package org.apache.aries.subsystem.ctt.itests; import static org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_SYMBOLICNAME; import static org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE; import static org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION; import static org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE; import static org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Test; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.osgi.framework.namespace.IdentityNamespace; import org.osgi.service.subsystem.Subsystem; import org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemConstants; /* * 2. A non-Root subsystem has acceptDependencies policy a. - Register repository R2 - Using the Root subsystem, install a composite subsystem S1 with - no content bundles - acceptTransitive policy - no sharing policy - Using the subsystem S1, install an application S2 with - content bundles C, D and E - note sharing policy gets computed - Verify that bundles A and B got installed into the S1 Subsystem - Verify the wiring of C, D and E wire to A->x, A, B->y respectively - Repeat test with S2 as a composite that imports package x, requires bundle A and required capability y - Repeat test with S2 as a feature b. - same as 4E2a except S2 is a content resource of S1 - There are 6 combinations to test - app_app, app_comp, app_feat, comp_app, comp_comp, comp_feat 3. Invalid sharing policy prevents dependency installation a. - Register repository R2 - Using the Root subsystem, install a composite subsystem S1 with - no content bundles - NO acceptDependency policy - no sharing policy - Using the subsystem S1, install an application S2 with - content bundles C, D and E - note the sharing policy gets computed - Verify the installation of S2 fails because there is no valid place to install the required transitive resources A and B that allow S2 constituents to have access. - Verify resources A and B are not installed in the Root subsystem. - Repeat test with S2 as a composite that imports package x, requires bundle A and requires capability y. - Repeat test with S2 as a feature c. - same as 4E3a except S1 is a composite that has S2 in its Subsystem-Content; S1 fails to install */ public class SubsystemDependency_4E2Test extends SubsystemDependencyTestBase { private static final String SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP = "sdt_composite4e2_s1.esa"; private static final String SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP = "sdt_application4e2_s2.esa"; private static final String SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP = "sdt_composite4e2_s2.esa"; private static final String SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE = "sdt_feature4e2_s2.esa"; @Override public void createApplications() throws Exception { super.createApplications(); createComposite4E2_S1(); createApplication4E2_S2(); createComposite4E2_S2(); createFeature4E2_S2(); registerRepositoryR2(); } /* * - Using the Root subsystem, install a composite subsystem S1 with - no content bundles - acceptTransitive policy - no sharing policy - Using the subsystem S1, install an application S2 with - content bundles C, D and E - note sharing policy gets computed - Verify that bundles A and B got installed into the S1 Subsystem */ @Test public void test4E2A_where_S2isAnApplication() throws Exception { Subsystem s1 = installSubsystemFromFile (SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP); startSubsystem(s1); Subsystem s2 = installSubsystemFromFile (s1, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP); startSubsystem(s2); verifyBundlesInstalled (s1.getBundleContext(), "s1", BUNDLE_A, BUNDLE_B); // - Verify the wiring of C, D and E wire to A->x, A, B->y respectively checkBundlesCDandEWiredToAandB(s2); stop(s1, s2); } /* Repeat test [] with S2 as a composite * that imports package x, requires bundle A and required capability y */ @Test public void test4E2A_where_S2isAComposite() throws Exception { Subsystem s1 = installSubsystemFromFile (SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP); startSubsystem(s1); Subsystem s2 = installSubsystemFromFile (s1, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP); startSubsystem(s2); verifyBundlesInstalled (s1.getBundleContext(), "s1", BUNDLE_A, BUNDLE_B); // - Verify the wiring of C, D and E wire to A->x, A, B->y respectively checkBundlesCDandEWiredToAandB(s2); stop(s1, s2); } /* * - Repeat test [] with S2 as a feature */ @Test public void test4E2A_where_S2isAFeature() throws Exception { Subsystem s1 = installSubsystemFromFile (SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP); startSubsystem(s1); Subsystem s2 = installSubsystemFromFile (s1, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE); startSubsystem(s2); verifyBundlesInstalled (s1.getBundleContext(), "s1", BUNDLE_A, BUNDLE_B); // - Verify the wiring of C, D and E wire to A->x, A, B->y respectively checkBundlesCDandEWiredToAandB(s2); stop(s1, s2); } /* * 4e2b: - same as 4E2a except S2 is a content resource of S1 - There are 6 combinations to test - app_app, app_comp, app_feat, comp_app, comp_comp, comp_feat */ @Test public void FourE2b_App_App() throws Exception { combinationTest_4e2b ("4e2b_App_App.esa", SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION); } @Test public void FourE2b_App_Comp() throws Exception { combinationTest_4e2b ("4e2b_App_Comp.esa", SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE); } @Test public void FourE2b_App_Feature() throws Exception { combinationTest_4e2b ("4e2b_App_Feature.esa", SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE); } @Test public void FourE2b_Comp_App() throws Exception { combinationTest_4e2b ("4e2b_App_App.esa", SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION); } @Test public void FourE2b_Comp_Comp() throws Exception { combinationTest_4e2b ("4e2b_Comp_Comp.esa", SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE); } @Test public void FourE2b_Comp_Feature() throws Exception { combinationTest_4e2b ("4e2b_Comp_Feature.esa", SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE); } /* * Build a subsystem called combinedSubsystemName with a parent of parentType and a child of childType * Start the subsystem * - Verify that bundles A and B got installed into the S1 Subsystem * - Verify the wiring of C, D and E wire to A->x, A, B->y respectively * Stop and uninstall the combination */ private void combinationTest_4e2b (String combinedSubsystemName, String parentType, String childName, String childType) throws Exception { createCombinedSubsystem (combinedSubsystemName, parentType, childName, childType); Subsystem s = installSubsystemFromFile(combinedSubsystemName); startSubsystem(s); verifyBundlesInstalled (s.getBundleContext(), "s1", BUNDLE_A, BUNDLE_B); Collection<Subsystem> children = s.getChildren(); // we only expect one child Subsystem child = children.iterator().next(); checkBundlesCDandEWiredToAandB (child); stopSubsystem(s); uninstallSubsystem(s); } private void createCombinedSubsystem (String symbolicName, String parentType, String childSubsystem, String childSubsystemType) throws Exception { File f = new File (symbolicName); if (!f.exists()) { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_SYMBOLICNAME, symbolicName); attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_VERSION, "1.0.0"); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE, parentType + ";" + SubsystemConstants.PROVISION_POLICY_DIRECTIVE + ":=" + SubsystemConstants.PROVISION_POLICY_ACCEPT_DEPENDENCIES); StringBuffer subsystemContent = new StringBuffer(); subsystemContent.append (childSubsystem + ";" + Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE + "=\"[1.0.0,1.0.0]\";"); // I'm not sure that this is the best "type" attribute to use, but it will do. subsystemContent.append(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE + "="); subsystemContent.append(childSubsystemType); attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_CONTENT, subsystemContent.toString()); // This seems to be necessary to get Comp_Comp and Comp_Feature to work if (parentType == SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE) { attributes.put(Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE, "x"); attributes.put(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE, BUNDLE_A); attributes.put(Constants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY, "y"); } createManifest(symbolicName + ".mf", attributes); createSubsystem(symbolicName, childSubsystem); } } /* * Stop s2, stop s1, uninstall s2, uninstall s1 */ private void stop(Subsystem s1, Subsystem s2) throws Exception { stopSubsystem(s2); stopSubsystem(s1); uninstallSubsystem(s2); uninstallSubsystem(s1); } /* a feature S2 with * - content bundles C, D and E */ private static void createFeature4E2_S2() throws Exception { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_SYMBOLICNAME, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE); attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_VERSION, "1.0.0"); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE, SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE); String appContent = BUNDLE_C + ", " + BUNDLE_D + ", " + BUNDLE_E; attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_CONTENT, appContent); createManifest(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE + ".mf", attributes); createSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_FEATURE); } /* an application S2 with * - content bundles C, D and E */ private static void createApplication4E2_S2() throws Exception { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_SYMBOLICNAME, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP); attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_VERSION, "1.0.0"); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION); String appContent = BUNDLE_C + ", " + BUNDLE_D + ", " + BUNDLE_E; attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_CONTENT, appContent); createManifest(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP + ".mf", attributes); createSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_APP); } /* * a composite [S2] * that imports package x, requires bundle A and required capability y */ private static void createComposite4E2_S2() throws Exception { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_SYMBOLICNAME, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP); attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_VERSION, "1.0.0"); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE, SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE); attributes.put(Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE, "x"); attributes.put(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE, BUNDLE_A); attributes.put(Constants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY, "y"); String appContent = BUNDLE_C + ";" + Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE + "=\"[1.0.0,1.0.0]\"" + ", " + BUNDLE_D + ";" + Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE + "=\"[1.0.0,1.0.0]\"" + ", " + BUNDLE_E + ";" + Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE + "=\"[1.0.0,1.0.0]\""; attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_CONTENT, appContent); createManifest(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP + ".mf", attributes); createSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S2_COMP); } /* * a composite subsystem S1 with * - no content bundles * - acceptTransitive policy * - no sharing policy */ private static void createComposite4E2_S1() throws Exception { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_SYMBOLICNAME, SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP); attributes.put(SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_VERSION, "1.0.0"); attributes.put(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE, SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_COMPOSITE + ";" + SubsystemConstants.PROVISION_POLICY_DIRECTIVE + ":=" + SubsystemConstants.PROVISION_POLICY_ACCEPT_DEPENDENCIES); createManifest(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP + ".mf", attributes); createSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_4E2_S1_COMP); } }