package edu.mills.feeney.thesis.aimerger; import java.nio.file.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; /** * A user interface enabling users to merge two App Inventor projects. * * @author (Kate Feeney) * <p/> * modified by Arezu Esmaili ( - July 2015 */ public class AIMerger extends JFrame { private static AIMerger instance; public Container myCP; private JPanel mainProjectDisplayP; private JPanel mergeButtonP; private JPanel secondProjectDisplayP; private JLabel instructMainProjectL; private JLabel instructMainProjectNotesL; private JLabel instructSecondProjectL; private JLabel instructSecondProjectNotesL; private JLabel mainProjectTitleL; private JLabel secondProjectTitleL; private JLabel mainProjectAssetsL; private JLabel mainProjectScreensInstrucL; private JLabel mainProjectScreensL; private JLabel mainProjectAssetsInstrucL; private JLabel secondProjectAssetsL; private JLabel secondProjectScreensInstrucL; private JLabel secondProjectScreensL; private JLabel secondProjectAssetsInstrucL; private JLabel picLabel; private JLabel revisionNote; private JButton mainProjectBrowseB; private JButton secondProjectBrowseB; private JButton mergeB; private JTextField mainProjectTF; private JTextField secondProjectTF; private static final Font HEADER_TWO_FONT = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18); private static final Font HEADER_THREE_FONT = new Font("Dialog", Font.ITALIC, 12); private static final double HEIGHT_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN = 0.8; private static final double WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN = 0.8; private static final int BORDER_THICKNESS = 50; private Dimension projectDisplayPanelSize; private Point projectDisplayPanelLocation; private JScrollPane mainProjectScreensP; private JScrollPane mainProjectAssetsP; private JScrollPane secondProjectScreensP; private JScrollPane secondProjectAssetsP; private CheckBoxList mainProjectScreensCBL; private CheckBoxList mainProjectAssetsCBL; private AIProject mainProject; private CheckBoxList secondProjectScreensCBL; private CheckBoxList secondProjectAssetsCBL; private AIProject secondProject; private String mergeProjectPath; private static final Color GREY = new Color(200, 200, 200); private String oldName = null; private String newName = null; private String browserPath = null; /** * Returns a file path with no file extension. * * @param a file path. * @return a file path with no file extension. */ public String pathNoExt(String path) { return path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.')); } /** * Returns a file's extension given its path. * * @param a file path. * @return a file's extension. */ public String getExt(String path) { return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('.')); } /** * Returns the file's name given its path. * * @param a file path. * @return a file's name. */ public String fileName(String path) { return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } // Action listener for the main project's browse button. private class MainProjectBrowseBActionListener implements ActionListener { // When the main project's Browse button is pressed, a file-browsing window // opens and the file selected by the user appears in the main project text box. @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String path = getFileToOpen(); if (path != null) { mainProjectTF.setText(path); browserPath = path; // Create AIProject for the main project. mainProject = new AIProject(mainProjectTF.getText()); } // Display main project. if (mainProject.isValid()) { mainProjectDisplayP.setVisible(true); updateMainProjectView(); // Set the lower center panel to visible if the lower right panel is already visible. mergeButtonP.setVisible(secondProjectDisplayP.isVisible()); } else { mainProjectDisplayP.setVisible(false); } } } // Action listener for the second project's browse button. private class SecondProjectBrowseBActionListener implements ActionListener { // When the second project's Browse button is pressed, a file-browsing window // opens and the file selected by the user appears in the second project text box. @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String path = getFileToOpen(); if (path != null) { secondProjectTF.setText(path); browserPath = path; secondProject = new AIProject(secondProjectTF.getText()); } if (secondProject.isValid()) { secondProjectDisplayP.setVisible(true); updateSecondProjectView(); // Set the lower center panel to visible if the lower left panel is already visible. mergeButtonP.setVisible(mainProjectDisplayP.isVisible()); } else { secondProjectDisplayP.setVisible(false); } } } // Action listener for the merge button. private class MergeBActionListener implements ActionListener { // Action performed when button is clicked. @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (alertToDuplicates() && containsScreen1()) { // List to hold files to be included in the new project from the main // project. List<String> filesFromMainProject = new ArrayList<String>(); // The properties file from the main project is always included in the new project. filesFromMainProject.add(mainProject.getPropertiesFilePath()); // List to hold files to be included in the new project from the second project. List<String> filesFromSecondProject = new ArrayList<String>(); // Temporary list to hold the name of the screens from the main project that have been // checked to be included in the new project. List<String> mainProjectCheckedScreens = mainProjectScreensCBL.getChecked(); // Add checked screens to the list of files to include from the main project. if (!mainProjectCheckedScreens.isEmpty()) { for (AIScreen aiScreen : mainProject.getScreensList()) { if (mainProjectCheckedScreens.contains(aiScreen.getName())) { String path = aiScreen.getPath(); filesFromMainProject.add(path); filesFromMainProject.add(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(".scm")).concat(".bky")); } } } // Temporary list to hold the name of the assets from the main project that have been // checked to be included in the new project. List<String> mainProjectCheckedAssets = mainProjectAssetsCBL.getChecked(); // Add checked assets to the list of files to include from the main project. if (!mainProjectCheckedAssets.isEmpty()) { for (AIAsset aiAsset : mainProject.getAssetsList()) { if (mainProjectCheckedAssets.contains(aiAsset.getName())) { filesFromMainProject.add(aiAsset.getPath()); } } } // Temporary list to hold the name of the screens from the second project that have been // checked to be included in the new project. List<String> secondProjectCheckedScreens = secondProjectScreensCBL.getChecked(); // Add checked screens to the list of files to include from the second project. if (!secondProjectCheckedScreens.isEmpty()) { for (AIScreen aiScreen : secondProject.getScreensList()) { if (secondProjectCheckedScreens.contains(aiScreen.getName())) { String path = aiScreen.getPath(); filesFromSecondProject.add(path); filesFromSecondProject.add(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(".scm")).concat(".bky")); } } } // Temporary list to hold the name of the assets from the second project that have been // checked to be included in the new project. List<String> secondProjectCheckedAssets = secondProjectAssetsCBL.getChecked(); // Add checked assets to the list of files to include from the second project. if (!secondProjectCheckedAssets.isEmpty()) { for (AIAsset aiAsset : secondProject.getAssetsList()) { if (secondProjectCheckedAssets.contains(aiAsset.getName())) { filesFromSecondProject.add(aiAsset.getPath()); } } } try { mergeProjectPath = getFileToSaveTo(); ZipOutputStream outZip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(mergeProjectPath)); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; ZipInputStream mainZipInput = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(mainProject.getProjectPath()))); // Write files from main project to new project. ZipEntry curEntry; while ((curEntry = mainZipInput.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (filesFromMainProject.contains(curEntry.getName())) { outZip.putNextEntry(curEntry); int len; while ((len = > 0) { outZip.write(buf, 0, len); } outZip.closeEntry(); mainZipInput.closeEntry(); } } mainZipInput.close(); if (!filesFromSecondProject.isEmpty()) { ZipInputStream secondZipInput = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(secondProject.getProjectPath()))); // Write files from second project to new project. while ((curEntry = secondZipInput.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (filesFromSecondProject.contains(curEntry.getName())) { if (oldName != null && curEntry.toString().contains(oldName)) { curEntry = new ZipEntry(newName + getExt(curEntry.toString())); } outZip.putNextEntry(curEntry); int len; while ((len = > 0) { if (getExt(curEntry.toString()).equals(".scm") && curEntry.toString().equals( newName + getExt(curEntry.toString()))) { String s = new String(buf, 0, len); String s2 = new String(s.replace("\"$Name\":\"Screen1\"", "\"$Name\":\"" + fileName(newName) + "\"")); String s3 = new String(s2.replace("\"Title\":\"Screen1\"", "\"Title\":\"" + fileName(newName) + "\"")); buf = s3.getBytes(); len = s3.length(); } outZip.write(buf, 0, len); } outZip.closeEntry(); secondZipInput.closeEntry(); } } secondZipInput.close(); } outZip.close(); offerNewMerge(); } catch (IOException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "Invalid file name.", "File Name Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); actionPerformed(event); } } } } /* * Resets UI to what appears when the application starts. If a project's path * is passed then this is loaded as the main project. */ private void resetAIMerger(String aiProjectPath) { oldName = null; newName = null; browserPath = null; mainProjectScreensCBL.clearChecked(); mainProjectAssetsCBL.clearChecked(); secondProjectScreensCBL.clearChecked(); secondProjectAssetsCBL.clearChecked(); mainProjectTF.setText(null); secondProjectTF.setText(null); mainProjectDisplayP.setVisible(false); secondProjectDisplayP.setVisible(false); mergeButtonP.setVisible(false); if (aiProjectPath != null) { mainProjectTF.setText(aiProjectPath); mainProject = new AIProject(aiProjectPath); mainProjectDisplayP.setVisible(true); updateMainProjectView(); } } /* * Informs the user their merge was successful and asks if they would like to * merge another project. */ private void offerNewMerge() { int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(myCP, "Projects Successfully Merged. " + "Would you like to merge more projects?", "Projects Merged", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, null, JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); switch (response) { default: // This should never happen throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an option"); case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION: case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: closeApplication(); break; case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: offerToMergeToNewProject(); break; } } /* * Asks user if they want to merge another project to the recently merged project. */ private void offerToMergeToNewProject() { int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(myCP, "Would you like one of the projects to merge" + " to be the project you just created?", "Merge More Projects", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); switch (response) { default: // This should never happen throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an option"); case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION: closeApplication(); break; case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: resetAIMerger(null); break; case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: resetAIMerger(mergeProjectPath); break; } } /* * Confirms the user wants to exit AIMerger. */ private void closeApplication() { int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(myCP, "Exit AIMerger?", "Exit", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); switch (response) { default: // This should never happen throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an option"); case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION: case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION: offerNewMerge(); break; case JOptionPane.OK_OPTION: System.exit(0); break; } } private String getFileToSaveTo() { // Get new project's file path. JFileChooser mergeProjectFS = new JFileChooser(); mergeProjectFS.setDialogType(JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG); String projectPath = null; int validPath = mergeProjectFS.showSaveDialog(myCP); if (validPath != JFileChooser.ERROR_OPTION || validPath != JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) { // Make sure the file is an aia file. File projectFile = mergeProjectFS.getSelectedFile(); projectPath = projectFile.getPath(); if (!projectPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".aia")) { projectPath = projectPath.concat(".aia"); projectFile = new File(projectPath); } // Confirm that the user wants to overwrite an existing project, but do not allow // overwriting one of the two projects being merged. if (projectFile.exists()) { if (projectFile.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(mainProject.getProjectPath()) || projectFile.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(secondProject.getProjectPath())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "You can not overwrite one of the two " + "projects being merged. Select anther file name.", "File Name Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return getFileToSaveTo(); } validPath = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(myCP, "The file name you selected already " + "exists. Would you like to replace it?", "Replace Existing File", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, null, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION); if (validPath == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION || validPath == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return getFileToSaveTo(); } } // The project's name is the name of the aia file. String projectName = projectPath.substring(projectPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, projectPath.lastIndexOf(".aia")); // The projects name must start with a letter and can only contain letters, // numbers and underscores. if (!Character.isLetter(projectName.charAt(0)) || !projectName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "Project names must start with a letter and " + "can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores", "File Name Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return getFileToSaveTo(); } } return projectPath; } /* * Returns true is all screens and assets to be merged have unique names, else returns false. */ private boolean alertToDuplicates() { for (String screen : mainProjectScreensCBL.getChecked()) { //Asks to rename Screen1 of second project if both Screen1s are checked. if (secondProjectScreensCBL.getChecked().contains("Screen1") && screen.equals("Screen1") && newName == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "Your project will not correctly merge with two " + "Screen1s checked." + "\n" + "Rename your second project's Screen1 to continue.", "Rename Screen1", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); String path = ""; String screenName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(secondProjectDisplayP, "Rename", "Enter new name"); // The screen's name must start with a letter and can only contain letters, // numbers and underscores. while (!Character.isLetter(screenName.charAt(0)) || !screenName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$") || secondProjectScreensCBL.getChecked().contains(screenName) || mainProjectScreensCBL.getChecked().contains(screenName) || screenName.toLowerCase().equals("screen1")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "Screen names must start with a letter and " + "can contain only letters, numbers, " + "\n" + "and underscores, and cannot be " + "the same as another checked screen.", "File Name Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); screenName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(myCP, "Rename", "Enter new name"); } for (AIScreen aiScreen : secondProject.getScreensList()) { if (aiScreen.getName().equals("Screen1")) { path += aiScreen.getPath(); } } String newPath = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + screenName; oldName = pathNoExt(path); newName = newPath; } if (secondProjectScreensCBL.getChecked().contains(screen) && screen != "Check All" && screen != "Screen1") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "You cannot select two screens with the " + "same name. Please uncheck one of the screens and remerge.", "Duplicate Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } for (String asset : mainProjectAssetsCBL.getChecked()) { if (secondProjectAssetsCBL.getChecked().contains(asset) && asset != "Check All") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "You cannot select two assets with the " + "same name. Please uncheck one of the assets and remerge.", "Duplicate Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } return true; } /* * Returns true if at least one Screen1 is checked, otherwise returns false. */ private boolean containsScreen1() { for (String screen : mainProjectScreensCBL.getChecked()) { if (screen.equals("Screen1")) { return true; } } for (String screen : secondProjectScreensCBL.getChecked()) { if (screen.equals("Screen1")) { return true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myCP, "Your project must have a Screen1 to merge properly. " + "Please check a Screen1 and remerge.", "No Screen1 Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } /* * Launches a file chooser and returns the file chosen. The file returned will be the new merged * project. */ private String getFileToOpen() { JFileChooser projectFC = new JFileChooser(browserPath); int validPath = projectFC.showOpenDialog(myCP); if (validPath == JFileChooser.ERROR_OPTION || validPath == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) { return null; } else { return projectFC.getSelectedFile().toString(); } } /*an * Updates the lower left part of the screen to display the main project. */ private static void updateMainProjectView() { getInstance().mainProjectTitleL.setText("Main Project: " + getInstance().mainProject.getProjectName()); getInstance().mainProjectScreensCBL.setListData(getScreenCheckBoxes(getInstance().mainProject, true)); getInstance().mainProjectScreensCBL.clearChecked(); getInstance().mainProjectScreensCBL.getChecked().add("Screen1"); getInstance().mainProjectScreensP.setViewportView(getInstance().mainProjectScreensCBL); getInstance().mainProjectAssetsCBL.setListData(getAssetCheckBoxes(getInstance().mainProject)); getInstance().mainProjectAssetsCBL.clearChecked(); getInstance().mainProjectAssetsP.setViewportView(getInstance().mainProjectAssetsCBL); getInstance().mainProjectDisplayP.repaint(); } /* * Updates the lower right part of the screen to display the second project. */ private static void updateSecondProjectView() { getInstance().secondProjectTitleL.setText("Second Project: " + getInstance().secondProject.getProjectName()); getInstance().secondProjectScreensCBL.setListData(getScreenCheckBoxes( getInstance().secondProject, false)); getInstance().secondProjectScreensCBL.clearChecked(); getInstance().secondProjectScreensP.setViewportView(getInstance().secondProjectScreensCBL); getInstance().secondProjectAssetsCBL .setListData(getAssetCheckBoxes(getInstance().secondProject)); getInstance().secondProjectAssetsCBL.clearChecked(); getInstance().secondProjectAssetsP.setViewportView(getInstance().secondProjectAssetsCBL); getInstance().secondProjectDisplayP.repaint(); } /* * Creates an array of JCheckBoxes, a JCheckBox for each asset in the project. */ private static JCheckBox[] getAssetCheckBoxes(AIProject project) { List<AIAsset> tempAssetsList = project.getAssetsList(); JCheckBox[] assetCheckBoxLabels = new JCheckBox[1 + tempAssetsList.size()]; assetCheckBoxLabels[0] = new JCheckBox("Check All"); for (int i = 1; i <= tempAssetsList.size(); i++) { assetCheckBoxLabels[i] = new JCheckBox(tempAssetsList.get(i - 1).getName()); } return assetCheckBoxLabels; } /* * Creates an array of JCheckBoxes, a JCheckBox for each screen in the * project. If the project is the main project then "Screen1" is a checked * JCheckBox. */ private static JCheckBox[] getScreenCheckBoxes(AIProject project, boolean isMainProject) { List<AIScreen> tempScreensList = project.getScreensList(); JCheckBox[] screenCheckBoxLabels = new JCheckBox[1 + tempScreensList.size()]; screenCheckBoxLabels[0] = new JCheckBox("Check All"); for (int i = 1; i <= tempScreensList.size(); i++) { String tempScreenName = tempScreensList.get(i - 1).getName(); if (tempScreenName.equals("Screen1") && isMainProject) { screenCheckBoxLabels[i] = new JCheckBox(tempScreenName, true); } else { screenCheckBoxLabels[i] = new JCheckBox(tempScreenName); } } return screenCheckBoxLabels; } public AIMerger() { super("App Inventor Merger v1.2 -- for App Inventor 2"); // Set the size and location of the application's window based on the screen size. Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); setSize((int) (screenSize.width * WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN), (int) (screenSize.height * HEIGHT_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN)); setLocation((int) ((screenSize.width - screenSize.width * WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) / 2), (int) ((screenSize.height - screenSize.height * HEIGHT_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) / 2)); // Create a reference to the content pane of the JFrame. myCP = this.getContentPane(); myCP.setLayout(null); myCP.setBackground(GREY); // Main project title and instructions. instructMainProjectL = new JLabel("Browse for and load your Main Project."); instructMainProjectL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); instructMainProjectL.setSize(1000, 24); instructMainProjectL.setLocation(20, 20); myCP.add(instructMainProjectL); // Main project note. instructMainProjectNotesL = new JLabel("The main project's Screen1 will be the " + "merged project's Screen1"); instructMainProjectNotesL.setFont(HEADER_THREE_FONT); instructMainProjectNotesL.setSize(1000, 20); instructMainProjectNotesL.setLocation(20, instructMainProjectL.getLocation().y + 20); myCP.add(instructMainProjectNotesL); // Text field to enter path to main project. mainProjectTF = new JTextField(300); mainProjectTF.setBackground(Color.WHITE); mainProjectTF.setEditable(true); mainProjectTF.setSize(300, 30); mainProjectTF.setLocation(20, instructMainProjectNotesL.getLocation().y + 20); myCP.add(mainProjectTF); // Browse button for main project. mainProjectBrowseB = new JButton("Browse"); mainProjectBrowseB.setSize(100, 30); mainProjectBrowseB.setLocation(mainProjectTF.getLocation().x + mainProjectTF.getSize().width + 10, instructMainProjectNotesL.getLocation().y + 20); mainProjectBrowseB.addActionListener(new MainProjectBrowseBActionListener()); myCP.add(mainProjectBrowseB); // Browse button for the second project secondProjectBrowseB = new JButton("Browse"); secondProjectBrowseB.setSize(100, 30); secondProjectBrowseB.setLocation((int) ((screenSize.width * WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) - (mainProjectBrowseB.getSize().width + 20)), mainProjectTF.getLocation().y); secondProjectBrowseB.addActionListener(new SecondProjectBrowseBActionListener()); myCP.add(secondProjectBrowseB); // Second project title. instructSecondProjectL = new JLabel("Browse for and load your Second Project."); instructSecondProjectL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); instructSecondProjectL.setSize(1000, 24); instructSecondProjectL.setLocation(secondProjectBrowseB.getLocation().x - (20 + mainProjectTF.getSize().width), 20); myCP.add(instructSecondProjectL); // Second project note. instructSecondProjectNotesL = new JLabel("The second project's Screen1 can be renamed " + "to be merged"); instructSecondProjectNotesL.setFont(HEADER_THREE_FONT); instructSecondProjectNotesL.setSize(1000, 20); instructSecondProjectNotesL.setLocation(instructSecondProjectL.getLocation().x, instructSecondProjectL.getLocation().y + 20); myCP.add(instructSecondProjectNotesL); // Text field to enter the second project's path. secondProjectTF = new JTextField(300); secondProjectTF.setBackground(Color.WHITE); secondProjectTF.setEditable(true); secondProjectTF.setSize(300, 30); secondProjectTF.setLocation(instructSecondProjectL.getLocation().x, instructSecondProjectL.getLocation().y + 40); myCP.add(secondProjectTF); // AI Merger icon JLabel picLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("img/logoclear.png"))); picLabel.setSize(329, 145); picLabel.setLocation((int) (screenSize.width * WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) / 2 - (picLabel.getSize().width / 2), mainProjectBrowseB.getLocation().y + 20); myCP.add(picLabel); // Location and size of the panel that displays the projects. projectDisplayPanelLocation = new Point(20, secondProjectTF.getLocation().y + BORDER_THICKNESS); projectDisplayPanelSize = new Dimension((int) (screenSize.width * WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) - BORDER_THICKNESS, (int) (screenSize.height * HEIGHT_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) - projectDisplayPanelLocation.y - BORDER_THICKNESS - 25); // Panel that holds the components of the main project. mainProjectDisplayP = new JPanel(); mainProjectDisplayP.setVisible(false); mainProjectDisplayP.setSize(projectDisplayPanelSize.width / 3, projectDisplayPanelSize.height); mainProjectDisplayP.setLocation(20, projectDisplayPanelLocation.y); mainProjectDisplayP.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainProjectDisplayP, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); mainProjectDisplayP.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 20, 20, 20)); myCP.add(mainProjectDisplayP); // Main project's name. mainProjectTitleL = new JLabel(); mainProjectTitleL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectTitleL); mainProjectDisplayP.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); // Label for the list of screens for the main project mainProjectScreensL = new JLabel("Screens"); mainProjectScreensL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectScreensL); // Instructions for the list of screens for the main project. mainProjectScreensInstrucL = new JLabel("Check screens to merge into new project"); mainProjectScreensInstrucL.setFont(HEADER_THREE_FONT); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectScreensInstrucL); // List of checkboxes for the screens from the main project mainProjectScreensCBL = new CheckBoxList(); mainProjectScreensP = new JScrollPane(); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectScreensP); mainProjectDisplayP.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); // Label for the list of assets for the main project mainProjectAssetsL = new JLabel("Assets"); mainProjectAssetsL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectAssetsL); // Instructions for the list of assets for the main project. mainProjectAssetsInstrucL = new JLabel("Check assets to merge into new project"); mainProjectAssetsInstrucL.setFont(HEADER_THREE_FONT); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectAssetsInstrucL); // List of checkboxes for the assets from the main project. mainProjectAssetsCBL = new CheckBoxList(); mainProjectAssetsP = new JScrollPane(); mainProjectDisplayP.add(mainProjectAssetsP); // Panel that holds the merge button and arrows. mergeButtonP = new JPanel(); mergeButtonP.setVisible(false); mergeButtonP.setSize(projectDisplayPanelSize.width / 3, projectDisplayPanelSize.height); mergeButtonP.setLocation(projectDisplayPanelSize.width / 3 + 20, projectDisplayPanelLocation.y); mergeButtonP.setBackground(GREY); mergeButtonP.setLayout(null); myCP.add(mergeButtonP); // Merge button. mergeB = new JButton("Merge"); mergeB.setSize(150, 100); mergeB.setLocation(mergeButtonP.getWidth() / 2 - mergeB.getWidth() / 2, mergeButtonP.getHeight() / 2 - mergeB.getHeight() / 2); mergeB.addActionListener(new MergeBActionListener()); mergeButtonP.add(mergeB); // Merging arrows image. picLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("img/arrows3.png"))); picLabel.setSize(329, 250); picLabel.setLocation((mergeButtonP.getWidth() - picLabel.getWidth()) / 2, (mergeButtonP.getHeight() - picLabel.getHeight()) / 2); mergeButtonP.add(picLabel); // Panel that holds the components of the second project. secondProjectDisplayP = new JPanel(); secondProjectDisplayP.setVisible(false); secondProjectDisplayP.setSize(projectDisplayPanelSize.width / 3, projectDisplayPanelSize.height); secondProjectDisplayP.setLocation(2 * projectDisplayPanelSize.width / 3 + 20, projectDisplayPanelLocation.y); secondProjectDisplayP.setLayout(new BoxLayout(secondProjectDisplayP, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); secondProjectDisplayP.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 20, 20, 20)); myCP.add(secondProjectDisplayP); // Second project's name. secondProjectTitleL = new JLabel(); secondProjectTitleL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectTitleL); secondProjectDisplayP.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); // Label for the list of screens for the second project secondProjectScreensL = new JLabel("Screens"); secondProjectScreensL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectScreensL); // Instructions for the list of screens for the second project. secondProjectScreensInstrucL = new JLabel("Check screens to merge into new project"); secondProjectScreensInstrucL.setFont(HEADER_THREE_FONT); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectScreensInstrucL); // List of checkboxes for the screens from the second project. secondProjectScreensCBL = new CheckBoxList(); secondProjectScreensP = new JScrollPane(); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectScreensP); secondProjectDisplayP.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); // Label for the list of assets for the second project secondProjectAssetsL = new JLabel("Assets"); secondProjectAssetsL.setFont(HEADER_TWO_FONT); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectAssetsL); // Instructions for the list of assets for the second project. secondProjectAssetsInstrucL = new JLabel("Check assets to merge into new project"); secondProjectAssetsInstrucL.setFont(HEADER_THREE_FONT); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectAssetsInstrucL); // List of checkboxes for the assets from the second project. secondProjectAssetsCBL = new CheckBoxList(); secondProjectAssetsP = new JScrollPane(); secondProjectDisplayP.add(secondProjectAssetsP); // Label for the revision note revisionNote = new JLabel("Last revision by Arezu " + "Esmaili (July 2015)"); revisionNote.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); revisionNote.setSize(500, 30); revisionNote.setLocation((int) ((screenSize.width * WIDTH_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) - 235), (int) (screenSize.height * HEIGHT_PERCENT_OF_SCREEN) - 75); myCP.add(revisionNote); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public static AIMerger getInstance() { return instance; } public static void main(String[] args) { instance = new AIMerger(); } }