package brave.internal; // code originally imported from zipkin.Util public final class HexCodec { /** * Parses a 1 to 32 character lower-hex string with no prefix into an unsigned long, tossing any * bits higher than 64. */ public static long lowerHexToUnsignedLong(String lowerHex) { int length = lowerHex.length(); if (length < 1 || length > 32) throw isntLowerHexLong(lowerHex); // trim off any high bits int beginIndex = length > 16 ? length - 16 : 0; return lowerHexToUnsignedLong(lowerHex, beginIndex); } /** * Parses a 16 character lower-hex string with no prefix into an unsigned long, starting at the * spe index. */ public static long lowerHexToUnsignedLong(String lowerHex, int index) { long result = 0; for (int endIndex = Math.min(index + 16, lowerHex.length()); index < endIndex; index++) { char c = lowerHex.charAt(index); result <<= 4; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { result |= c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { result |= c - 'a' + 10; } else { throw isntLowerHexLong(lowerHex); } } return result; } static NumberFormatException isntLowerHexLong(String lowerHex) { throw new NumberFormatException( lowerHex + " should be a 1 to 32 character lower-hex string with no prefix"); } /** Returns 16 or 32 character hex string depending on if {@code high} is zero. */ public static String toLowerHex(long high, long low) { char[] result = new char[high != 0 ? 32 : 16]; int pos = 0; if (high != 0) { writeHexLong(result, pos, high); pos += 16; } writeHexLong(result, pos, low); return new String(result); } /** Inspired by {@code okio.Buffer.writeLong} */ public static String toLowerHex(long v) { char[] data = new char[16]; writeHexLong(data, 0, v); return new String(data); } /** Inspired by {@code okio.Buffer.writeLong} */ public static void writeHexLong(char[] data, int pos, long v) { writeHexByte(data, pos + 0, (byte) ((v >>> 56L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 2, (byte) ((v >>> 48L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 4, (byte) ((v >>> 40L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 6, (byte) ((v >>> 32L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 8, (byte) ((v >>> 24L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 10, (byte) ((v >>> 16L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 12, (byte) ((v >>> 8L) & 0xff)); writeHexByte(data, pos + 14, (byte) (v & 0xff)); } static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; static void writeHexByte(char[] data, int pos, byte b) { data[pos + 0] = HEX_DIGITS[(b >> 4) & 0xf]; data[pos + 1] = HEX_DIGITS[b & 0xf]; } HexCodec() { } }