package com.breeze.test; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import northwind.model.Customer; import northwind.model.Employee; import northwind.model.Location; import northwind.model.Order; import northwind.model.OrderDetail; import northwind.model.Product; import northwind.model.Role; import northwind.model.RoleType; import northwind.model.Supplier; import com.breeze.hib.HibernateMetadata; import com.breeze.hib.HibernateQueryProcessor; import com.breeze.metadata.Metadata; import com.breeze.query.EntityQuery; import com.breeze.query.QueryResult; import com.breeze.util.JsonGson; import junit.framework.TestCase; @SuppressWarnings( {"unused", "unchecked"}) public class QueryServiceTest extends TestCase { private HibernateQueryProcessor _qe; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // then populate the database with test data...? SessionFactory sf = StaticConfigurator.getSessionFactory(); Metadata metadata = new HibernateMetadata(sf);; _qe = new HibernateQueryProcessor(metadata, sf); } public void testFuncQuery() { String json = "{ where: { 'month(birthDate)': { gt: 3}}}"; EntityQuery eq = new EntityQuery(json); QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Employee.class, eq); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Employee emp = (Employee) o; Date birthDt = emp.getBirthDate(); } } public void testEnumQuery() { String json = "{ where: { id: { lt: 10} } }"; EntityQuery eq = new EntityQuery(json); QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Role.class, eq); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Role role = (Role) o; String description = role.getDescription(); RoleType rt = role.getRoleType(); } } public void testEnumQueryFilter() { String json = "{ where: { roleType: 'Restricted' } }"; EntityQuery eq = new EntityQuery(json); QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Role.class, eq); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Role role = (Role) o; String description = role.getDescription(); RoleType rt = role.getRoleType(); assertTrue(rt == RoleType.Restricted); } } public void testEmptyQuery() { String json = ""; EntityQuery eq = new EntityQuery(json); QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, eq); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 5); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; } } public void testNullQuery() { String json = null; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 5); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; } } public void testSimpleWhereTake() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Customer.class, // "?$top=5&$filter=country eq 'Brazil'"); String json = "{ where: { country: 'Brazil' }, take: 5 }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery("Customers", json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() == 5); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; assertTrue(c.getCountry().equals("Brazil")); assertTrue(c.getCompanyName() != null); } } public void testUsingResourceName() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Order.class, // "?$top=5&$filter=shipCountry eq 'Brazil'"); String json = "{ resourceName: 'Orders', take: 5, where: { shipCountry: 'Brazil' }}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(new EntityQuery(json)); Collection results = qr.getResults(); assertTrue(results.size() == 5); for (Object o : results) { Order order = (Order) o; assertTrue(order.getShipCountry().equals("Brazil")); } } public void testOrderByNested3Deep() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(OrderDetail.class, // "?$filter=orderID lt 10258&$orderby=order/employee/lastName desc&$expand=order/employee"); String json = "{ where: { orderID: { lt: 10258 }}, orderBy: ['order.employee.lastName desc'], expand: 'order.employee' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery("OrderDetails", json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); List<String> lastNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lastNamesCpy = new ArrayList<String>(); assertTrue(results.size() > 1); for (Object o : results) { OrderDetail od = (OrderDetail) o; assertTrue(od.getOrderID() < 10258); Order order = od.getOrder(); assertTrue(order != null); Employee emp = order.getEmployee(); String lastName = emp.getLastName(); lastNames.add(lastName); lastNamesCpy.add(lastName); } Collections.sort(lastNames, Collections.reverseOrder()); assertTrue(lastNames.equals(lastNamesCpy)); } public void testExpandNested3Deep() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Customer.class, // "?$top=1&$filter=country eq 'Brazil'&$expand=orders/orderDetails/product"); String json = "{ where: { country: 'Brazil' }, take: 1, expand: ['orders.orderDetails.product'] }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() == 1); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; assertTrue(c.getCountry().equals("Brazil")); Collection<Order> orders = c.getOrders(); assertTrue(orders != null); for (Order order : orders) { Set<OrderDetail> ods = order.getOrderDetails(); for (OrderDetail od : ods) { Product p = od.getProduct(); assertTrue(p != null); } } } } public void testInlineCount() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Customer.class, // "$top=3&$inlinecount=allpages"); String json = "{ take: 3, inlineCount: true }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); Long inlineCount = qr.getInlineCount(); assertTrue(results.size() == 3); assertTrue(inlineCount > 3); String rJson = qr.toJson(); } public void testInlineCountWithTake0() { String json = "{ take: 0, inlineCount: true }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); Long inlineCount = qr.getInlineCount(); assertTrue(results.size() == 0); assertTrue(inlineCount > 30); String rJson = qr.toJson(); } public void testGreaterThanDateProps() { String json = "{ where: { birthDate: { lt: 'hireDate'}}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Employee.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Employee emp = (Employee) o; Date birthDt = emp.getBirthDate(); Date hireDt = emp.getHireDate(); assertTrue(birthDt.compareTo(hireDt) < 0); } } public void testContainsTwoProps() { String json = "{ where: { notes: { contains: 'firstName'}}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Employee.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Employee emp = (Employee) o; String notes = emp.getNotes(); String firstName = emp.getFirstName(); assertTrue(notes.indexOf(firstName) >= 0); } } public void testStartsWithTwoProps() { String json = "{ where: { notes: { startsWith: 'firstName'}}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Employee.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Employee emp = (Employee) o; String notes = emp.getNotes(); String firstName = emp.getFirstName(); assertTrue(notes.indexOf(firstName) == 0); } } public void testInString() { String[] countries = { "Austria", "Italy", "Norway" }; String json = "{ where: { country: { in: ['Austria', 'Italy', 'Norway'] } } }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Customer cust = (Customer) o; String country = cust.getCountry(); assertTrue(Arrays.asList(countries).contains(country)); } } public void testInInt() { int[] empIds = { 1, 2, 4 }; String json = "{ where: { reportsToEmployeeID: { in: [1 ,2 ,4] } } }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Employee.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Employee emp = (Employee) o; int empId = emp.getReportsToEmployeeID(); assertTrue(empId == 1 || empId == 2 || empId == 4); // assertTrue(Arrays.asList(empIds).contains(emp.getReportsToEmployeeID())); } } public void testComplexTypePropEqual() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Supplier.class, // "?$filter=location/city eq 'New Orleans'"); String json = "{ where: { 'New Orleans' }}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Supplier.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Supplier s = (Supplier) o; Location loc = s.getLocation(); String city = loc.getCity(); assertTrue(city.equals("New Orleans")); } } public void testComplexTypePropNotEqual() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Supplier.class, // "?$filter=location/city ne 'Tokyo'"); String json = "{ where: { { ne: 'Tokyo' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Supplier.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Supplier s = (Supplier) o; Location loc = s.getLocation(); String city = loc.getCity(); assertTrue(!city.equals("Tokyo")); } } public void testGreaterThanDecimal() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=unitPrice gt 20.0"); String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { gt: 20.0 }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; BigDecimal price = p.getUnitPrice(); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() > 20.0); } } public void testEqBoolean() { String json = "{ where: { isDiscontinued: true }}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; assertTrue(p.getIsDiscontinued()); } } public void testGreaterThanDate() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=unitPrice gt 20.0"); Date latestBirthDate = toDate(1956, 1, 1); String json = "{ where: { birthDate: { lt: '1956-01-01T00:00:00' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Employee.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Employee emp = (Employee) o; Date birthDt = emp.getBirthDate(); assertTrue(birthDt.compareTo(latestBirthDate) < 0); } } public void testGreaterThanOrEqualDecimal() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=unitPrice ge 20.0"); String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { ge: 20.0 }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; BigDecimal price = p.getUnitPrice(); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() >= 20.0); } } public void testLessThanDecimal() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=unitPrice lt 20.0"); String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { lt: 10.0 }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; BigDecimal price = p.getUnitPrice(); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() < 10.0); } } public void testLessThanOrEqualDecimal() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=unitPrice le 20.0"); String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { le: 10.0 }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; BigDecimal price = p.getUnitPrice(); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() <= 10.0); } } public void testEndsWith() { String json = "{ where: { productName: { endsWith: 'Sauce' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; String productName = p.getProductName(); assertTrue(productName.endsWith("Sauce")); } } public void testStartsWith() { String json = "{ where: { productName: { startsWith: 'Ch' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; String productName = p.getProductName(); assertTrue(productName.startsWith("Ch")); } } public void testContains() { // ...Dried/Fried... String json = "{ where: { productName: { contains: 'ried' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 2); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; String productName = p.getProductName(); assertTrue(productName.indexOf("ried") >= 0); } } public void testAndWithDecimal() { String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { le: 10.0, gt: 3.5 }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; BigDecimal price = p.getUnitPrice(); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() <= 10.0); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() > 3.5); } } public void testOrWithDecimal() { String json = "{ where: { or: [ { unitPrice: { ge: 200.0 }}, { unitPrice: { lt: 3.5 }}] }}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; BigDecimal price = p.getUnitPrice(); assertTrue(price.doubleValue() >= 200.0 || price.doubleValue() < 3.5); } } public void testNotWithOr() { String json = "{ where: { not: { or: [ { companyName: { startsWith: 'B'}}, { city: { startsWith: 'L' }} ] } } }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; assertTrue(!c.getCompanyName().startsWith("B")); assertTrue(!c.getCity().startsWith("L")); } } public void testNot() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=not endswith(productName,'milk')"); String json = "{ where: { not: { productName: { endsWith: 'milk' }}}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product p = (Product) o; String productName = p.getProductName(); assertTrue(!productName.endsWith("milk")); } } public void testWhereNestedString() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=not endswith(productName,'milk')"); String json = "{ where: { 'employee.lastName': { startsWith: 'D' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Order.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Order order = (Order) o; Employee emp = order.getEmployee(); String lastName = emp.getLastName(); assertTrue(lastName.startsWith("D")); } } public void testWhereNestedDate() { Date latestBirthDate = toDate(1956, 1, 1); String json = "{ where: { employee.birthDate: { gt: '1960-01-01T00:00:00' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Order.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Order order = (Order) o; Employee emp = order.getEmployee(); Date birthDate = emp.getBirthDate(); assertTrue(birthDate.compareTo(latestBirthDate) > 0); } } public void testWhereNestedWithAnd() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=not endswith(productName,'milk')"); String json = "{ where: { freight: {gt: 100.0} , 'employee.lastName': { startsWith: 'D' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Order.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Order order = (Order) o; BigDecimal freight = order.getFreight(); assertTrue(freight.doubleValue() > 100.0); Employee emp = order.getEmployee(); String lastName = emp.getLastName(); assertTrue(lastName.startsWith("D")); } } public void testWhereNestedSameAliasWithAnd() { // String json = "{ where: { 'product.productID': { gt: 11} , 'product.productName': { startsWith: 'Q' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(OrderDetail.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { OrderDetail od = (OrderDetail) o; Product p = od.getProduct(); assertTrue(p.getProductName().startsWith("Q")); assertTrue(p.getProductID() > 11); } } public void testWhereNestedString3Deep() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=not endswith(productName,'milk')"); String json = "{ where: { 'order.employee.lastName': { startsWith: 'D' }}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(OrderDetail.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { OrderDetail od = (OrderDetail) o; Order order = od.getOrder(); Employee emp = order.getEmployee(); String lastName = emp.getLastName(); assertTrue(lastName.startsWith("D")); } } public void testWhereNestedInt() { // String json = qs.queryToJson(Product.class, // "?$filter=not endswith(productName,'milk')"); String json = "{ where: { 'product.productID': 1}}"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(OrderDetail.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { OrderDetail od = (OrderDetail) o; Product p = od.getProduct(); Integer id = p.getProductID(); assertTrue(id == 1); } } public void testSingleCustomerClone() { String json = "{ take: 1 }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() == 1); for (Object o : results) { Customer cust = (Customer) o; String custJson = JsonGson.toJson(cust, true, true); Map custMap = JsonGson.fromJson(custJson); Object clone = JsonGson.fromMap(Customer.class, custMap); Customer custClone = (Customer) clone; assertTrue(cust != custClone); assertTrue(cust.getCompanyName().equals(custClone.getCompanyName())); assertTrue(cust.getCustomerID().equals(custClone.getCustomerID())); } } public void testSelect() { String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { gt: 20.0 }}, select: 'productName,unitPrice' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { HashMap<String, Object> hm = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; String productName = (String) hm.get("productName"); BigDecimal unitPrice = (BigDecimal) hm.get("unitPrice"); assertTrue(unitPrice.doubleValue() > 20.0); } } public void testSelectNestedScalarNav() { String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { gt: 20.0 } }, select: 'productName,supplier, supplier.companyName' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { HashMap<String, Object> hm = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; String productName = (String) hm.get("productName"); String companyName = (String) hm.get("supplier.companyName"); Supplier supplier = (Supplier) hm.get("supplier"); assertTrue(supplier.getCompanyName() != null); assertTrue(supplier.getCompanyName().equals(companyName)); } } public void testSelectNestedNonScalarNav() { String json = "{ where: { companyName: { startsWith: 'B' } }, select: 'companyName, orders' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { HashMap<String, Object> hm = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; String companyName = (String) hm.get("companyName"); Collection<Order> orders = (Collection<Order>) hm.get("orders"); assertTrue(orders.size() > 0); } } public void testSelectNestedData() { String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { gt: 20.0 }}, select: 'productName,supplier.companyName,unitPrice' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { HashMap<String, Object> hm = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; String productName = (String) hm.get("productName"); assertTrue(productName.length() > 0); String supplierCompany = (String) hm.get("supplier.companyName"); assertTrue(supplierCompany.length() > 0); assertTrue(productName.length() > 0); BigDecimal unitPrice = (BigDecimal) hm.get("unitPrice"); assertTrue(unitPrice.doubleValue() > 20.0); } } public void testSelectNestedWithWhereNested() { String json = "{ where: { unitPrice: { gt: 20.0 }, 'supplier.companyName': { startsWith: 'S' }}, select: 'productName,supplier.companyName,unitPrice' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { HashMap<String, Object> hm = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; String productName = (String) hm.get("productName"); assertTrue(productName.length() > 0); String supplierCompany = (String) hm.get("supplier.companyName"); assertTrue(supplierCompany.startsWith("S")); assertTrue(productName.length() > 0); BigDecimal unitPrice = (BigDecimal) hm.get("unitPrice"); assertTrue(unitPrice.doubleValue() > 20.0); } } public void testAny() { String json = "{ where: { orders: { any: { freight: { gt: 950.0 } } } } }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() < 5); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; } } // currently fails not + any do not work correct YET public void testNotAny() { String json = "{ where: { not: { orders: { any: { or: [ { freight: { lt: 500} }, { freight: { eq: null}} ] } } } }, expand: 'orders' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); // assertTrue(results.size() < 5); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; Collection<Order> orders = c.getOrders(); boolean isOk = true; for (Order order : orders) { if (order.getFreight().doubleValue() < 500) { isOk = false; } } assertTrue(isOk); } } public void testAnyWithExpand() { String json = "{ where: { orders: { any: { freight: { gt: 950.0 } } } }, expand: 'orders' }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Customer.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() < 5); for (Object o : results) { Customer c = (Customer) o; Collection<Order> orders = c.getOrders(); assertTrue(orders.size() > 0); boolean isOk = false; for (Order order : orders) { if (order.getFreight().doubleValue() > 950.0) { isOk = true; } } assertTrue(isOk); } } public void testAndNotEqWithOrderByAndExpand() { // var p = Predicate.create("freight", ">", 100).and("customerID", "!=", // null); // var query = new breeze.EntityQuery() // .from("Orders") // .where(p) // .orderBy("orderID") // .expand("customer") // .take(1); String json = "{ where: { freight: { gt: 100.0 }, customerID: { ne: null }}, orderBy: ['orderID'], expand: ['customer'] }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Order.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Order order = (Order) o; BigDecimal freight = order.getFreight(); assertTrue(freight.doubleValue() > 100.0); assertTrue(order.getCustomerID() != null); } } // public void testNestedOrderByAndExpand() { // var q1 = EntityQuery.from("Products") // .expand("category") // .orderBy("category.categoryName, productName"); String json = "{ orderBy: ['category.categoryName', 'productName'], expand: ['category'] }"; QueryResult qr = _qe.executeQuery(Product.class, json); Collection results = qr.getResults(); String rJson = qr.toJson(); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); for (Object o : results) { Product product = (Product) o; // TODO: } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Date toDate(int yr, int month, int day) { int y = yr - 1900; int m = month - 1; // wierd rules: yy - 1900, mm (0-11), dd (1-31) return new Date(y, m, day); } }