/* * Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.buck.shell; import com.facebook.buck.event.ConsoleEvent; import com.facebook.buck.log.Logger; import com.facebook.buck.step.ExecutionContext; import com.facebook.buck.step.Step; import com.facebook.buck.step.StepExecutionResult; import com.facebook.buck.util.Escaper; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProcessExecutor; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProcessExecutor.Option; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProcessExecutorParams; import com.facebook.buck.util.Verbosity; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; import java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Consumer; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public abstract class ShellStep implements Step { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.get(ShellStep.class); private static final OperatingSystemMXBean OS_JMX = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); /** Defined lazily by {@link #getShellCommand(com.facebook.buck.step.ExecutionContext)}. */ @Nullable private ImmutableList<String> shellCommandArgs; /** If specified, working directory will be different from project root. * */ protected final Path workingDirectory; /** * This is set if {@link #shouldPrintStdout(Verbosity)} returns {@code true} when the command is * executed. */ private Optional<String> stdout; /** * This is set if {@link #shouldPrintStderr(Verbosity)} returns {@code true} when the command is * executed. */ private Optional<String> stderr; private long startTime = 0L; private long endTime = 0L; protected ShellStep(Path workingDirectory) { this.workingDirectory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(workingDirectory); this.stdout = Optional.empty(); this.stderr = Optional.empty(); if (!workingDirectory.isAbsolute()) { LOG.info("Working directory is not absolute: %s", workingDirectory); } } @Override public StepExecutionResult execute(ExecutionContext context) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // Kick off a Process in which this ShellCommand will be run. ProcessExecutorParams.Builder builder = ProcessExecutorParams.builder(); builder.setCommand(getShellCommand(context)); Map<String, String> environment = new HashMap<>(); setProcessEnvironment(context, environment, workingDirectory.toFile()); builder.setEnvironment(ImmutableMap.copyOf(environment)); builder.setDirectory(workingDirectory); Optional<String> stdin = getStdin(context); if (stdin.isPresent()) { builder.setRedirectInput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE); } double initialLoad = OS_JMX.getSystemLoadAverage(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int exitCode = launchAndInteractWithProcess(context, builder.build()); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double endLoad = OS_JMX.getSystemLoadAverage(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { boolean hasOutput = (stdout.isPresent() && !stdout.get().isEmpty()) || (stderr.isPresent() && !stderr.get().isEmpty()); String outputFormat = hasOutput ? "\nstdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s\n" : " (no output)%s%s"; LOG.debug( "%s: exit code: %d. os load (before, after): (%f, %f). CPU count: %d." + outputFormat, shellCommandArgs, exitCode, initialLoad, endLoad, OS_JMX.getAvailableProcessors(), stdout.orElse(""), stderr.orElse("")); } return StepExecutionResult.of(exitCode, stderr); } @VisibleForTesting void setProcessEnvironment( ExecutionContext context, Map<String, String> environment, File workDir) { // Replace environment with client environment. environment.clear(); environment.putAll(context.getEnvironment()); // Make sure the special PWD variable matches the working directory // of the process (unless otherwise set). environment.put("PWD", workDir.toString()); // Add extra environment variables for step, if appropriate. if (!getEnvironmentVariables(context).isEmpty()) { environment.putAll(getEnvironmentVariables(context)); } } /** @return the exit code interpreted from the {@code result}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected int getExitCodeFromResult(ExecutionContext context, ProcessExecutor.Result result) { return result.getExitCode(); } @VisibleForTesting int launchAndInteractWithProcess(ExecutionContext context, ProcessExecutorParams params) throws InterruptedException, IOException { ImmutableSet.Builder<Option> options = ImmutableSet.builder(); addOptions(context, options); ProcessExecutor executor = context.getProcessExecutor(); ProcessExecutor.Result result = executor.launchAndExecute( params, options.build(), getStdin(context), getTimeout(), getTimeoutHandler(context)); stdout = result.getStdout(); stderr = result.getStderr(); Verbosity verbosity = context.getVerbosity(); if (stdout.isPresent() && !stdout.get().isEmpty() && (result.getExitCode() != 0 || shouldPrintStdout(verbosity))) { context.postEvent(ConsoleEvent.info("%s", stdout.get())); } if (stderr.isPresent() && !stderr.get().isEmpty() && (result.getExitCode() != 0 || shouldPrintStderr(verbosity))) { context.postEvent(ConsoleEvent.warning("%s", stderr.get())); } return getExitCodeFromResult(context, result); } protected void addOptions(ExecutionContext context, ImmutableSet.Builder<Option> options) { if (shouldFlushStdOutErrAsProgressIsMade(context.getVerbosity())) { options.add(Option.PRINT_STD_OUT); options.add(Option.PRINT_STD_ERR); } options.add(Option.IS_SILENT); } public long getDuration() { Preconditions.checkState(startTime > 0); Preconditions.checkState(endTime > 0); return endTime - startTime; } /** * This method is idempotent. * * @return the shell command arguments */ public final ImmutableList<String> getShellCommand(ExecutionContext context) { if (shellCommandArgs == null) { shellCommandArgs = getShellCommandInternal(context); LOG.debug("Command: %s", Joiner.on(" ").join(shellCommandArgs)); } return shellCommandArgs; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected Optional<String> getStdin(ExecutionContext context) throws InterruptedException { return Optional.empty(); } /** Implementations of this method should not have any observable side-effects. */ @VisibleForTesting protected abstract ImmutableList<String> getShellCommandInternal(ExecutionContext context); @Override public final String getDescription(ExecutionContext context) { // Get environment variables for this command as VAR1=val1 VAR2=val2... etc., with values // quoted as necessary. Iterable<String> env = Iterables.transform( getEnvironmentVariables(context).entrySet(), e -> String.format("%s=%s", e.getKey(), Escaper.escapeAsBashString(e.getValue()))); // Quote the arguments to the shell command as needed (this applies to $0 as well // e.g. if we run '/path/a b.sh' quoting is needed). Iterable<String> cmd = Iterables.transform(getShellCommand(context), Escaper.SHELL_ESCAPER); String shellCommand = Joiner.on(" ").join(Iterables.concat(env, cmd)); // This is what the user might type in a shell to set the working directory correctly. The (...) // syntax introduces a subshell in which the command is only executed if cd was successful. // Note that we shouldn't add a special case for workingDirectory==null, because we always // resolve symbolic links in this case, and the default PWD might leave symbolic links // unresolved. We try to make PWD match, and cd sets PWD. return String.format( "(cd %s && %s)", Escaper.escapeAsBashString(workingDirectory), shellCommand); } /** * Returns the environment variables to include when running this {@link ShellStep}. * * <p>By default, this method returns an empty map. * * @param context that may be useful when determining environment variables to include. */ public ImmutableMap<String, String> getEnvironmentVariables(ExecutionContext context) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } /** * @param verbosity is provided in case that affects what should be printed. * @return whether the stdout of the shell command, when executed, should be printed to the stderr * of the specified {@link ExecutionContext}. If {@code false}, stdout will only be printed on * error and only if verbosity is set to standard information. */ protected boolean shouldPrintStdout(Verbosity verbosity) { return verbosity.shouldPrintOutput(); } /** * @return the stdout of this ShellCommand or throws an exception if the stdout was not recorded */ public final String getStdout() { Preconditions.checkState( this.stdout.isPresent(), "stdout was not set: shouldPrintStdout() must return false and execute() must " + "have been invoked"); return this.stdout.get(); } /** * @return whether the stderr of the shell command, when executed, should be printed to the stderr * of the specified {@link ExecutionContext}. If {@code false}, stderr will only be printed on * error and only if verbosity is set to standard information. */ protected boolean shouldPrintStderr(Verbosity verbosity) { return verbosity.shouldPrintOutput(); } /** * @return the stderr of this ShellCommand or throws an exception if the stderr was not recorded */ public final String getStderr() { Preconditions.checkState( this.stderr.isPresent(), "stderr was not set: shouldPrintStdErr() must return false and execute() must " + "have been invoked"); return this.stderr.get(); } /** * By default, the output written to stdout and stderr will be buffered into individual {@link * ByteArrayOutputStream}s and then converted into strings for easier consumption. This means that * output from both streams that would normally be interleaved will now be displayed separately. * * <p>To disable this behavior and print to stdout and stderr directly, this method should be * overridden to return {@code true}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected boolean shouldFlushStdOutErrAsProgressIsMade(Verbosity verbosity) { return false; } /** @return an optional timeout to apply to the step. */ protected Optional<Long> getTimeout() { return Optional.empty(); } /** * @return an optional timeout handler {@link Function} to do something before the process is * killed. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected Optional<Consumer<Process>> getTimeoutHandler(ExecutionContext context) { return Optional.empty(); } }