package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Class representing a drop-down button with its associated menu. Note * that all items in the menu should have unique captions for removeItem * and setItemEnabled to work properly. */ public class DropDownButton extends TextButton { private final ContextMenu menu; private final List<MenuItem> items; private final boolean rightAlign; public static class DropDownItem { private final String widgetName; private final String caption; private final Command command; public DropDownItem(String widgetName, String caption, Command command) { this.widgetName = widgetName; this.caption = caption; this.command = command; } } /** * A subclass of PZAwarePositionCallback designed to position the ContextMenu * of a DropDownButton. */ private class DropDownPositionCallback extends PZAwarePositionCallback { public DropDownPositionCallback(Element elem) { super(elem); } /** * @param offsetWidth width of the ContextMenu being positioned on the parent element * @param offsetHeight height of the ContextMenu being positioned on the parent element * Sets the position of the ContextMenu on the screen given it's dimensions */ @Override public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { // getAbsoluteLeft/Right() gives the top coordinate of the parent element // getOffsetWidth/Height() gives the width/height of the parent element int left = Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("Chrome") && isPinchZoomed() ? getTrueAbsoluteLeft() : getAbsoluteLeft(); if (rightAlign) { left += getOffsetWidth() - offsetWidth; } int top = Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("Chrome") && isPinchZoomed() ? getTrueAbsoluteTop() + getOffsetHeight() : getAbsoluteTop() + getOffsetHeight(); // Values to determine how to display the ContextMenu - above or below int dropDownBottom = top + offsetHeight; int screenBottom = Window.getScrollTop()+Window.getClientHeight(); // if the bottom will go off the current browser screen, display // the dropdown as a 'dropup' where the ContextMenu appears // above instead if(dropDownBottom > screenBottom) { int newTop = Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("Chrome") && isPinchZoomed() ? getTrueAbsoluteTop() -offsetHeight : getAbsoluteTop() - offsetHeight; // account for the extreeeemely unlikely case where newTop // also goes off the screen in this case, it makes more // sense to just go off the bottom of the screen (the screen // won't grow up, and so the menu would get completely cut // off at the top if(newTop >= 0) { top = newTop; } } menu.setPopupPosition(left, top); } } // Create a new drop-down menu button (with text), initially populated with items. Null // items in the list cause a separator to be added at that position. public DropDownButton(String widgetName, String caption, List<DropDownItem> toolbarItems, boolean rightAlign) { super(caption + " \u25BE "); // drop down triangle = new ContextMenu(); this.items = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); this.rightAlign = rightAlign; for (DropDownItem item : toolbarItems) { if (item != null) { this.items.add(menu.addItem(item.caption, true, item.command)); } else { menu.addSeparator(); } } addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { menu.setPopupPositionAndShow(new DropDownPositionCallback(getElement())); } }); } public DropDownButton(String widgetName, String caption, List<DropDownItem> toolbarItems, boolean rightAlign, boolean hasTriangle) { this(widgetName, caption, toolbarItems, rightAlign); if (!hasTriangle) { setText(caption); } } public DropDownButton(String widgetName, String caption, List<DropDownItem> toolbarItems, boolean rightAlign, boolean hasTriangle, boolean hasHtmlCaption) { this(widgetName, caption, toolbarItems, rightAlign); if (hasHtmlCaption) { // Set the button's caption as an HTML String with or without a dropdown triangle if (hasTriangle) setCaption(caption); else setHTML(caption); } } // Create a new drop-down menu button (with image), initially populated with items. Null // items in the list cause a separator to be added at that position. public DropDownButton(String widgetName, Image icon, List<DropDownItem> toolbarItems, boolean rightAlign) { super(icon); // icon for button = new ContextMenu(); this.items = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); this.rightAlign = rightAlign; for (DropDownItem item : toolbarItems) { if (item != null) { addItem(item); } else { menu.addSeparator(); } } addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { menu.setPopupPositionAndShow(new DropDownPositionCallback(getElement())); } }); } public void clearAllItems() { for (MenuItem item : items) { menu.removeItem(item); } items.clear(); } public void addItem(DropDownItem item) { items.add(menu.addItem(item.caption, true, item.command)); } public void removeItem(String itemName) { for (MenuItem item : items) { if (item.getText().equals(itemName)) { menu.removeItem(item); items.remove(item); break; } } } public void setItemEnabled(String itemName, boolean enabled) { for (MenuItem item : items) { if (item.getText().equals(itemName)) { item.setEnabled(enabled); break; } } } public void setCaption(String caption) { this.setText(caption + " \u25BE "); } public ContextMenu getContextMenu() { return menu; } }