package com.boardgamegeek.util; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.boardgamegeek.R; import com.boardgamegeek.model.Player; import com.boardgamegeek.pref.MultiSelectListPreference; import com.boardgamegeek.ui.PlayStatsActivity; import com.boardgamegeek.ui.PlaysActivity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Utility for getting and putting preferences. */ public class PreferencesUtils { public static final long VIEW_ID_COLLECTION = -1; public static final int INVALID_H_INDEX = -1; public static final int INVALID_ARTICLE_ID = -1; public static final String LOG_PLAY_STATS_PREFIX = "logPlayStats"; private static final String VIEW_DEFAULT_ID = "viewDefaultId"; private static final String KEY_LAST_PLAY_TIME = "last_play_time"; private static final String KEY_LAST_PLAY_LOCATION = "last_play_location"; private static final String KEY_LAST_PLAY_PLAYERS = "last_play_players"; private static final String SEPARATOR_RECORD = "OV=I=XrecordX=I=VO"; private static final String SEPARATOR_FIELD = "OV=I=XfieldX=I=VO"; private static final String KEY_SYNC_STATUSES = "syncStatuses"; private static final String KEY_HAS_SEEN_NAV_DRAWER = "has_seen_nav_drawer"; private static final String KEY_HAPTIC_FEEDBACK = "haptic_feedback"; private static final String LOG_PLAY_STATS_INCOMPLETE = LOG_PLAY_STATS_PREFIX + "Incomplete"; private static final String LOG_PLAY_STATS_EXPANSIONS = LOG_PLAY_STATS_PREFIX + "Expansions"; private static final String LOG_PLAY_STATS_ACCESSORIES = LOG_PLAY_STATS_PREFIX + "Accessories"; private static final String LOG_EDIT_PLAYER_PROMPTED = "logEditPlayerPrompted"; private static final String LOG_EDIT_PLAYER = "logEditPlayer"; private PreferencesUtils() { } public static boolean showLogPlay(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlay", !getBoolean(context, "logHideLog", false)); } public static boolean showQuickLogPlay(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "quickLogPlay", !getBoolean(context, "logHideQuickLog", false)); } public static boolean getEditPlayerPrompted(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, LOG_EDIT_PLAYER_PROMPTED, false); } public static boolean putEditPlayerPrompted(Context context) { return putBoolean(context, LOG_EDIT_PLAYER_PROMPTED, true); } public static boolean getEditPlayer(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, LOG_EDIT_PLAYER, false); } public static boolean putEditPlayer(Context context, boolean value) { return putBoolean(context, LOG_EDIT_PLAYER, value); } public static boolean showLogPlayQuantity(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayQuantity", false); } public static boolean showLogPlayLength(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayLength", !getBoolean(context, "logHideLength", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayLocation(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayLocation", !getBoolean(context, "logHideLocation", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayIncomplete(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayIncomplete", !getBoolean(context, "logHideIncomplete", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayNoWinStats(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayNoWinStats", !getBoolean(context, "logHideNoWinStats", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayComments(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayComments", !getBoolean(context, "logHideComments", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayPlayerList(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayPlayerList", !getBoolean(context, "logHidePlayerList", false)); } public static boolean showLogPlayerTeamColor(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayerTeamColor", !getBoolean(context, "logHideTeamColor", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayerPosition(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayerPosition", !getBoolean(context, "logHidePosition", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayerScore(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayerScore", !getBoolean(context, "logHideScore", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayerRating(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayerRating", !getBoolean(context, "logHideRating", true)); } public static boolean showLogPlayerNew(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayerNew", !getBoolean(context, "logHideNew", true)); } public static boolean logPlayStatsIncomplete(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, LOG_PLAY_STATS_INCOMPLETE, false); } public static void putPlayStatsIncomplete(Context context, boolean value) { putBoolean(context, LOG_PLAY_STATS_INCOMPLETE, value); } public static boolean logPlayStatsExpansions(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, LOG_PLAY_STATS_EXPANSIONS, false); } public static void putPlayStatsExpansions(Context context, boolean value) { putBoolean(context, LOG_PLAY_STATS_EXPANSIONS, value); } public static boolean logPlayStatsAccessories(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, LOG_PLAY_STATS_ACCESSORIES, false); } public static void putPlayStatsAccessories(Context context, boolean value) { putBoolean(context, LOG_PLAY_STATS_ACCESSORIES, value); } public static boolean showLogPlayerWin(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "logPlayerWin", !getBoolean(context, "logHideWin", true)); } public static String[] getSyncStatuses(Context context) { return getStringArray(context, KEY_SYNC_STATUSES, context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.pref_sync_status_default)); } public static boolean isSyncStatus(Context context) { String[] statuses = getSyncStatuses(context); return statuses != null && statuses.length > 0; } /** * Determines if the specified status is set to be synced. */ public static boolean isSyncStatus(Context context, String status) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(status)) { return false; } String[] statuses = getSyncStatuses(context); if (statuses == null) { return false; } for (String s : statuses) { if (s.equals(status)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean getSyncPlays(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "syncPlays", false); } public static boolean getSyncBuddies(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "syncBuddies", false); } public static boolean getSyncShowNotifications(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "sync_notifications", false); } public static boolean getSyncShowErrors(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "sync_errors", false); } public static boolean getSyncOnlyCharging(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "sync_only_charging", false); } public static boolean getSyncOnlyWifi(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "sync_only_wifi", false); } public static boolean getForumDates(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "advancedForumDates", false); } public static boolean getAvoidBatching(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, "advancedDebugInsert", false); } public static int getHIndex(Context context) { return getInt(context, "hIndex", 0); } public static void updateHIndex(@NonNull Context context, int hIndex) { if (hIndex != INVALID_H_INDEX) { int oldHIndex = PreferencesUtils.getHIndex(context); if (oldHIndex != hIndex) { putInt(context, "hIndex", hIndex); notifyHIndex(context, hIndex, oldHIndex); } } } private static void notifyHIndex(@NonNull Context context, int hIndex, int oldHIndex) { @StringRes int messageId; if (hIndex > oldHIndex) { messageId = R.string.sync_notification_h_index_increase; } else { messageId = R.string.sync_notification_h_index_decrease; } Intent intent = new Intent(context, PlayStatsActivity.class); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = NotificationUtils .createNotificationBuilder(context, R.string.sync_notification_title_h_index, PlaysActivity.class) .setContentText(PresentationUtils.getText(context, messageId, hIndex)) .setContentIntent(pi); NotificationUtils.notify(context, NotificationUtils.TAG_H_INDEX, 0, builder); } public static long getViewDefaultId(Context context) { return getLong(context, VIEW_DEFAULT_ID, VIEW_ID_COLLECTION); } public static boolean putViewDefaultId(Context context, long id) { return putLong(context, VIEW_DEFAULT_ID, id); } public static boolean removeViewDefaultId(Context context) { return remove(context, VIEW_DEFAULT_ID); } public static long getLastPlayTime(Context context) { return getLong(context, KEY_LAST_PLAY_TIME, 0); } public static boolean putLastPlayTime(Context context, long millis) { return putLong(context, KEY_LAST_PLAY_TIME, millis); } public static String getLastPlayLocation(Context context) { return getString(context, KEY_LAST_PLAY_LOCATION); } public static boolean putLastPlayLocation(Context context, String location) { return putString(context, KEY_LAST_PLAY_LOCATION, location); } public static List<Player> getLastPlayPlayers(Context context) { List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>(); String playersString = getString(context, KEY_LAST_PLAY_PLAYERS); String[] playerStringArray = playersString.split(SEPARATOR_RECORD); for (String playerString : playerStringArray) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(playerString)) { String[] playerSplit = playerString.split(SEPARATOR_FIELD); if (playerSplit.length > 0 && playerSplit.length < 3) { Player player = new Player(); = playerSplit[0]; if (playerSplit.length == 2) { player.username = playerSplit[1]; } players.add(player); } } } return players; } public static boolean putLastPlayPlayers(Context context, List<Player> players) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Player player : players) { sb.append(; } return putString(context, KEY_LAST_PLAY_PLAYERS, sb.toString()); } public static boolean hasSeenNavDrawer(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, KEY_HAS_SEEN_NAV_DRAWER, false); } public static void sawNavDrawer(Context context) { putBoolean(context, KEY_HAS_SEEN_NAV_DRAWER, true); } public static boolean getHapticFeedback(Context context) { return getBoolean(context, KEY_HAPTIC_FEEDBACK, true); } public static boolean putThreadArticle(Context context, int threadId, int articleId) { return putInt(context, getThreadKey(threadId), articleId); } public static int getThreadArticle(Context context, int threadId) { return getInt(context, getThreadKey(threadId), INVALID_ARTICLE_ID); } @NonNull private static String getThreadKey(long threadId) { return "THREAD-" + String.valueOf(threadId); } private static boolean remove(Context context, String key) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.remove(key); return editor.commit(); } private static boolean putBoolean(Context context, String key, boolean value) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(key, value); return editor.commit(); } private static boolean putInt(Context context, String key, int value) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putInt(key, value); return editor.commit(); } private static boolean putLong(Context context, String key, long value) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putLong(key, value); return editor.commit(); } private static boolean putString(Context context, String key, String value) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putString(key, value); return editor.commit(); } private static boolean getBoolean(Context context, String key, boolean defaultValue) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return sharedPreferences.getBoolean(key, defaultValue); } private static int getInt(Context context, String key, int defaultValue) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return sharedPreferences.getInt(key, defaultValue); } private static long getLong(Context context, String key, long defaultValue) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return sharedPreferences.getLong(key, defaultValue); } private static String getString(Context context, String key) { return getString(context, key, ""); } private static String getString(Context context, String key, String defValue) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return sharedPreferences.getString(key, defValue); } private static String[] getStringArray(Context context, String key, String[] defValue) { String value = getString(context, key, null); if (value == null) { return defValue; } return MultiSelectListPreference.parseStoredValue(value); } }