/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * Tester.java * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.experiment; import java.io.Serializable; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Range; /** * Interface for different kinds of Testers in the Experimenter. * * @author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz) * @version $Revision: 8034 $ */ public interface Tester extends Serializable { /** * returns the name of the testing algorithm */ public String getDisplayName(); /** * returns a string that is displayed as tooltip on the "perform test" * button in the experimenter */ public String getToolTipText(); /** * retrieves all the settings from the given Tester * * @param tester the Tester to get the settings from */ public void assign(Tester tester); /** * Sets the matrix to use to produce the output. * @param matrix the instance to use to produce the output * @see ResultMatrix */ public void setResultMatrix(ResultMatrix matrix); /** * Gets the instance that produces the output. * @return the instance to produce the output */ public ResultMatrix getResultMatrix(); /** * Set whether standard deviations are displayed or not. * @param s true if standard deviations are to be displayed */ public void setShowStdDevs(boolean s); /** * Returns true if standard deviations have been requested. * @return true if standard deviations are to be displayed. */ public boolean getShowStdDevs(); /** * Gets the number of datasets in the resultsets * * @return the number of datasets in the resultsets */ public int getNumDatasets(); /** * Gets the number of resultsets in the data. * * @return the number of resultsets in the data */ public int getNumResultsets(); /** * Gets a string descriptive of the specified resultset. * * @param index the index of the resultset * @return a descriptive string for the resultset */ public String getResultsetName(int index); /** * Checks whether the resultset with the given index shall be displayed. * * @param index the index of the resultset to check whether it shall be displayed * @return whether the specified resultset is displayed */ public boolean displayResultset(int index); /** * Computes a paired t-test comparison for a specified dataset between * two resultsets. * * @param datasetSpecifier the dataset specifier * @param resultset1Index the index of the first resultset * @param resultset2Index the index of the second resultset * @param comparisonColumn the column containing values to compare * @return the results of the paired comparison * @exception Exception if an error occurs */ public PairedStats calculateStatistics(Instance datasetSpecifier, int resultset1Index, int resultset2Index, int comparisonColumn) throws Exception; /** * Creates a key that maps resultset numbers to their descriptions. * * @return a value of type 'String' */ public String resultsetKey(); /** * Creates a "header" string describing the current resultsets. * * @param comparisonColumn a value of type 'int' * @return a value of type 'String' */ public String header(int comparisonColumn); /** * Carries out a comparison between all resultsets, counting the number * of datsets where one resultset outperforms the other. * * @param comparisonColumn the index of the comparison column * @return a 2d array where element [i][j] is the number of times resultset * j performed significantly better than resultset i. * @exception Exception if an error occurs */ public int [][] multiResultsetWins(int comparisonColumn, int [][] nonSigWin) throws Exception; /** * Carries out a comparison between all resultsets, counting the number * of datsets where one resultset outperforms the other. The results * are summarized in a table. * * @param comparisonColumn the index of the comparison column * @return the results in a string * @exception Exception if an error occurs */ public String multiResultsetSummary(int comparisonColumn) throws Exception; public String multiResultsetRanking(int comparisonColumn) throws Exception; /** * Creates a comparison table where a base resultset is compared to the * other resultsets. Results are presented for every dataset. * * @param baseResultset the index of the base resultset * @param comparisonColumn the index of the column to compare over * @return the comparison table string * @exception Exception if an error occurs */ public String multiResultsetFull(int baseResultset, int comparisonColumn) throws Exception; /** * Get the value of ResultsetKeyColumns. * * @return Value of ResultsetKeyColumns. */ public Range getResultsetKeyColumns(); /** * Set the value of ResultsetKeyColumns. * * @param newResultsetKeyColumns Value to assign to ResultsetKeyColumns. */ public void setResultsetKeyColumns(Range newResultsetKeyColumns); /** * Gets the indices of the the datasets that are displayed (if <code>null</code> * then all are displayed). The base is always displayed. * * @return the indices of the datasets to display */ public int[] getDisplayedResultsets(); /** * Sets the indicies of the datasets to display (<code>null</code> means all). * The base is always displayed. * * @param cols the indices of the datasets to display */ public void setDisplayedResultsets(int[] cols); /** * Get the value of SignificanceLevel. * * @return Value of SignificanceLevel. */ public double getSignificanceLevel(); /** * Set the value of SignificanceLevel. * * @param newSignificanceLevel Value to assign to SignificanceLevel. */ public void setSignificanceLevel(double newSignificanceLevel); /** * Get the value of DatasetKeyColumns. * * @return Value of DatasetKeyColumns. */ public Range getDatasetKeyColumns(); /** * Set the value of DatasetKeyColumns. * * @param newDatasetKeyColumns Value to assign to DatasetKeyColumns. */ public void setDatasetKeyColumns(Range newDatasetKeyColumns); /** * Get the value of RunColumn. * * @return Value of RunColumn. */ public int getRunColumn(); /** * Set the value of RunColumn. * * @param newRunColumn Value to assign to RunColumn. */ public void setRunColumn(int newRunColumn); /** * Get the value of FoldColumn. * * @return Value of FoldColumn. */ public int getFoldColumn(); /** * Set the value of FoldColumn. * * @param newFoldColumn Value to assign to FoldColumn. */ public void setFoldColumn(int newFoldColumn); /** * Returns the name of the column to sort on. * * @return the name of the column to sort on. */ public String getSortColumnName(); /** * Returns the column to sort on, -1 means the default sorting. * * @return the column to sort on. */ public int getSortColumn(); /** * Set the column to sort on, -1 means the default sorting. * * @param newSortColumn the new sort column. */ public void setSortColumn(int newSortColumn); /** * Get the value of Instances. * * @return Value of Instances. */ public Instances getInstances(); /** * Set the value of Instances. * * @param newInstances Value to assign to Instances. */ public void setInstances(Instances newInstances); }