/* * Copyright 2012 LinkedIn Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package azkaban.jobExecutor; import azkaban.Constants; import azkaban.metrics.CommonMetrics; import java.io.File; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import azkaban.flow.CommonJobProperties; import azkaban.jobExecutor.utils.process.AzkabanProcess; import azkaban.jobExecutor.utils.process.AzkabanProcessBuilder; import azkaban.utils.Pair; import azkaban.utils.Props; import azkaban.utils.SystemMemoryInfo; import static azkaban.ServiceProvider.*; /** * A job that runs a simple unix command */ public class ProcessJob extends AbstractProcessJob { public static final String COMMAND = "command"; private static final Duration KILL_TIME = Duration.ofSeconds(30); private volatile AzkabanProcess process; private static final String MEMCHECK_ENABLED = "memCheck.enabled"; public static final String AZKABAN_MEMORY_CHECK = "azkaban.memory.check"; public static final String NATIVE_LIB_FOLDER = "azkaban.native.lib"; public static final String EXECUTE_AS_USER = "execute.as.user"; public static final String USER_TO_PROXY = "user.to.proxy"; public static final String KRB5CCNAME = "KRB5CCNAME"; private volatile boolean killed = false; public ProcessJob(final String jobId, final Props sysProps, final Props jobProps, final Logger log) { super(jobId, sysProps, jobProps, log); } @Override public void run() throws Exception { try { resolveProps(); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("Bad property definition! " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (sysProps.getBoolean(MEMCHECK_ENABLED, true) && jobProps.getBoolean(AZKABAN_MEMORY_CHECK, true)) { Pair<Long, Long> memPair = getProcMemoryRequirement(); long xms = memPair.getFirst(); long xmx = memPair.getSecond(); // retry backoff in ms String oomMsg = String.format("Cannot request memory (Xms %d kb, Xmx %d kb) from system for job %s", xms, xmx, getId()); int attempt; boolean isMemGranted = true; //todo HappyRay: move to proper Guice after this class is refactored. SystemMemoryInfo memInfo = SERVICE_PROVIDER.getInstance(SystemMemoryInfo.class); for(attempt = 1; attempt <= Constants.MEMORY_CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT; attempt++) { isMemGranted = memInfo.canSystemGrantMemory(xmx); if (isMemGranted) { info(String.format("Memory granted for job %s", getId())); if(attempt > 1) { CommonMetrics.INSTANCE.decrementOOMJobWaitCount(); } break; } if (attempt < Constants.MEMORY_CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT) { info(String.format(oomMsg + ", sleep for %s secs and retry, attempt %s of %s", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds( Constants.MEMORY_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS), attempt, Constants.MEMORY_CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT)); if (attempt == 1) { CommonMetrics.INSTANCE.incrementOOMJobWaitCount(); } synchronized (this) { try { this.wait(Constants.MEMORY_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { info(String.format("Job %s interrupted while waiting for memory check retry", getId())); } } if(killed) { CommonMetrics.INSTANCE.decrementOOMJobWaitCount(); info(String.format("Job %s was killed while waiting for memory check retry", getId())); return; } } } if (!isMemGranted) { CommonMetrics.INSTANCE.decrementOOMJobWaitCount(); handleError(oomMsg, null); } } List<String> commands = null; try { commands = getCommandList(); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("Job set up failed " + e.getCause(), e); } long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (commands == null) { handleError("There are no commands to execute", null); } info(commands.size() + " commands to execute."); File[] propFiles = initPropsFiles(); // change krb5ccname env var so that each job execution gets its own cache Map<String, String> envVars = getEnvironmentVariables(); envVars.put(KRB5CCNAME, getKrb5ccname(jobProps)); // determine whether to run as Azkaban or run as effectiveUser, // by default, run as effectiveUser String executeAsUserBinaryPath = null; String effectiveUser = null; boolean isExecuteAsUser = sysProps.getBoolean(EXECUTE_AS_USER, true); // nativeLibFolder specifies the path for execute-as-user file, // which will change user from Azkaban to effectiveUser if (isExecuteAsUser) { String nativeLibFolder = sysProps.getString(NATIVE_LIB_FOLDER); executeAsUserBinaryPath = String.format("%s/%s", nativeLibFolder, "execute-as-user"); effectiveUser = getEffectiveUser(jobProps); if ("root".equals(effectiveUser)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Not permitted to proxy as root through Azkaban"); } } for (String command : commands) { AzkabanProcessBuilder builder = null; if (isExecuteAsUser) { command = String.format("%s %s %s", executeAsUserBinaryPath, effectiveUser, command); info("Command: " + command); builder = new AzkabanProcessBuilder(partitionCommandLine(command)) .setEnv(envVars).setWorkingDir(getCwd()).setLogger(getLog()) .enableExecuteAsUser().setExecuteAsUserBinaryPath(executeAsUserBinaryPath) .setEffectiveUser(effectiveUser); } else { info("Command: " + command); builder = new AzkabanProcessBuilder(partitionCommandLine(command)) .setEnv(envVars).setWorkingDir(getCwd()).setLogger(getLog()); } if (builder.getEnv().size() > 0) { info("Environment variables: " + builder.getEnv()); } info("Working directory: " + builder.getWorkingDir()); // print out the Job properties to the job log. this.logJobProperties(); boolean success = false; this.process = builder.build(); try { this.process.run(); success = true; } catch (Throwable e) { for (File file : propFiles) if (file != null && file.exists()) file.delete(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { this.process = null; info("Process completed " + (success ? "successfully" : "unsuccessfully") + " in " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs) / 1000) + " seconds."); } } // Get the output properties from this job. generateProperties(propFiles[1]); } /** * <pre> * This method extracts the kerberos ticket cache file name from the jobprops. * This method will ensure that each job execution will have its own kerberos ticket cache file * Given that the code only sets an environmental variable, the number of files created corresponds * to the number of processes that are doing kinit in their flow, which should not be an inordinately * high number. * </pre> * * @return file name: the kerberos ticket cache file to use */ private String getKrb5ccname(Props jobProps) { String effectiveUser = getEffectiveUser(jobProps); String projectName = jobProps.getString(CommonJobProperties.PROJECT_NAME).replace(" ", "_"); String flowId = jobProps.getString(CommonJobProperties.FLOW_ID).replace(" ", "_"); String jobId = jobProps.getString(CommonJobProperties.JOB_ID).replace(" ", "_"); // execId should be an int and should not have space in it, ever String execId = jobProps.getString(CommonJobProperties.EXEC_ID); String krb5ccname = String.format("/tmp/krb5cc__%s__%s__%s__%s__%s", projectName, flowId, jobId, execId, effectiveUser); return krb5ccname; } /** * <pre> * Determines what user id should the process job run as, in the following order of precedence: * 1. USER_TO_PROXY * 2. SUBMIT_USER * </pre> * * @param jobProps * @return the user that Azkaban is going to execute as */ private String getEffectiveUser(Props jobProps) { String effectiveUser = null; if (jobProps.containsKey(USER_TO_PROXY)) { effectiveUser = jobProps.getString(USER_TO_PROXY); } else if (jobProps.containsKey(CommonJobProperties.SUBMIT_USER)) { effectiveUser = jobProps.getString(CommonJobProperties.SUBMIT_USER); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal Error: No user.to.proxy or submit.user in the jobProps"); } info("effective user is: " + effectiveUser); return effectiveUser; } /** * This is used to get the min/max memory size requirement by processes. * SystemMemoryInfo can use the info to determine if the memory request can be * fulfilled. For Java process, this should be Xms/Xmx setting. * * @return pair of min/max memory size */ protected Pair<Long, Long> getProcMemoryRequirement() throws Exception { return new Pair<Long, Long>(0L, 0L); } protected void handleError(String errorMsg, Exception e) throws Exception { error(errorMsg); if (e != null) { throw new Exception(errorMsg, e); } else { throw new Exception(errorMsg); } } protected List<String> getCommandList() { List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); commands.add(jobProps.getString(COMMAND)); for (int i = 1; jobProps.containsKey(COMMAND + "." + i); i++) { commands.add(jobProps.getString(COMMAND + "." + i)); } return commands; } @Override public void cancel() throws InterruptedException { // in case the job is waiting synchronized (this) { killed = true; this.notify(); } if (process == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Not started."); boolean processkilled = process.softKill(KILL_TIME.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (!processkilled) { warn("Kill with signal TERM failed. Killing with KILL signal."); process.hardKill(); } } @Override public double getProgress() { return process != null && process.isComplete() ? 1.0 : 0.0; } public int getProcessId() { return process.getProcessId(); } public String getPath() { return _jobPath == null ? "" : _jobPath; } /** * Splits the command into a unix like command line structure. Quotes and * single quotes are treated as nested strings. * * @param command * @return */ public static String[] partitionCommandLine(final String command) { ArrayList<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); int index = 0; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(command.length()); boolean isApos = false; boolean isQuote = false; while (index < command.length()) { char c = command.charAt(index); switch (c) { case ' ': if (!isQuote && !isApos) { String arg = buffer.toString(); buffer = new StringBuffer(command.length() - index); if (arg.length() > 0) { commands.add(arg); } } else { buffer.append(c); } break; case '\'': if (!isQuote) { isApos = !isApos; } else { buffer.append(c); } break; case '"': if (!isApos) { isQuote = !isQuote; } else { buffer.append(c); } break; default: buffer.append(c); } index++; } if (buffer.length() > 0) { String arg = buffer.toString(); commands.add(arg); } return commands.toArray(new String[commands.size()]); } }