package com.androidol.layer; import java.util.HashMap; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import com.androidol.basetypes.Pixel; import com.androidol.basetypes.Size; import com.androidol.tile.Image; import com.androidol.tile.Tile; import com.androidol.util.Util; import com.androidol.util.geometry.JTSGeometryUtils; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; public class AgsDynamic extends Grid { // =========================================================== // fields related to AgsDynamic layer itself // =========================================================== public HashMap<String, String> DEFAULT_PARAMS; public boolean reproject = false; public AgsDynamic(Context context) { super(context); initDefaultAgsDynamicParams(); } public AgsDynamic(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initDefaultAgsDynamicParams(); // take "LAYERS" parameters from layout XML String layers = attrs.getAttributeValue(ANDROIDOL_NAMESPACE, "layers"); this.params.put("LAYERS", layers); } private void initDefaultAgsDynamicParams() { DEFAULT_PARAMS = new HashMap<String, String>(); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("F", "image"); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("DPI", "96"); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("FORMAT", "png"); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("TRANSPARENT", "true"); // TODO: merge default params and input params this.params = Util.applyDefaults(this.params, DEFAULT_PARAMS); // TODO: set isBaseLayer based on the "TRANSPARENT", should I? } /* public AgsDynamic(String name, String url, HashMap<String, String> params, HashMap<String, Object> options) { super(name, url, params, options); DEFAULT_PARAMS = new HashMap<String, String>(); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("F", "image"); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("DPI", "96"); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("FORMAT", "png"); DEFAULT_PARAMS.put("TRANSPARENT", "true"); // TODO: merge default params and input params this.params = Util.applyDefaults(this.params, DEFAULT_PARAMS); // TODO: set isBaseLayer based on the "TRANSPARENT", should I? } */ /** * API Method: clone * * @return * the clone of the AgsDynamic layer */ @Override public AgsDynamic clone() { // TODO: to be implemented return null; } /** * API Method: addTile */ @Override public Tile addTile(Envelope bounds, Pixel position, Pixel cell, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) { Size tileSize = null; if(this.singleTile == true) { if(this.imageSize == null) { this.imageSize =; } tileSize = new Size( this.imageSize.getWidth()*this.ratio, this.imageSize.getHeight()*this.ratio ); } else { tileSize = this.tileSize; } return new Image(this, position, cell, bounds, url, tileSize, this.canvas, this.paint); } /** * API Method: mergeNewParams * Catch changeParams and uppercase the new params to be merged in * before calling changeParams on the super class. * * Once params have been changed, the tiles will be reloaded with * the new parameters. * * @param newParams - Hashtable of new params to use */ public void mergeNewParams(HashMap<String, String> newParams) { HashMap<String, String> upperParams = Util.upperCases(newParams); super.mergeNewParams(upperParams); } /** * API Method: getUrl */ @Override public String getUrl(Envelope bounds) { bounds = this.adjustBoundsByGutter(bounds); //Util.printDebugMessage("@...AgsDynamic.getUrl() is called here with bounds:" + bounds.toBBOX() + "..."); HashMap<String, String> newParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); newParams.put("BBOX", JTSGeometryUtils.envelopeToBBOXString(bounds)); if(this.singleTile == true) { Size imageSize = this.getImageSize(); //newParams.put("WIDTH", String.valueOf((int)(imageSize.getWidth()*this.ratio))); //newParams.put("HEIGHT", String.valueOf((int)(imageSize.getHeight()*this.ratio))); newParams.put("SIZE", String.valueOf((int)(imageSize.getWidth()*this.ratio)) + "," + String.valueOf((int)(imageSize.getHeight()*this.ratio))); } else { Size tileSize = this.getTileSize(); //newParams.put("WIDTH", String.valueOf((int)tileSize.getWidth())); //newParams.put("HEIGHT", String.valueOf((int)tileSize.getHeight())); newParams.put("SIZE", String.valueOf((int)tileSize.getWidth()) + "," + String.valueOf((int)tileSize.getHeight())); } String requestString = this.getFullRequestString(newParams, null); return requestString; } /** * API Method: getFullRequestString * Combine the layer's url with its params and these newParams. * * Add the SRS parameter from projection -- this is probably * more eloquently done via a setProjection() method, but this * works for now and always. * * @param newParams * @param altUrl - Use this as the url instead of the layer's url * * @returns * */ public String getFullRequestString(HashMap<String, String> newParams, String altUrl) { String projectionCode =; if(this.params.get("BBOXSR") == null) { this.params.remove("BBOXSR"); this.params.remove("IMAGESR"); this.params.put("BBOXSR", projectionCode.split(":")[1]); this.params.put("IMAGESR", projectionCode.split(":")[1]); } else { this.params.put("IMAGESR", this.params.get("BBOXSR")); } // temp code to workaround the issue of 'epsg:3785' not recognized /* this.params.put("BGCOLOR", "white"); this.params.put("IMAGESR", "102113"); this.params.put("BBOXSR", "102113"); */ mergeNewParams(newParams); //Util.printDebugMessage(" ...bounding box: " + this.params.get("BBOX") + "..."); String fullRequestString = super.getFullRequestString(this.params, altUrl); return fullRequestString; } /** * */ public void setAgsDynamicLayers(String layers) { this.params.put("LAYERS", layers); } /** * */ public String getAgsDynamicLayers() { String layers = this.params.get("LAYERS"); return layers; } }