package org.apache.archiva.configuration; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.archiva.configuration.functors.ProxyConnectorConfigurationOrderComparator; import; import; import org.apache.archiva.policies.AbstractUpdatePolicy; import org.apache.archiva.policies.CachedFailuresPolicy; import org.apache.archiva.policies.ChecksumPolicy; import org.apache.archiva.policies.DownloadErrorPolicy; import org.apache.archiva.policies.Policy; import org.apache.archiva.policies.PostDownloadPolicy; import org.apache.archiva.policies.PreDownloadPolicy; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.evaluator.DefaultExpressionEvaluator; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.evaluator.EvaluatorException; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.evaluator.ExpressionEvaluator; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.evaluator.sources.SystemPropertyExpressionSource; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.registry.Registry; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.registry.RegistryException; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.registry.RegistryListener; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.registry.commons.CommonsConfigurationRegistry; import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.springutils.ComponentContainer; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.configuration.BaseConfiguration; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; /** * <p> * Implementation of configuration holder that retrieves it from the registry. * </p> * <p> * The registry layers and merges the 2 configuration files: user, and application server. * </p> * <p> * Instead of relying on the model defaults, if the registry is empty a default configuration file is loaded and * applied from a resource. The defaults are not loaded into the registry as the lists (eg repositories) could no longer * be removed if that was the case. * </p> * <p> * When saving the configuration, it is saved to the location it was read from. If it was read from the defaults, it * will be saved to the user location. * However, if the configuration contains information from both sources, an exception is raised as this is currently * unsupported. The reason for this is that it is not possible to identify where to re-save elements, and can result * in list configurations (eg repositories) becoming inconsistent. * </p> * <p> * If the configuration is outdated, it will be upgraded when it is loaded. This is done by checking the version flag * before reading it from the registry. * </p> */ @Service("archivaConfiguration#default") public class DefaultArchivaConfiguration implements ArchivaConfiguration, RegistryListener { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DefaultArchivaConfiguration.class ); /** * Plexus registry to read the configuration from. */ @Inject @Named(value = "commons-configuration") private Registry registry; @Inject private ComponentContainer componentContainer; /** * The configuration that has been converted. */ private Configuration configuration; /** * see #initialize * * @todo these don't strictly belong in here */ private Map<String, PreDownloadPolicy> prePolicies; /** * see #initialize * * @todo these don't strictly belong in here */ private Map<String, PostDownloadPolicy> postPolicies; /** * see #initialize * * @todo these don't strictly belong in here */ private Map<String, DownloadErrorPolicy> downloadErrorPolicies; /** * see #initialize * default-value="${user.home}/.m2/archiva.xml" */ private String userConfigFilename = "${user.home}/.m2/archiva.xml"; /** * see #initialize * default-value="${appserver.base}/conf/archiva.xml" */ private String altConfigFilename = "${appserver.base}/conf/archiva.xml"; /** * Configuration Listeners we've registered. */ private Set<ConfigurationListener> listeners = new HashSet<>(); /** * Registry Listeners we've registered. */ private Set<RegistryListener> registryListeners = new HashSet<>(); /** * Boolean to help determine if the configuration exists as a result of pulling in * the default-archiva.xml */ private boolean isConfigurationDefaulted = false; private static final String KEY = "org.apache.archiva"; // Section used for default only configuration private static final String KEY_DEFAULT_ONLY = "org.apache.archiva_default"; @Override public Configuration getConfiguration() { return loadConfiguration(); } private synchronized Configuration loadConfiguration() { if ( configuration == null ) { configuration = load(); configuration = unescapeExpressions( configuration ); if ( isConfigurationDefaulted ) { configuration = checkRepositoryLocations( configuration ); } } return configuration; } private boolean hasConfigVersionChanged(Configuration current, Registry defaultOnlyConfiguration) { return current==null || current.getVersion()==null || !current.getVersion().trim().equals(defaultOnlyConfiguration.getString("version","").trim()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Configuration load() { // TODO: should this be the same as section? make sure unnamed sections still work (eg, sys properties) Registry subset = registry.getSubset( KEY ); if ( subset.getString( "version" ) == null ) { // a little autodetection of v1, even if version is omitted (this was previously allowed) if ( subset.getSubset( "repositoryScanning" ).isEmpty() ) { // only for empty, or v < 1 subset = readDefaultConfiguration(); } } Configuration config = new ConfigurationRegistryReader().read( subset ); config.getRepositoryGroups(); config.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap(); if ( !config.getRepositories().isEmpty() ) { for ( V1RepositoryConfiguration r : config.getRepositories() ) { r.setScanned( r.isIndexed() ); if ( StringUtils.startsWith( r.getUrl(), "file://" ) ) { r.setLocation( r.getUrl().substring( 7 ) ); config.addManagedRepository( r ); } else if ( StringUtils.startsWith( r.getUrl(), "file:" ) ) { r.setLocation( r.getUrl().substring( 5 ) ); config.addManagedRepository( r ); } else if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( r.getUrl() ) ) { // in case of empty url we can consider it as a managed one // check if location is null //file://${appserver.base}/repositories/${id} if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( r.getLocation() ) ) { r.setLocation( "file://${appserver.base}/repositories/" + r.getId() ); } config.addManagedRepository( r ); } else { RemoteRepositoryConfiguration repo = new RemoteRepositoryConfiguration(); repo.setId( r.getId() ); repo.setLayout( r.getLayout() ); repo.setName( r.getName() ); repo.setUrl( r.getUrl() ); config.addRemoteRepository( repo ); } } // Prevent duplicate repositories from showing up. config.getRepositories().clear(); registry.removeSubset( KEY + ".repositories" ); } if ( !CollectionUtils.isEmpty( config.getRemoteRepositories() ) ) { List<RemoteRepositoryConfiguration> remoteRepos = config.getRemoteRepositories(); for ( RemoteRepositoryConfiguration repo : remoteRepos ) { // [MRM-582] Remote Repositories with empty <username> and <password> fields shouldn't be created in configuration. if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repo.getUsername() ) ) { repo.setUsername( null ); } if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repo.getPassword() ) ) { repo.setPassword( null ); } } } if ( !config.getProxyConnectors().isEmpty() ) { // Fix Proxy Connector Settings. // Create a copy of the list to read from (to prevent concurrent modification exceptions) List<ProxyConnectorConfiguration> proxyConnectorList = new ArrayList<>( config.getProxyConnectors() ); // Remove the old connector list. config.getProxyConnectors().clear(); for ( ProxyConnectorConfiguration connector : proxyConnectorList ) { // Fix policies boolean connectorValid = true; Map<String, String> policies = new HashMap<>(); // Make copy of policies policies.putAll( connector.getPolicies() ); // Clear out policies connector.getPolicies().clear(); // Work thru policies. cleaning them up. for ( Entry<String, String> entry : policies.entrySet() ) { String policyId = entry.getKey(); String setting = entry.getValue(); // Upgrade old policy settings. if ( "releases".equals( policyId ) || "snapshots".equals( policyId ) ) { if ( "ignored".equals( setting ) ) { setting = AbstractUpdatePolicy.ALWAYS; } else if ( "disabled".equals( setting ) ) { setting = AbstractUpdatePolicy.NEVER; } } else if ( "cache-failures".equals( policyId ) ) { if ( "ignored".equals( setting ) ) { setting = CachedFailuresPolicy.NO; } else if ( "cached".equals( setting ) ) { setting = CachedFailuresPolicy.YES; } } else if ( "checksum".equals( policyId ) ) { if ( "ignored".equals( setting ) ) { setting = ChecksumPolicy.IGNORE; } } // Validate existance of policy key. if ( policyExists( policyId ) ) { Policy policy = findPolicy( policyId ); // Does option exist? if ( !policy.getOptions().contains( setting ) ) { setting = policy.getDefaultOption(); } connector.addPolicy( policyId, setting ); } else { // Policy key doesn't exist. Don't add it to golden version. log.warn( "Policy [{}] does not exist.", policyId ); } } if ( connectorValid ) { config.addProxyConnector( connector ); } } // Normalize the order fields in the proxy connectors. Map<String, java.util.List<ProxyConnectorConfiguration>> proxyConnectorMap = config.getProxyConnectorAsMap(); for ( List<ProxyConnectorConfiguration> connectors : proxyConnectorMap.values() ) { // Sort connectors by order field. Collections.sort( connectors, ProxyConnectorConfigurationOrderComparator.getInstance() ); // Normalize the order field values. int order = 1; for ( ProxyConnectorConfiguration connector : connectors ) { connector.setOrder( order++ ); } } } return config; } /* * Updates the checkpath list for repositories. * * We are replacing existing ones and adding new ones. This allows to update the list with new releases. * * We are also updating existing remote repositories, if they exist already. * * This update method should only be called, if the config version changes to avoid overwriting * user repository settings all the time. */ private void updateCheckPathDefaults(Configuration config, Registry defaultConfiguration) { List<RepositoryCheckPath> existingCheckPathList = config.getArchivaDefaultConfiguration().getDefaultCheckPaths(); HashMap<String, RepositoryCheckPath> existingCheckPaths = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, RepositoryCheckPath> newCheckPaths = new HashMap<>(); for (RepositoryCheckPath path : config.getArchivaDefaultConfiguration().getDefaultCheckPaths()) { existingCheckPaths.put(path.getUrl(), path); } List defaultCheckPathsSubsets = defaultConfiguration.getSubsetList("archivaDefaultConfiguration.defaultCheckPaths.defaultCheckPath" ); for ( Iterator i = defaultCheckPathsSubsets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RepositoryCheckPath v = readRepositoryCheckPath( (Registry) ); if (existingCheckPaths.containsKey(v.getUrl())) { existingCheckPathList.remove(existingCheckPaths.get(v.getUrl())); } existingCheckPathList.add(v); newCheckPaths.put(v.getUrl(), v); } // Remote repositories update for (RemoteRepositoryConfiguration remoteRepositoryConfiguration : config.getRemoteRepositories()) { String url = remoteRepositoryConfiguration.getUrl().toLowerCase(); if (newCheckPaths.containsKey(url)) { String currentPath = remoteRepositoryConfiguration.getCheckPath(); String newPath = newCheckPaths.get(url).getPath();"Updating connection check path for repository {}, from '{}' to '{}'.", remoteRepositoryConfiguration.getId(), currentPath, newPath); remoteRepositoryConfiguration.setCheckPath(newPath); } } } private RepositoryCheckPath readRepositoryCheckPath( Registry registry ) { RepositoryCheckPath value = new RepositoryCheckPath(); String url = registry.getString( "url", value.getUrl() ); value.setUrl( url ); String path = registry.getString( "path", value.getPath() ); value.setPath( path ); return value; } private Policy findPolicy( String policyId ) { if ( MapUtils.isEmpty( prePolicies ) ) { log.error( "No PreDownloadPolicies found!" ); return null; } if ( MapUtils.isEmpty( postPolicies ) ) { log.error( "No PostDownloadPolicies found!" ); return null; } Policy policy; policy = prePolicies.get( policyId ); if ( policy != null ) { return policy; } policy = postPolicies.get( policyId ); if ( policy != null ) { return policy; } policy = downloadErrorPolicies.get( policyId ); if ( policy != null ) { return policy; } return null; } private boolean policyExists( String policyId ) { if ( MapUtils.isEmpty( prePolicies ) ) { log.error( "No PreDownloadPolicies found!" ); return false; } if ( MapUtils.isEmpty( postPolicies ) ) { log.error( "No PostDownloadPolicies found!" ); return false; } return ( prePolicies.containsKey( policyId ) || postPolicies.containsKey( policyId ) || downloadErrorPolicies.containsKey( policyId ) ); } private Registry readDefaultConfiguration() { // if it contains some old configuration, remove it (Archiva 0.9) registry.removeSubset( KEY ); try { registry.addConfigurationFromResource( "org/apache/archiva/configuration/default-archiva.xml", KEY ); this.isConfigurationDefaulted = true; } catch ( RegistryException e ) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException( "Fatal error: Unable to find the built-in default configuration and load it into the registry", e ); } return registry.getSubset( KEY ); } /* * Reads the default only configuration into a special prefix. This allows to check for changes * of the default configuration. */ private Registry readDefaultOnlyConfiguration() { registry.removeSubset(KEY_DEFAULT_ONLY); try { registry.addConfigurationFromResource( "org/apache/archiva/configuration/default-archiva.xml", KEY_DEFAULT_ONLY); } catch ( RegistryException e ) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException( "Fatal error: Unable to find the built-in default configuration and load it into the registry", e ); } return registry.getSubset(KEY_DEFAULT_ONLY); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public synchronized void save( Configuration configuration ) throws IndeterminateConfigurationException, RegistryException { Registry section = registry.getSection( KEY + ".user" ); Registry baseSection = registry.getSection( KEY + ".base" ); if ( section == null ) { section = baseSection; if ( section == null ) { section = createDefaultConfigurationFile(); } } else if ( baseSection != null ) { Collection<String> keys = baseSection.getKeys(); boolean foundList = false; for ( Iterator<String> i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext() && !foundList; ) { String key =; // a little aggressive with the repositoryScanning and databaseScanning - should be no need to split // that configuration if ( key.startsWith( "repositories" ) // || key.startsWith( "proxyConnectors" ) // || key.startsWith( "networkProxies" ) // || key.startsWith( "repositoryScanning" ) // || key.startsWith( "remoteRepositories" ) // || key.startsWith( "managedRepositories" ) // || key.startsWith( "repositoryGroups" ) ) // { foundList = true; } } if ( foundList ) { this.configuration = null; throw new IndeterminateConfigurationException( "Configuration can not be saved when it is loaded from two sources" ); } } // escape all cron expressions to handle ',' escapeCronExpressions( configuration ); // [MRM-661] Due to a bug in the modello registry writer, we need to take these out by hand. They'll be put back by the writer. if ( section != null ) { if ( configuration.getManagedRepositories().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "managedRepositories" ); } if ( configuration.getRemoteRepositories().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "remoteRepositories" ); } if ( configuration.getProxyConnectors().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "proxyConnectors" ); } if ( configuration.getNetworkProxies().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "networkProxies" ); } if ( configuration.getLegacyArtifactPaths().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "legacyArtifactPaths" ); } if ( configuration.getRepositoryGroups().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "repositoryGroups" ); } if ( configuration.getRepositoryScanning() != null ) { if ( configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "repositoryScanning.knownContentConsumers" ); } if ( configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getInvalidContentConsumers().isEmpty() ) { section.removeSubset( "repositoryScanning.invalidContentConsumers" ); } } if (configuration.getArchivaRuntimeConfiguration()!=null) { section.removeSubset("archivaRuntimeConfiguration.defaultCheckPaths"); } new ConfigurationRegistryWriter().write( configuration, section );; } this.configuration = unescapeExpressions( configuration ); triggerEvent( ConfigurationEvent.SAVED ); } private void escapeCronExpressions( Configuration configuration ) { for ( ManagedRepositoryConfiguration c : configuration.getManagedRepositories() ) { c.setRefreshCronExpression( escapeCronExpression( c.getRefreshCronExpression() ) ); } } private Registry createDefaultConfigurationFile() throws RegistryException { // TODO: may not be needed under commons-configuration 1.4 - check String contents = "<configuration />"; String fileLocation = userConfigFilename; if ( !writeFile( "user configuration", userConfigFilename, contents ) ) { fileLocation = altConfigFilename; if ( !writeFile( "alternative configuration", altConfigFilename, contents ) ) { throw new RegistryException( "Unable to create configuration file in either user [" + userConfigFilename + "] or alternative [" + altConfigFilename + "] locations on disk, usually happens when not allowed to write to those locations." ); } } // olamy hackish I know :-) contents = "<configuration><xml fileName=\"" + fileLocation + "\" config-forceCreate=\"true\" config-name=\"org.apache.archiva.user\"/>" + "</configuration>"; ( (CommonsConfigurationRegistry) registry ).setProperties( contents ); registry.initialize(); for ( RegistryListener regListener : registryListeners ) { addRegistryChangeListener( regListener ); } triggerEvent( ConfigurationEvent.SAVED ); Registry section = registry.getSection( KEY + ".user" ); return section == null ? new CommonsConfigurationRegistry( new BaseConfiguration() ) : section; } /** * Attempts to write the contents to a file, if an IOException occurs, return false. * <p/> * The file will be created if the directory to the file exists, otherwise this will return false. * * @param filetype the filetype (freeform text) to use in logging messages when failure to write. * @param path the path to write to. * @param contents the contents to write. * @return true if write successful. */ private boolean writeFile( String filetype, String path, String contents ) { File file = new File( path ); try { // Check parent directory (if it is declared) if ( file.getParentFile() != null ) { // Check that directory exists if ( !file.getParentFile().isDirectory() ) { // Directory to file must exist for file to be created return false; } } FileUtils.writeStringToFile( file, contents, "UTF-8" ); return true; } catch ( IOException e ) { log.error( "Unable to create " + filetype + " file: " + e.getMessage(), e ); return false; } } private void triggerEvent( int type ) { ConfigurationEvent evt = new ConfigurationEvent( type ); for ( ConfigurationListener listener : listeners ) { listener.configurationEvent( evt ); } } @Override public void addListener( ConfigurationListener listener ) { if ( listener == null ) { return; } listeners.add( listener ); } @Override public void removeListener( ConfigurationListener listener ) { if ( listener == null ) { return; } listeners.remove( listener ); } @Override public void addChangeListener( RegistryListener listener ) { addRegistryChangeListener( listener ); // keep track for later registryListeners.add( listener ); } private void addRegistryChangeListener( RegistryListener listener ) { Registry section = registry.getSection( KEY + ".user" ); if ( section != null ) { section.addChangeListener( listener ); } section = registry.getSection( KEY + ".base" ); if ( section != null ) { section.addChangeListener( listener ); } } @Override public void removeChangeListener( RegistryListener listener ) { boolean removed = registryListeners.remove( listener ); log.debug( "RegistryListener: '{}' removed {}", listener, removed ); Registry section = registry.getSection( KEY + ".user" ); if ( section != null ) { section.removeChangeListener( listener ); } section = registry.getSection( KEY + ".base" ); if ( section != null ) { section.removeChangeListener( listener ); } } @PostConstruct public void initialize() { this.postPolicies = componentContainer.buildMapWithRole( PostDownloadPolicy.class ); this.prePolicies = componentContainer.buildMapWithRole( PreDownloadPolicy.class ); this.downloadErrorPolicies = componentContainer.buildMapWithRole( DownloadErrorPolicy.class ); // Resolve expressions in the userConfigFilename and altConfigFilename try { ExpressionEvaluator expressionEvaluator = new DefaultExpressionEvaluator(); expressionEvaluator.addExpressionSource( new SystemPropertyExpressionSource() ); String userConfigFileNameSysProps = System.getProperty( "archiva.user.configFileName" ); if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( userConfigFileNameSysProps ) ) { userConfigFilename = userConfigFileNameSysProps; } else { userConfigFilename = expressionEvaluator.expand( userConfigFilename ); } altConfigFilename = expressionEvaluator.expand( altConfigFilename ); loadConfiguration(); handleUpgradeConfiguration(); } catch ( IndeterminateConfigurationException | RegistryException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( "failed during upgrade from previous version" + e.getMessage(), e ); } catch ( EvaluatorException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to evaluate expressions found in " + "userConfigFilename or altConfigFilename.", e ); } registry.addChangeListener( this ); } /** * Handle upgrade to newer version */ private void handleUpgradeConfiguration() throws RegistryException, IndeterminateConfigurationException { List<String> dbConsumers = Arrays.asList( "update-db-artifact", "update-db-repository-metadata" ); // remove database consumers if here List<String> intersec = ListUtils.intersection( dbConsumers, configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers() ); if ( !intersec.isEmpty() ) { List<String> knowContentConsumers = new ArrayList<>( configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers().size() ); for ( String knowContentConsumer : configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers() ) { if ( !dbConsumers.contains( knowContentConsumer ) ) { knowContentConsumers.add( knowContentConsumer ); } } configuration.getRepositoryScanning().setKnownContentConsumers( knowContentConsumers ); } // ensure create-archiva-metadata is here if ( !configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers().contains( "create-archiva-metadata" ) ) { List<String> knowContentConsumers = new ArrayList<>( configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers() ); knowContentConsumers.add( "create-archiva-metadata" ); configuration.getRepositoryScanning().setKnownContentConsumers( knowContentConsumers ); } // ensure duplicate-artifacts is here if ( !configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers().contains( "duplicate-artifacts" ) ) { List<String> knowContentConsumers = new ArrayList<>( configuration.getRepositoryScanning().getKnownContentConsumers() ); knowContentConsumers.add( "duplicate-artifacts" ); configuration.getRepositoryScanning().setKnownContentConsumers( knowContentConsumers ); } Registry defaultOnlyConfiguration = readDefaultOnlyConfiguration(); // Currently we check only for configuration version change, not certain version numbers. if (hasConfigVersionChanged(configuration, defaultOnlyConfiguration)) { updateCheckPathDefaults(configuration, defaultOnlyConfiguration); String newVersion = defaultOnlyConfiguration.getString("version"); if (newVersion==null) { throw new IndeterminateConfigurationException("The default configuration has no version information!"); } configuration.setVersion(newVersion); try { save(configuration); } catch (IndeterminateConfigurationException e) { log.error("Error occured during configuration update to new version: {}", e.getMessage()); } catch (RegistryException e) { log.error("Error occured during configuration update to new version: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void reload() { this.configuration = null; try { this.registry.initialize(); } catch ( RegistryException e ) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e ); } this.initialize(); } @Override public void beforeConfigurationChange( Registry registry, String propertyName, Object propertyValue ) { // nothing to do here } @Override public synchronized void afterConfigurationChange( Registry registry, String propertyName, Object propertyValue ) { configuration = null; } private String removeExpressions( String directory ) { String value = StringUtils.replace( directory, "${appserver.base}", registry.getString( "appserver.base", "${appserver.base}" ) ); value = StringUtils.replace( value, "${appserver.home}", registry.getString( "appserver.home", "${appserver.home}" ) ); return value; } private String unescapeCronExpression( String cronExpression ) { return StringUtils.replace( cronExpression, "\\,", "," ); } private String escapeCronExpression( String cronExpression ) { return StringUtils.replace( cronExpression, ",", "\\," ); } private Configuration unescapeExpressions( Configuration config ) { // TODO: for commons-configuration 1.3 only for ( ManagedRepositoryConfiguration c : config.getManagedRepositories() ) { c.setLocation( removeExpressions( c.getLocation() ) ); c.setRefreshCronExpression( unescapeCronExpression( c.getRefreshCronExpression() ) ); } return config; } private Configuration checkRepositoryLocations( Configuration config ) { // additional check for [MRM-789], ensure that the location of the default repositories // are not installed in the server installation for ( ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repo : (List<ManagedRepositoryConfiguration>) config.getManagedRepositories() ) { String repoPath = repo.getLocation(); File repoLocation = new File( repoPath ); if ( repoLocation.exists() && repoLocation.isDirectory() && !repoPath.endsWith( "data/repositories/" + repo.getId() ) ) { repo.setLocation( repoPath + "/data/repositories/" + repo.getId() ); } } return config; } public String getUserConfigFilename() { return userConfigFilename; } public String getAltConfigFilename() { return altConfigFilename; } @Override public boolean isDefaulted() { return this.isConfigurationDefaulted; } public Registry getRegistry() { return registry; } public void setRegistry( Registry registry ) { this.registry = registry; } public void setUserConfigFilename( String userConfigFilename ) { this.userConfigFilename = userConfigFilename; } public void setAltConfigFilename( String altConfigFilename ) { this.altConfigFilename = altConfigFilename; } }