package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.jbpm.pvm.internal.history.model.HistoryTaskInstanceImpl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class to build main query to get bpm tasks * * @author Maciej Pawlak * */ public class BpmTaskQuery { /** Normal query select to retrive entities */ private static final String LIST_QUERY = "select DISTINCT task.*, process.* "; /** Count query select to load only number of result to memory */ private static final String COUNT_QUERY = "select count(*) "; /** Main query to get task with correlated processes from user process queue */ public static final String GET_BPM_TASKS_QUERY = "from pt_user_process_queue queue, jbpm4_hist_actinst task, pt_process_instance process " + "where queue.task_id = task.htask_ and = queue.process_id "; /** Additional condition to main query to add filter for user login to who task and process are assigned */ private static final String USER_LOGIN_CONDITION = " and queue.user_login = :userLogin "; /** Additional condition to main query to add filter for queue type */ private static final String QUEUE_TYPE_CONDITION = " and queue.queue_type in (:queueTypes) "; /** Resuls sort order */ private static final String SORY_BY_DATE_ORDER = " order by task.start_ desc"; /** String builder to build query */ private StringBuilder queryBuilder; private Collection<QueryParameter> queryParameters; /** Current session */ private ProcessToolContext ctx; /** Limit for results rows */ private int maxResultsLimit; /** Offset for results rows, used for paged views */ private int resultsOffset; public BpmTaskQuery(ProcessToolContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; queryBuilder = new StringBuilder(GET_BPM_TASKS_QUERY); queryParameters = new ArrayList<BpmTaskQuery.QueryParameter>(); this.maxResultsLimit = 0; this.resultsOffset = 0; } /** Add restriction for user login to who process and task are assigned */ public void addUserLoginCondition(String userLogin) { addCondition(USER_LOGIN_CONDITION); addParameter("userLogin", userLogin); } /** Add restriction for user login to who process and task are assigned */ public void addQueueTypeCondition(Collection<QueueType> queueTypes) { addCondition(QUEUE_TYPE_CONDITION); /* Map all enumerations to string, for valid type cast in database */ Collection<String> queueTypesString = new ArrayList<String>(); for(QueueType queueType: queueTypes) queueTypesString.add(queueType.toString()); addParameter("queueTypes", queueTypesString); } /** Get results count. No entities are loaded to memory using this */ public int getBpmTaskCount() { /* Build query */ SQLQuery query = getCountQuery(); Number resultsCount = (Number)query.uniqueResult(); return resultsCount.intValue(); } /** Get bpm tasks from initialized query */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<BpmTask> getBpmTasks() { /* Build query */ SQLQuery query = getQuery(); /* Get query results */ List<Object[]> queueResults = query.list(); List<BpmTask> result = new ArrayList<BpmTask>(); BpmTaskFactory taskFactory = new BpmTaskFactory(ctx); /* Every row is one queue element with jbpm task as first column and process instance as second */ for(Object[] resultRow: queueResults) { HistoryTaskInstanceImpl taskInstance = (HistoryTaskInstanceImpl)resultRow[0]; ProcessInstance processInstance = (ProcessInstance)resultRow[1]; /* Map process and jbpm task to system's bpm task */ BpmTask task = taskFactory.create(taskInstance, processInstance); result.add(task); } return result; } protected void addCondition(String conditionString) { queryBuilder.append(conditionString); } protected void addParameter(String key, Object value) { queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter(key, value)); } private SQLQuery getCountQuery() { SQLQuery query = ctx.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery(COUNT_QUERY + queryBuilder.toString()); /* Add all parameters */ for(QueryParameter parameter: queryParameters) { if(parameter.getValue() instanceof Collection<?>) query.setParameterList(parameter.getKey(), (Collection<?>)parameter.getValue()); else query.setParameter(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue()); } return query; } /** Build main query and add stored parameters to it */ private SQLQuery getQuery() { /* Add results sort order */ queryBuilder.append(SORY_BY_DATE_ORDER); SQLQuery query = ctx.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery(LIST_QUERY + queryBuilder.toString()) .addEntity("task", HistoryTaskInstanceImpl.class) .addEntity("process", ProcessInstance.class); /* Add all parameters */ for(QueryParameter parameter: queryParameters) { if(parameter.getValue() instanceof Collection<?>) query.setParameterList(parameter.getKey(), (Collection<?>)parameter.getValue()); else query.setParameter(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue()); } /* Add limit for max rows count */ if(getMaxResultsLimit() > 0) query.setMaxResults(getMaxResultsLimit()); query.setFirstResult(resultsOffset); return query; } public int getMaxResultsLimit() { return maxResultsLimit; } /** Sets max results limit. If equals zero, there is no limit set */ public void setMaxResultsLimit(int maxResultsLimit) { this.maxResultsLimit = maxResultsLimit; } public int getResultsOffset() { return resultsOffset; } public void setResultsOffset(int resultsOffset) { this.resultsOffset = resultsOffset; } /** Class which provied key-object parameter for query */ private class QueryParameter { private String key; private Object value; public QueryParameter(String key, Object value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public String getKey() { return key; } public Object getValue() { return value; } } }