package jdiff; import java.util.*; import*; /** * Emit an HTML file containing statistics about the differences. * Statistical information only appears if the -stats argument is used. * * See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details. * @author Matthew Doar, */ public class HTMLStatistics { /** Constructor. */ public HTMLStatistics(HTMLReportGenerator h) { h_ = h; } /** The HTMLReportGenerator instance used to write HTML. */ private HTMLReportGenerator h_ = null; /** * Emit the statistics HTML file. */ public void emitStatistics(String filename, APIDiff apiDiff) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); h_.reportFile = new PrintWriter(fos); // Write out the HTML header h_.writeStartHTMLHeader(); // Write out the title h_.writeHTMLTitle("JDiff Statistics"); h_.writeStyleSheetRef(); h_.writeText("</HEAD>"); h_.writeText("<BODY>"); // Write a customized navigation bar for the statistics page h_.writeText("<!-- Start of nav bar -->"); h_.writeText("<TABLE summary=\"Navigation bar\" BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText("<TD COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\">"); h_.writeText(" <TABLE summary=\"Navigation bar\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"3\">"); h_.writeText(" <TR ALIGN=\"center\" VALIGN=\"top\">"); // Always have a link to the Javadoc files h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + h_.newDocPrefix + "index.html\" target=\"_top\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B><tt>" + apiDiff.newAPIName_ + "</tt></B></FONT></A> </TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + h_.reportFileName + "-summary" + h_.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Overview</B></FONT></A> </TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\">  <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\">Package</FONT> </TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\">  <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\">Class</FONT> </TD>"); if (!Diff.noDocDiffs) { h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + Diff.diffFileName + "index" + h_.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Text Changes</B></FONT></A> </TD>"); } h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1Rev\">  <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1Rev\"><B>Statistics</B></FONT> </TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"jdiff_help" + h_.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Help</B></FONT></A> </TD>"); h_.writeText(" </TR>"); h_.writeText(" </TABLE>"); h_.writeText("</TD>"); // The right hand side title h_.writeText("<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" ROWSPAN=3><EM><b>Generated by<br><a href=\"" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + "\" class=\"staysblack\" target=\"_top\">JDiff</a></b></EM></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); // Links for frames and no frames h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"" + h_.bgcolor + "\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell2\"><FONT SIZE=\"-2\"></FONT>"); h_.writeText("</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"" + h_.bgcolor + "\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell2\"><FONT SIZE=\"-2\">"); h_.writeText(" <A HREF=\"" + "../" + h_.reportFileName + h_.reportFileExt + "\" TARGET=\"_top\"><B>FRAMES</B></A>  "); h_.writeText("  <A HREF=\"jdiff_statistics" + h_.reportFileExt + "\" TARGET=\"_top\"><B>NO FRAMES</B></A></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); h_.writeText("</TABLE>"); h_.writeText("<HR>"); h_.writeText ("<!-- End of nav bar -->"); h_.writeText("<center>"); h_.writeText("<H1>JDiff Statistics</H1>"); h_.writeText("</center>"); h_.writeText("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); h_.writeText("The percent change statistic reported for all elements in each API is defined recursively as follows:<br>"); h_.writeText("<pre>"); h_.writeText("Percentage difference = 100 * (added + removed + 2*changed)"); h_.writeText(" -----------------------------------"); h_.writeText(" sum of public elements in BOTH APIs"); h_.writeText("</pre>"); h_.writeText("Where <code>added</code> is the number of packages added, <code>removed</code> is the number of packages removed, and <code>changed</code> is the number of packages changed."); h_.writeText("This definition is applied recursively for the classes and their program elements, so the value for a changed package will be less than 1, unless every class in that package has changed."); h_.writeText("The definition ensures that if all packages are removed and all new packages are"); h_.writeText("added, the change will be 100%. Values are rounded here, so a value of 0% indicates a percentage difference of less than 0.5%."); h_.writeText("<p>The overall difference between the two APIs is approximately " + (int)(apiDiff.pdiff) + "%."); h_.writeText("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); h_.writeText("<h3>Sections</h3>"); h_.writeText("<a href=\"#packages\">Packages</a> sorted by percentage difference<br>"); h_.writeText("<a href=\"#classes\">Classes and <i>Interfaces</i></a> sorted by percentage difference<br>"); h_.writeText("<a href=\"#numbers\">Differences</a> by number and type<br>"); h_.writeText("<hr>"); h_.writeText("<a name=\"packages\"></a>"); h_.writeText("<h2>Packages Sorted By Percentage Difference</h2>"); emitPackagesByDiff(apiDiff); h_.writeText("<hr>"); h_.writeText("<a name=\"classes\"></a>"); h_.writeText("<h2>Classes and <i>Interfaces</i> Sorted By Percentage Difference</h2>"); emitClassesByDiff(apiDiff); h_.writeText("<hr>"); h_.writeText("<a name=\"numbers\"></a>"); h_.writeText("<h2>Differences By Number and Type</h2>"); h_.writeText("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); h_.writeText("The numbers of program elements (packages, classes. constructors, methods and fields) which are recorded as removed, added or changed includes only the highest-level program elements. That is, if a class with two methods was added, the number of methods added does not include those two methods, but the number of classes added does include that class."); h_.writeText("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); emitNumbersByElement(apiDiff); h_.writeText("</HTML>"); h_.reportFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + filename); System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** * Emit all packages sorted by percentage difference, and a histogram * of the values. */ public void emitPackagesByDiff(APIDiff apiDiff) { Collections.sort(apiDiff.packagesChanged, new ComparePkgPdiffs()); // Write out the table start h_.writeText("<TABLE summary=\"Packages sorted by percentage difference\" BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); h_.writeText("<TR WIDTH=\"20%\">"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Percentage<br>Difference</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Package</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); int[] hist = new int[101]; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { hist[i] = 0; } Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PackageDiff pkg = (PackageDiff)(; int bucket = (int)(pkg.pdiff); hist[bucket]++; h_.writeText("<TR>"); if (bucket != 0) h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\">" + bucket + "</TD>"); else h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><1</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD><A HREF=\"pkg_" + pkg.name_ + h_.reportFileExt + "\">" + pkg.name_ + "</A></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); } h_.writeText("</TABLE>"); // Emit the histogram of the results h_.writeText("<hr>"); h_.writeText("<p><a name=\"packages_hist\"></a>"); h_.writeText("<TABLE summary=\"Histogram of the package percentage differences\" BORDER=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Percentage<br>Difference</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Frequency</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD width=\"300\" ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Percentage Frequency</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { total += hist[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { if (hist[i] != 0) { h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\">" + i + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>" + (hist[i]/total) + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD><img alt=\"|\" src=\"../black.gif\" height=20 width=" + (hist[i]*300/total) + "></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); } } // Repeat the data in a format which is easier for spreadsheets h_.writeText("<!-- START_PACKAGE_HISTOGRAM"); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { if (hist[i] != 0) { h_.writeText(i + "," + (hist[i]/total)); } } h_.writeText("END_PACKAGE_HISTOGRAM -->"); h_.writeText("</TABLE>"); } /** * Emit all classes sorted by percentage difference, and a histogram * of the values.. */ public void emitClassesByDiff(APIDiff apiDiff) { // Add all the changed classes to a list List allChangedClasses = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PackageDiff pkg = (PackageDiff)(; if (pkg.classesChanged != null) { // Add the package name to the class name List cc = new ArrayList(pkg.classesChanged); Iterator iter2 = cc.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { ClassDiff classDiff = (ClassDiff)(; classDiff.name_ = pkg.name_ + "." + classDiff.name_; } allChangedClasses.addAll(cc); } } Collections.sort(allChangedClasses, new CompareClassPdiffs()); // Write out the table start h_.writeText("<TABLE summary=\"Classes sorted by percentage difference\" BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); h_.writeText("<TR WIDTH=\"20%\">"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Percentage<br>Difference</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Class or <i>Interface</i></b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); int[] hist = new int[101]; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { hist[i] = 0; } iter = allChangedClasses.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClassDiff classDiff = (ClassDiff)(; int bucket = (int)(classDiff.pdiff); hist[bucket]++; h_.writeText("<TR>"); if (bucket != 0) h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\">" + bucket + "</TD>"); else h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><1</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD><A HREF=\"" + classDiff.name_ + h_.reportFileExt + "\">"); if (classDiff.isInterface_) h_.writeText("<i>" + classDiff.name_ + "</i></A></TD>"); else h_.writeText(classDiff.name_ + "</A></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); } h_.writeText("</TABLE>"); // Emit the histogram of the results h_.writeText("<hr>"); h_.writeText("<p><a name=\"classes_hist\"></a>"); h_.writeText("<TABLE summary=\"Histogram of the class percentage differences\" BORDER=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Percentage<br>Difference</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Frequency</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD width=\"300\" ALIGN=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\"><b>Percentage Frequency</b></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { total += hist[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { if (hist[i] != 0) { h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\">" + i + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>" + (hist[i]/total) + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD><img alt=\"|\" src=\"../black.gif\" height=20 width=" + (hist[i]*300/total) + "></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); } } // Repeat the data in a format which is easier for spreadsheets h_.writeText("<!-- START_CLASS_HISTOGRAM"); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { if (hist[i] != 0) { h_.writeText(i + "," + (hist[i]/total)); } } h_.writeText("END_CLASS_HISTOGRAM -->"); h_.writeText("</TABLE>"); } /** * Emit a table of numbers of removals, additions and changes by * package, class, constructor, method and field. */ public void emitNumbersByElement(APIDiff apiDiff) { // Local variables to hold the values int numPackagesRemoved = apiDiff.packagesRemoved.size(); int numPackagesAdded = apiDiff.packagesAdded.size(); int numPackagesChanged = apiDiff.packagesChanged.size(); int numClassesRemoved = 0; int numClassesAdded = 0; int numClassesChanged = 0; int numCtorsRemoved = 0; int numCtorsAdded = 0; int numCtorsChanged = 0; int numMethodsRemoved = 0; int numMethodsAdded = 0; int numMethodsChanged = 0; int numFieldsRemoved = 0; int numFieldsAdded = 0; int numFieldsChanged = 0; int numRemoved = 0; int numAdded = 0; int numChanged = 0; // Calculate the values Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PackageDiff pkg = (PackageDiff)(; numClassesRemoved += pkg.classesRemoved.size(); numClassesAdded += pkg.classesAdded.size(); numClassesChanged += pkg.classesChanged.size(); Iterator iter2 = pkg.classesChanged.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { ClassDiff classDiff = (ClassDiff)(; numCtorsRemoved += classDiff.ctorsRemoved.size(); numCtorsAdded += classDiff.ctorsAdded.size(); numCtorsChanged += classDiff.ctorsChanged.size(); numMethodsRemoved += classDiff.methodsRemoved.size(); numMethodsAdded += classDiff.methodsAdded.size(); numMethodsChanged += classDiff.methodsChanged.size(); numFieldsRemoved += classDiff.fieldsRemoved.size(); numFieldsAdded += classDiff.fieldsAdded.size(); numFieldsChanged += classDiff.fieldsChanged.size(); } } // Write out the table h_.writeText("<TABLE summary=\"Number of differences\" BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD COLSPAN=5 ALIGN=\"center\" NOWRAP bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"><FONT size=\"+1\">"); h_.writeText(" <B>Number of Differences</B></FONT></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD> </TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><b>Removals</b></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><b>Additions</b></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><b>Changes</b></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><b>Total</b></TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>Packages</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numPackagesRemoved + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numPackagesAdded + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numPackagesChanged + "</TD>"); int numPackages = numPackagesRemoved + numPackagesAdded + numPackagesChanged; h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numPackages + "</TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); numRemoved += numPackagesRemoved; numAdded += numPackagesAdded; numChanged += numPackagesChanged; h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>Classes and <i>Interfaces</i></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numClassesRemoved + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numClassesAdded + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numClassesChanged + "</TD>"); int numClasses = numClassesRemoved + numClassesAdded + numClassesChanged; h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numClasses + "</TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); numRemoved += numClassesRemoved; numAdded += numClassesAdded; numChanged += numClassesChanged; h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>Constructors</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numCtorsRemoved + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numCtorsAdded + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numCtorsChanged + "</TD>"); int numCtors = numCtorsRemoved + numCtorsAdded + numCtorsChanged; h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numCtors + "</TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); numRemoved += numCtorsRemoved; numAdded += numCtorsAdded; numChanged += numCtorsChanged; h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>Methods</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numMethodsRemoved + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numMethodsAdded + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numMethodsChanged + "</TD>"); int numMethods = numMethodsRemoved + numMethodsAdded + numMethodsChanged; h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numMethods + "</TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); numRemoved += numMethodsRemoved; numAdded += numMethodsAdded; numChanged += numMethodsChanged; h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD>Fields</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numFieldsRemoved + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numFieldsAdded + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numFieldsChanged + "</TD>"); int numFields = numFieldsRemoved + numFieldsAdded + numFieldsChanged; h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numFields + "</TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); numRemoved += numFieldsRemoved; numAdded += numFieldsAdded; numChanged += numFieldsChanged; h_.writeText("<TR>"); h_.writeText(" <TD><b>Total</b></TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numRemoved + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numAdded + "</TD>"); h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + numChanged + "</TD>"); int total = numRemoved + numAdded + numChanged; h_.writeText(" <TD ALIGN=\"right\">" + total + "</TD>"); h_.writeText("</TR>"); h_.writeText("</TABLE>"); } }