package com.github.kristofa.brave.local; import com.github.kristofa.brave.EmptySpanCollectorMetricsHandler; import com.github.kristofa.brave.FlushingSpanCollector; import com.github.kristofa.brave.SpanCollectorMetricsHandler; import; import com.twitter.zipkin.gen.Span; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import static com.github.kristofa.brave.internal.DefaultSpanCodec.toZipkin; /** * SpanCollector which submits spans directly to a Zipkin {@link StorageComponent}. * * @deprecated replaced by {@link zipkin.reporter.AsyncReporter} and {@code LocalSender} * located in the "io.zipkin.reporter:zipkin-sender-local" dependency. */ @Deprecated public final class LocalSpanCollector extends FlushingSpanCollector { @AutoValue public static abstract class Config { public static Builder builder() { return new AutoValue_LocalSpanCollector_Config.Builder() .flushInterval(1); } abstract int flushInterval(); @AutoValue.Builder public interface Builder { /** Default 1 second. 0 implies spans are {@link #flush() flushed} externally. */ Builder flushInterval(int flushInterval); Config build(); } } private final StorageComponent storageComponent; private final SpanCollectorMetricsHandler metrics; /** * Create a new instance with default configuration. * * @param storageComponent spans will be written asynchronously to this * @param metrics Gets notified when spans are accepted or dropped. If you are not interested in * these events you can use {@linkplain EmptySpanCollectorMetricsHandler} */ public static LocalSpanCollector create(StorageComponent storageComponent, SpanCollectorMetricsHandler metrics) { return new LocalSpanCollector(storageComponent, Config.builder().build(), metrics); } /** * @param storageComponent spans will be written asynchronously to this * @param config includes flush interval and timeouts * @param metrics Gets notified when spans are accepted or dropped. If you are not interested in * these events you can use {@linkplain EmptySpanCollectorMetricsHandler} */ public static LocalSpanCollector create(StorageComponent storageComponent, Config config, SpanCollectorMetricsHandler metrics) { return new LocalSpanCollector(storageComponent, config, metrics); } // Visible for testing. Ex when tests need to explicitly control flushing, set interval to 0. LocalSpanCollector(StorageComponent storageComponent, Config config, SpanCollectorMetricsHandler metrics) { super(metrics, config.flushInterval()); this.storageComponent = storageComponent; this.metrics = metrics; } @Override protected void reportSpans(final List<Span> drained) throws IOException { // Brave 3 doesn't use zipkin spans. Convert accordingly List<zipkin.Span> zipkinSpans = new ArrayList<zipkin.Span>(drained.size()); for (Span input : drained) { zipkinSpans.add(toZipkin(input)); } // This dereferences a lazy, which might throw an exception if the storage system is down. AsyncSpanConsumer asyncSpanConsumer = storageComponent.asyncSpanConsumer(); // We accept the spans into storage, incrementing drop metrics if there was a failure. asyncSpanConsumer.accept(zipkinSpans, new Callback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void ignored) { } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { metrics.incrementDroppedSpans(drained.size()); } }); } }