package com.boardgamegeek.util; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Locale; import timber.log.Timber; /** * Static methods for getting data out of a cursor. */ public class CursorUtils { private CursorUtils() { } /** * Gets a boolean from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns false if the column doesn't exist. */ public static boolean getBoolean(Cursor cursor, String columnName) { return getBoolean(cursor, columnName, false); } /** * Gets a boolean from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns defaultValue if the column doesn't exist. */ public static boolean getBoolean(Cursor cursor, String columnName, boolean defaultValue) { int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName); return getBoolean(cursor, idx, defaultValue); } public static boolean getBoolean(Cursor cursor, int idx) { return getBoolean(cursor, idx, false); } public static boolean getBoolean(Cursor cursor, int idx, boolean defaultValue) { if (idx == -1) { return defaultValue; } else { return cursor.getInt(idx) != 0; } } /** * Gets an integer from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns 0 if the column doesn't exist. */ public static int getInt(Cursor cursor, String columnName) { return getInt(cursor, columnName, 0); } /** * Gets an integer from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns defaultValue if the column doesn't exist. */ public static int getInt(Cursor cursor, String columnName, int defaultValue) { int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName); if (idx == -1) { return defaultValue; } else { return cursor.getInt(idx); } } /** * Gets a long from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns 0 if the column doesn't exist. */ public static long getLong(Cursor cursor, String columnName) { return getLong(cursor, columnName, 0); } /** * Gets a long from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns defaultValue if the column doesn't exist. */ public static long getLong(Cursor cursor, String columnName, long defaultValue) { int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName); if (idx == -1) { return defaultValue; } else { return cursor.getLong(idx); } } /** * Gets a double from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns 0.0 if the column doesn't exist. */ public static double getDouble(Cursor cursor, String columnName) { return getDouble(cursor, columnName, 0.0); } /** * Gets a double from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns defaultValue if the column doesn't exist. */ public static double getDouble(Cursor cursor, String columnName, double defaultValue) { int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName); if (idx == -1) { return defaultValue; } else { return cursor.getDouble(idx); } } /** * Gets a string from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns an empty string if the column doesn't exist or is null. */ public static String getString(Cursor cursor, String columnName) { return getString(cursor, columnName, ""); } /** * Gets a string from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns an empty string if the column doesn't exist or is null. */ public static String getString(Cursor cursor, int columnIndex) { return getString(cursor, columnIndex, ""); } /** * Gets a string from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns defaultValue if the column doesn't exist or is null. */ public static String getString(Cursor cursor, String columnName, String defaultValue) { return getString(cursor, cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName), defaultValue); } /** * Gets a string from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. Returns defaultValue if the column doesn't exist or is null. */ public static String getString(Cursor cursor, int columnIndex, String defaultValue) { if (columnIndex == -1) { return defaultValue; } else { String value = cursor.getString(columnIndex); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return value; } } /** * Gets string array from the cursor based on the columnIndex. Returns with the cursor at the original position. */ public static String[] getStringArray(Cursor cursor, int columnIndex) { String[] array = new String[cursor.getCount()]; int position = cursor.getPosition(); try { cursor.moveToPosition(-1); int i = 0; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { array[i++] = cursor.getString(columnIndex); } } finally { cursor.moveToPosition(position); } return array; } public static long getDateInMillis(Cursor cursor, int columnIndex) { String date = cursor.getString(columnIndex); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(date)) { Calendar calendar = getCalendar(date); return calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } return 0; } /** * Gets a date from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. The date is formatted as an abbreviated * form of the local conventions. Returns an empty string if the date could not be determined. */ public static String getFormattedDateAbbreviated(Cursor cursor, Context context, int columnIndex) { return getFormattedDate(cursor, context, columnIndex, DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL); } /** * Gets a date from the specified column on the current row of the cursor. The date is formatted according to the * specified flags. Returns an empty string if the date could not be determined. */ private static String getFormattedDate(Cursor cursor, Context context, int columnIndex, int flags) { String date = cursor.getString(columnIndex); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(date)) { try { Calendar calendar = getCalendar(date); return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), flags); } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Could find a date in here: %s", date); } } return ""; } @NonNull private static Calendar getCalendar(String date) { Timber.v("Getting date from string: %s", date); String[] dateParts = date.split("-"); int year = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[0]); int month = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[1]) - 1; int day = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[2]); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(year, month, day); return calendar; } public static String getFirstCharacter(Cursor cursor, int position, String columnName, String defaultValue) { if (cursor == null) { return defaultValue; } int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName); if (columnIndex == -1) { return defaultValue; } int cur = cursor.getPosition(); try { String value = null; cursor.moveToPosition(position); if (columnIndex < cursor.getColumnCount()) { value = cursor.getString(columnIndex); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return defaultValue; } return value.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } finally { cursor.moveToPosition(cur); } } }