package; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * Creates the target destination for a push notification, i.e. a single * device, multiple devices, a group, etc. * * @see <a href="">Push notifications documentation</a> */ public class GCMDestination { private String deliveryPath; /** * Constructs the URI path that specifies the target of the push notification. * Generally, you should use the other methods in this class to construct the path * for you, rather than using this method to do it manually. * * @param collectionType the collection type to target, usually devices, groups, or users * @param listOfIds a List of the UUIDs in that collection to target */ public static String constructPathForTypeList(String collectionType, List<String> listOfIds) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); path.append(collectionType); path.append("/"); boolean firstElement = true; for (String elementId : listOfIds) { if (firstElement) { firstElement = false; } else { path.append(";"); } path.append(elementId); } return path.toString(); } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets all devices in the * current API BaaS application tha are registered to receive push notifications. * * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationAllDevices() { return new GCMDestination("devices;ql=*"); } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets a single device. * * @param deviceUUID the UUID of the device entity to target * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationSingleDevice(UUID deviceUUID) { if (deviceUUID != null) { return new GCMDestination("devices/" + deviceUUID.toString()); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets a List of device entities. * * @param listOfDeviceUUID a List of device entity UUIDs to target * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationMultipleDevices(List<UUID> listOfDeviceUUID) { if (listOfDeviceUUID != null) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); path.append("devices/"); boolean firstElement = true; for (UUID elementId : listOfDeviceUUID) { if (firstElement) { firstElement = false; } else { path.append(";"); } path.append(elementId.toString()); } return new GCMDestination(path.toString()); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets a single user. The push * notification will be sent to the device associated with that user. * * @param userName the username or UUID of the user entity to target * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationSingleUser(String userName) { if (userName != null) { return new GCMDestination("users/" + userName); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets a List of user entities. The * push notification will be sent to the devices associated with all users in the List. * * @param listOfUsers a List of user entity UUIDs to target * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationMultipleUsers(List<String> listOfUsers) { if (listOfUsers != null) { return new GCMDestination(constructPathForTypeList("users",listOfUsers)); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets a group entity. The push * notification will be sent to all devices associated with the users in the group. * * @param groupName the name or UUID of the group to target * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationSingleGroup(String groupName) { if (groupName != null) { return new GCMDestination("groups/" + groupName); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates a new GCMDestination object that targets a multiple group entities. The push * notification will be sent to all devices associated with the users in the groups. * * @param listOfGroups a List of the names or UUIDs of the groups to target * @return a GCMDestination object */ public static GCMDestination destinationMultipleGroups(List<String> listOfGroups) { if (listOfGroups != null) { return new GCMDestination(constructPathForTypeList("groups",listOfGroups)); } else { return null; } } /** * @y.exclude */ public GCMDestination(String deliveryPath) { this.deliveryPath = deliveryPath; } /** * @y.exclude */ public String getDeliveryPath() { return this.deliveryPath; } }