package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.datamodel; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.MessageNotifyUtil; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.datamodel.accounts.BINRange; public class CreditCards { //Interface for objects that provide details about one or more BINs. static public interface BankIdentificationNumber { /** * Get the city of the issuer. * * @return the city of the issuer. */ Optional<String> getBankCity(); /** * Get the name of the issuer. * * @return the name of the issuer. */ Optional<String> getBankName(); /** * Get the phone number of the issuer. * * @return the phone number of the issuer. */ Optional<String> getBankPhoneNumber(); /** * Get the URL of the issuer. * * @return the URL of the issuer. */ Optional<String> getBankURL(); /** * Get the brand of this BIN range. * * @return the brand of this BIN range. */ Optional<String> getBrand(); /** * Get the type of card (credit vs debit) for this BIN range. * * @return the type of cards in this BIN range. */ Optional<String> getCardType(); /** * Get the country of the issuer. * * @return the country of the issuer. */ Optional<String> getCountry(); /** * Get the length of account numbers in this BIN range. * * NOTE: the length is currently unused, and not in the data file for * any ranges. It could be quite helpfull for validation... * * @return the length of account numbers in this BIN range. Or an empty * Optional if the length is unknown. * */ Optional<Integer> getNumberLength(); /** * Get the scheme this BIN range uses to amex,visa,mastercard, etc * * @return the scheme this BIN range uses. */ Optional<String> getScheme(); } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CreditCards.class.getName()); /** * Range Map from a (ranges of) BINs to data model object with details of * the BIN, ie, bank name, phone, url, visa/amex/mastercard/..., */ @GuardedBy("CreditCards.class") private final static RangeMap<Integer, BINRange> binRanges = TreeRangeMap.create(); /** * Flag for if we have loaded the BINs from the file already. */ @GuardedBy("CreditCards.class") private static boolean binsLoaded = false; /** * Load the BIN range information from disk. If the map has already been * initialized, don't load again. */ synchronized private static void loadBINRanges() { if (binsLoaded == false) { try { InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(CreditCards.class.getResourceAsStream("ranges.csv")); //NON-NLS CSVParser rangesParser = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse(in); //parse each row and add to range map for (CSVRecord record : rangesParser) { /** * Because ranges.csv allows both 6 and (the newer) 8 digit * BINs, but we need a consistent length for the range map, * we pad all the numbers out to 8 digits */ String start = StringUtils.rightPad(record.get("iin_start"), 8, "0"); //pad start with 0's //NON-NLS //if there is no end listed, use start, since ranges will be closed. String end = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(record.get("iin_end"), start); //NON-NLS end = StringUtils.rightPad(end, 8, "99"); //pad end with 9's //NON-NLS final String numberLength = record.get("number_length"); //NON-NLS try { BINRange binRange = new BINRange(Integer.parseInt(start), Integer.parseInt(end), StringUtils.isBlank(numberLength) ? null : Integer.valueOf(numberLength), record.get("scheme"), //NON-NLS record.get("brand"), //NON-NLS record.get("type"), //NON-NLS record.get("country"), //NON-NLS record.get("bank_name"), //NON-NLS record.get("bank_url"), //NON-NLS record.get("bank_phone"), //NON-NLS record.get("bank_city")); //NON-NLS binRanges.put(Range.closed(binRange.getBINstart(), binRange.getBINend()), binRange); } catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to parse BIN range: " + record.toString(), numberFormatException); //NON-NLS } binsLoaded = true; } } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load BIN ranges form ranges.csv", ex); //NON-NLS MessageNotifyUtil.Notify.warn("Credit Card Number Discovery", "There was an error loading Bank Identification Number information. Accounts will not have their BINs identified."); } } } /** * Get an BINInfo object with details about the given BIN * * @param bin the BIN to get details of. * * @return */ synchronized static public BankIdentificationNumber getBINInfo(int bin) { loadBINRanges(); return binRanges.get(bin); } }