package com.linkedin.camus.schemaregistry; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; @RunWith(value = Parameterized.class) public class TestSchemaRegistries { protected final SchemaRegistry registry; public TestSchemaRegistries(SchemaRegistry registry) { this.registry = registry; } public Object getSchema1() { return "my-schema"; } public Object getSchema2() { return "my-schema-2"; } @Test public void testSchemaRegistry() { try { registry.getLatestSchemaByTopic("test"); fail("Should have failed with a SchemaNotFoundException."); } catch (SchemaNotFoundException e) { // expected } try { registry.getSchemaByID("test", "abc"); fail("Should have failed with a SchemaNotFoundException."); } catch (SchemaNotFoundException e) { // expected } String id = registry.register("test", getSchema1()); try { registry.getSchemaByID("test", "abc"); fail("Should have failed with a SchemaNotFoundException."); } catch (SchemaNotFoundException e) { // expected } assertEquals(getSchema1(), registry.getSchemaByID("test", id)); assertEquals(new SchemaDetails("test", id, getSchema1()), registry.getLatestSchemaByTopic("test")); String secondId = registry.register("test", getSchema2()); assertEquals(getSchema1(), registry.getSchemaByID("test", id)); assertEquals(getSchema2(), registry.getSchemaByID("test", secondId)); assertEquals(new SchemaDetails("test", secondId, getSchema2()), registry.getLatestSchemaByTopic("test")); try { registry.getLatestSchemaByTopic("test-2"); fail("Should have failed with a SchemaNotFoundException."); } catch (SchemaNotFoundException e) { // expected } try { registry.getSchemaByID("test-2", ""); fail("Should have failed with a SchemaNotFoundException."); } catch (SchemaNotFoundException e) { // expected } secondId = registry.register("test", getSchema2()); assertEquals(getSchema1(), registry.getSchemaByID("test", id)); assertEquals(getSchema2(), registry.getSchemaByID("test", secondId)); assertEquals(new SchemaDetails("test", secondId, getSchema2()), registry.getLatestSchemaByTopic("test")); } @Parameters public static Collection data() { File tmpDir = new File("/tmp/test-" + System.currentTimeMillis()); SchemaRegistry<String> fileRegistry = new FileSchemaRegistry<String>(tmpDir, new StringSerde()); SchemaRegistry<String> memoryRegistry = new MemorySchemaRegistry<String>(); Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { fileRegistry }, { memoryRegistry } }; return Arrays.asList(data); } public static class StringSerde implements Serde<String> { @Override public byte[] toBytes(String obj) { try { return obj.getBytes("utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public String fromBytes(byte[] bytes) { try { return new String(bytes, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }