package org.aperteworkflow.editor.json; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.aperteworkflow.editor.domain.ProcessConfig; import; import; import; import; public class ProcessConfigJSONHandler implements Serializable { /** * Charset used when dealing with messages saved in .properties files */ private static final String MESSAGES_CHARSET = "US-ASCII"; /** * Singleton */ private static ProcessConfigJSONHandler instance; /** * Singleton access * @return instance */ public static synchronized ProcessConfigJSONHandler getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ProcessConfigJSONHandler(); } return instance; } // Look out, ObjectMapper is not Serializable private transient ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); protected ProcessConfigJSONHandler() { } public String toJSON(ProcessConfig processConfig) { if (processConfig == null) { return ""; } try { // encode fields with problematic characters as Base64 if (processConfig.getComment() != null) { byte[] bytes = processConfig.getComment().getBytes(); processConfig.setComment(new String(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(bytes))); } if (processConfig.getMessages() != null) { for (String langCode : processConfig.getMessages().keySet()) { String msg = processConfig.getMessages().get(langCode); if (msg != null) { byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes(MESSAGES_CHARSET); msg = new String(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(bytes), MESSAGES_CHARSET); processConfig.getMessages().put(langCode, msg); } } } if (processConfig.getDictionary() != null) { byte[] dictionaryInBytes = processConfig.getDictionary().getBytes(); processConfig.setDictionary(new String(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(dictionaryInBytes))); } // encode as JSON return mapper.writeValueAsString(processConfig); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write ProcessConfig to JSON", e); } } public ProcessConfig toObject(String json) { if (json == null) { return new ProcessConfig(); } try { // decode from JSON ProcessConfig processConfig = mapper.readValue(json, ProcessConfig.class); // decode Base64 encoded fields if (processConfig.getComment() != null) { byte[] bytes = processConfig.getComment().getBytes(); processConfig.setComment(new String(Base64.decodeBase64(bytes))); } if (processConfig.getMessages() != null) { for (String langCode : processConfig.getMessages().keySet()) { String msg = processConfig.getMessages().get(langCode); if (msg != null) { byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes(MESSAGES_CHARSET); msg = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(bytes), MESSAGES_CHARSET); processConfig.getMessages().put(langCode, msg); } } } if (processConfig.getDictionary() != null) { byte[] codedDictionaryInBytes = processConfig.getDictionary().getBytes(); processConfig.setDictionary(new String(Base64.decodeBase64(codedDictionaryInBytes))); } return processConfig; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read ProcessConfig from JSON", e); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { in.defaultReadObject(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); } }