package com.apigee.eventmanager; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.util.Log; import com.apigee.sdk.ApigeeClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by ApigeeCorporation on 6/30/14. */ public class Client { private static final String TAG = "Client"; static final String ORG_ID = "<Your organization ID>"; static final String APP_ID = "<Your application ID or 'sandbox'>"; static final String GCM_NOTIFIER_ID = "<Your notifier name>"; static final String GCM_SENDER_ID = "<Your GCM sender ID>"; static final String DEVICES = "devices"; static final String USERS = "users"; static final String ME = "me"; static final String PRIVATE = "private"; static final String EVENT_NAME = "eventName"; static final String PUBLIC_EVENTS = "publicevents"; static final String PRIVATE_EVENTS = "privateevents"; public ApigeeClient apigeeClient; public Device device; public ApigeeDataClient dataClient() { return this.apigeeClient.getDataClient(); } public ApigeeMonitoringClient monitoringClient() { return this.apigeeClient.getMonitoringClient(); } public User currentUser() { return this.dataClient().getLoggedInUser(); } private static Client sharedClient; private Client(Context context) { this.apigeeClient = new ApigeeClient(ORG_ID, APP_ID, context); } public static Client sharedClient() { return sharedClient; } public static void apigeeInitialize(Context context) { if (sharedClient == null) { sharedClient = new Client(context); sharedClient.registerPush(context); } } public void logoutUser() { User loggedInUser = this.currentUser(); if (loggedInUser != null) { this.dataClient().logOutAppUserAsync(loggedInUser.getUsername(), new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) { } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { } }); } } public void loginUser(String usernameOrEmail, String password, final ClientRequestCallback loginCallback) { this.dataClient().authorizeAppUserAsync(usernameOrEmail, password, new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) { if (loginCallback != null) { Boolean didSucceed = false; String error = null; if (response != null) { error = response.getError(); didSucceed = (error == null); } if (didSucceed) { loginCallback.onSuccess(Client.this.currentUser()); } else { loginCallback.onFailed(error); } } } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { if (loginCallback != null) { loginCallback.onFailed(e.toString()); } } }); } public void createUser(String username, String fullName, String email, String password, final ClientRequestCallback createUserCallback) { this.dataClient().createUserAsync(username, fullName, email, password, new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) { if (createUserCallback != null) { Boolean didSucceed = false; String error = null; if (response != null) { error = response.getError(); didSucceed = (error == null); } if (didSucceed) { Entity responseEntity = response.getFirstEntity(); if( responseEntity != null && responseEntity instanceof User ) { createUserCallback.onSuccess((User)responseEntity); } else { createUserCallback.onSuccess(null); } } else { createUserCallback.onFailed(error); } } } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { if (createUserCallback != null) { createUserCallback.onFailed(e.toString()); } } }); } public void createEvent(final Boolean isPublicEvent, Map<String,Object> eventEntityMap, final ClientCreateEventCallback callback) { ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> eventArray = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); eventArray.add(eventEntityMap); String eventType = (isPublicEvent)? PUBLIC_EVENTS: PRIVATE_EVENTS; this.dataClient().createEntitiesAsync(eventType, eventArray, new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) { if( response != null ) { List entities = response.getEntities(); if( entities != null && entities.size() > 0 ) { final Entity createdEventEntity = (Entity) entities.get(0); Log.d("Tag",createdEventEntity.getStringProperty(EVENT_NAME)); if( !isPublicEvent ) { Client.this.dataClient().connectEntitiesAsync(USERS,Client.this.currentUser().getUuid().toString(),PRIVATE,createdEventEntity.getUuid().toString(), new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) { if( callback != null ) { callback.onSuccess(createdEventEntity); } } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { if( callback != null ) { callback.onFailed("Failed to connect private entity with exception: " + e.toString()); } } }); } else if( callback != null ) { callback.onSuccess(createdEventEntity); } } } else if( callback != null ){ callback.onFailed("Add Event Response is null!"); } } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { if( callback != null ) { callback.onFailed("Failed to create entity with exception: " + e.toString()); } } }); } public void getPublicEvents(HashMap<String, Object> query, final ClientEventCallback clientEventCallback) { this.dataClient().getCollectionAsync(PUBLIC_EVENTS, query, new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) { if (clientEventCallback != null) { if (response != null) { clientEventCallback.onEventsGathered(response.getEntities()); } else { clientEventCallback.onFailed("Response object was null."); } } } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { if (clientEventCallback != null) { clientEventCallback.onFailed("Exception:" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }); } public void getPrivateEvents(String queryString, final ClientEventCallback clientEventCallback) { this.dataClient().queryEntityConnectionsAsync(USERS, ME, PRIVATE, queryString, new QueryResultsCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApigeeDataClient.Query query) { if (clientEventCallback != null) { if( query != null && query.getResponse() != null ) { clientEventCallback.onEventsGathered(query.getResponse().getEntities()); } else { clientEventCallback.onFailed("No Response."); } } } @Override public void onQueryResults(ApigeeDataClient.Query query) { } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { if (clientEventCallback != null) { clientEventCallback.onFailed(e.toString()); } } }); } public void registerPush(Context context) { final String regId = GCMRegistrar.getRegistrationId(context); if ("".equals(regId)) { GCMRegistrar.register(context, GCM_SENDER_ID); } else { if (GCMRegistrar.isRegisteredOnServer(context)) { Log.i(TAG, "Already registered with GCM"); } else { this.registerPush(context, regId); } } } public void registerPush(final Context context, final String regId) { final ApigeeDataClient dataClient = this.dataClient(); if (dataClient != null) { dataClient.registerDeviceForPushAsync(dataClient.getUniqueDeviceID(), GCM_NOTIFIER_ID, regId, null, new DeviceRegistrationCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(Device device) { Client.this.device = device; if (dataClient.getLoggedInUser() != null) { dataClient.connectEntitiesAsync(USERS, dataClient.getLoggedInUser().getUuid().toString(), DEVICES, device.getUuid().toString(), new ApiResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ApiResponse apiResponse) { Log.i(TAG, "connect response: " + apiResponse); } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { Log.i(TAG, "connect exception: " + e); } }); } } @Override public void onException(Exception e) { Log.i(TAG, "register exception: " + e); } @Override public void onDeviceRegistration(Device device) { /* this won't ever be called */ } }); } } public void unregisterPush(Context context, String regId) { Log.i(TAG, "unregistering device: " + regId); this.registerPush(context, ""); } public static void showAlert(Context context, String title, String message) { new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle(title) .setMessage(message) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } }) .setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert).create().show(); } }