package com.e2u.alg.match; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; public class Edmonds { private ArrayList<Node> cycle; public AdjacencyList getMinBranching(Node root, AdjacencyList list){ AdjacencyList reverse = list.getReversedList(); // remove all edges entering the root if(reverse.getAdjacent(root) != null){ reverse.getAdjacent(root).clear(); } AdjacencyList outEdges = new AdjacencyList(); // for each node, select the edge entering it with smallest weight for(Node n : reverse.getSourceNodeSet()){ ArrayList<Edge> inEdges = reverse.getAdjacent(n); if(inEdges.isEmpty()) continue; Edge min = inEdges.get(0); for(Edge e : inEdges){ if(e.weight < min.weight){ min = e; } } outEdges.addEdge(, min.from, min.weight); } // detect cycles ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>> cycles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>>(); cycle = new ArrayList<Node>(); getCycle(root, outEdges); cycles.add(cycle); for(Node n : outEdges.getSourceNodeSet()){ if(!n.visited){ cycle = new ArrayList<Node>(); getCycle(n, outEdges); cycles.add(cycle); } } // for each cycle formed, modify the path to merge it into another part of the graph AdjacencyList outEdgesReverse = outEdges.getReversedList(); for(ArrayList<Node> x : cycles){ if(x.contains(root)) continue; mergeCycles(x, list, reverse, outEdges, outEdgesReverse); } return outEdges; } private void mergeCycles(ArrayList<Node> cycle, AdjacencyList list, AdjacencyList reverse, AdjacencyList outEdges, AdjacencyList outEdgesReverse){ ArrayList<Edge> cycleAllInEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(); Edge minInternalEdge = null; // find the minimum internal edge weight for(Node n : cycle){ for(Edge e : reverse.getAdjacent(n)){ if(cycle.contains({ if(minInternalEdge == null || minInternalEdge.weight > e.weight){ minInternalEdge = e; continue; } }else{ cycleAllInEdges.add(e); } } } // find the incoming edge with minimum modified cost Edge minExternalEdge = null; int minModifiedWeight = 0; for(Edge e : cycleAllInEdges){ int w = e.weight - (outEdgesReverse.getAdjacent(e.from).get(0).weight - minInternalEdge.weight); if(minExternalEdge == null || minModifiedWeight > w){ minExternalEdge = e; minModifiedWeight = w; } } // add the incoming edge and remove the inner-circuit incoming edge Edge removing = outEdgesReverse.getAdjacent(minExternalEdge.from).get(0); outEdgesReverse.getAdjacent(minExternalEdge.from).clear(); outEdgesReverse.addEdge(, minExternalEdge.from, minExternalEdge.weight); ArrayList<Edge> adj = outEdges.getAdjacent(; for(Iterator<Edge> i = adj.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){ if( == removing.from){ i.remove(); break; } } outEdges.addEdge(, minExternalEdge.from, minExternalEdge.weight); } private void getCycle(Node n, AdjacencyList outEdges){ n.visited = true; cycle.add(n); if(outEdges.getAdjacent(n) == null) return; for(Edge e : outEdges.getAdjacent(n)){ if(!{ getCycle(, outEdges); } } } }