package com.e2u.sort; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; public class MatchUtil { public final static int COMMON_INVALID = -1; public final static byte FIRST_PLAYER_1 = 1; public final static byte FIRST_PLAYER_2 = 2; public final static int MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_1 = 1; public final static int MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_2 = 2; public final static int MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_NONE = 3; public final static int SCORE_WINNER = 2; public final static int SCORE_DRAWER = 1; public final static int SCORE_LOSER = 0; public final static int PLAYER_RESULT_WIN = 1; public final static int PLAYER_RESULT_DRAW = 2; public final static int PLAYER_RESULT_LOSE = 3; public final static int MINOR_SCORE_OPPONENT_MODE = 1; public final static int MINOR_SCORE_ACCUMULATE_MODE = 2; private static boolean DEBUG = true; private static Map<Integer, String> resultStrMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(4); static { resultStrMap.put(Integer.valueOf(MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_1), String.valueOf(SCORE_WINNER) + ":" + String.valueOf(SCORE_LOSER)); resultStrMap.put(Integer.valueOf(MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_2), String.valueOf(SCORE_LOSER) + ":" + String.valueOf(SCORE_WINNER)); resultStrMap.put(Integer.valueOf(MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_NONE), String.valueOf(SCORE_DRAWER) + ":" + String.valueOf(SCORE_DRAWER)); } public static int rand() { Random random = new Random(); int ret = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ret = random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); random.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis() + ret); } return ret; } public static int randPlayMatch() { int ret = rand() % 3 + 1; return ret; } //Get a number in 0-2 public static int randFoul() { int max = 100; int ret = rand() % max; if(ret <= 90 * max / 100) { return 0; } else if(ret <= 95 * max / 100) { return 1; } return 2; } public static String getP1vsP2Result(int result) { return resultStrMap.get(result); } public static int getTheRoundScore(int playerID, Match match) { if(playerID == match.player1.playerID) { switch(match.result) { case MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_1: return SCORE_WINNER; case MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_2: return SCORE_LOSER; case MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_NONE: return SCORE_DRAWER; } } else if(playerID == match.player2.playerID) { switch(match.result) { case MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_1: return SCORE_LOSER; case MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_2: return SCORE_WINNER; case MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_NONE: return SCORE_DRAWER; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input, playerID = " + playerID + ", match = " + match); } public static int getTheRoundWin(int playerID, Match match) { if(playerID == match.player1.playerID && (match.result == MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_1)) { return 1; } if(playerID == match.player2.playerID && (match.result == MATCH_RESULT_WINNER_PLAYER_2)) { return 1; } return 0; } public static int getTheOpponentScore(int playerID, Match match) { Player opponent = null; if(match.player1.playerID == playerID) { opponent = MatchDataSource.getInstance().getPlayer(match.player2.playerID); } else { opponent = MatchDataSource.getInstance().getPlayer(match.player1.playerID); } if(opponent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[Fatal Error]: can't find the opponent, playerID = " + playerID + ", matchID = " +; } return opponent.score; } public static int log2(int x) { if(x <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input value is less than zero: x=" + x); } int a = 1; int ret = 0; while(a < x) { a = a << 1; ret++; } return ret; } public static boolean littleEndian(int round) { return round % 2 == 1; } /** * @param a * @param startIndex * @param endIndex * @param sepIndex the start index of the second part */ public static void rotate(Object[] a, int startIndex, int endIndex, int sepIndex) { reverse(a, startIndex, sepIndex - 1); reverse(a, sepIndex, endIndex); reverse(a, startIndex, endIndex); } public static void reverse(Object[] a, int from, int to) { while(from < to) { swap(a, from, to); from++; to--; } } public static void swap(Object[] a, int x, int y) { Object temp = a[x]; a[x] = a[y]; a[y] = temp; } public static void swap(int[] a, int x, int y) { int temp = a[x]; a[x] = a[y]; a[y] = temp; } private static int count = 0; public static boolean perm(int size, PermCallBack pcb, List params) { int[] in = new int[size]; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { in[i] = i; } return perm(in, 0, size - 1, pcb, params); } public static boolean perm(int in[], int begin, int end, PermCallBack pcb, List params) { if(begin == end) { count++; return pcb.doOper(in, params); } else { for(int i = begin; i <= end; i++) { swap(in, begin, i); if(perm(in, begin + 1, end, pcb, params)) { return true; } swap(in, begin, i); } } return false; } public static boolean isDebug() { return DEBUG; } public static void printSeparator() { System.out.println("====================================="); } public static void debug(String str) { if(isDebug()) { System.out.println(str); } } private static class PermCallBackImp implements PermCallBack { public boolean doOper(int[] a, List params) { if(a[0] == 3 && a[1] == 2 && a[2] == 4) { for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { System.out.print(" " + a[i]); } System.out.println(); Object obj = params.get(0); System.out.println(obj); return true; } return false; } } public static void ut() { // for(int i = 0; i < 33; i++) // { // System.out.printf("log2(%d) = %d\n", (i + 1), log2(i + 1)); // } // // int[] a = new int[5]; // for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) // { // a[i] = i; // } List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("abcdefg"); int size = 5; if(perm(size, new PermCallBackImp(), params)) { System.out.println("true Out now, count = " + count); // for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) // { // System.out.print(" " + a[i]); // } System.out.println(); } else { System.out.println("false Out now, count = " + count); } } public static void main(String[] args) { ut(); } }