package cc.blynk.server.core.model.auth; import cc.blynk.server.core.protocol.model.messages.ResponseWithBodyMessage; import cc.blynk.server.core.session.HardwareStateHolder; import cc.blynk.server.core.stats.metrics.InstanceLoadMeter; import cc.blynk.server.handlers.BaseSimpleChannelInboundHandler; import cc.blynk.utils.ArrayUtil; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import io.netty.util.internal.ConcurrentSet; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import static cc.blynk.server.core.protocol.enums.Command.RESPONSE; import static cc.blynk.server.core.protocol.enums.Response.DEVICE_WENT_OFFLINE; import static cc.blynk.utils.BlynkByteBufUtil.makeUTF8StringMessage; import static cc.blynk.utils.StateHolderUtil.*; import static cc.blynk.utils.StringUtils.DEVICE_SEPARATOR; import static cc.blynk.utils.StringUtils.prependDashIdAndDeviceId; /** * The Blynk Project. * Created by Dmitriy Dumanskiy. * Created on 2/1/2015. * <p> * too complicated. so doing in simple way for now. */ public class Session { private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Session.class); public final EventLoop initialEventLoop; public final Set<Channel> appChannels = new ConcurrentSet<>(); public final Set<Channel> hardwareChannels = new ConcurrentSet<>(); private final ChannelFutureListener appRemover = future -> removeAppChannel(; private final ChannelFutureListener hardRemover = future -> removeHardChannel(; public Session(EventLoop initialEventLoop) { this.initialEventLoop = initialEventLoop; } private static int getRequestRate(Set<Channel> channels) { double sum = 0; for (Channel c : channels) { BaseSimpleChannelInboundHandler handler = c.pipeline().get(BaseSimpleChannelInboundHandler.class); if (handler != null) { InstanceLoadMeter loadMeter = handler.getQuotaMeter(); sum += loadMeter.getOneMinuteRateNoTick(); } } return (int) sum; } public static boolean needSync(Channel channel, String sharedToken) { BaseSimpleChannelInboundHandler appHandler = channel.pipeline().get(BaseSimpleChannelInboundHandler.class); return appHandler != null && appHandler.getState().contains(sharedToken); } public void addAppChannel(Channel appChannel) { if (appChannels.add(appChannel)) { appChannel.closeFuture().addListener(appRemover); } } public void removeAppChannel(Channel appChannel) { if (appChannels.remove(appChannel)) { appChannel.closeFuture().removeListener(appRemover); } } public void addHardChannel(Channel hardChannel) { if (hardwareChannels.add(hardChannel)) { hardChannel.closeFuture().addListener(hardRemover); } } public void removeHardChannel(Channel hardChannel) { if (hardwareChannels.remove(hardChannel)) { hardChannel.closeFuture().removeListener(hardRemover); } } private Set<Channel> filter(int activeDashId, int[] deviceIds) { final Set<Channel> targetChannels = new HashSet<>(); for (Channel channel : hardwareChannels) { final HardwareStateHolder hardwareState = getHardState(channel); if (hardwareState.dashId == activeDashId && (deviceIds.length == 0 || ArrayUtil.contains(deviceIds, hardwareState.deviceId))) { targetChannels.add(channel); } } return targetChannels; } private Set<Channel> filter(int activeDashId, int deviceId) { final Set<Channel> targetChannels = new HashSet<>(); for (Channel channel : hardwareChannels) { if (isSameDashAndDeviceId(channel, activeDashId, deviceId)) { targetChannels.add(channel); } } return targetChannels; } public boolean sendMessageToHardware(int activeDashId, short cmd, int msgId, String body, int deviceId) { return hardwareChannels.size() == 0 || sendMessageToHardware(filter(activeDashId, deviceId), cmd, msgId, body); } public boolean sendMessageToHardware(int activeDashId, short cmd, int msgId, String body, int... deviceIds) { return hardwareChannels.size() == 0 || sendMessageToHardware(filter(activeDashId, deviceIds), cmd, msgId, body); } private boolean sendMessageToHardware(Set<Channel> targetChannels, short cmd, int msgId, String body) { final int channelsNum = targetChannels.size(); if (channelsNum == 0) { return true; // -> no active hardware } send(targetChannels, channelsNum, cmd, msgId, body); return false; // -> there is active hardware } public boolean isHardwareConnected() { return hardwareChannels.size() > 0; } public boolean isHardwareConnected(int dashId, int deviceId) { for (Channel channel : hardwareChannels) { if (isSameDashAndDeviceId(channel, dashId, deviceId)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isHardwareConnected(int dashId) { for (Channel channel : hardwareChannels) { if (isSameDash(channel, dashId)) { return true; } } return false; } public void sendOfflineMessageToApps(int dashId) { if (isAppConnected()) { log.trace("Sending device offline message."); ResponseWithBodyMessage response = new ResponseWithBodyMessage(0, RESPONSE, DEVICE_WENT_OFFLINE, dashId); for (Channel appChannel : appChannels) { if (appChannel.isWritable()) { appChannel.writeAndFlush(response, appChannel.voidPromise()); } } } } public void sendToApps(short cmd, int msgId, int dashId, int deviceId) { final int targetsNum = appChannels.size(); if (targetsNum == 0) { return; } send(appChannels, targetsNum, cmd, msgId, "" + dashId + DEVICE_SEPARATOR + deviceId); } public void sendToApps(short cmd, int msgId, int dashId, int deviceId, String body) { final int targetsNum = appChannels.size(); if (targetsNum == 0) { return; } send(appChannels, targetsNum, cmd, msgId, prependDashIdAndDeviceId(dashId, deviceId, body)); } private void send(Set<Channel> targets, int targetsNum, short cmd, int msgId, String body) { ByteBuf msg = makeUTF8StringMessage(cmd, msgId, body); if (targetsNum > 1) { msg.retain(targetsNum - 1).markReaderIndex(); } for (Channel channel : targets) { if (channel.isWritable()) { log.trace("Sending {} to channel {}", body, channel); channel.writeAndFlush(msg, channel.voidPromise()); } if (msg.refCnt() > 0) { msg.resetReaderIndex(); } } } public void sendToSharedApps(Channel sendingChannel, String sharedToken, short cmd, int msgId, String body) { final Set<Channel> targetChannels = new HashSet<>(); for (Channel channel : appChannels) { if (channel != sendingChannel && channel.isWritable() && needSync(channel, sharedToken)) { targetChannels.add(channel); } } final int channelsNum = targetChannels.size(); if (channelsNum == 0) { return; } send(targetChannels, channelsNum, cmd, msgId, body); } public boolean isAppConnected() { return appChannels.size() > 0; } public int getAppRequestRate() { return getRequestRate(appChannels); } public int getHardRequestRate() { return getRequestRate(hardwareChannels); } public void closeHardwareChannelByDeviceId(int dashId, int deviceId) { for (Channel channel : hardwareChannels) { if (isSameDashAndDeviceId(channel, dashId, deviceId)) { channel.close(); } } } public void closeHardwareChannelByDashId(int dashId) { for (Channel channel : hardwareChannels) { if (isSameDash(channel, dashId)) { channel.close(); } } } public void closeAll() { hardwareChannels.forEach(; appChannels.forEach(; } }