/* * The JTS Topology Suite is a collection of Java classes that * implement the fundamental operations required to validate a given * geo-spatial data set to a known topological specification. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Vivid Solutions * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * For more information, contact: * * Vivid Solutions * Suite #1A * 2328 Government Street * Victoria BC V8T 5G5 * Canada * * (250)385-6040 * www.vividsolutions.com */ package com.vividsolutions.jts.geom; import java.util.Arrays; //import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.*; /** * Represents a linear polygon, which may include holes. * The shell and holes of the polygon are represented by {@link LinearRing}s. * In a valid polygon, holes may touch the shell or other holes at a single point. * However, no sequence of touching holes may split the polygon into two pieces. * The orientation of the rings in the polygon does not matter. * <p> * The shell and holes must conform to the assertions specified in the <A * HREF="http://www.opengis.org/techno/specs.htm">OpenGIS Simple Features * Specification for SQL</A> . * *@version 1.7 */ public class Polygon extends Geometry { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3494792200821764533L; /** * The exterior boundary, * or <code>null</code> if this <code>Polygon</code> * is empty. */ protected LinearRing shell = null; /** * The interior boundaries, if any. * This instance var is never null. * If there are no holes, the array is of zero length. */ protected LinearRing[] holes; /** * Constructs a <code>Polygon</code> with the given exterior boundary. * *@param shell the outer boundary of the new <code>Polygon</code>, * or <code>null</code> or an empty <code>LinearRing</code> if the empty * geometry is to be created. *@param precisionModel the specification of the grid of allowable points * for this <code>Polygon</code> *@param SRID the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by this * <code>Polygon</code> * @deprecated Use GeometryFactory instead */ public Polygon(LinearRing shell, PrecisionModel precisionModel, int SRID) { this(shell, new LinearRing[]{}, new GeometryFactory(precisionModel, SRID)); } /** * Constructs a <code>Polygon</code> with the given exterior boundary and * interior boundaries. * *@param shell the outer boundary of the new <code>Polygon</code>, * or <code>null</code> or an empty <code>LinearRing</code> if the empty * geometry is to be created. *@param holes the inner boundaries of the new <code>Polygon</code> * , or <code>null</code> or empty <code>LinearRing</code>s if the empty * geometry is to be created. *@param precisionModel the specification of the grid of allowable points * for this <code>Polygon</code> *@param SRID the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by this * <code>Polygon</code> * @deprecated Use GeometryFactory instead */ public Polygon(LinearRing shell, LinearRing[] holes, PrecisionModel precisionModel, int SRID) { this(shell, holes, new GeometryFactory(precisionModel, SRID)); } /** * Constructs a <code>Polygon</code> with the given exterior boundary and * interior boundaries. * *@param shell the outer boundary of the new <code>Polygon</code>, * or <code>null</code> or an empty <code>LinearRing</code> if the empty * geometry is to be created. *@param holes the inner boundaries of the new <code>Polygon</code> * , or <code>null</code> or empty <code>LinearRing</code>s if the empty * geometry is to be created. */ public Polygon(LinearRing shell, LinearRing[] holes, GeometryFactory factory) { super(factory); if (shell == null) { shell = getFactory().createLinearRing((CoordinateSequence)null); } if (holes == null) { holes = new LinearRing[]{}; } if (hasNullElements(holes)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("holes must not contain null elements"); } if (shell.isEmpty() && hasNonEmptyElements(holes)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("shell is empty but holes are not"); } this.shell = shell; this.holes = holes; } public Coordinate getCoordinate() { return shell.getCoordinate(); } public Coordinate[] getCoordinates() { if (isEmpty()) { return new Coordinate[]{}; } Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[getNumPoints()]; int k = -1; Coordinate[] shellCoordinates = shell.getCoordinates(); for (int x = 0; x < shellCoordinates.length; x++) { k++; coordinates[k] = shellCoordinates[x]; } for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { Coordinate[] childCoordinates = holes[i].getCoordinates(); for (int j = 0; j < childCoordinates.length; j++) { k++; coordinates[k] = childCoordinates[j]; } } return coordinates; } public int getNumPoints() { int numPoints = shell.getNumPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { numPoints += holes[i].getNumPoints(); } return numPoints; } public int getDimension() { return 2; } public int getBoundaryDimension() { return 1; } public boolean isEmpty() { return shell.isEmpty(); } /** * Tests if a valid polygon is simple. * This method always returns true, since a valid polygon is always simple * * @return <code>true</code> */ public boolean isSimple() { return true; } public boolean isRectangle() { if (getNumInteriorRing() != 0) return false; if (shell == null) return false; if (shell.getNumPoints() != 5) return false; CoordinateSequence seq = shell.getCoordinateSequence(); // check vertices have correct values Envelope env = getEnvelopeInternal(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double x = seq.getX(i); if (! (x == env.getMinX() || x == env.getMaxX())) return false; double y = seq.getY(i); if (! (y == env.getMinY() || y == env.getMaxY())) return false; } // check vertices are in right order double prevX = seq.getX(0); double prevY = seq.getY(0); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { double x = seq.getX(i); double y = seq.getY(i); boolean xChanged = x != prevX; boolean yChanged = y != prevY; if (xChanged == yChanged) return false; prevX = x; prevY = y; } return true; } public LineString getExteriorRing() { return shell; } public int getNumInteriorRing() { return holes.length; } public LineString getInteriorRingN(int n) { return holes[n]; } public String getGeometryType() { return "Polygon"; } /** * Returns the area of this <code>Polygon</code> * *@return the area of the polygon */ /* public double getArea() { double area = 0.0; area += Math.abs(CGAlgorithms.signedArea(shell.getCoordinates())); for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { area -= Math.abs(CGAlgorithms.signedArea(holes[i].getCoordinates())); } return area; } */ /** * Returns the perimeter of this <code>Polygon</code> * *@return the perimeter of the polygon */ public double getLength() { double len = 0.0; len += shell.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { len += holes[i].getLength(); } return len; } /** * Computes the boundary of this geometry * * @return a lineal geometry (which may be empty) * @see Geometry#getBoundary */ public Geometry getBoundary() { if (isEmpty()) { return getFactory().createMultiLineString(null); } LinearRing[] rings = new LinearRing[holes.length + 1]; rings[0] = shell; for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { rings[i + 1] = holes[i]; } // create LineString or MultiLineString as appropriate if (rings.length <= 1) return getFactory().createLinearRing(rings[0].getCoordinateSequence()); return getFactory().createMultiLineString(rings); } protected Envelope computeEnvelopeInternal() { return shell.getEnvelopeInternal(); } public boolean equalsExact(Geometry other, double tolerance) { if (!isEquivalentClass(other)) { return false; } Polygon otherPolygon = (Polygon) other; Geometry thisShell = shell; Geometry otherPolygonShell = otherPolygon.shell; if (!thisShell.equalsExact(otherPolygonShell, tolerance)) { return false; } if (holes.length != otherPolygon.holes.length) { return false; } if (holes.length != otherPolygon.holes.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { if (!((Geometry) holes[i]).equalsExact(otherPolygon.holes[i], tolerance)) { return false; } } return true; } public void apply(CoordinateFilter filter) { shell.apply(filter); for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { holes[i].apply(filter); } } public void apply(CoordinateSequenceFilter filter) { shell.apply(filter); if (! filter.isDone()) { for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { holes[i].apply(filter); if (filter.isDone()) break; } } if (filter.isGeometryChanged()) geometryChanged(); } public void apply(GeometryFilter filter) { filter.filter(this); } public void apply(GeometryComponentFilter filter) { filter.filter(this); shell.apply(filter); for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { holes[i].apply(filter); } } /** * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link Polygon} object. * (including all coordinates contained by it). * * @return a clone of this instance */ public Object clone() { Polygon poly = (Polygon) super.clone(); poly.shell = (LinearRing) shell.clone(); poly.holes = new LinearRing[holes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { poly.holes[i] = (LinearRing) holes[i].clone(); } return poly;// return the clone } /* public Geometry convexHull() { return getExteriorRing().convexHull(); } */ public void normalize() { } /* public void normalize() { normalize(shell, true); for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) { normalize(holes[i], false); } Arrays.sort(holes); } */ protected int compareToSameClass(Object o) { LinearRing thisShell = shell; LinearRing otherShell = ((Polygon) o).shell; return thisShell.compareToSameClass(otherShell); } protected int compareToSameClass(Object o, CoordinateSequenceComparator comp) { Polygon poly = (Polygon) o; LinearRing thisShell = shell; LinearRing otherShell = poly.shell; int shellComp = thisShell.compareToSameClass(otherShell, comp); if (shellComp != 0) return shellComp; int nHole1 = getNumInteriorRing(); int nHole2 = poly.getNumInteriorRing(); int i = 0; while (i < nHole1 && i < nHole2) { LinearRing thisHole = (LinearRing) getInteriorRingN(i); LinearRing otherHole = (LinearRing) poly.getInteriorRingN(i); int holeComp = thisHole.compareToSameClass(otherHole, comp); if (holeComp != 0) return holeComp; i++; } if (i < nHole1) return 1; if (i < nHole2) return -1; return 0; } /* private void normalize(LinearRing ring, boolean clockwise) { if (ring.isEmpty()) { return; } Coordinate[] uniqueCoordinates = new Coordinate[ring.getCoordinates().length - 1]; System.arraycopy(ring.getCoordinates(), 0, uniqueCoordinates, 0, uniqueCoordinates.length); Coordinate minCoordinate = CoordinateArrays.minCoordinate(ring.getCoordinates()); CoordinateArrays.scroll(uniqueCoordinates, minCoordinate); System.arraycopy(uniqueCoordinates, 0, ring.getCoordinates(), 0, uniqueCoordinates.length); ring.getCoordinates()[uniqueCoordinates.length] = uniqueCoordinates[0]; if (CGAlgorithms.isCCW(ring.getCoordinates()) == clockwise) { CoordinateArrays.reverse(ring.getCoordinates()); } } */ }