeperError(name, props.get(INPUT_PATHS).toString(), e)); } } } private class KafkaCollector extends CamusSweeper.KafkaCollector { private final String topicAndHour; public KafkaCollector(Properties props, String jobName, String topicName) throws IOException { super(props, jobName, topicName); this.topicAndHour = props.getProperty(TOPIC_AND_HOUR); } /** * Runs a collector of a topic. It launches an MR job to dedup an hourly folder of the topic. */ @Override public void run() throws Exception { CamusSingleFolderSweeper.this.metrics.recordRunnerStartTimeByTopic(this.topicAndHour, System.currentTimeMillis()); job.getConfiguration().setBoolean(MAPRED_COMPRESS_MAP_OUTPUT, DEFAULT_MAPRED_COMPRESS_MAP_OUTPUT); ((CamusSweeperJob) Class.forName(props.getProperty(CAMUS_SWEEPER_IO_CONFIGURER_CLASS)).newInstance()).setLogger( LOG).configureJob(topicName, job); setNumOfReducersAndSplitSizes(); long jobSubmitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); CamusSingleFolderSweeper.this.metrics.recordMrSubmitTimeByTopic(this.topicAndHour, jobSubmitTime); submitMrJob(); moveTmpPathToOutputPath(); CamusSingleFolderSweeper.createStateFileInFolder(fs, this.outputPath, jobSubmitTime); } @Override protected void submitMrJob() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { job.submit(); runningJobs.add(job); CamusSingleFolderSweeper.this.metrics.recordMrStartRunningTimeByTopic(this.topicAndHour, System.currentTimeMillis());"job running for: " + props.getProperty(TOPIC_AND_HOUR) + ", url: " + job.getTrackingURL()); job.waitForCompletion(false); CamusSingleFolderSweeper.this.metrics.recordMrFinishTimeByTopic(this.topicAndHour, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!job.isSuccessful()) { throw new RuntimeException("hadoop job failed."); } } } private class OutlierCollectorRunner implements Callable<Void> { private final Properties props; private final FileSystem fs; public OutlierCollectorRunner(Properties props, FileSystem fs) { this.props = props; this.fs = fs; } /** * Collect outliers for an hourly folder, and put it in the outlier folder. */ @Override public Void call() throws IOException { String inputPaths = this.props.getProperty(CamusSingleFolderSweeper.INPUT_PATHS); String outputPathStr = this.props.getProperty(CamusSingleFolderSweeper.DEST_PATH); long destinationModTime = getDestinationModTime(this.fs, outputPathStr); Path outputPath = new Path(outputPathStr, "outlier"); fs.mkdirs(outputPath); for (String inputPathStr : inputPaths.split(",")) { Path inputPath = new Path(inputPathStr); long outlierMaxTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (FileStatus status : fs.globStatus(new Path(inputPath, "*"), new HiddenFilter())) { if (status.getModificationTime() > destinationModTime) { if (outlierMaxTimestamp < status.getModificationTime()) { outlierMaxTimestamp = status.getModificationTime(); }"copying outlier file " + status.getPath() + " to " + outputPath); FileUtil.copy(fs, status.getPath(), fs, outputPath, false, true, new Configuration()); fs.rename(status.getPath(), new Path(outputPath, status.getPath().getName())); } } // Create new timestamp file if (outlierMaxTimestamp != Long.MIN_VALUE) { CamusSingleFolderSweeper.createStateFileInFolder(fs, new Path(outputPathStr), outlierMaxTimestamp); } } return null; } } }