/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIESOR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.aries.jndi.url; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.naming.Binding; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.Name; import javax.naming.NameClassPair; import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; import javax.naming.NameParser; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException; import javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException; import org.apache.aries.util.nls.MessageUtil; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer; import org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.NoSuchComponentException; import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker; import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTrackerCustomizer; public class BlueprintURLContext implements Context { private static final String BLUEPRINT_NAMESPACE = "blueprint:comp/"; private Bundle _callersBundle; private Map<String, Object> _env; private NameParser _parser = new BlueprintNameParser(); private BlueprintName _parentName; // listBindings wants a NamingEnumeration<Binding> // list wants a NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> // Both are very similar. As per ServiceRegistryListContext we delegate to a closure to do the final processing private interface ComponentProcessor<T> { T get (Binding b); } private static class BlueprintComponentNamingEnumeration<T> implements NamingEnumeration<T> { private Binding[] blueprintIdToComponentBindings; private int position = 0; private ComponentProcessor<T> processor; public BlueprintComponentNamingEnumeration (Bundle callersBundle, ComponentProcessor<T> p) throws ServiceUnavailableException { ServiceReference blueprintContainerRef = getBlueprintContainerRef(callersBundle); try { BlueprintContainer blueprintContainer = (BlueprintContainer) callersBundle.getBundleContext().getService(blueprintContainerRef); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> componentIds = blueprintContainer.getComponentIds(); blueprintIdToComponentBindings = new Binding[componentIds.size()]; Iterator<String> idIterator= componentIds.iterator(); for (int i=0; i < blueprintIdToComponentBindings.length; i++) { String id = idIterator.next(); Object o = blueprintContainer.getComponentInstance(id); blueprintIdToComponentBindings[i] = new Binding (id, o); } processor = p; } finally { callersBundle.getBundleContext().ungetService(blueprintContainerRef); } } @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { return position < blueprintIdToComponentBindings.length; } @Override public T nextElement() { if (!hasMoreElements()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); Binding bindingToProcess = blueprintIdToComponentBindings[position]; position++; T result = processor.get(bindingToProcess); return result; } @Override public T next() throws NamingException { return nextElement(); } @Override public boolean hasMore() throws NamingException { return hasMoreElements(); } @Override public void close() throws NamingException { // Nothing to do } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BlueprintURLContext(Bundle callersBundle, Hashtable<?, ?> env) { _callersBundle = callersBundle; _env = new HashMap<String, Object>(); _env.putAll((Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) env); _parentName = null; } private BlueprintURLContext (Bundle callersBundle, BlueprintName parentName, Map<String, Object> env) { _callersBundle = callersBundle; _parentName = parentName; _env = env; } @Override protected void finalize() throws NamingException { close(); } @Override public Object addToEnvironment(String propName, Object propVal) throws NamingException { return _env.put(propName, propVal); } @Override public void bind(Name n, Object o) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void bind(String s, Object o) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void close() throws NamingException { _env = null; } @Override public Name composeName(Name name, Name prefix) throws NamingException { String result = prefix + "/" + name; String ns = BLUEPRINT_NAMESPACE; if (result.startsWith(ns)) { ns = ""; } return _parser.parse(ns + result); } @Override public String composeName(String name, String prefix) throws NamingException { String result = prefix + "/" + name; String ns = BLUEPRINT_NAMESPACE; if (result.startsWith(ns)) { ns = ""; } _parser.parse(ns + result); return result; } @Override public Context createSubcontext(Name n) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public Context createSubcontext(String s) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void destroySubcontext(Name n) throws NamingException { // No-op we don't support sub-contexts in our context } @Override public void destroySubcontext(String s) throws NamingException { // No-op we don't support sub-contexts in our context } @Override public Hashtable<?, ?> getEnvironment() throws NamingException { Hashtable<Object, Object> environment = new Hashtable<Object, Object>(); environment.putAll(_env); return environment; } @Override public String getNameInNamespace() throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public NameParser getNameParser(Name n) throws NamingException { return _parser; } @Override public NameParser getNameParser(String s) throws NamingException { return _parser; } @Override public NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> list(Name name) throws NamingException { return list(name.toString()); } @Override public NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> list(String s) throws NamingException { NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> result = new BlueprintComponentNamingEnumeration<NameClassPair>(_callersBundle, new ComponentProcessor<NameClassPair>() { @Override public NameClassPair get(Binding b) { NameClassPair result = new NameClassPair (b.getName(), b.getClassName()); return result; } }); return result; } @Override public NamingEnumeration<Binding> listBindings(Name name) throws NamingException { return listBindings(name.toString()); } @Override public NamingEnumeration<Binding> listBindings(String name) throws NamingException { NamingEnumeration<Binding> result = new BlueprintComponentNamingEnumeration<Binding>(_callersBundle, new ComponentProcessor<Binding>() { @Override public Binding get(Binding b) { return b; } }); return result; } @Override public Object lookup(Name name) throws NamingException, ServiceUnavailableException { ServiceReference blueprintContainerRef = getBlueprintContainerRef(_callersBundle); Object result; try { BlueprintContainer blueprintContainer = (BlueprintContainer) _callersBundle.getBundleContext().getService(blueprintContainerRef); BlueprintName bpName; if (name instanceof BlueprintName) { bpName = (BlueprintName) name; } else if (_parentName != null) { bpName = new BlueprintName(_parentName.toString() + "/" + name.toString()); } else { bpName = (BlueprintName) _parser.parse(name.toString()); } if (bpName.hasComponent()) { String componentId = bpName.getComponentId(); try { result = blueprintContainer.getComponentInstance(componentId); } catch (NoSuchComponentException nsce) { throw new NameNotFoundException(nsce.getMessage()); } } else { result = new BlueprintURLContext(_callersBundle, bpName, _env); } } finally { _callersBundle.getBundleContext().ungetService(blueprintContainerRef); } return result; } @Override public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException { if (_parentName != null) { name = _parentName.toString() + "/" + name; } Object result = lookup (_parser.parse(name)); return result; } @Override public Object lookupLink(Name n) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public Object lookupLink(String s) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void rebind(Name n, Object o) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void rebind(String s, Object o) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public Object removeFromEnvironment(String propName) throws NamingException { return _env.remove(propName); } @Override public void rename(Name nOld, Name nNew) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void rename(String sOld, String sNew) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void unbind(Name n) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } @Override public void unbind(String s) throws NamingException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException(); } /** * Look for a BluepintContainer service in a given bundle * @param b Bundle to look in * @return BlueprintContainer service, or null if none available */ private static ServiceReference findBPCRef (Bundle b) { ServiceReference[] refs = b.getRegisteredServices(); ServiceReference result = null; if (refs != null) { outer: for (ServiceReference r : refs) { String[] objectClasses = (String[]) r.getProperty(Constants.OBJECTCLASS); for (String objectClass : objectClasses) { if (objectClass.equals(BlueprintContainer.class.getName())) { // Arguably we could put an r.isAssignableTo(jndi-url-bundle, BlueprintContainer.class.getName()) // check here. But if you've got multiple, class-space inconsistent instances of blueprint in // your environment, you've almost certainly got other problems. result = r; break outer; } } } } return result; } private static final MessageUtil MESSAGES = MessageUtil.createMessageUtil(BlueprintURLContext.class, "org.apache.aries.jndi.nls.jndiUrlMessages"); /** * Obtain a BlueprintContainerService for the given bundle. If the service isn't there, wait for up * to the blueprint.graceperiod defined for that bundle for one to be published. * @param b The Bundle to look in * @return BlueprintContainerService instance for that bundle * @throws ServiceUnavailableException If no BlueprinContainerService found */ private static ServiceReference getBlueprintContainerRef(Bundle b) throws ServiceUnavailableException { ServiceReference result = findBPCRef(b); if (result == null) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(0); AtomicReference<ServiceReference> bpcRef = new AtomicReference<ServiceReference>(); ServiceTracker st = new ServiceTracker (b.getBundleContext(), BlueprintContainer.class.getName(), new BlueprintContainerServiceTrackerCustomizer (b, s, bpcRef)); st.open(); // Make another check for the BlueprintContainer service in case it came up just before our tracker engaged int graceperiod = getGracePeriod(b); result = findBPCRef(b); if (result == null && graceperiod >= 0) { if (graceperiod == 0) { // Wait for an unlimited period try { s.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException ix) {} } else { try { s.tryAcquire(graceperiod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ix) {} } } result = bpcRef.get(); st.close(); } if (result == null) { throw new ServiceUnavailableException (MESSAGES.getMessage("no.blueprint.container", b.getSymbolicName() + '/' + b.getVersion())); } return result; } static final Pattern graceP = Pattern.compile(".*;\\s*blueprint.graceperiod\\s*:=\\s*\"?([A-Za-z]+).*"); static final Pattern timeoutP = Pattern.compile(".*;\\s*blueprint.timeout\\s*:=\\s*\"?([0-9]+).*"); /** * Determine the blueprint.timeout set for a given bundle * @param b The bundle to inspect * @return -1 if blueprint.graceperiod is false, otherwise the value of blueprint.timeout, * or 300000 if blueprint.graceperiod is true and no value is given for * blueprint.timeout. */ public static int getGracePeriod (Bundle b) { int result = 300000; // Blueprint default boolean gracePeriodSet = true; // Blueprint default String bundleSymbolicName = (String)b.getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME); // I'd like to use ManifestHeaderProcessor here but as of December 15th 2010 it lives // application-utils, and I don't want to make that a dependency of jndi-url Matcher m = graceP.matcher(bundleSymbolicName); if (m.matches()) { String gracePeriod = m.group(1); gracePeriodSet = !gracePeriod.equalsIgnoreCase("false"); // See OSGi Enterprise spec 4.2 section step 6 } if (!gracePeriodSet) { result = -1; } else { m = timeoutP.matcher(bundleSymbolicName); if (m.matches()) { String timeout = m.group(1); try { result = Integer.valueOf(timeout); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { // Noop: result stays at its default value } } } return result; } private static class BlueprintContainerServiceTrackerCustomizer implements ServiceTrackerCustomizer { Bundle bundleToFindBPCServiceIn = null; Semaphore semaphore; AtomicReference<ServiceReference> atomicRef = null; public BlueprintContainerServiceTrackerCustomizer (Bundle b, Semaphore s, AtomicReference<ServiceReference> aref) { bundleToFindBPCServiceIn = b; semaphore = s; atomicRef = aref; } @Override public Object addingService(ServiceReference reference) { Object result = null; if (bundleToFindBPCServiceIn.equals(reference.getBundle())) { atomicRef.set(reference); semaphore.release(); result = reference.getBundle().getBundleContext().getService(reference); } return result; } @Override public void modifiedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service) {} @Override public void removedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service) {} } }