package com.breeze.jpa; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Path; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import com.breeze.metadata.IEntityType; import com.breeze.query.BinaryPredicate; import com.breeze.query.EntityQuery; import com.breeze.query.Expression; import com.breeze.query.LitExpression; import com.breeze.query.Operator; import com.breeze.query.Predicate; import com.breeze.query.PropExpression; public class JPACriteriaBuilder { // private CriteriaAliasBuilder _aliasBuilder; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private EntityQuery _entityQuery; private IEntityType _entityType; private int _subqCount = 0; private CriteriaBuilder _cb; private Root<?> _root; private JPACriteriaBuilder() { } public static JPACriteriaBuilder create(CriteriaQuery<?> crit, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IEntityType entityType, EntityQuery entityQuery) { JPACriteriaBuilder critBuilder = new JPACriteriaBuilder(); critBuilder.updateCriteria(crit, criteriaBuilder, entityType, entityQuery); return critBuilder; } /** * @param crit * a Criteria object that will be updated to match the entityQuery * @param entityQuery * the EntityQuery object from which the criteria should be updated. */ private void updateCriteria(CriteriaQuery<?> crit, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IEntityType entityType, EntityQuery entityQuery) { _entityType = entityType; _entityQuery = entityQuery; _cb = criteriaBuilder; // _aliasBuilder = new CriteriaAliasBuilder(); _root = crit.from(crit.getResultType()); addWhere(crit, entityQuery.getWherePredicate()); // addSelect(crit, entityQuery.getSelectClause()); // addOrderBy(crit, entityQuery.getOrderByClause()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addWhere(CriteriaQuery<?> crit, Predicate wherePred) { if (wherePred == null) return; // CriteriaWrapper critWrapper = new CriteriaWrapper(crit, _entityType); // Criterion cr = toCriterion(crit, wherePred, null); // crit.add(cr); // nested path translate, ?Task???""?filedName, ??? // String[] names = StringUtils.split(filter.fieldName, "."); // Path expression = root.get(names[0]); // for (int i = 1; i < names.length; i++) { // expression = expression.get(names[i]); // } BinaryPredicate breezePred = (BinaryPredicate) wherePred; Operator op = breezePred.getOperator(); String symbol = op.getName(); Expression expr1 = breezePred.getExpr1(); Expression expr2 = breezePred.getExpr2(); String contextAlias = null; javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate xpred; if (expr1 instanceof PropExpression) { PropExpression pexpr1 = (PropExpression) expr1; String propPath = pexpr1.getPropertyPath(); String propName; if (pexpr1.getProperty().getParentType().isComplexType()) { // don't process the property path in this case. propName = propPath; } else { propName = propPath; //crit. _aliasBuilder.getPropertyName(crit, propPath); } propName = (contextAlias == null) ? propName : contextAlias + "." + propName; Path path = _root.get(propName); if (expr2 instanceof LitExpression) { Object value = ((LitExpression) expr2).getValue(); if (value == null) { if (op == Operator.Equals) { xpred = _cb.isNull(path); } else if (op == Operator.NotEquals) { xpred = _cb.isNotNull(path); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Binary Predicate with a null value and the " + op.getName() + "operator is not supported ."); } } else if (op == Operator.Equals) { xpred = _cb.equal(path, value); } else if (op == Operator.NotEquals) { xpred = _cb.notEqual(path, value); } else if (op == Operator.GreaterThan) { xpred = _cb.greaterThan(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), (Comparable) value); } else if (op == Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual) { xpred = _cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), (Comparable) value); } else if (op == Operator.LessThan) { xpred = _cb.lessThan(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), (Comparable) value); } else if (op == Operator.LessThanOrEqual) { xpred = _cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), (Comparable) value); } else if (op == Operator.In) { xpred = value); } else if (op == Operator.StartsWith) { xpred =, "" + value + "%"); } else if (op == Operator.EndsWith) { xpred =, "%" + value); } else if (op == Operator.Contains) { xpred =, "%" + value + "%"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Binary Predicate with the " + op.getName() + "operator is not yet supported."); } } else { String otherPropPath = ((PropExpression) expr2).getPropertyPath(); Path otherPath = _root.get(otherPropPath); if (op == Operator.Equals) { xpred = _cb.equal(path, otherPath); } else if (op == Operator.NotEquals) { xpred = _cb.notEqual(path, otherPath); } else if (op == Operator.GreaterThan) { xpred = _cb.greaterThan(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), _root.<Comparable>get(otherPropPath)); } else if (op == Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual) { xpred = _cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), _root.<Comparable>get(otherPropPath)); } else if (op == Operator.LessThan) { xpred = _cb.lessThan(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), _root.<Comparable>get(otherPropPath)); } else if (op == Operator.LessThanOrEqual) { xpred = _cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(_root.<Comparable>get(propName), _root.<Comparable>get(otherPropPath)); } else if (op == Operator.StartsWith) { xpred =, _cb.concat(otherPath, "%")); } else if (op == Operator.EndsWith) { xpred =, _cb.concat("%", otherPath)); } else if (op == Operator.Contains) { xpred =, _cb.concat(_cb.concat("%", otherPath), "%")); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Property comparison with the " + op.getName() + "operator is not yet supported."); } } crit.where(xpred); return; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Function expressions not yet supported."); } } }