package org.apache.archiva.stagerepository.merge; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionComparator; import org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionUtil; import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfiguration; import org.apache.archiva.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ManagedRepositoryConfiguration; import org.apache.archiva.maven2.metadata.MavenMetadataReader; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ArtifactMetadata; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataRepository; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataRepositoryException; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.filter.Filter; import; import org.apache.archiva.model.ArchivaRepositoryMetadata; import org.apache.archiva.repository.RepositoryException; import org.apache.archiva.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataException; import org.apache.archiva.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataWriter; import org.apache.archiva.xml.XMLException; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * */ @Service ("repositoryMerger#maven2") public class Maven2RepositoryMerger implements RepositoryMerger { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() ); /** * */ private ArchivaConfiguration configuration; /** * */ private RepositoryPathTranslator pathTranslator; private static final String METADATA_FILENAME = "maven-metadata.xml"; @Inject public Maven2RepositoryMerger( @Named (value = "archivaConfiguration#default") ArchivaConfiguration archivaConfiguration, @Named (value = "repositoryPathTranslator#maven2") RepositoryPathTranslator repositoryPathTranslator ) { this.configuration = archivaConfiguration; this.pathTranslator = repositoryPathTranslator; } public void setConfiguration( ArchivaConfiguration configuration ) { this.configuration = configuration; } @Override public void merge( MetadataRepository metadataRepository, String sourceRepoId, String targetRepoId ) throws RepositoryMergerException { try { List<ArtifactMetadata> artifactsInSourceRepo = metadataRepository.getArtifacts( sourceRepoId ); for ( ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata : artifactsInSourceRepo ) { artifactMetadata.setRepositoryId( targetRepoId ); createFolderStructure( sourceRepoId, targetRepoId, artifactMetadata ); } } catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } catch ( RepositoryException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } // TODO when UI needs a subset to merge @Override public void merge( MetadataRepository metadataRepository, String sourceRepoId, String targetRepoId, Filter<ArtifactMetadata> filter ) throws RepositoryMergerException { try { List<ArtifactMetadata> sourceArtifacts = metadataRepository.getArtifacts( sourceRepoId ); for ( ArtifactMetadata metadata : sourceArtifacts ) { if ( filter.accept( metadata ) ) { createFolderStructure( sourceRepoId, targetRepoId, metadata ); } } } catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } catch ( RepositoryException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } private void createFolderStructure( String sourceRepoId, String targetRepoId, ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata ) throws IOException, RepositoryException { Configuration config = configuration.getConfiguration(); ManagedRepositoryConfiguration targetRepoConfig = config.findManagedRepositoryById( targetRepoId ); ManagedRepositoryConfiguration sourceRepoConfig = config.findManagedRepositoryById( sourceRepoId ); Date lastUpdatedTimestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); TimeZone timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ); DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd.HHmmss" ); fmt.setTimeZone( timezone ); String timestamp = fmt.format( lastUpdatedTimestamp ); String targetRepoPath = targetRepoConfig.getLocation(); String sourceRepoPath = sourceRepoConfig.getLocation(); String artifactPath = pathTranslator.toPath( artifactMetadata.getNamespace(), artifactMetadata.getProject(), artifactMetadata.getProjectVersion(), artifactMetadata.getId() ); File sourceArtifactFile = new File( sourceRepoPath, artifactPath ); File targetArtifactFile = new File( targetRepoPath, artifactPath ); log.debug( "artifactPath {}", artifactPath ); int lastIndex = artifactPath.lastIndexOf( RepositoryPathTranslator.PATH_SEPARATOR ); File targetFile = new File( targetRepoPath, artifactPath.substring( 0, lastIndex ) ); if ( !targetFile.exists() ) { // create the folder structure when it does not exist targetFile.mkdirs(); } // artifact copying copyFile( sourceArtifactFile, targetArtifactFile ); // pom file copying // TODO need to use path translator to get the pom file path // String fileName = artifactMetadata.getProject() + "-" + artifactMetadata.getVersion() + ".pom"; // // File sourcePomFile = // pathTranslator.toFile( new File( sourceRepoPath ), artifactMetadata.getId(), artifactMetadata.getProject(), // artifactMetadata.getVersion(), fileName ); // // String relativePathToPomFile = sourcePomFile.getAbsolutePath().split( sourceRepoPath )[1]; // File targetPomFile = new File( targetRepoPath, relativePathToPomFile ); //pom file copying (file path is taken with out using path translator) String index = artifactPath.substring( lastIndex + 1 ); int last = index.lastIndexOf( '.' ); File sourcePomFile = new File( sourceRepoPath, artifactPath.substring( 0, lastIndex ) + "/" + artifactPath.substring( lastIndex + 1 ).substring( 0, last ) + ".pom" ); File targetPomFile = new File( targetRepoPath, artifactPath.substring( 0, lastIndex ) + "/" + artifactPath.substring( lastIndex + 1 ).substring( 0, last ) + ".pom" ); if ( !targetPomFile.exists() && sourcePomFile.exists() ) { copyFile( sourcePomFile, targetPomFile ); } // explicitly update only if metadata-updater consumer is not enabled! if ( !config.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers().contains( "metadata-updater" ) ) { // updating version metadata files File versionMetaDataFileInSourceRepo = pathTranslator.toFile( new File( sourceRepoPath ), artifactMetadata.getNamespace(), artifactMetadata.getProject(), artifactMetadata.getVersion(), METADATA_FILENAME ); if ( versionMetaDataFileInSourceRepo.exists() ) {//Pattern quote for windows path String relativePathToVersionMetadataFile = versionMetaDataFileInSourceRepo.getAbsolutePath().split( Pattern.quote( sourceRepoPath ) )[1]; File versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo = new File( targetRepoPath, relativePathToVersionMetadataFile ); if ( !versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo.exists() ) { copyFile( versionMetaDataFileInSourceRepo, versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo ); } else { updateVersionMetadata( versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo, artifactMetadata, lastUpdatedTimestamp ); } } // updating project meta data file String projectDirectoryInSourceRepo = new File( versionMetaDataFileInSourceRepo.getParent() ).getParent(); File projectMetadataFileInSourceRepo = new File( projectDirectoryInSourceRepo, METADATA_FILENAME ); if ( projectMetadataFileInSourceRepo.exists() ) { String relativePathToProjectMetadataFile = projectMetadataFileInSourceRepo.getAbsolutePath().split( Pattern.quote( sourceRepoPath ) )[1]; File projectMetadataFileInTargetRepo = new File( targetRepoPath, relativePathToProjectMetadataFile ); if ( !projectMetadataFileInTargetRepo.exists() ) { copyFile( projectMetadataFileInSourceRepo, projectMetadataFileInTargetRepo ); } else { updateProjectMetadata( projectMetadataFileInTargetRepo, artifactMetadata, lastUpdatedTimestamp, timestamp ); } } } } private void copyFile( File sourceFile, File targetFile ) throws IOException { FileUtils.copyFile( sourceFile, targetFile ); } private void updateProjectMetadata( File projectMetaDataFileIntargetRepo, ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata, Date lastUpdatedTimestamp, String timestamp ) throws RepositoryMetadataException { ArrayList<String> availableVersions = new ArrayList<>(); String latestVersion = artifactMetadata.getProjectVersion(); ArchivaRepositoryMetadata projectMetadata = getMetadata( projectMetaDataFileIntargetRepo ); if ( projectMetaDataFileIntargetRepo.exists() ) { availableVersions = (ArrayList<String>) projectMetadata.getAvailableVersions(); Collections.sort( availableVersions, VersionComparator.getInstance() ); if ( !availableVersions.contains( artifactMetadata.getVersion() ) ) { availableVersions.add( artifactMetadata.getVersion() ); } latestVersion = availableVersions.get( availableVersions.size() - 1 ); } else { availableVersions.add( artifactMetadata.getProjectVersion() ); projectMetadata.setGroupId( artifactMetadata.getNamespace() ); projectMetadata.setArtifactId( artifactMetadata.getProject() ); } if ( projectMetadata.getGroupId() == null ) { projectMetadata.setGroupId( artifactMetadata.getNamespace() ); } if ( projectMetadata.getArtifactId() == null ) { projectMetadata.setArtifactId( artifactMetadata.getProject() ); } projectMetadata.setLatestVersion( latestVersion ); projectMetadata.setAvailableVersions( availableVersions ); projectMetadata.setLastUpdated( timestamp ); projectMetadata.setLastUpdatedTimestamp( lastUpdatedTimestamp ); if ( !VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactMetadata.getVersion() ) ) { projectMetadata.setReleasedVersion( latestVersion ); } RepositoryMetadataWriter.write( projectMetadata, projectMetaDataFileIntargetRepo ); } private void updateVersionMetadata( File versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo, ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata, Date lastUpdatedTimestamp ) throws RepositoryMetadataException { ArchivaRepositoryMetadata versionMetadata = getMetadata( versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo ); if ( !versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo.exists() ) { versionMetadata.setGroupId( artifactMetadata.getNamespace() ); versionMetadata.setArtifactId( artifactMetadata.getProject() ); versionMetadata.setVersion( artifactMetadata.getProjectVersion() ); } versionMetadata.setLastUpdatedTimestamp( lastUpdatedTimestamp ); RepositoryMetadataWriter.write( versionMetadata, versionMetaDataFileInTargetRepo ); } private ArchivaRepositoryMetadata getMetadata( File metadataFile ) throws RepositoryMetadataException { ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = new ArchivaRepositoryMetadata(); if ( metadataFile.exists() ) { try { metadata = metadataFile ); } catch ( XMLException e ) { throw new RepositoryMetadataException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } return metadata; } @Override public List<ArtifactMetadata> getConflictingArtifacts( MetadataRepository metadataRepository, String sourceRepo, String targetRepo ) throws RepositoryMergerException { try { List<ArtifactMetadata> targetArtifacts = metadataRepository.getArtifacts( targetRepo ); List<ArtifactMetadata> sourceArtifacts = metadataRepository.getArtifacts( sourceRepo ); List<ArtifactMetadata> conflictsArtifacts = new ArrayList<>(); for ( ArtifactMetadata targetArtifact : targetArtifacts ) { for ( ArtifactMetadata sourceArtifact : sourceArtifacts ) { if ( isEquals( targetArtifact, sourceArtifact ) ) { if ( !conflictsArtifacts.contains( sourceArtifact ) ) { conflictsArtifacts.add( sourceArtifact ); } } } } sourceArtifacts.removeAll( conflictsArtifacts ); return conflictsArtifacts; } catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e ) { throw new RepositoryMergerException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } private boolean isEquals( ArtifactMetadata sourceArtifact, ArtifactMetadata targetArtifact ) { boolean isSame = false; if ( ( sourceArtifact.getNamespace().equals( targetArtifact.getNamespace() ) ) && ( sourceArtifact.getProject().equals( targetArtifact.getProject() ) ) && ( sourceArtifact.getId().equals( targetArtifact.getId() ) ) && ( sourceArtifact.getProjectVersion().equals( targetArtifact.getProjectVersion() ) ) ) { isSame = true; } return isSame; } }