/* * Copyright 2017 LinkedIn Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * */ package azkaban; /** * Constants * * Global place for storing constants. * Conventions: * - All internal constants to be put in the root level ie. {@link Constants} class * - All Configuration keys to be put in {@link ConfigurationKeys} class * - Flow level Properties keys go to {@link FlowProperties} * - Job level Properties keys go to {@link JobProperties} * */ public class Constants { // Names and paths of various file names to configure Azkaban public static final String AZKABAN_PROPERTIES_FILE = "azkaban.properties"; public static final String AZKABAN_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_FILE = "azkaban.private.properties"; public static final String DEFAULT_CONF_PATH = "conf"; public static final String AZKABAN_EXECUTOR_PORT_FILENAME = "executor.port"; public static final String AZKABAN_SERVLET_CONTEXT_KEY = "azkaban_app"; // Memory check retry interval when OOM in ms public static final long MEMORY_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 1000 * 60 * 1; // Max number of memory check retry public static final int MEMORY_CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT = 720; public static final int DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER = 8081; public static final int DEFAULT_SSL_PORT_NUMBER = 8443; public static final int DEFAULT_JETTY_MAX_THREAD_COUNT = 20; public static class ConfigurationKeys { // These properties are configurable through azkaban.properties // Defines a list of external links, each referred to as a topic public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_EXTERNAL_TOPICS = "azkaban.server.external.topics"; // External URL template of a given topic, specified in the list defined above public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_EXTERNAL_TOPIC_URL = "azkaban.server.external.${topic}.url"; // Designates one of the external link topics to correspond to an execution analyzer public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_EXTERNAL_ANALYZER_TOPIC = "azkaban.server.external.analyzer.topic"; public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_EXTERNAL_ANALYZER_LABEL = "azkaban.server.external.analyzer.label"; // Designates one of the external link topics to correspond to a job log viewer public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_EXTERNAL_LOGVIEWER_TOPIC = "azkaban.server.external.logviewer.topic"; public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_EXTERNAL_LOGVIEWER_LABEL = "azkaban.server.external.logviewer.label"; // Configures the Kafka appender for logging user jobs, specified for the exec server public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_LOGGING_KAFKA_BROKERLIST = "azkaban.server.logging.kafka.brokerList"; public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_LOGGING_KAFKA_TOPIC = "azkaban.server.logging.kafka.topic"; // Represent the class name of azkaban metrics reporter. public static final String CUSTOM_METRICS_REPORTER_CLASS_NAME = "azkaban.metrics.reporter.name"; // Represent the metrics server URL. public static final String METRICS_SERVER_URL = "azkaban.metrics.server.url"; public static final String IS_METRICS_ENABLED = "azkaban.is.metrics.enabled"; // Hostname for the host, if not specified, canonical hostname will be used public static final String AZKABAN_SERVER_HOST_NAME = "azkaban.server.hostname"; // Legacy configs section, new configs should follow the naming convention of azkaban.server.<rest of the name> for server configs. // The property is used for the web server to get the host name of the executor when running in SOLO mode. public static final String EXECUTOR_HOST = "executor.host"; // Max flow running time in mins, server will kill flows running longer than this setting. // if not set or <= 0, then there's no restriction on running time. public static final String AZKABAN_MAX_FLOW_RUNNING_MINS = "azkaban.server.flow.max.running.minutes"; public static final String AZKABAN_STORAGE_TYPE = "azkaban.storage.type"; public static final String AZKABAN_STORAGE_LOCAL_BASEDIR = "azkaban.storage.local.basedir"; public static final String HADOOP_CONF_DIR_PATH = "hadoop.conf.dir.path"; public static final String AZKABAN_STORAGE_HDFS_ROOT_URI = "azkaban.storage.hdfs.root.uri"; public static final String AZKABAN_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = "azkaban.kerberos.principal"; public static final String AZKABAN_KEYTAB_PATH = "azkaban.keytab.path"; } public static class FlowProperties { // Basic properties of flows as set by the executor server public static final String AZKABAN_FLOW_PROJECT_NAME = "azkaban.flow.projectname"; public static final String AZKABAN_FLOW_FLOW_ID = "azkaban.flow.flowid"; public static final String AZKABAN_FLOW_SUBMIT_USER = "azkaban.flow.submituser"; public static final String AZKABAN_FLOW_EXEC_ID = "azkaban.flow.execid"; public static final String AZKABAN_FLOW_PROJECT_VERSION = "azkaban.flow.projectversion"; } public static class JobProperties { // Job property that enables/disables using Kafka logging of user job logs public static final String AZKABAN_JOB_LOGGING_KAFKA_ENABLE = "azkaban.job.logging.kafka.enable"; } }